
Anyone have any physical issues from using Stevia??

I seem to have headaches and stomach upset when i use t.


  • 02tods
    02tods Posts: 126 Member
    I used to use it regularly and it seemed to be ok, didn't notice any physical symptoms. Have you thought of trying something else for a sweetener, then going back to stevia to rule it out?
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    I've never had any issues with it that I noticed, but headaches seem to be a common complaint based on a quick Google search. An example:
  • Using stevia caused me to have constant migraines ( I used it daily in my coffee) as well as neck and shoulder pain. I was at the chiropractor several days a week with no relief. I researched stevia effects online and found that there are many people who are "allergic" to it. I quit using it and improved within days.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I've been using it for over 10 years without any issues
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I just hate the taste.
  • For a natural product I have the same reactions to it that I have to Splenda and NutraSweet. The headaches kill me.
  • If you must have sugar just have the real stuff, only raw sugar though.
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 733 Member
    Check the brand you use, not all are the same. Some have added chemicals and crap in them. Some are produced by crappy chemical processes. I only use Sweetleaf stevia. Check their website. They are different. They only use a natural filtered water process. They don't have added crap like "maltodextrin" and junk thrown in their stevia. If you're going to use a "natural" product, take the time to make sure you're actually getting the pure and natural product. The one sold at Sam's Club, is not. Truvia is not either. It contains sugar alcohols known as Erythritol, a sweet substance, C4H10O4, extracted from certain lichens and algae, used medicinally as a vasodilator. Excessive consumption of erythritol (over 80 grams per day) may result in digestive upset, diarrhea, and bloating. So, just thought I'd mention this and maybe some of you experiencing issues, might want to give the real, pure product a try. <g>
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Thanks everyone for the comments. too did a google search and found all the thngs mentioned. I am now using agave nectar, all natural. Only thing is it is very expensive.
  • soygurl
    soygurl Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks everyone for the comments. too did a google search and found all the thngs mentioned. I am now using agave nectar, all natural. Only thing is it is very expensive.

    Uh, sorry to burst your bubble, but agave "nectar" is NOT all natural. It is a relatively new, very highly processed syrup. Nutritionally, it is essentially the same as high fructose corn syrup, only it's made from a different plant than corn. All the "organic," "raw," "pure," "natural," "nectar," descriptions are purely effective marketing. :(

    Finding accurat info about agave syrup is difficult, but the blog Food Renegade did a well sourced post on it, which should be easily googleable.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I disagree. If the ingrediants say Agave nectar and only that it is natural.

    I understand it is a replacment and take into consideration the cals too, approx 250 cals per serving.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Check the brand you use, not all are the same. Some have added chemicals and crap in them. Some are produced by crappy chemical processes. I only use Sweetleaf stevia. Check their website. They are different. They only use a natural filtered water process. They don't have added crap like "maltodextrin" and junk thrown in their stevia. If you're going to use a "natural" product, take the time to make sure you're actually getting the pure and natural product. The one sold at Sam's Club, is not. Truvia is not either. It contains sugar alcohols known as Erythritol, a sweet substance, C4H10O4, extracted from certain lichens and algae, used medicinally as a vasodilator. Excessive consumption of erythritol (over 80 grams per day) may result in digestive upset, diarrhea, and bloating. So, just thought I'd mention this and maybe some of you experiencing issues, might want to give the real, pure product a try. <g>
    Appreciate the info...
    I disagree. If the ingrediants say Agave nectar and only that it is natural.

    I understand it is a replacment and take into consideration the cals too, approx 250 cals per serving.
    Tried Trader Joe's?
  • I started using stevia as I thought it was a better choice then Sweet 'N' Low. Well I had the same problemsafter only a week of using Stevia. I had headaches every day plus stomach upsets. I was using 2-3 packets a day of the stuff. Not a lot by any means... I stopped using Stevia and went back to Sweet 'N' Low...
  • I use NuNaturals mostly, and Truvia on occasion. I've not had any issues. I prefer it to sugar now.
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    you know what, i'm glad you posted this. i used to use artificial sweeteners a lot. i also used to chew a pack (or more) of gum everyday...i understand stevia isnt artificial but its still a sweetener... i would have it in my oatmeal, in my greek yogurt, in my protein pancakes, in shakes, in water... in EVERYTHING!! i had terrible stomach pains for about 8 months. been to the doctors, no explanation...i was healthy as a horse... well, it was so frustrating, i would cry every day cause the pain was so bad and uncomfortable and i was bloated...

    4 weeks ago i tried to do "paleo".... i did paleo before but still had greek yogurt and i allowed myself sweeteners so i wasnt 100% paleo.... for the past 4 weeks i completely cut out sweeteners and guess what!?!? NO STOMACH ACHES!!!

    i truely believe that the sweeteners ruined my gut lining over time and it is now repairing itself.

    this is an AMAZING video about splenda/stevia (WFS)
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    To those of you who say agave nectar is not natural read the following link.

    Because of it's low glycemic index it is a great subsitute for oter sweetners. especially for diabetics.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Uh, sorry to burst your bubble, but agave "nectar" is NOT all natural. It is a relatively new, very highly processed syrup. Nutritionally, it is essentially the same as high fructose corn syrup, only it's made from a different plant than corn. All the "organic," "raw," "pure," "natural," "nectar," descriptions are purely effective marketing. :(

    No, Agave nectar is juice from the agave plant and the processing is generally no more complex than filtering out the bits and boiling down the rest until it thickens, somewhat akin to the process necessary to turn maple sap into maple syrup. The processing is really no more complex than that. Some companies may add stuff to it, true, but as long as you read the label it's available as simply filtered and boiled agave juice. You can make your own judgements as to its safety, but in terms of processing it's about as simple as it gets.

    On the other hand, Stevia doesn't occur in the natural crystalline form you buy it in. The steviol is found in low concentrations in the leaf. The general process is to dry the leaves, crush them, extract the steviol (the sweet stuff) with water, then crystallize it using either wood or grain alcohol to purify it.

    Admittedly, the processing done to Stevia is pretty tame, and the alcohols are removed from the product so it's generally recognized as safe in its processed form that you dump in your coffee or tea.

    But Stevia et al undergo quite a bit more processing than agave nectar.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    i truely believe that the sweeteners ruined my gut lining over time and it is now repairing itself.

    It's more likely that you were simply experiencing an allergic reaction to either the steviol (which some people are sensitive to) or the alcohols used in the processing to crystallize and purify it, and the delay has more to do with the fact that it can take a few days or longer for your body to flush it all out to below the level where your body reacts to it. I doubt any actual harm (other than discomfort) was done.

    But, you found what was causing you trouble, eliminated it, and the trouble went away. Problem solved either way. That's the important part.
  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    I used to get stomachaches from it but now I use it so often I believe my body has gotten used to it.
  • FitGirl329
    FitGirl329 Posts: 103 Member
    Truvia and Stevia in the Raw are owned by Coca-cola and are questionable re: what else is done to them. What brands are those of you having problems using?

    Make sure to use Stevia where the source is from South America and not China. I use only SweetLeaf products (no affiliation) because I know they're reputable and use a good plant and good process. Choose your Stevia brand carefully. When I eliminated the chemical sweeteners (Splenda-sucralose and Equal-aspartame...never consume Sweet & Low), I did a lot of research on Stevia. Unlike Splenda, it's been used for years and years in other countries with success. But it's very brand dependant. Some cheap out on their sources and processes and are no better than other chemical sweeteners.

    I guess you could have an allergy but I'd think it might be the brand first, especially of its one of the above widely available ones.