Your Top 10 Favorite Foods
Just for fun, what are your top 10 favorite foods of all time? Here are mine (in no particular order): 1. Pasta (especially pasta with pesto, holy yum) 2. Pizza 3. Bread (all kinds: bagels, biscuits, cornbread, French bread. I could eat nothing but bread for the rest of my life and be perfectly content) 4. Cheesecake 5.…
Maintaining Weight for Beginners
Hi, all. I have finally reached a weight with which I am content, so now, I just have to maintain it. I'm new to this whole "maintaining" thing, so I could use some help. Any advice for a beginner? Some background information: I'm a female, 21 years old, 5'0 tall, and weigh 98 pounds. To lose weight, I ate 1,200 - 1,300…
Did I REALLY Gain 3 Pounds Over Night, Or Is The Scale Lying To Me?
Hi, all. Now, I know you aren't supposed to weigh yourself every day, but I do. I know it's bad, but I just can't help myself. However, I always weigh myself on the same scale (the scale at my gym), at the same time of day, wearing the same amount of clothing, so at least I'm being consistent. Anyway, when I got on the…
Did I REALLY Gain 12 Pounds In 2 Days?
Hi, all, I hope you enjoyed your holiday. I began my health and fitness journey in July, and as of Monday, I had lost almost 40 pounds. I had been good all holiday season (I didn’t over-indulge at holiday parties, I kept up with my exercise routine, and I even managed to lose 2 pounds since Thanksgiving), so I decided to…
Question About Brown Rice
I bought a box of Uncle Ben’s Natural Whole Grain Instant Brown Rice. According to the nutrition facts, ¼ cup dry rice (48 grams) is about 1 cup cooked rice (which is 1 serving size). I measured the dry rice in a measuring cup and weighed it on a food scale for accuracy before cooking it. However, when I measured the…
Period Stopped When I Started Losing Weight
Hi, all. This is going to be a TMI post, so I apologize in advance. I'm not looking for a diagnosis, just advice. Like the title says, I stopped getting my period around the time I started eating healthy and exercising. I am not underweight (my BMI is 20.7) nor am I super muscular. I had blood work taken a few weeks ago…
How To Lose Weight Gained On Thanksgiving
Hi, all. I’m 5 months into my health and fitness journey and (as of Monday) I had lost a total of 30 pounds. Yesterday was Thanksgiving, and, like millions of other Americans, I spent the day stuffing my face with delicious, high-calorie foods. I know I could have (and should have) indulged in moderation, but I lost all…
Is Going To The Gym 4-5 Times A Week Enough?
Hi, all. I began my health and fitness journey four months ago, and since then, I have lost 30 pounds. I am only 5 pounds from my ultimate goal weight, so I do not want to give up now. For the past few months, I been going to the gym 6 days a week (3 days of cardio, 3 days of strength training) for an hour at a time.…
Calories in Boneless Skinless Grilled Chicken Breast?
Can someone clear up once and for all how many calories are in 1 oz. boneless, skinless grilled chicken breast? Plain: no seasoning, not grilled with oil, etc., no trimmings at all, just straight up chicken. Because I have heard that it is anywhere from 25 calories per ounce to 60 calories per ounce, so I have no idea what…
Question About Weighing Fruit…Please Help!
Hi, all. Most of the time, when a website lists the nutritional information of a piece of fruit, it will include the weight of the fruit (e.g., one peach weighing 150 grams has 60 calories, one banana weighing 118 grams has 105 calories, etc.) to be as accurate as possible. My question is, does that include the part of the…
WHY Is Fruit Healthy For You?
I know that this is a dumb question, but why, exactly, is fruit so good for you? Fruits are mainly carbohydrates and sugar, so why is a handful of grapes (or any fruit, I was just using an example) considered to be a healthier snack than a cookie that has the same (or close to the same) amount of calories, carbohydrates,…
Good Low-Calorie Pumpkin Recipes?
Hi! Fall is right around the corner, and you know what that means: it's pumpkin season! I am so obsessed with pumpkin foods that I literally count down the months until they return to restaurants and stores, but this fall, I am a bit depressed because I can't eat most of the pumpkin foods that I wait all year for because…
About How Many Grapes Are In 1 Cup?
About how many average-sized grapes are in one cup? I am not home at the moment, so I do not have access to a food scale or a measuring cup, which is why I'm asking. Thanks!
Inaccurate Calories Burned on Elliptical?
Hi, all. I do cardio almost daily (I do strength training, too, but I warm up with cardio on my strength training days) and I almost always use the elliptical machine (just a personal preference). The elliptical machines at my gym calculate the number of calories you burn based on your weight (which you enter at the…
Dumb Question, But...
This might sound like a dumb question, but I have heard mixed responses, so I would like to know once and for all: Let's say that, hypothetically, you are on a 1,200-calorie diet and your goal is to lose weight, not gain or maintain. If you burn, say, 800 calories a day through exercise, should you eat 2,000 calories a day…
Scared to Eat More Than 1,000 Calories
Hi, all. I am two months into my health and fitness journey, and so far, I have lost 15 pounds. I am at a healthy weight now, but I am still 15 pounds from my ultimate goal weight. My problem is that I am scared to eat more than 1,000 calories a day. On most days, I eat 800 - 1,000 calories (I never eat less than 800…
Calories in Vegetable Sushi?
I didn't have time to make dinner tonight, so I picked up some vegetable sushi from the supermarket (I know, I know, you're probably thinking, "Supermarket sushi? Gross!", but I swear, it's delicious). There is no nutritional information on the container, so I am trying to figure it out. It is made with white rice and each…
Calories in Dunkin' Donuts Pumpkin Coffee
Pumpkin coffee is back at Dunkin' Donuts! Now, I am sure that it is high in calories and sugar due to the syrup they use in it, so I won't get it on a daily basis, but I have waited all year for it, so I do plan on indulging in a few throughout the season. That being said, I am still going to log those calories to avoid…
Healthy On-The-Go Lunches? Any Ideas?
Hi, all. I am a college student with a full course load who also works 20 hours a week, but regardless of my busy schedule, I am determined to continue eating healthy and exercising daily this semester. I need some ideas for healthy and low-calorie lunches that are easy and quick to prepare and can be eaten on the go…
Calories in a Crab Cake
Hi, all. My boyfriend worked at a crab cake stand at a fair today and he got to bring some home with him tonight. I did well all day, so I ate one (without the bun) for dinner (I know, I know, it wasn't the healthiest choice . . . I need to work on my will power). My question is, how many calories are in one crab cake? I…
How Did I Gain So Much Weight On Vacation?
Hi, all. Last night, I returned home from a four-day vacation to the beach. Mind you, before vacation, I had been doing awesome for two months: I had lost a total of 13 pounds, I never ate a calorie over my 1,200 a day limit, I exercised for an hour a day at least six days a week, etc., so on vacation, I allowed myself to…