What exercise will you be doing today? & what is your calorie/minute goals :) mine are - Zumba(60mins) + Yoga(30mins) = Calories 500 - 600 :)
what are some good things to improve my flexibility. like what are some good stretches? and does Yoga help alot with flexibility?
Zumba DVDs
Anyone using the Zumba DVDs for their workouts? I've been thinking about doing the Cardio Party DVD in the morning and Strength & Tone in the afternoon.
Need Support :)
i only need to lose 15kg so i would like to have a few friends on here who only need to lose 10-20kg, so i can relate to them :) so anyone who needs to lose around the same amount please add me :)
Workout DVDs
Hey, so i love working out at home (less embarrassing) so i was wondering what are some good workout dvds? preferably cardio ones, and if you have done them how much did you lose on them?
Turbo Fire
i was told that Turbo Fire is a good workout, so i've been trying to find out what result people have gotten from them, but i haven'tbeen able to find any, so anyone who has done it what results did you get from it? it would be much appreciated :)
my mum wants to lose weight and no matter what she tries she ends up getting bigger! whether its dieting or exercising even both. and she always done it so it was healthy, but no matter what she always puts on weight and gets bigger. what does it mean?
I was wondering, is it possible to get a bigger bum without putting on fat? are there strength exercises for it? or is it impossible?
tried to lose weight before?
hello everyone, so i was wondering... how many people here have tried to lose weight before but weren't that motivated and gave up? cause i have done that 3 times, but for some reason this time around i am REALLY motivated, i just want to exercise all day! :D
Newbie to Fitnesspal :)
Hello everyone, i found Fitnesspal when i was on Sparkpeople (another weightloss community site) and i absolutely love this site :) I'm really determined to lose weight, but i have no self control and really need help and people i can talk to when i'm having trouble sticking to my diet. i really need to lose this weight…