I got my hair did
It's what I wanted! woo!
Pajama Jeans
Any one else keep seeing the ad pop up? Any one buy them? I'm curious... they look comfy!
how do you?
How do you add a photo to a topic in the forums?
house names
do you have a cutesy name for your house? examples: sea la vie, casa violet, cliff cottage, dark dwelling, the french villa, lakeside lark, the long ranch
Question about local anesthesia
I had to get 4 fillings this morning, and I've never had any before. How long will the local anesthesia last. Only the right half of my mouth is numb; I had one shot on the top, one on the bottom, and one in the back. It's been 2 1/2 hours and still doesn't seem like it's wearing off. I'm hoping it doesn't last too much…
At a press conference late Monday, the CEO of Johnson Marine, makers of Johnson outboard marine engines and other recreational equipment, unveiled a new line of heavyweight cruiser style motorcycles designed to compete head to head with industry leader Harley-Davidson. Peter Long, Johnson brands marketing manager said, "We…
Married But Boring
Here is one the fuddy duddies can participate in. :-)
Nu Finish Car Wax - Reviews?
My mom has a 1995 Miata that my daddy bought her for their anniversary years ago (used). Although it was repainted years ago, the sucker has gone DULL. I thought of using the Nu Finish car polish on it... the one with the ads on tv where they restore the shine to old junkers. Wanted to get some reviews first. Wondered if…
Here is my goal
Oh My....
Huuur cut!
Finally!!!!!! Its been MONTHS! I cannot wait! I just hope it turns out like I want it to. I have a picture, but its not exact. Here's hoping!
All I have to do
to get back on track is put on my red wings shirt from a few years back...it's getting a bit tight haha. Although partly because of my boobs, but still need to lose weight.
New Bathing Suit?
so I found I can get a really good deal on this bathing suit, problem is is that it's only good through the 30th. My measurements havent changed over the last few weeks, so according to the size chart I should be a: well, it's not that easy. my bust- 38- is a mediium. my waist- 34- is an extra large and my hips- 36- is a…
My First Ink!
I have wanted a tattoo for a really long time. I told myself when I reach goal weight I would get one. Well, an opportunity came up that I could not pass down. A little boy of 4 years old that lives near me had heart failure recently. He just underwent a heart transplant and is doing really well! A tattoo parlor is…
HELP - Ticker!!
Can someone please explian how to set the ticker to my signature...(Being a lil thick & cant get it set. lol) Ive followed the instructions but it just comes up with words. lol Please help! =)
Pimples, Zits, & Dieting?
Has anyone else experienced that getting down to a certain weight brings out the pimples? Am I imagining that it's related to dropping weight?
Hair bleach to platinum question
Hey has anyone done this at a salon? There's a very reputable one near me and has a lot of great reviews. I have already gone personally and taken estimates and it should be around $110 plus the cut. I think they have to bleach it first. Would they be able to do all of this in the same day? I've never dyed my hair ever…
Reddit striking a blow for understandning the opposite sex
I am cruising through my RSS feeds when this thread appears (What's the most 'bachelor' thing you do regularly?). I happen to come across a particularly interesting post from a female. Here are the highlights: This was about half way down: "I wish all girlfriends would read this thread like they read idiot relationship…
Ugh! bit of a rant...
So I currently live with 2 girls. And they usually have their boyfriends over a lot, which isn't a big deal. But they usually smoke pot a lot...which also, I don't care. I see no issue in doing it, if you want to do it then do it, fine with me, however I don't do it due to family issues. When I first met my one roommate…
hi i am going on vaca in 2 weeks to beaches resort turks and caicos... not sure what i will need to bring for clothes. i know i need my bikinis shorts shirts sundress hat sunglasses flipflops. but as far as evening wear should i bring some sexy cocktail dresses? and heels???
no more rose colored glasses
I'm depressed. I think I'm really sick of my life.. the repetition the constant knowledge that as badly as i want to and as much as i try i cannot change a damn thing. Nothings ever really going to change. a diet becomes just as much of an obsession as anything and I'm... just so tired. so very tired. i'm not sure what…
Just thought this was interesting...
Hey guys I thought this was an interesting article. It's about "Can you spot a Rapist?" Test yourself and see! I got 5 out 11....not too bad! Scroll down close to bottom to view the pics. The answer key is at the bottom! Don't cheat!
If your life had a theme song what would it be?
If my life had a theme song...My current theme would be this... I like to move it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66cDOcua47M I swear this goes through my head at least 20X a day lol So what would your theme song be currently? I think mine has changed over the years quite a few times. Edited to add song title to youtube…
A small Joke
One day a teacher had a taste test with her students. She picked a little boy to do the first test. She blindfolded him, put a Hershey kiss in his mouth and asked, "Do you know what it is?" "No, I don't." said the little boy. "Okay, I'll give you a clue. It's the thing your daddy wants from your mom before he goes to…
There, their, they're and more...
To whom it may concern... please learn it, live it, love it... that is all :) English Their, There, They're What's the difference between their, there, and they're? They're really not that complicated; once you understand their differences there shouldn't be any more confusion. Their Their is the third person plural…
Hump Day Happy Hour
Still a couple of days to go so have to be cool about it but the weekend is in sight and lets chill with a couple. The bar is open! :drinker:
Shedding For The Wedding
I can't wait to watch tonight to see all their transformations! Anybody else excited? Go Adam and Dawn! :) :)
What's with all these closed groups?
I've been seeing a lot of "closed group" posts lately. Is it just me or does it seem odd that a person would start a post on a public forum and basically tell the rest of us to keep out?
my 11 yo comedienne
My daughter asked for some money for the Corner Store yesterday. So she came home from school and I jokingly said "so you get from the dealer at the corner store?". My lovely daughter responds "they had crack on sale 50 cents for 8 ounces". I flipping love that girl.
Nature can be cruel and beautiful
At times nature can be cruel, but there is also a raw beauty, and even a certain justice manifested within that cruelty. The crocodile, one of the oldest and ultimate predators, normally considered the "apex predator", can still fall victim to implemented 'team work' strategy, made possible due to the tight knit social…