Kitchen Knives?
So...I've always liked to cook. And eat. That's what got me on this site so many years ago to begin with, lol. I know many of my MFP friends are the same (some are even professional chefs), and so I'm sure many of you all are the same as well. Years ago (long before I found MFP lol), I ended up in a situation where I…
Isn't the word 'titillate' in violation of the forum guidelines?!? If so Tom...you're in for a LOT of strikes my friend!
If you WERE on my friends list...
...and you aren't any longer... Message me. I don't delete people...and this sites software is ancient...and powered by squirrel-a-saurus rex.
Online dating differences
So...I was talking to a friend about the differences in men and women when it comes to online dating. I had mentioned how when I was looking for people to meet with...even on a friendly basis, 95% of women(or more) wouldn't reply. Many wouldn't even read the messages. She asked me for sample messages to see if that was the…
Male vs. Female
Ok folks...I'm having a discussion with one of my female MFPeeps. She believes that gender isn't really an issue when it comes to sex...meaning, a man, or woman would be equally (actually, it seemed she thought men would have the advantage here...but she didn't say it outright so lets assume equality) able to go out, meet…
Alpha Male
This is what it means to me to be a man...and to share my life with a woman. Discuss.
FUNNIEST!!...thing I've ever read!
Ok...this wins, hands down. It rates right up there with 'Armageddon' (youtube it if you've never heard it). I'm sorry...but that, was freakin hilarious lol. Edit ~ Original Thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/575629-has-anyone-tried-alli?hl=Alli&page=2
Single Man Thread (Post up if you are one!)
Well, apparently the ladies want a REAL hat....sooo...if you're a single man, post it here lol. This...should be interesting =p.
(PICS) What body Motivates you?
Since the original thread by Ninileemarie got straight up locked an hour or two ago (still no effing clue why either)...I'd like to try to continue it within whatever rules the moderation deems suitable (your guess is as good as mine). So, what persons body motivates YOU to keep working out, keep eating healthy, keep…
Love this:
Video! http://vimeo.com/19322238
Bike Colors (what's yours?)
So...my bike (06 Triumph Daytona 765) is currently a one off british racing green, with gold decals. It was painted this color before I bought it...and while I initially liked it...the paint is already chipping and peeling, and rather than it looking worn in and comfortable, it just looks ratty (to me anyhow). So, I'm…
Booty Thursday People!
<~~~~ let's go people!
Deleted Friend
Android strikes again. I was surfing my friend list on my phone, and got what I thought was a force close message. I moved to click 'ok', and just as my finger touched it...I saw 'confirm delete' :l. So, if you were my friend ten minutes ago, and are not now, please add me? I promise I won't do it again.../sigh!
Well, 7lbs to go...vote on your preferred body type =p.
:bigsmile: 7lbs to go before I take some time and consider precisely where I want to go with this. I know it's my body, and I know that I'm the one that has to live with it...but the 'who has your perfect body' thread really got me thinking. My family naturally bulks up. Back, shoulders, pecs...we get HUGE so easily, it…
Interval Training Timer
Well, I just thought I'd post this up for you all. I just downloaded a $2 interval timing application from the Android Marketplace called 'Interval Training Timer'. It's the only interval timer that I could find for less than $10...and the only one at all that wasn't packaged with a bunch of other useless crap. It lets you…
Women: Male Piercings and Tattoos
Hot or not? And if so...what do you like the most?
Small Non Scale Victory...
So I was hanging around shirtless in some pajama pants I hadn't worn in months last night when a friend called and asked if she could swing by. She'd gotten into an argument with her roomate, and wanted to vent. I told her of course...and when she got here, she immediately began looking at me kind of oddly. Eventually I…
P90X and Calories?
First, I have a Polar FT7 heart rate monitor...it just came in today. In 60 minutes of doing P90x Legs & Back, it's telling me I did 598cal. Seriously??? I still have Ab Ripper X to do!! Does this sound correct? In 60 minutes of strength training...at a similar intensity, I'd only been counting 254cal!! Cris
Combining P90x and Insanity combined?
I've read around some where people are combining the two programs. Doing Insanity on the days P90x calls for Cardio. Does anyone know the specifics of this? Do you just do Insanity in order skipping the P90x strength days? Or are there certain Insanity workouts you do on the days that P90x calls for Cardio? I'm considering…
Well, 7lbs to go...vote on your preferred body type =p.
:bigsmile: 7lbs to go before I take some time and consider precisely where I want to go with this. I know it's my body, and I know that I'm the one that has to live with it...but the 'who has your perfect body' thread really got me thinking. My family naturally bulks up. Back, shoulders, pecs...we get HUGE so easily, it…
StrongLifts Diet: 8 Simple Nutrition Rules
http://stronglifts.com/stronglifts-diet-muscle-gains-strength-building-fat-loss/ What an interesting link. Yes, this is for strength training...but, the workout this gentleman recommends is 3 days a week, less than an hour per workout. Not exactly heavy cardio there or high calorie burning stuff. For the record, this is…
New member!
Well, that would be me. I found this site and the resultant android app while searching for...you guessed it, a phone based calorie counter lol. A friend uses a similar one for his iphone, but honestly, this one blows it away. Anyhow, you can see more about me in my profile...but the basics of why I'm here and utilizing a…