How do you know if weight loss pills work?

barberella Posts: 199
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I'm curious. I generally don't get into taking weight loss aids like Hydroxycut or Slimquick, but for those that do, how do you know if those actually work? Assuming your maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regularly, but are taking the pills as well, how do you know if just diet and exercise are making you lose weight, and the pills are actually aiding like they claim they do?


  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    It's best to add or stop things one at a time. So if you are already on a diet, keep it the same, and add the pills, see what happens, if you are already taking the pills keep diet the same and stop taking the pills,,, see what happens. Pretty much the only way to tell for sure.
  • some of that stuff is like speed. be careful. revs up your metabolism but then you can't sleep either. usually really horrendous side effects.
  • No doubt. I tried this Acai blend pill and it made me feel like I was going crazy. Too much caffeine, guarana, etc. But probably more caffeine than anything. I immediately stopped taking it.
  • I don't know about other pills but I took Hydroxycut and it really worked great. I don't think I would have lost as much weight as I did without it. I use to scuff at pills because I thought that if you really put yourself in too it then you'd lose weight. I just wasn't losing so I had the chance to take them and it just worked great. Obviously it was the exercise that helped as well but Hydroxycut helped cut out over eating. I'm off the pills now and am working my butt off to lose any extra weight and to get in shape.
  • Jayms
    Jayms Posts: 17
    I took Slimquick for awhile. The amount of caffeine in it is equal to 8 cups of coffee. My heart was racing all the time and I couldn't sit still at work. Sometimes it made me uncomfortable with the jitters. I don't think personally I'd recommend it. Less than 2 months after I quit taking it I had a massive stroke. I am not saying Slimquick caused it but it couldn't have helped.
  • Most of those weight loss pills work by coating your intestines to block them from absorbing the fats that you eat. On the downside, though, that coating also blocks a lot of valuable vitamins and minerals from being absorbed as well. Be careful if you decide to use a supplement like that.
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