loose skin help

rAc_hEl Posts: 246 Member
I'm a cardio maniac. But when out comes to strength training I'm not convinced.. i have lost 80 pounds and loose skin is an issue. I've got 40 pounds left to go. Will it even out as i go or do i need to just bite the bullet and lift weights. I'll do anything to tighten even drop my cardio addiction. Not totally though. But where do i start? And be honest will i gain weight at first or will it just come off? I'm not afraid of weights in just not addicted as much as i am with cardio. and please add me


  • Project9
    Project9 Posts: 135
    I'm not an expert, so I'll j just add to your question. Does losing weight too fast lead to loose skin?
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Strength training will help. So will time. If you're young your skin should bounce back, but if you're almost at 80 lbs lost, that's a lot of loose skin. Definitely talk to you doctor about since in a lot of cases with a large amounts of skin, surgery is the best option. However, I have these tips for skincare that might help. Just be patient. A lot of times the skin will just take a bit more time to catch up to your body.

  • elpurple
    elpurple Posts: 46 Member
    When people say if you are young then your skin will bounce back how old is young?!