Waking to find my legs asleep
Waking to find both legs asleep for the last two mornings. Should I be alarmed? My back and neck have been popping like crazy, so I think it is a spinal problem, not a neuropathy problem. Since I lost the weight, my bottom hurts when I sit long. Wonder if it's more related to that.
Hungrier now, especially at night
History: I've lost 124 pounds. When I was hungry throughout the weight loss, it was no big deal. But since then, I've admitted that I am diabetic (2) and have started treating it (insulin), for the last three nights, I have been ravenous when I've gone to bed -- to the point at which it was very difficult to go to sleep.…
HAD to share this!
My son . . . .
Wild and Crazy Dreams. Also, Are They Often Meaningful to You?
Do you wake up sometimes wondering where your dreams come from? How did you think that one up? Do you sometimes ponder your dreams and what they mean to you? Have you ever clearly figured the meaning out? Have you had occasional dreams that were so meaningful that while you did not know what they meant at the time, you…
Is anyone else avoiding using plastics for food?
I have gotten rid of most plastics in my kitchen, whether or not they claim they are safe, BPA-free, etc. But I have foods I need to freeze. What do you do in such a case? Do you use aluminum (which has its own problems last I knew)?
Household Beasts -- Especially the Wild Ones
Adventures in the night! Got up to make some tea, when I heard odd sounds coming from the back yard. I turned on the back lights and tried to see what was going on, when a large raccoon came from the carport. HUGE raccoon! It was making sounds, but it quickly became obvious that it was not the only one chattering. I…
Any idea what may be causing this skin problem on my fingers?
About 2.5 weeks ago, I started getting little slivers of skin splitting off my fingers -- not hangnails that are directly around the nails but from 1/8 of an inch to about 1/3 of an inch away from my nails. I drinks lots of fluids. I take quality vitamins. I use a LOT of lotion daily. I don't think I wash my hands too…
For All Intensive Purposes
Funny English, whether you post English errors, odd English words, photos of signs in English that are funny, English word play -- whatever -- just please keep it clean, like you wouldn't mind if your 6-year-old child read it to the class in front of the teacher on the first day of school. o:) Examples: I took what she…
Laughter, for a little extra weight loss
Laughter is good for us. It uses muscles not usually used in other ways. So let's laugh together by sharing what made you laugh recently! Here's mine: YouTube.com/MarkDice (Don't have anything in your mouth when you watch these, because you'll spew it all over the room in laughter.)
Your Home Dental Care
Just got through brushing my teeth and using my gum irrigator, and I wondered what your tooth care regimen is, what your favorite tooth brush is, your favorite tooth paste, and the whys for all these. Maybe I (we?) can learn something from you in this area. Do you brush a lot daily? Do you carry those itty-bitty single-use…
What do you think of this recommended plate for diabetes?
I am still learning . . . and stumbling along the way. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Food+Guide+Plate+for+Diabetes&view=detailv2&&id=0BDAC85AC76ABA0877395C3A0E848F50E1C124EE&selectedIndex=0&ccid=gXdlfBo1&simid=608019670545665676&thid=OIP.M8177657c1a35ab50b046c5454e3cfb42H0&ajaxhist=0
Every time I sign in the community, I gain 50 pounds
Do you? Look at your photo at the bottom of the page, where you can make your comments. Down there, do you look like you used to? Good reminder, great incentive to keep on going! I don't want to look like that again! :D
Is it possible to copy a meal here from our personal records?
Is it possible to copy a meal from our personal records to discussions? And can we copy a meal to an email or other note MFP from our personal records?
Ever Want To Compare Your Food Selections' Values?
Ever Want To Compare Your Foods' Values? Well, I do. > I wonder how the calories in one kind of nuts compare to another's. > I wonder which nut has the fewest calories. > I wonder which nut has the greatest fat content. > I wonder how one vegetable's carbs compare to another vegetable's. > Sometimes, I want to compare the…
I put 4 TBS uncooked popcorn in a larger glass bowl with 1-1/2 tsp butter and some salt, covered it with a glass plate, cooked it in the microwave, and it's knocking my socks off! It's the most crisp popcorn I've ever had, and it tastes wonderful! Way, way better than that packaged stuff! Months ago, I'd bought a plain bag…
I'd completely forgotten how fabulous the vegetable, Fennel, is until I was eating a salad at lunch today. Something wonderful hit my tongue, and I didn't even know what it was! I called the waitperson over and asked. It was fennel! Is fennel the forgotten salad enhancer at your house, too? I'm going to buy some tomorrow.
Yogurt instead of sour cream
Anyone else tried this? Like plain yogurt instead of sour cream on a baked potato. I love it. When I first tried it, it was noticeably different from sour cream on that potato, but before I was through with that first potato, I was convinced.
Flying: what would you have done? What did I do wrong?
About 4 years ago, at age 63, I'd already lost most of my weight when I needed to fly somewhere. Then, I weighed about 130 lbs., maybe less. I was assigned the middle seat, and people were in the seats on both sides of me. The problem was that the lady to my left was very overweight, so that her seat could not contain her,…
Simply an introduction
Hello -- I need to take better control of my diet, so my nutritionist suggested this site. I really like it. I recently decided, after a couple decades or so, to admit that I am diabetic -- diabetes 2 -- so this site will help me take control. I gave myself my first insulin shot last night. In the middle of 2009, on my…
Sabbath is a Delight -- even on MyFitnessPal!
Since I was not going to count calories for Shabbat, I wondered what would happen if I put "Shabbat" in the food search. This is what I got: "Shabbat - שַׁבָּת - Day to Celebrate and Rest. Allow Extra Calories and Work It Off Later!: What a DELIGHT! Loving it!
New Today...
My sister pointed me to this site, and I am glad, although I have not had time to explore yet. For my 60th birthday, in 2009, I asked G-d for a birthday gift of weight loss, after seeing my weight reach 233 lbs and my clothing size, at size 28??( ??) or XXX women's, starting to be snug. I lost 100 pounds in 2 years without…