Newbie to Fitnesspal :)

MissLadyInWaiting Posts: 152
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone, i found Fitnesspal when i was on Sparkpeople (another weightloss community site) and i absolutely love this site :)

I'm really determined to lose weight, but i have no self control and really need help and people i can talk to when i'm having trouble sticking to my diet. i really need to lose this weight because my boyfriends birthday is in two months and ofcourse we're gunna be having a party and whenever im around his friends i always feel horrible because im bigger then the other girls there. so please i need to lose this weight so i can be confident. because of the fact that i have no confidence i am sabotaging my relationship and my life because im always beating up on myself. so please people, help!


  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    Hi Julia,
    Welcome to MFP.
    It will take time but you can do it! Take it one day at a time. Mini Goals is the key.
    I started MFP about two weeks ago and already lost 9lbs!
    If you want to talk i'm here to help.
    Good Luck on your journey
  • 9lbs in 2 weeks, thats heaps good :) congratulations! :D
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    welcome :-)
  • kimmyh70
    kimmyh70 Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome! I'm new here to, just started last week and lost 2.2 lbs. It's not an easy road, but I think if you can get through the first 2wks and get your meals down and start seeing a result it will be easier to stick to. As with anything, there's always an adjustment period. Here's something my doctor keeps telling me, "Life is about quality, not quantity!!" It's not about how much you weigh, losing the weight is a bonus & of course the quantity of life may come with a healthier you but that's never a given. It's about how much you are getting out of life and if you're sabotaging your life and relationships then you aren't having a good quality of life. Be upbeat and positive that's the only way to make it through! You'll get lots of support on here. I'll send you a friend request. Good luck w/ your journey and we are all here for you!!! :wink:
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