Weekly Post - 23.10. - 29.10.2017
Good morning! Happy Monday (I guess?)! Thought I'd start us off for the week, even though I'm still a newbie. I was going to post on last week's, but I figured I might as well start a new thread. Had my 2nd fasting day on Friday, when I was off work because one of my kids had no school. Duuuuuuude. If you work outside the…
Marrying THM and MFP
Hey mamas, I've been on THM since May 8, 2016. My husband joined me, since it's easier to just feed both of us. We have two kids, so everything is modified for them, or they eat whatever else because they don't want what I cook. (THM or THM blogger recipes are hit or miss with them - they're 3 and 5.) I lost 6 lbs the…
Before they were on TWD
After I watched the spinoff preview, YouTube suggested this video about the actors and what they were in prior to TWD. I don't watch The Wire, and some of them I knew, like Andrew Lincoln in Love Actually, but a couple of them surprised me, such as Bob in The Waterboy and Earl Dixon in Mallrats (whom I never would have…
Drying up
If you've read any of my latest posts, you know I'm thisclose to weaning. I'm not trying to brag or anything like that (I have mixed feelings, but it's really time for us), but this is the first time I've really done this and don't know what to expect. (I was, for all intents and purposes, dried up when I moved my older…
Few nursing sessions and sides
I've been feeding from one side per feeding almost since the beginning (I had oversupply issues and had to block feed to control them). Now that we are approaching a year, we're only doing a morning feed and a bedtime feed. (He gets a straw cup otherwise.) I feed from the right side in the AM and the left side in the PM.…
Last baby blues
How do you deal with being bummed out about having had your last baby? We're working towards weaning; my son will be 1 on 5/23. I'm not depressed or crying or anything like that, just slightly bummed. I'm ready to be done BFing (and to lose this weight, finally), so I think it's more about his no longer being an infant…
Yes, biting. I've been bitten hard more times than I can count since Thursday or Friday (today is Sunday). Thankfully my baby has never broken the skin, but OW! On top of that he's Mr. Distracto almost every time he nurses. (Pre-bedtime feeding is usually calm.) I can nurse him in a dark, quiet room, and he'll find…
Weaning advice
My son is 10+ months old (10 months and 6 days to be exact). With the exception of nursing before bed, he is very distracted during nursing sessions, even if there's nothing to distract him, and only wants to nurse for a few minutes (less than 10). I planned to wean him at a year if he didn't wean earlier on his own. As…
When your period returns...
Mine kind of started last night... I had super light spotting, then nothing when I woke up, but now I seem to have a little. It's almost nothing, and I don't feel crampy at all (though I've now had two babies, so that might help). My periods used to be very painful and heavy. After baby #1, I still got cramps but not too…
Transition to cups
Ok, so my son is 6.5 months old and eating solids 2x/day. I nurse him beforehand (he is not happy to sit and eat if I don't), and I nurse him the rest of the day. I'm a SAHM until next August, so I'm here to nurse on demand. Because of that we've never had a need for a bottle. My older son was FF, so he used a bottle every…
Period return?
This is my first time EBFing, so I'm wondering what your experiences are with regard to how long it took for your period to return. With my first I BFed some and pumped some, but he was mostly formula-fed. My period came back almost exactly three months postpartum. This time at my 6-week postpartum check-up, my OB, who…
Anyone watch the extras on Amazon?
We don't have cable or satellite anymore, so we watch TWD via Amazon (cheaper than iTunes). As such, I get a Season Pass and pay $1.75/episode (for a huge discount from $1.89 or $1.99 of you pay per episode). Due to the whole Target security breach, I got a new debit card, which I have yet to update in my Amazon account.…
DHA Supplement
Hey there, We are 7.5 months pp and EBFed until 6 months. Now we BF in addition to solids. I still take a prenatal vitamin and have been taking Expect Lipil DHA supplement, which was recommended by my OB. It used to be about $12 for a 30-day supply, and I could get it on Amazon for about $20 for a 60-day supply. The last…
The Magic Number
So we all read, and I admittedly spout, this 1800 calorie minimum threshold as per kellymom.com. Does anyone out there actually eat less than that and still have a supply to speak of? Just curious. If I were ever to go less than 1800 (definitely no less than 1500), I'd eat back all my exercise calories. I'm wondering if it…
Anyone else struggling with BFing and motivation?
I'm having a tough time getting motivated again after the holidays. I guess I'm just to the point where I've resigned myself to not losing weight (or at least not losing very much weight) until we've weaned. I'm obviously worried about gaining weight, but I feel like even that requires too much restriction, and being so…
Half Marathon in a year?
Backstory: I did C25K back in August-October 2011 after my older son was born. Shortly thereafter I got into Spinning and would Spin 3-4 days/week and run 1-2 days/week. I could run a 9.5-10 minute mile for 3-5 miles. My runs were pretty much ruled by time constraints and boredom, meaning if I could mentally handle running…
Vitamin D
Do any of you EBFing/EPing mamas take extra vitamin D and/or give your baby vitamin D drops? My pediatrician has never mentioned it, nor have my father or BIL (both peds), but I was reading something about it over the weekend. I take a prenatal vitamin still (which has 100% RDV of vitamin D) and a DHA supplement (which…
Low Blood Sugar
Do any of you ever get low blood sugar? Probably for the past month or so (I'm almost 6 months pp) I've been having issues almost daily around 11AM. My baby tends to nurse then and nap afterwards, so I wonder if it occurs because my body is gearing up for him to nurse (whether he nurses or not). It rarely happens any other…
Angel Care Monitor Recall
http://www.cpsc.gov/en/Recalls/2014/Angelcare-Recalls-to-Repair-Movement-and-Sound-Baby-Monitors-After-Two-Deaths/ Just a reminder to be careful with cords around your babies. Be sure to keep cords from video monitor cameras out of arm's reach, too, keeping in mind that they'll eventually be able to stand and maybe even…
Theory: The Walking Dead Doesn't Make Any Damn Sense
Definitely some food for thought (though you could easily blow it out if the water by saying 99.99999% of the population was affected): http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/heres-why-the-walking-dead-doesnt-make-any-damn-sense?bffb&s=mobile
Whoa, Nelly! (Poops after adding solids)
After having a child who got mostly formula, then all formula, BF baby poop was like a dream. Sure, it's gross, and it doesn't smell good, but it's not horrendous smelling, and its texture is easy to clean up. My 5.5-month-old has been on solids for a week and a half now. He did so well on the rice cereal that, after…
Eating dates late in pregnancy --> easier L&D?
Someone I know posted this on Facebook today: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21280989 It's just an abstract, but it's really interesting. Dates are yummy, so I plan to eat up!!!
So about this frozen stash...
I probably have 60-80 oz of frozen breastmilk in my chest freezer. For some reason my body doesn't like pumping, which is fine because I really don't need to. I used some to make rice cereal and try a sippy cup yesterday and today, and I'll do the same tomorrow. Monday I would like to try a veggie, and I read that if you…
BFing and sleeping through the night
Just wondering how long it took your breastfed baby to sleep through the night. My older son, who was supplemented at the time, did at six weeks. Lightning apparently doesn't strike twice, and at almost five months, my baby (almost five months) still wakes up 2-3x/night. (Two if I go to bed later and "dream feed," three if…
BFing and weight loss (vent)
It seems like the world tells you BFing will help you lose weight, but it seems like everyone on here who BFs is struggling to lose. Of course most people on MFP are trying to lose weight, so it might be the sample ;) However the only people I know IRL who lose weight quickly after having a baby were naturally thin to…
Length of feeding and intervals between feeding?
My son is now just over 4 months old, and we are EBFing. He is becoming increasingly distracted during feedings, which I expected. He has, however, cut back the length of his feedings to about 5 minutes from what used to be 10-15. He'll pull off after that long with a smile on his face and will not be interested in…
Great blog post on weaning
http://honestmom.com/2013/09/26/weaning-is-a-let-down/ Edited to correct link
Pumping decreasingly successful?
I EBF and try to sneak in pumping sessions here and there. I felt like my supply was sufficient, but either it's not, or I'm not responding well to the pump anymore. I pump maybe once a week, and every pumping session seems to yield less and less while requiring more and more manual massage, which requires crazy…
Lactation cookies
So I'm worried that my supply is suffering. I nurse constantly, so I know that's not it, but I'm convinced my supply isn't enough to carry my son through the night because he's waking up 4-5x/night every night for the past week or week and a half. I only pump 1-2x/week, and yesterday when I pumped after a feeding I barely…