Need Some Motivation, MFPers...

Today is one of those days. I'm sluggish. I've been following my food intake and calorie watching. No Problem. I even pushed myself to work out, but it wasn't an overachiever day, by any means. In my opinion, I slacked. I feel lazy, and in the midst of this blizzard here in Wisconsin, I don't necessarily feel like going home when I get off of work. I just don't feel motivated right now, and not sure why! Normally, I may feel like going home and working out, but I don't have the interest nor ambition. And that scares me! How do I get out of this?? I feel like going to happy hour so I don't sit at home and think about how lazy I'm feeling...I'm scared of this becoming a pattern....


  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Everyone has them days. You will bounce back. It's probably bc of the blizzard. Bad weather always makes me feel lazy. Just focus on your eatin and maybe you just need to take a nap. Also try gettin more vitamin B.
  • tompetty
    tompetty Posts: 41 Member
    It won't become a pattern if you don't let it! And you already did step number one: get the feelings out of your head and onto MFP!! It's okay to feel sluggish (and this crappy weather is certainly making me that way too,) but at least you've identified the problem and chosen to do something about it (even if it is as seemingly insignificant as posting about it on MFP.)
    Great job sticking to your food plan!! I think it's okay to bum around every now and then, but if it worries you, think of something fun you can do after your workout-- cuddling up with a good book or watching a show or taking a warm bath (something indoors and warm!) then do the workout as soon as you get home.
    Good luck, lady! :)
  • misshenn78
    This is stuipid and small - but, don't you like when you get reconized for logging in each day? Today was 25 for me!!! Don't disappoint yourself, tomorrow is a new day - and keep logging in!!! :)
  • barberella
    Thanks all! I didn't cave..I headed for an all you can eat salad bar instead, and the worse thing I had was some whipped cream for the strawberries. I did have a little bit of my boyfriend's egg roll and that took the craving away for comfort food, aka bar food..

    As for the weather, everyone is taking off tomorrow, and it may be a good day to stay home and work out! That will get me out of this funk after I have a nice night sitting home watching some tv! Thanks for the feedback everyone!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    Everyone has those days where they're just not feeling it. You can decide ahead of time how you're going to handle those days. You can choose to stick to your plan whether you feel like it or not, or you can choose to give yourself a break. Neither is necessarily the right way 100 percent of the time. I think most of the time, for me, the best thing is to stick to my plan, and that's what I usually do. Sometimes, that feeling signals to me that I'm just worn down and need to take a break, and occasionally, that's what I do. If you're pretty sure you're not getting sick and you haven't been overtraining, I'd encourage you to just stick to whatever your plan was for working out and healthy eating. Hope you feel more like it tomorrow!