Projects to keep me off the streets - Fire Department Table, Kayak



  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    I am going to guess that will not be a light table when all is said and done.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Wow! Love the pictures and the process. The table is amazing.
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,079 Member
    4 1/2 hours today, 44.5 to date. Can't do any more today, got to let glue set up.

    Glued up and set 70 biscuits.

    Clamped and compressed on two axis.

    Planning how to fix the table to the frame assembly. Six cleats with dowels, two into the table and two into the frame per cleat.

    Cut and edge planed end caps for table ends. Will need to plane and sand ends to fit, then biscuit joint. That's my new Garmin Vivofit HR on that gorilla's arm.

    Shop cleaned up, planning ahead for the evenings this week.

  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    That's going to be one beautiful table. What exactly are the biscuits for? And what is everyone going to sit on? ;)
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,079 Member
    edited December 2016
    The biscuits are a method of joining two pieces. A special tool cuts a semicircular slot that fits half of the biscuit shape. A matching cut in the other piece fits the other half. These hardwood biscuits align and work with the glued faces to make the joint.

    We have a collection of mismatched chairs now. The two most comply ones are labeled for cardiac survivors, my self and two other firefighters
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Thanks farback, figured it was something like that.........maybe they should commission you to make some matching chairs.........comfy of course!
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,148 Member
    Biscuit joints are a neat and solid way of joining wood. It can be done on longitude like Farback's table or on corners like this image. A bit of glue, clamp it up and it's as solid as screws or nails. In this image, half of the biscuits are already mounted and the holes on the second piece are ready...

  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,151 Member
    It's the first I had heard of biscuits thanks for the explanations to you both and for the pictures showing the details. I've seen dowels used, but these biscuits are new to me. Very cool!
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,079 Member
    They work well, but are just awful for tea time.
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,079 Member
    3 1/2 hours tonight, total 48 hours done. tired out, long day. Snow storm here today so long slippery driving and shoveling before settling in for the night.

    Removed clamps, rotated table over to work on bottom first. hand planed to remove glue drools and mate bottom long edges. sanded twice, 80 and 120 grit.

    Started on strengthening webs and was going to build the connection cleats, but getting too tired to do any more mathification tonight. Put one coat of stain on the bottom. It really brings out the grain.

    Two strengthening webs which go perpendicular to the board joints.

    Sanded to 120

    One stain coat. It's gonna be some purdy.

  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    It is beautiful!
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    edited December 2016
    Farback wrote: »
    Removed clamps, rotated table over to work on bottom first. hand planed to remove glue drools and mate bottom long edges. sanded twice, 80 and 120 grit.

    Yeah, why does woodworking send my mind to the gutter?

    Yeah, it looks amazing. :)

  • marshal616
    marshal616 Posts: 62 Member
    That one caught my funny bone! I laughed so hard I woke my wife up.
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,079 Member
    edited December 2016
    3 hours tonight, 51 so far. installed two strengthening webs and the end cleats. These, along with the side cleats will pin into the table base once we haul all couple hundred pounds of it to the fire hall.

    This is a handy phone app, InchCalc. It makes the fractional math easy.

    The components, strengthening web to go across the width in two places, and the cleats to attach to the base, two end ones and four side ones.

    Tensioned down to eliminate gap across width.

    All done except these side cleats which go on tomorrow night.

    Tonight's progress.

    For the imaginative crowd, After pounding in the dowels, I had to put a lot of intense pressure on the clamp beams to hold it all tight. It could have released at any time, but careful work got both of the setups through to the climax, a well glued up planking.
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,079 Member
    edited December 2016
    3 hours tonight, 54 so far. Finished attachments to bottom, applied the second coat of stain to the bottom, and cut and fitted the end cap boards.


    This is a japanese draw saw made to cut flush. The teeth only have a kerf (angle) on one side.

    The flush cut. No marring of the large piece.
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,079 Member
    edited December 2016
    format issues. Here's a better shot of the crest.


    And the end cap.iadxb4s5c04t.png

  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    That's a big job completed in a relatively short amount of time! :)
    How exactly does one get an amazing table like that into its new home Secretly? :grey_question::grey_question:
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,079 Member
    Midnight delivery service