Songs that remind you of summer?
I'm making a summer playlist for my ipod - looking for suggestions of songs that remind you of summer time????
CNN article Fitness trainer gains and loses
Fitness trainer gains and loses 70 pounds in 1 year -- on purpose http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/05/health/drew-manning-fit2fat2fit-lessons/index.html?hpt=hp_c3 (CNN) -- When Drew Manning stepped out from behind the cardboard cutout of his former fat self on Monday, the audience of "Good Morning America" was appropriately…
Fifty Shades of Boring
Fifty Shades of Boring – OK that may be a bit harsh. The first quarter of the book was a captivating page turner. Half way in I was still interested. But by the time I got to the last quarter I was quite frankly bored with all the sex and cat and mouse games repetitiously looping over and over again..and the fact that…
11 words adults just can't spell
http://www.hlntv.com/article/2012/05/31/words-adults-cant-spell-spelling-bee?hpt=hp_t2 While viewers and contestants of this year's National Spelling Bee fixated on the fine points of spelling 'tchotchke' or the etymology of 'maculature' (it's French, from Latin), perhaps it would be a good time for many of us to lower our…
Here's a fun easy topic for a Monday! What is your favorite place to buy coffee? McDonald's 99 cent-er? Starbucks Specialties? Thorton's 89 cents!?!?! I was hooked on McDonald's for the longest time but now I find myself shifting back to Starbucks...blonde roast, lot's of cream one sugar :drinker:
Change it up Wednesday....
Change it up Wednesday....Especially for all those people stuck in a rut or at a plateau whether it be physically or mentally! Today is change it up Wednesday. Do something different...anything different!!!! Drive a different route to or from where ever your going Bust out of the 'diet' rut and eat something different for…
Tuesday fun and easy topic!
What was you work out yesterday????? And what are your plans for today's work out? Yesterday I did a Leslie Sansone 3 mile walk and abs. I also have a mini work out built into my day......I walk 1.80 miles to and from the train station everyday....yay bonus!!!!!! Tonight I'm focusing on strength training, abs.........a…
Advice on declining an invitation
Advice on declining an invitation - My friend and her husband have a camper about 2 hours from where we live. She has been trying to get my boyfriend and I up there for the last 3 summers to stay for a weekend. I keep making up excuses because I don't want to go for several reasons - Her and her husband are BIG drinkers…
I'm such a dork but I love Mondays! It's a day to refocus and reevaluate where I'm at physically and mentally and set goals. This week I really want to focus on NOT MAKING EXCUSES for missed work outs. It's all about ME TIME this week. Whether it's getting to the gym or yoga class - unless someone is in dire need - I AM…
What's up with Ashley Judd's face?
What's up with Ashley Judd's face?? She's still slim and fit but her face is puffed up like a blowfish??
Update on the Doctor Who movie
Here's a link to an article with the latest on the Doctor Who movie! http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118046098#.TsF4_qgLa6s.facebook
Rant for the ones we can't change...
So today my perpetually dieting but never losing any weight obese friend told me she's starting a new 'diet'....either this Sunday or the Sunday after next. She hasn't decided what day would be best because she has a few events coming up which may delay the start of her new 'diet'. ARGHHHHH. I have tried to suggest MFP or…
How long has everyone been living the Fit Life?
I've been following a healthy diet and exercising for 34 years! I started out at 19yrs when my ex-husband introduced me to the lifestyle (he was an amateur bodybuilding). Since then my longest break from exercise has been 6 weeks (during a difficult pregnancy in 1985). Other than that I've been jazzercising, jogging,…
How much, how long, how often...
Cardio...what's your opinions - How much cardio should we be doing? How many times a week? How many times at a intense level? How many times low impact? Does age start to play in it? I walk A LOT everyday (to and from the office 1.89 miles) in addition to regular work outs. How 'cardio' is walking? I'm 53 but have been…
Secrets of the worlds healthiest........
Excellent read, not just for women! http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/13/health/secrets-worlds-healthiest-women/index.html?hpt=hp_bn10
No frantic posts?
The whole week leading up to Thanksgiving the forum was flooded with posts from people panicking about the upcoming feast and festivities. I've haven't seen anyone panicking about Christmas?!?! To me - although I love Christmas, I definitely tend to fall off the fitness wagon way more during this week and the next then I…
Fitness Workouts ON DEMAND
I was sad to see Exercise TV On Demand go - but happy to see a replacement in place already. Fitness Workouts! I've tried a few...it's hard getting used to this new batch of instructors, the somewhat amateur style in which they're filmed, and the accompanying music's volume in the background is too soft.....but I did get a…
Strength Training for women over 50.....?
I'm 53, healthy, not overweight, in good shape (for 53 lol).....been exercising since I was 19 years old. Mostly cardio but I've done a bit of strength training here and there through out the years. Within the last decade it has really come to light how important it is for women to strength train. So I'm on board!! I…
Exercise TV On Demand
Just read that as of December 31st - Exercise TV On Demand will no longer be available. Damn!!!
Your favorite yoga DVD's?
I 'm looking to invest in a couple of good yoga DVD's to use when I can't make it to a class. What are some of your favorite yoga DVD's? I'm beginner to intermediate, but I love a challenge! Any suggestions?
Who would you like to see....
play Doctor Who on the big screen? Being a Johnny Depp fan, I'd think he would make a great Doctor Who!
CNN article - if you want to lose weight - shut your mouth
http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/14/health/lose-weight-mouth-shut-secret/index.html?hpt=hp_bn10# Interesting concept - that by NOT telling anyone that you're going on 'a diet' you will be more likely to stick to that lifestyle change. Maybe in some cases this could be beneficial but for the most part I think people need to be…
New week - New goals
I just love the start of a new week! Especially when the previous week was pretty damn awesome. I feel like I'm starting ahead of the game! Whether your last week was bad or good.....it's a new start, let's wipe the slate clean. Here is my mini goals for the week - 1) PROTEIN!! I am really noticing the different since I've…
Happy Veteran's Day!!
To all the men and women who have served and are currently serving...THANK YOU!!!!!! Words can not express our gratitude for all that you do! Godspeed and God Bless America!!! Please share a story or picture or just a Thank you! Keep this thread going for our Troops!
Thanksgiving, naught or nice
Who is planning on chowing down on Thanksgiving? Staying on track with their calorie intake? Logging in their diary? Skipping the feast all together? I'm just curious??? I myself plan to chow down with out any reservations at all! I plan on enjoying every single calorie and hell yes I want dessert too, pumpkin pie with…
Bubba Smith died from acute phentermine intoxication
http://www.tmz.com/2011/11/02/bubba-smith-cause-of-death-diet-pill-overdose/#.TrGGqHPQaYo "Police Academy" star and NFL legend Bubba Smith died from taking too many diet pills ... this according to the L.A. County Coroner. The Coroner just released the actor's causes of death -- the first of which was "acute phentermine…
CNN article - weight loss surgery funding cut
Here is an interesting article that will definitely start a debate......read if you have the time, especially the commentaries at the end. http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/02/health/obesity-surgery-cuts/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
Who is dressing up for Halloween and what are you being??
I dress up every year whether I have a party to go to or not. This year I'm going as Abby from NCIS!
LA Fitness Personal Trainer Hard Sell
I like to change gyms every few years, a change up is good for motivation. So I joined LA Fitness this week. Nice facility, great amenities, can't wait to hit up some of the classes. As the LA Fitness employee (Marty) and I were almost done with all the paperwork, Marty excuses himself for a moment as I sign away. In steps…
Co-worker/friend comment is upsetting
On New Years Day I lost my sister unexpectedly to heart failure. She was 59. It was devastating to our family. That being said, I have a co-worker/friend who had lost her beloved dog (of 12 years) a couple of months before my sister's passing. I am a huge animal lover and mommy to 2 cats and recently lost my pet bunny of 9…