Steph's OMAD Accountability Thread



  • tlblanksfit
    tlblanksfit Posts: 1,573 Member
    Looks gooood to me!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Looks good!
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    Forgot to take pictures this weekend (I knew that habit would take some reforming), but did pretty ok on eating - 2MAD Sat and Sunday but I think my calories stayed pretty reasonable and I felt slimmer this morning, which is nice :) Cedric came over Sat night and we had a lazyyyyyyyyyyy day yesterday...we didn't even get our butts outta bed until 3pm! IT. WAS. GLORIOUS.

    TODAY, I'm at work but only for a half-day...I have a "baby surgery" this afternoon so I'll be taking it casually today but still fasting for me til later in the week.

    Hope everyone had a super weekend and I'll catch up w the posts over the course of the day! Peace, love, and cupcakes y'all!
  • dkayingram
    dkayingram Posts: 737 Member
    Best of luck for the week - you are an inspiration!!!!!
  • tlblanksfit
    tlblanksfit Posts: 1,573 Member
  • minigrrll
    minigrrll Posts: 1,590 Member
    Way to get back into it!
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    I hope your baby surgery went good o:)
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    Baby surgery went alright - it was actually a little more surgical than I thought it was going to be (I was sort of saying "baby surgery" tongue in cheek but turns out...nope, actual surgery) AND they didn't give me any good drugs! But I'll survive LOL.

    Onto the weekly fast now that I got through the procedure...going to do a 3 day this week so I can start to get some moment downward - hoping for 184 by Friday morning weigh in...that'd be 2.8 lbs this week which I'd be REALLY happy with :) Breaking the fast Friday evening OMAD.

    Didn't have as much time to catch up with everyone yesterday as I'd like so I'll be bopping around some more today...hope everyone is easing nicely into their week :*:*:*
  • minigrrll
    minigrrll Posts: 1,590 Member
    Yikes! Hope it was nothing serious and you're ok... Sucks about the drugs. They are pretty mean about handing them out these days - at least in Australia! (I guess there is good reason for that, but still, so UNFAIR...)
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    Yeah, the pain is pretty much gone as of today so I'll stop complaining :p:p:p It was a surgery called a LEEP - I didn't have to go under general anesthetic just local so it was a pretty easy outpatient surgery...everything should be good now :)

    Checking in on fasting - per usual, up a solid 7 pounds after my eating days as of 1 of fast done, down to 190.6...if precedence holds, that'll put me around 187 tomorrow and 184 for Friday which is right at goal :) Cross your fingers for me folks!

    On a side note: I notice if I go off plan for a while, when I get back on track the "swings" up and back for my weekly extended fasts are more extreme until I'm back on track for a few weeks...anyone else see this? It doesn't bother me, just an observation :-D

    Happy VALENTINE'S DAY everyone! It's one of my fave days of the year! Sending love and light to all of you!! <3<3<3
  • dkayingram
    dkayingram Posts: 737 Member
    Glad you are recovering well and back on track. I am only a bit over one week in so it is good to know if you go off track to expect a jump like that. Glad to be warned so I wouldn't panic!

    Best of luck for your goals this week! #staystrong!
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    I'm praying that your LEEP surgery is successful o:)<3
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    dkayingram wrote: »
    Glad you are recovering well and back on track. I am only a bit over one week in so it is good to know if you go off track to expect a jump like that. Glad to be warned so I wouldn't panic!

    Best of luck for your goals this week! #staystrong!

    I jump a LOT from my full fast days to my "normal" days...I think it varies depending on the person, but an example of a normal week for me would be:

    Weigh in Thurs - 190
    Weigh in Mon (Day extended fast starts) - 198
    Fast day 1 - 194
    Fast day 2 - 191
    Fast day 3 (will break fast tonight) - 188

    As you can see - there is a LOT of variance but the bottom line is that weigh-in to weigh-in is a 2 pound long as it continues in that direction, I'm happy :) I was out of pattern for a long while being extremely sick so my "swings" seem large like that right now - when I'm back in it the swings will probably be closer to 6 pounds but as long as the trend is going down, I'll take it!

    This is not classic OMAD but it's what I find works for me :)
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Good luck and wish you well!
  • minigrrll
    minigrrll Posts: 1,590 Member
    dkayingram wrote: »
    Glad you are recovering well and back on track. I am only a bit over one week in so it is good to know if you go off track to expect a jump like that. Glad to be warned so I wouldn't panic!

    Best of luck for your goals this week! #staystrong!

    I jump a LOT from my full fast days to my "normal" days...I think it varies depending on the person, but an example of a normal week for me would be:

    Weigh in Thurs - 190
    Weigh in Mon (Day extended fast starts) - 198
    Fast day 1 - 194
    Fast day 2 - 191
    Fast day 3 (will break fast tonight) - 188

    As you can see - there is a LOT of variance but the bottom line is that weigh-in to weigh-in is a 2 pound long as it continues in that direction, I'm happy :) I was out of pattern for a long while being extremely sick so my "swings" seem large like that right now - when I'm back in it the swings will probably be closer to 6 pounds but as long as the trend is going down, I'll take it!

    This is not classic OMAD but it's what I find works for me :)

    Whatever works! I think as long as you know that pattern it's all good... I still wish I had the willpower to do a longer fast. I think the health benefits are amazing. Maybe one day...
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    edited February 2018
    Sarah - trust me, it's only because I'm an all-or-nothing person...this whole "moderation" thing is not my strong suit usually...SO this way I can have my freedom on my eating days and don't even have to think about food during my fasts. MOST people look at me like I'm crazy when they find out about it, but between the health benefits and the weight loss I care NOT what they think LOL - the kid that sits next to me at works gives me sh** about it all the time...I just tell him to read up on it and report back LOL

    CHECK IN - weigh-in day 2 - GOOD NEWS
    Down to 187.6 - Precedence is holding, and another 3 down today...if that holds I should hit my 184 weekly goal tomorrow morning. AND....ANDDDDDDDDDDDD it's "that time of the month" (every 3 months for me but you get the gist) so you KNOW there's a pound or 4 of extra weight from that LOL. It's giving me great hope that being back under 180 by the end of Feb is totally feasible...Final weekly weigh-in tomorrow morning and I'll keep ya updated.

    Next week, we'll do M-T-W fast and weigh in Thurs morning for a final month weight B)B)B)

    SIDE NOTE: the last 2 nights I've had 2 pickles each night...not enough to pull me out of fasting but I was a little worried about the salt...doesn't seem to be affecting anything but I'll play around with it come next month once this darn TOM is over LOL - TOO MANY VARIABLES! :expressionless:

  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    I can't fast for 3 days in a row because I get dizzy and weak but if it's working for you then more power to ya!!! :)
  • dkayingram
    dkayingram Posts: 737 Member
    Wow how incredible!!! Can't wait to see your number tomorrow :). I like having little goals each week/month makes me feel like I am moving in the right direction!!
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    I can't fast for 3 days in a row because I get dizzy and weak but if it's working for you then more power to ya!!! :)

    Ya know...I never get that issue,thankfully - probably because I consume large amounts of caffiene LOL - anywho, once I hit maintenance I'll probably go to just standard OMAD for a while to see how my body reacts to that before I employ a pattern like you do :)
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    dkayingram wrote: »
    Wow how incredible!!! Can't wait to see your number tomorrow :). I like having little goals each week/month makes me feel like I am moving in the right direction!!

    I always have goals, long term, short term, all of em...they help motivate me! Plus it helps keep me on track when the cravings hit...I'll keep you updated :)