Any tattoo ideas?
Does anyone have any tattoo idea for my arms I have stretch marks on both side on forearms thinking of a good cover up.
Bad Personality (Anti-Social)
Im extremely anti-social because I feel like I will say something rude to people and it will make them hate me. And I don't know why but should I always think before what I say to people to stop it or what? I cant have a smooth conversation without any pauses because I will have something rude to say.
HIIT vs Strength Training For Fat Loss
Say for instance your on a 300 calorie deficit and your only doing one routine which one would give you the best results? Does HIIT get rid of fat quicker or strength training?
Skinny Fat (Cut or Bulk) First w/ Stretch Marks
Okay Ive always seen the most challenges with facing this part. Ist off let me start off say I became skinny fat due to being fat & obese so then I started doing cardio and became a cardio gym rat now Im normal weight but skinny fat and Im currently doing strength training only cardio is over, now I want to know what…
How to get this type of physique!
How much bodyfat is this? And I really want this type of body! How much should I lift? and once I get the body how much would I able to lift for example would I be able to benchpress 200? Currently Im cutting my bodyfat
Confused when do calories start-over?
For instance youve stayed up to 1 am in the morning ate a nutrigrain then at 3 am youve went to bed then woke up a 10 am does the nutrigrain bar count for yesterdays calories or for the next day?
Could You Eat Anything While Cutting?
Im confused how come all the time when someone wants to generally start up a diet their told to stop eating fried foods and eat healthier but Ive also heard you can still eat anything you want and still lower your body fat to 10% as long as your lifting heavyweights and on a calorie deficit. Does anyone have an answer to…
Tattoo ideas for arms?
What tattoos do you recommend to help cover the stretch marks on forearm?
When you drop down BodyFat%
Normally when you drop down bodyfat% when your in the 25-20 range you are happy but still you still think your body can look better. So this is what I was wondering when you drop your bodyfat from the 17-10 range do you notice more of a bigger satisfying change or what? And does it really take that long to drop bodyfat…
Does height affect body fat percentage?
Ive seen some online that ask for height and some that don't which one is close to accuracy? Because I know that its not very accurate anyway.
Ways of doing HIIT in a gym?
First off Im confuse about HIIT training is it a certain exercise you have to do or is it speeded up cardio? For example running for 6 mph on a treadmill for 10 min rather than walking 3 mph on a treadmill for 30 min.
The worst body that you ever saw!
I really don't know what to do! My body is monstrous its unfixable I have the worst stretch marks ever and bodyfat to go along with that it really harms me and my self-confidence. i feel like as these stretch marks are a curse and I often call them curse marks, Ive spoken to dermatologist but they said that these stretch…
How much strength training?
How much strength training a week in order to get cut? I want to get cut by the end of October. Right now I am skinny fat and it should be just as easy as losing 20 pounds because I can lose 20 pounds doing cardio alone and get cut. Also please correct me if Im wrong does it take more time to lose fat than losing weight?
BodyFat % Error?
Ive recently tried to track my bodyfat and it came out as 13% and I dont think Im doing it right. Im 180.8 and 6ft 3/4. I have a lot of bodyfat around me well it feels that way. And I have manboobs. I tried comparing my body to others 13% bodyfat online and I found nothing near my body type. I am using this to measure my…
Never understood do Strength for BodyFat
Why is this always tossed out there? You can lose body fat just by doing Cardio alone. Is it because you lose bodyfat faster doing strength or what?