Looking for night shift buddies!!
Hey all! I've been on MFP for a while now. Never really hit my target weight (although close!) and have kind of been coasting along not really worrying about it. However, in the last couple of weeks I've started a new job, which means that I only work night times, and I'm worried that instead of maintaining a weight I'm…
Lifting with shoulder injury
I've got a history of intermittent shoulder problems that goes back a couple of years (I'm only 25 but I have a very physical job). I'm currently waiting for an MRI but the consultant reckons its just impingement and should settle down. Doesn't take much to make it flare back up though! With that in mind, I find it very…
Motivating your other half??
So my fiance and I have been progressively getting more and more overweight over the last year or so, and we've tried to diet a few times but it tends to get derailed quite quickly. The problem is him. He gets a craving for biscuits (or similar) and gives in, or when we make something healthy he makes a huge amount... and…
I get really bored in my down time...
So every weekend I'm not working, I sit on the sofa, and after a couple of hours of watching tv, my fiancé hears me say the usual... 'I'm bored....' (imagine whiney female voice saying this). It doesn't matter what we do during the day before this, I sit on the sofa and you can practically schedule it. I've been to the…
Dealing with other peoples constant negativity?
My mother is like the most negative person in the world. She's never happy about anything, and I guess at 25 I should be used to this by now, but I'm not. I should probably point out that she was diagnosed with depression a few years ago, which she refuses to medicate or get help about, no matter what I've tried, but…
Need a kick up the bum...
Hello! So I've been on mfp for a couple of years now. Gained some weight when I first got with my fiance, lost it via calorie counting on here and exercise, but have gradually put it back on, and now have like 20lb to lose. I'm signed up for a half marathon in Feb next year, and I'm meant to be getting married in 2015, but…
Reduce post exercise fluctuations
You know when you exercise, your muscles hold onto extra water, and then the next day when you weigh in, you've gained weight. Is there any way to minimise these fluctuations? Like, if you drank more liquids would it encourage your muscles to give up the water? Or is it just something your body adjusts to when you exercise…
Easy ways to burn calories
Hey I'm looking for some easy ways to burn calories through out the day - like, parking the car further from the office so you have to walk further, and taking the stairs. Anything like this? I've got a shoulder injury and no gym pass and I'm looking to just burn the max calories possible during the day. Or anything I can…
Getting rid of semi permanent hair dye?
I know this isn't a fitness question but.... I've got naturally dark blonde hair, but I dyed it with semi permanent red just before Halloween. Despite washing it at least the 28times it said on the packet (I wash my hair after the gym every day, and it's about 6weeks since I dyed it), it's still really red! I'm getting…
Exercise with a torn rotator cuff...
Hey! I was really looking forward to restarting running in a couple of weeks, but have just been diagnosed with a torn rotator cuff (which is seriously painful even if I don't move my arm)... so the running is pretty much out. Does anyone have any ideas of what I could do that doesn't involve my arms? Ideally that doesn't…
Really want to touch my toes...
I am insanely inflexible, it's ridiculous. I've heard yoga is good for improving that, and I've tried it, but I'm not sure I'm really seeing any benefits from it. Maybe I'm not being consistent enough? I go through phases where I'm like, must do yoga, and then I forget about it for a couple of months, and this repeats.…
Good websites or blogs to read?
Hey I'm looking for some more variety to my reading - anything health and fitness related mainly, (though any good wedding sites would be appreciated also!). Currently reading fitsugar, livestrong, runnersworld, concept2.... Don't mind how intellectual they are - just sites with lots of articles mainly. Thanks!
Increasing time on the rowing machine
Hey everyone! I've been using the rowing machine as part of my work out for a couple of weeks now. Doing about 2km in 10mins, average 32strokes/min, resistance set to 4. Reading up on it because I like the machine and I feel like it's giving me a good all body work out - more so than the elliptical. Because I'm enjoying it…
Advice re sleep walking
I used to sleep walk when I was younger - I'd wake up and find myself standing somewhere in my room and unable to work out where I was, which was scary. I never was able to get out of my bedroom door though - I think I'd walk into it and that would wake me up. I don't know why I stopped, but until recently, I hadn't sleep…
Not sure what to log my gym class as
Trying out a new class today, and I've no idea what to log it for, calories wise. It's called 'Jab Kick Burn', and is described as a combination of martial arts and boxing with pad work and dancey moves. Any suggestions? Thanks x
Swimsuit shopping
Hey Don't know if anyone can help me, but I'm looking for a new swimsuit for when I've lost weight. Something like this http://www.debenhams.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/prod_10001_10001_064020604360_-1 but in purple preferably. Has anyone seen one? (I'm in the UK if that helps). Thanks, Alexa x
Think I've pulled a muscle in my chest...
It starting hurting when I was doing tricep dips in my circuits class last night - a shooting pain in my sternum like it was imploding. Obviously, didn't keep on doing them, lol. Not especially worried about it (though intrigued as to how I did it, since I've done very little exercise lately, especially compared to when I…
Telling my mum I'm engaged - advice?
My fiancé and have been engaged for a couple of months now and it's been our little secret. My mum is very much only focused on my studies - should point out I'm 23, and won't finish uni until I'm nearly 25 (vet student). We've been together for 15months and they've met once and it went reasonably well. He'll never live up…
Shoulder pain whilst running?
I've been running for about 3 months now, but recently I've started getting pain in only my right shoulder whilst I do it. It doesn't start immediately, maybe after 20mins of running, after which it's a fairly constant pain. Perhaps stopping a little before the end, but then I'm so exhausted and willing myself to keep…
Does anyone feel like me?
I wish I could go back to feeling about food the way I did before I started trying to lose weight. I've never had a particularly healthy relationship with food - I've always been a picky eater, and veg is a very, very tiny factor in my diet; in fact most of the time it's none existent. Anyway, that's not really the point.…
Adaptive motion trainer?
What should I put this down as? It's like an elliptical or a stair stepper thing, but not the same. According to the machine I burn a lot more calories than on the elliptical, but as I don't have a heart rate monitor, I don't really want to just plug in the number it says I've burnt if that makes sense?
Washing hair everyday...
I do some form of active exercise everyday, and having long thick hair, I feel sweaty if I don't wash it when I shower afterwards. But I have noticed that the last few days my hair has been sticky at the back once it's dried - I've tried using different shampoos, cutting out conditioner, made sure I've washed everything…
Has anyone tried 'runphones'?
Link below - has anyone tried using these, and if so, any opinions? Am considering getting some of the summer version. http://www.runphones.com/runphones Thanks x
Hair removal
Hello! Not sure what this really comes under, but hopefully here will do :P Basically, now I've got the confidence to wear shorts and skirts again, I'm dreaming of smooth legs. Have always shaved them until recently, but I really only got one day after where they was super smooth, and the frequency was inconvenient (and…
Any apps to log energy?
Does anyone use an app to log how they feel ie energy wise? I already log my calories and exercise on here, and my sleep on another, but it would be interesting to see if there's any link between why some days (like today) I feel like my energy is seeping out of me. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy if that helps. Thanks!
Excessively high heart rate?
I've been running for a couple of months now doing the C25K. It's going pretty well, I can just about run 30mins with no breaks, yay. I wasn't particularly concerned, until I tried out a heart rate monitor on my run this morning as part of a new training schedule to increase the speed and distance (I'd like to start…
Terrible, terrible run. Feeling depressed.
I'm training for my first 5k in October. Today had the most disasterous run since I started. I've been sort of following the C25K, and was at the point where I can run the distance on a treadmill with no breaks, but a couple of breaks when doing it outside. Was feeling quite good about it, but then I had to take some time…
Dietary supplement to promote healing?
Hello! Don't know if anyone can advise, but I started biting my lips around the time I started dieting - read it can be a comfort thing, and life has been quite stressful too, so... it sort of makes sense. That's not really the problem - I can stop myself doing it now I've noticed it :) What's bothering me is the huge…
Confused about strength training
This is probably a really dim question, but is strength training anything that isn't cardio? I've been reading how it increases muscle and therefore metabolism that way, and I'd really like to incorporate it into my routine (I already run, swim and cycle) - but I'm not really sure what it involves? Do I need weights to do…
Lack of willpower with strength training
Hello! Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but hey. I'm really trying to work on my thighs, I've hated them for most of my life. I know I need to do lots of squats and lunges to tone them up, but I'm finding it hard to keep the motivation to do them for more than a couple of days at a time before I lapse…