Calories in Dunkin' Donuts Pumpkin Coffee

Pumpkin coffee is back at Dunkin' Donuts! Now, I am sure that it is high in calories and sugar due to the syrup they use in it, so I won't get it on a daily basis, but I have waited all year for it, so I do plan on indulging in a few throughout the season. That being said, I am still going to log those calories to avoid going over my calorie limit for the day. The problem is that the Dunkin' Donuts website doesn't list the nutritional information for their pumpkin coffee, so does anyone know it (or know where I can found out)? I order a medium iced with skim milk and Splenda, for your reference. Thank you.


  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member

    It actually is on the website. It says the medium pumpkin iced coffee is 180 calories without cream. I don't see a listing for cals with skim milk but with cream its 270
  • PugBug20
    PugBug20 Posts: 55
    I guess I missed that! Thanks!
  • PugBug20
    PugBug20 Posts: 55
    So, if a medium pumpkin iced (without dairy and sweetener) is 180 calories, how many calories do you think skim milk adds? 50? More? Less? I just want to estimate as closely as possible. Thanks!
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    A normal medium iced coffee with no sweetener or dairy is 15 cals. 40 cals with skim milk and splenda, so that adds on 25 cals.

    If they use the same amount of milk and splenda for the pumpkin medium iced coffee then just add on 25 cals. So the drink should be about 205 cals.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    I emailed them on the website with all the info I wanted and they emailed me back within 24 hours with all the info :) I suggest the same :) include in your email exactly what you put in it skim, cream, sugar etc and they will give you all the info :)
  • jessthep1rate
    jessthep1rate Posts: 47 Member
    What I have always done to figure out the number of calories per pump of the "swirl" flavors at DD is to go to the nutrition section of their website and look at the info for a black (whatever) swirl coffee, and divide that by the number of pumps that go into it. A small is 2, medium 3, large 4. I like to do it this way because I find that the default amount of the stuff is really sweet for me, but if I reduce it by one pump it's sweet enough to be a treat (sweeter than I'd normally take my coffee) and still has a ton of the flavor. I usually order a medium iced pumpkin coffee with 2 pumps of pumpkin swirl. :)