my aunt is slowly killing herself
My aunt has got to be the most craziest human being on this earth. She has complained about her weight for years then August 26 th my grandfathers birthday we saw her and she lost weight. We were very proud of her and asked her how she did it. Basically she had stopped eating for the most part and drinking only water and…
women who are or have been pregnant
2 days ago i started getting allergies. It started with a sore throat only. Next day itwas feeling like i had weakness and fatigue. And now today sinus pressure. Is like everyday its something different. I'm asking if these allergies will delay my period or should i buy a pregnancy test soon?
any moms mind answering a question?
Do you believe that weight has a role in being able to conceive? I was 5'1 and 250 pounds and could not get pregnant to save my life lol. I also have a tilted uterus. I've lost 85 pounds and just now got the ok to try but I'm thinking on waiting as I'm still 40 pounds overweight. Id like to get to my goal weight first.…
thoughts on zumba
I love it!! But do i (a 164 pound,) person really burn 650 some calories for an hour?? I know i sweat a lot but seems high and it seems to fun to be true lol. Thoughts? I'm trying to get enough money for a hrm
seriously losing my mind
I'm under so much stress!!! I got out the hospital yesterday and had an eating field day because of pain. I swear I'm an emotional eater!! I had 4600 calories and gained 8 pounds. Mostly e water weight but some had got to be fast! I'm disgusted. And I'm promising myself it ends now!!!
tell me what I'm doing wrong!!
I'm not looking to sugar coat anything! I need to know why my scale won't budge! Please look at my diary and tell me what i need to improve. Please don't be mean either I'm here for support/ advice
anyone know anything about potassium?
My doctor called me awhile back and told me i need to get my potassium up but i don't think I'm doing a good job mainly because that's all she said to me. What is a high potassium food other then bananas? I think i may have had 225 mg of potassium yesterday i had 50 mg
my rant
Over the course of 2 years I've lost 85 pounds. It's been slow but is coming off. I called my animal clinic today because i just adopted this sweet chubby calico kitty and i needed to have her seem for a check up. We went in and when my vet came in the room she looked at my kitty and then looked at me. She said you have a…
over coming scale addiction
I tricked myself with the scale!! I put the setting on kg because i don't know what the weight is from looking at kg because i only know pounds. So i figured when i lose a few kg I'll change it back to pounds and then do it again and so on that way i can see if the scale is going down i just don't know by how much! You can…
women and mild dysplasia
I had 4 biopsies done today because i have mild cervical dysplasia. I had LEEP done over a year ago. I have had this for 2 years now and am wondering as I'm only 23 will i still be able to have kids after this. Has anyone gone through this and had kids?
went from eating 700 calories A DAY to....
Some of you heard i had a trainer that had me eat around 700-800 calories a day with exercise and now I've switched trainers and now I'm eating up to 1900 calories with exercise a day and she has me doing 45 min of strength 5 x a week. And now for the best news. I'm losing more now then when i was when i was barely eating!…
you're stuck up
I was talking with my friends and one said " ever since you lost weight you've been so stuck up." They all agreed and explained when they saw me in walmart with my girls they waved to me and said i ignored them. I swear i never even saw them and I'm so busy watching my girls cause we had a problem with them stealing. So…
feeling stupid
A trainer up at my gym told me i need to be eating about 700-800 calories a day so for a week i did so and every day i would work out and burn about 600-700 calories. after about 2 days i feel ill and started randomly blacking out i spoke to the trainer and he said to see my doctor. Last night i woke up at 2am after eating…
weight lifting nsv
A few days ago i started lifting weights. I started out at doing 25 pounds leg press a few days ago and today i went to go do the 25 pound leg press again and there were two 45 pound weights on the machine and i was like there is no way I'm about to move 90 pounds so i tried it out and to my surprise i was able to do 5…
started heavy lifting
With my trainer 3x a week so far I've completed 2 days. One day of arms one day of legs. I'm so sore lol but it's awesome. My question is how often should i weigh myself as i still have 40 pounds to lose. i did weigh my self today and I'm up 1.2 but that's fine as i have not been over eating nor have i been eating bad so…
happy camper with lifting heavy
I don't have results as this is only been lifting heavy For 2days But me being a dumb butt got on the scale this morning and I'm down 1 pound!!! After last night of heavy lifting for 45 mins!! Does this mean at some point i won't gain? NO! But i dobelieve now that you can lose weight while lifting heavy!!! For those…
food poisoning
I had went to go get some mayonnaise and when i went to break the seal it popped mayo everywhere. I cleaned everything up and figured they packed to much in the bottle so i had a big bite of mayo with my sandwich and it tasted like sour patch kids but with mayo could i get food poisoning?
lifting heavy day one
Today is day one of lifting heavy and i am so sore!! I had a training session for 45 mins of lifting and i was wondering will i possibly have a gain tomorrow? I don't mind seeing a gain by the way i know i haven't had a binge recently so it would be a ok gain. Just wondering. Sorry if i sound dumb.
loose skin help
I'm a cardio maniac. But when out comes to strength training I'm not convinced.. i have lost 80 pounds and loose skin is an issue. I've got 40 pounds left to go. Will it even out as i go or do i need to just bite the bullet and lift weights. I'll do anything to tighten even drop my cardio addiction. Not totally though. But…
I have gained a half inch in my arms and I've been working out the back of my arms for almost 2 months with 15 pound weights sometimes 20. Some days I'd do 100x with the 15 pound weights. 50x with 20 pounds. Why t the half inch gain is my question. I'm also taking cla tonalin 2000 mg a day. Ps i eat way more then what my…
any cops around or people with advice
I've been stalked for 3 years and just when i think its over hes back. I have thought about getting an injunction but i have an oldcop that told me to look him up in public records and it says he violated an injunction 3 times with domestic violence.im lost as to what to do. I've moved 3 times because of him. i guess i…
So i go to bed round 8:45 cause i got to be up at 5...i wake up.. have 2 cups of coffee and some oatmeal. Come to find out is only midnight! Now I'm up at 3:37 wide awake. I'm screwed.
my confession
I think i eat way to much oatmeal. Today i had 2 cups at about 600 calories total and about 125 carbohydrates. I add peanut butter to it to make it good. How bad is my obsession? Please be honest. Also i have about 13 extra carbohydrates throughoutthe day with eggs whole grain crackers and boneless skinless chicken…
feeling defeated
I need to lift weights so bad. I know this. But I'm a scale junkie and I'm afraid of gaining weight from lifting. Is my own personal fear please don't judge me. What do i do? do i get rid of the scale? I do weigh everyday i have from day one.
most shocking NSV
I was laying on my bed this morning contemplating on getting up and i noticed through my pajamas pants( which are of thin material) i noticed my stomach lies flat when laying on my back. Then once i noticed that i saw this bump. I felt it and it was hard as a rock. Freaked out and told my fiance to come here. He then…
calories burned in kettle bell workout
I'm 165 pounds 5'2 female and i did the kettle bell swing for 20 mins with a 10 pound kettle bell. About how many calories is that? Just asking for an estimate i don't have a heat rate monitor so so thought I'd ask here
low carb people
Im starting low carbs today and was wondering how low can you go? I have most of my day complete with only 78 carbs. is it too low or no?
how much do i look like i weigh
I'm not expecting anyone to get this right in just looking for honest guesses. Reason for doing this is in starting heavy lifting and I'm just curious. I will tell you the answer when i get a few answers. Look at profile picture
I scream ice cream
i know of an ice cream that is delicious and only 150 calories a pint! want proof? ok... only thing is its nearly 5 bucks a pint but once in awhile as a treat is great
what do i do
i was talking to my fiance's ex girlfriend (i had to ask her something) and i told my fiance and he wasnt mad he told her she could add him on facebook and she did. she added both of us. they talk sometimes but not too much. but thats not what bothers me what bothers me is he once asked her to marry him and thats what…