Men in ther 50-'s and 60's
I am curious about how men in their 50's and 60's deal with on going limitations in what and how they can do things. I am 55 and am having a hard time dealing with not being able to do things I love to do, such as playing racquetball, splitting and stacking wood, etc. I find myself lacking the same motivation I used to…
420?? legal?
What do you think about the legalizing of pot in Colorado?:smokin:
How do you keep from going over on your sodium? I know it sounds dumb, but I can't seem to get a handler on it. I eat mostly vegetarian and add no salt to my food. I to goes up to 3500 sometimes.
How many of you actually read the ingredients on the package and know what the label means?
changing goals
jUST WONERING HOW AND IF YOUR GOALS CHANGE AS YOU PROGRESS ON YOUR JOURNEY, GET OLDER, LIFE CHANGES, ETC. I had a certain number i wanted to attain at the start, but as I have gotten older and encountered some challenges i now realize i just want to be healthy to live a better life and stayt around longer, lol What about…
A1c testing
One year ago i was tested at 12.8, after losing some weight and starting an exercise prgram i was retested at 7.9, one year later continuing on the rioght path and watching Forks over Knives and Hungry for a Change I am now at 5.3. It can be done with hard work and vigilence. I am available for info and support. Gpo for it…
Has anyone tried this new things called Sensa? It is a non drug based weight loss thing that uses the smell aspect for eating. It is supposed to make you feel full sooner to stop your eating. Totally natural too. Let me know what you people think?
diabetes can be beat! I am living prrof!
3 months ago my A1c was at 12.7, now 3months later and about 35 lbs lighter from thaqt time I am at 6.3, daily glucose was 450-500, now at 88. I started my lifestyle change about 7 months ago and am now over 50lbs lighter. It CAN be accomplished with 3 things: Har Work, Dedication and perseverence! Read "Forks over KNives"…
Anyone have any physical issues from using Stevia?? I seem to have headaches and stomach upset when i use t.
holistic/homepathic approach?
I am taking part in a program to help with my diabetes. It starts with a 21 day cleanse of the system. Then foods that may cause issues with the glucose are eliminated. For 21 days i can eat only protiens and vegetables. Some vegetables are not allowed. That remains to be seen. It includs vitamins and such too. Anyone have…
Any Diabetics out there?
WOuld like to join a group of diabetics to discuss and trade what we all know. How to exercise right and eat the correct foods.
calories from beer
Just wondering if anyone else does the following: I do alot of beer drinking on the weekends due to working outside in the summer months. Beer just goes down soo gooodddd!, lol I actually include the calories from the beer in my daily intake and adjust what i est to accomodate. What do ya'll think?
lower weights/higher reps change of workout
I have recently been told by both my physical therapist and famly Dr to lower the weight and raise the reps of my weightlifting section of my workout. Now I am no power lifter by any means, I do 3 set of 10 of each wieght/machine. Lat pulldown i am at 110lbs, chest pull/upper back machine 150lbs, bicepts machine 90,…
Senseless shootings
I don't know how many of you have seen the recent High School shootings in Chardon, OH. I live near there and it is really tough to see kids killing kids. I seriously hope this wakes up alot of parents and mskes adults relize how much affect they have on these young minds. Kids DO foolow us as examples of what is right. It…
old people on here-over 50's
Is it just me whining about my age or do others over 50 live in constant pain. Wehter it be my knees, back, shoulders, etc, it seems the more i workout the more pain my body is in.
knee replacement
Anyone else have a full knee replacement? I am now 7 weeks out from surgery and back at the YMCA working out.
Knee Surgery
I am having a knee replacement in 3 weeks. Any ideas on what type of exercises that can me accomplished??? LOL 3 weeks till total weight bearing and no swimming till the staples come out. Mannnn am i gonna stink or what??
Get the wife on the wagn train
I am not consistently watching and counting my calorie intake and calories burned. I try to stay under the basic amount also. Questions is.....My wife needs to lose wieght also and it is affecting our marriage, how do I get her on the wagon train?? even my 16 year old son has told her it's counting…
Kinect for XBox
I just bought the Kinect for my XBox. I spent an hour just playing the game that came with it.....................it bumped my heart up more than swimming 1.3 mile!!! Anyone use any other games that would be a good exercise???
men and women
Why cant a man and a woman remain just friends????? It seems when I tell a lady i just want to be friends they automatically unfriend me and stop talking to me. Even on here.........LOLOL
counting the number?
I have been watching the calorie counts since I have beeen here. Now I notice they show the cabs, fat and protein too. Are keeping those numbner in line as important as counting the calories? I ask because I always go over on the protien and not the carbs. Any suggestions?
REALLY bad knees
Anyone have some good exercises for an old man, 51-LOL, who has bad knees. I presently swim approx 1/3 mile 3 times a week and ride an exercise bike 3 times a week also. Just looking for some others I can throw in to jump start the metabolisim every now and then. I also do some weight training on the days i swim.
Great Super bowl dip recipe
I make Lentil Guacolmole... boil lentils in water and whatever spices you have or like unitl all the wate ris absorbed, then let them sit for a while to get really soft. Cut up 1 whole avacado Chop 1 whole small onion Chop 1 whole large garlic clove Mince 1 whole medium tomato Put all into a bowl and mash together unitl…
Martial Arts
Everyone should give some sort of martial Arts a try. Wether it is Tai Chi, for us older folks, or Tai Kwan Do or even Kung Fu. It is a great aerobic workout and it blends the mind with the body. It's something you can do at your own pace and as your body will allow. I have extremely arthritic knees and I go slow and…
great tasting meal high in protien and low cal
10 large sea scallops 1 glas fav white wine 1 clove garlic 1 minced fresh green onion 1 tablespoon buter 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 Romaine Lettuce heart 1 colrabi some baby spinach red lettuce any other salad stuff, radishes, carrots, etc some light sweet vinegar/olive oil viegrette marinade the scallops in the white wine…
2 men walk up to a bar, one ducked!!!!!!