Phase 2 strolling thread!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,912 Member
    Back to the bike today...34 minutes...(and then back to sleep LOL) Just had breakfast and bout to take LME out for a long walk.

    Today's Menu:

    b ww tortilla egg burrito with salsa, coffee
    s green drink
    l chicken salad with pear
    s celery and salsa
    d more chicken, more rice, more broccoli...with light shredded cheese
    d dark choco with tea

    HAGDE...hope your neck loosens up, beaky!

    Sabine, last night...dark choco...NO pita chips. My vitamin guy is Andrew Lessman. He was selling dark choco last night on HSN. Rather pricey but you get your money back if you don't like it. Fair Trade, organic, 74% dark...I think maybe 6 grams a piece. Anyway, I caved and put in an order. I absolutely love this guy...vitamin wise. He took us on a tour on his pro caps lab in Henderson Nevada. Amazing.

    Anyway, my thinking was ...hmm, maybe I can just have a couple of his chocolates with my tea and be good. Worth a try. Dessert has always been my struggle.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited December 2015
    beaky1980 wrote: »
    Yesterday went well!
    B : Fried eggs with veggies and smoked gouda. Coffee, almond milk and sf syrup.
    L : Veggie soup with feta, some carrots and grape tomatoes.
    D : Broiled fishies with cottage cheese, roasted broccoli, salad with homemade cilantro lime vinaigrette.
    S : Mini Babybel, also snuck in a chunk of some delicious cheese I was using for an egg bake I was making.

    Activity for the day: got in about 2.5 miles walking with the mini wiener dog early in the morning, then 40 minute karate class.

    Side note...I don't believe in much for fat free/non fat things. If the cheese bounces, something's not right lol. Seriously, I once had a block of reduced fat cheese bounce! The only reason why we buy non fat plain yogurt is because it's cheap at Costco and full fat is way more expensive.

    Today's plan...
    B : Egg Bake I made yesterday topped with some sour cream and sriracha. Coffee, almond milk and sf syrup.
    L : Veggie soup, probably some cheese in there and some raw veggies on the side (mainly to derail me from wanting crackers or bread lol)
    D : Broiled fishies and cottage cheese (we usually eat this on the weekends since the husband is working and its super easy for me to whip up, even when I go back to work....hopefully soon). Roasted veggies, no salad since I used the rest of it up last night unless I make it to Costco today.
    S : Not sure yet. Whatever suits my fancy at the time :p

    Activities :
    Not sure yet. No dog walk this morning, woke up with a stiff neck where I couldn't really move my head. Hoping to get out there at some point. Maybe shopping. I'm feeling a bit lazy, but I know I really should get moving.

    I hear you on the low fat cheese. I buy ones that are naturally a bit lower. The only lower one i buy "on purpose" is part skim mozz. Yesterday's cheese was feta.

    I like that you are adding your activity!
    And again, I'm jealous of your fish.

    Br: quest bar, tomato juice
    sn: string cheese
    Lu: brussels sprouts with a creamy siracha, and a nice arugula and beet salad
    sn: none, saving up
    di: girls night in: game night. I'll eat some olives, some dolmas, some of the snacks others bring (SB friendly) and have some chardonnay
    de: making black bean brownies for the game night.

    Activity: Yoga at 8am
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    Back to the bike today...34 minutes...(and then back to sleep LOL) Just had breakfast and bout to take LME out for a long walk.

    Today's Menu:

    b ww tortilla egg burrito with salsa, coffee
    s green drink
    l chicken salad with pear
    s celery and salsa
    d more chicken, more rice, more broccoli...with light shredded cheese
    d dark choco with tea

    HAGDE...hope your neck loosens up, beaky!

    Sabine, last night...dark choco...NO pita chips. My vitamin guy is Andrew Lessman. He was selling dark choco last night on HSN. Rather pricey but you get your money back if you don't like it. Fair Trade, organic, 74% dark...I think maybe 6 grams a piece. Anyway, I caved and put in an order. I absolutely love this guy...vitamin wise. He took us on a tour on his pro caps lab in Henderson Nevada. Amazing.

    Anyway, my thinking was ...hmm, maybe I can just have a couple of his chocolates with my tea and be good. Worth a try. Dessert has always been my struggle.

    Tea and chocolates sounds delish!
  • beaky1980
    beaky1980 Posts: 85 Member
    Pretty much stayed on plan today. I was very munchy, but kept it to veggies mainly.
    S : ended up being some grape tomatoes, laughing cow cheese smeared on turkey slices.
    L : I added some cream cheese and ham into my soup which turned out mighty tasty.
    S : Made a concoction of sour cream, sriracha, and a dash of roasted garlic rice vinegar. So yummy as a dip! I dipped some carrots in and had a bunch of grape tomatoes too lol. I think I threw in a cheese stick in there too.
    D : The usual fishies. Roasted broccoli.

    Not really any activity today. Had kind of an emotionally exhausting day and for a while it took everything I had to even move.

    Neck is loosening up! Slowly but surely. Will have to be for karate tomorrow!
    Yea and chocolate sound yummy. I'm a big fan of dark chocolate....and loose leaf tea (husband and I were converted this past September on our honeymoon and now say we are tea snobs lol)

    I love cheese that is pretty strong. The smelliest it is, the more I like it!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I love smelly cheese. Do you know Wallace and Gromit? Animated shows. Look for it.

    Today, final:
    Br: quest bar, tomato juice.
    sn: string cheese
    Lu: brussels sprouts with a creamy siracha, and a nice arugula and beet salad
    Di: gluten free pizza (two slices), a few tortilla chips, some queso. black bean brownie
    de: chardonnay

    Not bad for a party!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,912 Member
    Morning ladies...just having coffee and will hit the bike in a few...just going on five here.

    Today's Plan:

    b cheese quesadilla on ww tortilla, coffee (or egg burrito...depending on time) quesadilla I can eat in the car. :o
    l canadian bacon sammy with lettuce and mustard, pomegranate arils.
    s green drink celery and salsa
    d spinach salad Used this recipe from Sweet Julia...just cut way back on the brown sugar but I did use some... Also, I used my own amounts to make the dressing suit my taste. I made this last night...oh goodness, so good. Like I said, I did use some brown sugar...but in the end, I used about 2 T drizzled over the entire salad. It was so good.

    d tea and something...maybe a Healthy Choice fudge bar or pita or dark choco
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    That looks yummy!!!

    Today's plan:
    Br: organic raisin bran (low sugar) with soy milk
    sn: string cheese
    Lu: turkey and spinach, and muenster cheese in a low carb wrap
    sn: pistachios
    di: not sure!

    activities: weights at the gym for an hour, now going to walk 30 min to work (then back)
  • beaky1980
    beaky1980 Posts: 85 Member
    Sabine, I have heard of them and when I googled them they looked familiar. Ill have to watch some of the videos.

    Just got done eating breakfast. Veggies with fried eggs, smoked gouda and some sriracha. Coffee, almond milk, sf syrup. Bringing oldest daughter into Dr, then off to the grocery store for our weekly shopping trip.

    A good brisk walk (about a 5k) with the husband early this morning. Karate tonight. Maybe another walk with 2 of the doggies later if there's time.

    I'll post food later. Time to get my behind in gear.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,912 Member
    Just finished 36 min on the bike...good sweat. 5:51 here when I wake up at 4:30...perfect time for me.

    b cheese quesadilla
    l canadian bacon sammy on rye, poms
    s celery and salsa, green drink
    d spinach salad...maybe burgers on the bbq...not sure...depends on energy level
    d tea and pita

  • beaky1980
    beaky1980 Posts: 85 Member
    Another good day down yesterday in the books!
    B: Sauteed veggies with 2 fried eggs, coffee, almond milk and sf syrup (may want to include a V8 just because I know my veggie intake at breakfast is low).
    L : Veggie Soup, delicious cheese (seriously, this stuff is amazing. Aged cheddar with it at Costco), grape tomatoes.
    S : Ended up eating an entire English cucumber lol. Some spicy avocado hummus. Tea with a bit of almond milk.
    D : Guess....yup, broiled fishies with cottage cheese and a large salad lol. Actually, it was the easiest thing and we already had fish thawed out for husband and I. Kids were fend for themselves. We wanted quick and easy since we wanted to go to karate.

    Activity : Besides the early morning 5K walk, we managed to get in another, plus a 40 minute karate class. Woo hoo!

    I used to be extremely diligent about my calorie intake in relation to my daily activity calories burned. Had a fitbit, garmin (for running since the fitbit wasn't as accurate for activities because it didn't register heart rate). I always had at least a 15 percent deficient daily, weekly if I had a day over. It was borderline OCD. Really bad when I was running long distance. More activity, more food, right? It did keep my binge eating disorder under control, but it was causing a lot of other issues mentally. I didn't see it at the time though. This was over the course of almost 2 years. Now granted, I lost a lot of weight, was very healthy and fit, but my mental health was slowly spiraling out of control.

    The purpose of this is that in the course of this spring and summer when I've been so confused on my mental health, my physical has gone down n. Little to no activity, binge eating, generally eating like crap.

    So anyway, I've gone and figure out kind of a general idea of the amount of calories I'd like to eat daily while slowly increasing my activity. 1300 to 1500 seems like a good average. For my current height and weight that is.

    Ramble ramble ramble lol.

    Got in 2.5 miles brisk walk early this morning with mini wiener dog (Mr Kermit) and the husband.
  • beaky1980
    beaky1980 Posts: 85 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    Just finished 36 min on the bike...good sweat. 5:51 here when I wake up at 4:30...perfect time for me.

    b cheese quesadilla
    l canadian bacon sammy on rye, poms
    s celery and salsa, green drink
    d spinach salad...maybe burgers on the bbq...not sure...depends on energy level
    d tea and pita


    Isn't it a great feeling when you get up and have your workout done early? I used to have to leave for work at 5:15 am, so I'd get up at 3:30 am to get a good run in, eat breakfast and shower. By the time I was ready, the husband was just getting up lol. We worked at the same place, same hours.

  • beaky1980
    beaky1980 Posts: 85 Member
    That looks yummy!!!

    Today's plan:
    Br: organic raisin bran (low sugar) with soy milk
    sn: string cheese
    Lu: turkey and spinach, and muenster cheese in a low carb wrap
    sn: pistachios
    di: not sure!

    activities: weights at the gym for an hour, now going to walk 30 min to work (then back)

    Nice job on the walking and weights! Food looks tasty. I love pistachios, but have a hard time stopping lol. The ones in the shell do help.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Beaky you've inspired me to eat a more South Beach Breakfast. Breakfast is NOT my strong suit.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,912 Member
    Cannot sleep...grrrrrrrrr...fell asleep at 8...then up at 12:30...might as well, make up my menu:

    b cheese quesadilla, green drink, coffee
    l canadian bacon, swiss cheese on rye, poms, tassos jalapeno/garlic ollives
    s celery and salsa, green drink
    d spinach salad, chicken and rice
    d pita and tea
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited December 2015
    I hate insomnia. Sorry about that magic.

    I made a FABULOUS dinner! It's now going to be added to scrambled eggs for breakfast for the next few weeks.
    It was: black soybeans, kale, and cubed sweet potatoes with cumin and cilantro, and chipotle tabasco. So yummy, and what a great way to make a scrambled egg "hash" for the rest of the week.
    Br: raisin bran and hemp with soy milk
    sn: string cheese
    lu: turkey, spinach, ham and mustard on low carb wrap
    sn: black bean brownie
    di: that hash!

    br: that has (black soybeans, kale, sweet potatoes) and an egg
    sn: string cheese
    lu: big fat salad with sardines
    sn: don't know
    di: dont know
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,912 Member
    Totally screws up my day...lately my sleep has been interrupted...but I usually go back to sleep. Last night, not so much.

    Will try and right the ship tonight.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,912 Member
    Morning all...lots of repeats going on lately. Need to use up what I buy.

    b cheese quesadilla
    l Canadian bacon and Swiss cheese on rye, poms
    s green drink, celery and salsa
    d chicken, rice, brocolli
    d tea
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,912 Member
    Just finished 35 on the bike. Life is amazing when I sleep. What a does a body good.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited December 2015
    magic71755 wrote: »
    Just finished 35 on the bike. Life is amazing when I sleep. What a does a body good.
    Yay for sleep! I don't like taking meds, but I'm of the mind that a little benadryl is better than losing a night of sleep.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Yesterday final:
    br: that hash (black soybeans, kale, sweet potatoes) and an egg
    sn: string cheese
    lu: low carb tortilla with ham, turkey, mustard and spinach
    sn: pumpkin seeds
    di: shared a big big salad and some meatballs with hubs
    de: chardonnay

    br: quest bar
    sn: apple
    lu: the left over hash in a low carb tortilla
    sn: pumpkin seeds
    di: not sure

    Activity: going to try running for the first time since hurting my foot last week, and either weights or yoga.
    And riding my bike to work.