Workout DVDs

MissLadyInWaiting Posts: 152
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey, so i love working out at home (less embarrassing) so i was wondering what are some good workout dvds? preferably cardio ones, and if you have done them how much did you lose on them?


  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member

    Some serious cardio if you are willing to spend that much.

    I never used them myself. But a friend of mine, and my P90X coach does. Says they are intense! But they work.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I love anything by Gillain Michaels. I have her 30 day shred, Burn fat boost metabolism, and No more trouble zones. The 30 day shread is a combination of strength cardio and abs, Burn fat boost metabolism is all cardio and No more trouble zones is all strength. All are fantastic work outs but I'd recommend starting with the 30 Day shred as its only 20 mins long, (don't let the short time fool you, its intense! I burn on average 300 cals on level 1 and 350ish on levels 2 and 3) but it really kicks your butt. The others are a step up from that and more than twice the length. I was maintaining when I started the 30DS so I only lost a lb in weight, but I lost inches from everywhere. I highly recommended it.
  • i'm doing the 30DS now :) i love it, but i'm in so much pain! when does the pain stop? haha. i'm only on my third day but i can feel myself getting healthy, i can already go through the cardio parts without giving up from not being able to breath haha.
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    I love anything 'the Firm' and shape (especially slim and sleek fast) and you will get results with jillian michaels.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    For cardio, I love anything that Chalene Johnson does including Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire. TJ is not as intense as TF, but both will really work you!

    Back in 2007, I did Turbo Jam as pretty much a beginner and lost 4 dress sizes over the span of the summer. I don't honestly remember how many pounds I lost, but I went from size 12 down to size 8 between May and July.

    I have personally done the Insanity program mentioned above, and I lost 10 pounds in 1 month doing that one! It's uber-intense, though, and even though I love it and go back to it all the time I don't recommend it to people just starting out.
  • I'll definately have to Turbo Fire & Turbo Jam :) thank you so much! :D i hope i can go down 4 dress sizes! :)
  • Also at, I've used P90, P90X, TurboFire, but my most favorite is ChaLean Extreme. Best weight training program with awesome aerobics too. I think she's one of the best instructors I've ever worked out too. PS - I did try Insanity but it's just too hard for me right now.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I've used many - differing workouts depending on ability. When I started out I used Ministry of Sound 'Pump it Up', 40 min cardio. Also Mel B Totally Fit - cardio and toning.

    I still use them but also have added Biggest Loser (Australia) DVDs - Calorie Killer, Cardio Burn etc - there is a 3 pack which comes with a Beginner workout (never used it personally). Also borrowed a Nell McAndrew one, that's pretty hard.

    For Christmas I got Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred, Burn Fat/ Boost Metabolism and 6 week 6 pack abs - all hard but right for my level. I do combine them though as anything less than 45 mins to me is a waste - so I often do 30 day shred (20 mins) PLUS 6 pack abs (30 mins) etc. Or I'll do the shred then walk for an hour or so.
  • i've got the 30DS now, which is such a good workout, but i want to get Burn Fat, Boost Metobolism + Yoga Meltdown, and then do them all on different days and occasionally two on the same day :)
  • I have become addicted to Charlie Blank's Tao Bo Boxset,
    I borrowed it from a friend and have done 30 mins every day.

    It is kicking and punching and makes me sweat so much.

    I enjoy it much more than workouts like Davina as you don't have to listen to the same jokes every time and get wound up, also it doesn't make me so out of breath I have to stop like jumping around exercises.

    I found it for £7 brand new from Amazon and very impressed.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I just purchased Jillian Michaels "Burn Fat Boost Metabolism". This one is killer! I couldn't finished the dvd. At 40 mins in I had to wave my white flag. I burned 478 calories in those 40 mins of sheer abuse! :bigsmile:

    Oh I got it for 9.99 at FYE
  • i absolutely love Jillian Michaels, i wanted to buy a boxset which had 6 of her DVDs in it :) but i ended up just getting the 30DS haha. but now im wishing i had got the rest haha.
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