juicing calories..
If I'm using a juicer to make juice and I am logging those fruits and vegetables, does that count as the full carb/protein/calories/sugar, etc. since I'm not eating the pulp but just the juice?
Can too much fruit be bad for you?
I've been eating a lot of fruit lately and want to know if it's too much..carbohydrate and sugar wise? That seems to be the majority of what I've been eating, besides vegetables too. I totally exceeded my carb and sugar intake, but I wouldn't think it would be bad...but I don't know.
What do to do when partner is unsupportive??
I live with my boyfriend for over 4 years. He's awesome. However, he knows how important my journey is to me because it's all I ever talk about. He also knows he could drop a few himself because he mentions it, but says he isn't motivated. I have long time ago given up trying to get him on the same page. Nonetheless, how…
"Muscle building" protein shakes help to LOSE weight?
I bought this whey protein shake mix because it looked like it had the same things in the other protein shakes mixes I was looking for...Low carbs, high protein. However, this stuff promotes that I will gain muscle and it's not to be used for losing weight. But hey, with low carbs and high protein, I thought it could…
Paleo diet.
Anybody on this plan???
Help!! Going to my parents this weekend...
I am driving three hours to stay with my parents for the weekend. What do I do? They are retired and go out to eat; barely grocery shop. They eat at Mcdonalds a lot; as does my brothers who live in that town. I totally do not eat anything fast food, and I know I can handle that part of it, but as for the food at home…
Advanced Maximumixed Living Plan
Has anyone tried this? If so, can you give me a brief overview if it works?
Leg Exercises that Tone and Define...
Can anybody give me some exercises that target and tone, as well as give me some definition to my legs? Whether it's certain type of strength training or cardio, please..I need some help here.
A Little Sad..
I gained a pound..What happened? I had a feeling this morning that I should not weigh myself, but I did anyway because it's Friday, but now I'm kicking myself..Despite that minor setback, I still worked in 15 minutes of working out on the Wii's 10 Minute Solution. Ah well..any advice would help!
Others upset by my progress...
Yesterday, someone just asked me how much weight I just lost. So I told them. And when they thought I had left, that person was tearing me down saying they hate people like me because me being proud of my weight loss apparently is letting everyone around me know they're fat. I don't know where that logic came from because…
Metabolism faster?
Can anyone shed some light on this? I've been getting hungry almost immediately after working out, and my bf said it's because my metabolism is starting to kick in and speed up. Can anyone validate this?
Healthy Super Bowl appetizers??
With the Superbowl right around the corner, and I'm sure most of us are attending some kind of party, especially us Packer fans, does anyone know of any quick and healthy appetizers I could make and bring to my friend's party so I have something to munch on while everyone's hitting the chips and taco dip?
Need Some Motivation, MFPers...
Today is one of those days. I'm sluggish. I've been following my food intake and calorie watching. No Problem. I even pushed myself to work out, but it wasn't an overachiever day, by any means. In my opinion, I slacked. I feel lazy, and in the midst of this blizzard here in Wisconsin, I don't necessarily feel like going…
Anyone Dread Weekends? for being a MFPer?
I dread the weekend. Don't get me wrong..I don't dread it as far as work goes because it means I don't have to go there, and I get to spend time with my daughter, boyfriend, and other friends. However, during the week, I am more on a consistent schedule with my eating and exercising, and on the weekend, it goes to ****! I…
Pre packaged "diet" meals...good for you?
Ok, when I lost some weight year and half ago, I was eating a LOT of Healthy Choices and Lean Cuisines frozen meals; mostly at lunch, and some at dinner, but almost daily. It helped with portion control and of course, convenience. I would only select a few of them and I always looked for whole grains (no white pastas or…
What can I bring for snacks at the bar?
When we go out, my friends are all indulging in whatever's available. Peanuts, salty, butter popcorn, pretzels, you name it. Then they move on to the menu which contains the normal bar fare..deep fried appetizers, cheeseburgers, etc. Anybody know of something low calorie that i can whip out of my purse while they snack, so…
How do you know if weight loss pills work?
I'm curious. I generally don't get into taking weight loss aids like Hydroxycut or Slimquick, but for those that do, how do you know if those actually work? Assuming your maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regularly, but are taking the pills as well, how do you know if just diet and exercise are making you lose…
Why do all the non-dieters around you, have all the answers?
Constantly, at work, in social situations...anyone from colleagues to acquaintances who are not trying to "diet" or eat/exercise always seem to be experts? I have heard so much from these "experts" about how I should eat or what fad diet I should be on. And it's funny cuz most of em are overweight! But yet, they are always…
Totally scared for this weekend!
I have family coming in tonight, and my work Holiday party tomorrow night. We work in the human services field (i.e. AODA, mental health services, etc) so that means a lot of the alcohol and bad food flowing. Plus, with the family being here, I need to entertain more than they need to see me workout! Any tips???
Drinking alcohol
Someone please tell me they have lost weight drinking alcohol.. I mean, they continued to drink and still lost weight.... I am not an alcoholic by any means, but it's one thing I don't want to give up.:smile: I enjoy socializing with friends, and happy hours are where a lot of us get together. However, I still stick to my…
Wii Fitness games
Anybody use the Wii to workout? If so, what games have helped you lose weight? And what games/activities have kept you interested?