Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    Happy birthday Gayle!! I hope you have a fantastic day.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes guys!! My son took me to see Jurassic World and to Red Robin for a fish sandwich and fries. Luckily I could not eat all the sandwich or cake today, so only ;) around 500 calories over.
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    So what I have learned about myself from being here is that I talk a good game, but obviously I have issues as well. I have the willpower to not buy the stuff I know I shouldn't eat. And if I do get a craving for something, that means I have to get dressed and actually leave the house to go get it. Luckily, I am very much a homebody and much of the time I refuse to get dressed to go get it, so I beat the craving that way. Although there are times the ulcerative colitis does not seem like a blessing, in this instance it really is as it keeps me from eating a boat load of fruits, nuts, vegetables, etc. I listened to my mind one too many times on cravings and now, you couldn't pay me enough to eat something that I know will mess me up.

    Now on the other hand, if I do buy a can of Pringles, ice cream or whatever...I have to buy the smallest container as I will eat the whole thing in one setting if I don't. Now it would be much more cost effective for me to buy a larger portion of say the Haagen Dazs than the 3.6oz I usually go home with. But it would also throw my stats under the bus to do that.

    Unlike my Mom's pantry, if she craves something she can essentially put it together from scratch and many times has to due to money issues. I on the other hand, literally do not have the pantry to allow that nor the knowledge to make much of anything from scratch. I could however come up with a canning recipe for a jam or salsa on the fly as I have all the spices, jars and what not.

    So far the changes have been interesting to me, I pared down the sugar intake considerably. Had to change the thought process on the protein intake as I was using the chocolate protein drink for that, but 44g of sugar screwed me up for the rest of the day. So the allowance I made was to turn one bottle into 4 popsicles. The addiction to sweet tea is still there, but I limit it to one bottle a day; usually after work and most of the time I don't drink the full 18.5oz. The Kind bars are used as snacks as well as any fruit I have. Pineapple is great for snacking as it doesn't have a boat load of sugar. Two eggs do not keep me full for long, so I now take the Isopure to work with me. I drink much more water at work than I do at home, unless I am doing yard work. Will be glad when Mhiya is well again, so we can resume the walks. And that about sums up this missive.

    Oh and if you are changing dog food to help them lose weight, sprinkle beano on their portions and buy a can of Glade!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Cheryl,

    I don't have a dog at the moment but spent most of my life with one and I hear you on the dog food!

    Good introspective report. We do learn things about ourselves as we go through this process. I use the same technique as you. Do not have it in the house. My husband is diabetic and I am lactose intolerant. I am trying to watch salt and sugar since both make me feel awful, rising sugars and bp. And of course fats, we should all watch! Sometimes it gets too hard to keep tabs on sugars, carbs, lactose and fats. But, like you, I know the things I really really cannot eat. For the things that I really really shouldn't, I try to put them in the same class and just don't have them around. And what is easy for some, is hard for others. We had to switch from ice cream to low sugar yogurt; not the same at all, but that is life and there is no choice at all in that decision.

    I am 'new' here so don't know you, but from your report, you have made a lot of changes successful. KUDOS! And you are 'self aware' which is so good. I have to take a leaf from you, and think more about what I am doing and not doing.

    Thanks for sharing. It helps us all think about things differently.

  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    Me in a nut shell."If we fail to plan,we plan to fail."
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Happy birthday Gayle!! I hope you have a fantastic day.

  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Yesterday was my second week of class and low cal day.
    Class-wise, everything went right this time,so ironically sabotaged my 600 cal. plan.
    First, The tiny sandwich shop across the street was open
    so i didn't have to walk a few blocks.
    Second, it had a special with free bag of chips
    -- who can resist free chips? --
    which added 300 cals to the days total.
    Third, my students lugged the tables for me, so no credit for exercise.

    Hoped to make up for it by using the bathroom two flights down,
    but turns out two flights of stairs burns only 10 calories.
    So to make up for the chips,
    I needed to make 30 trips to the bathroom
    but i just couldn't fit that many into my day
    Hopefully no free chips next week! :-)
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Oh man, the only thing bad about having a feast day (my birthday) is trying not to do it the next day. Ended up eating another slice of that cake but tomorrow is a new day.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    Gayle,it's a good thing we can always start over on a new day.I've had plenty of those.Only have 2 more days before weighin.I haven't been weighing in everyday as has been my habit.I did exercise the last 2 days which I had quit doing.Now if I can just get rid of some bad habits i've accumilated,mainly those pesky sweets.
    Cclill,there's been days I felt like I couild live in the bathroom.I quit drinking everything but water and it seemed it went right through me.Some days are still like that.
    Marney,it's easier said than done about not having junk to eat in the house.My husband,who likes his sweets,picked some blackberries so I could make him a blackberry cobbler.And I did.And I ate some.(sigh).
    Fridays weighin will be interesting.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    edited July 2015
    For me the idea of a life without a slice (a small slice) of blackberry cobbler is not acceptable. I like the 80/20 guideline very well: eat good, healthy, low fat and sugar-free foods 80% of the time. Perfection is just not me. I have a square of dark ghiradelli chocolate most days. I have 2 slices of the tiny carrot cake I bought from whole foods and intend to eat at least one of them before the birthday exception entirely wears off. Hmm, wonder why I've been stuck at 45 pounds lost for months ;)
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    I agree Gayle! and I wouldn't consider homemake Blackberry cobbler junk food - and I would just get on the treadmill and earn some calories to spend.

    Some of my favorite recipes are from Cooking Light, but I learned that no matter how healthy a dish is, two portions is too much.

    The pie-chart on the MFP app (50%, 30%, 20%) clued me in that while carbs were easy to fill I was often lower in fat and protein. That's when I will have some almonds or peanuts. Good fats keep you satisfied.

  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    From Spark People"Be Stronger Than Your Strongest Excuse".I really need to work on that one.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Lill, my weight is always bouncing all over the place and I've seen that these things (it could be different for others) really influence my morning scale.
    1. what time I weight (later in the morning, before breakfast is best)
    2. how much salt was in my food the day before
    3. how large even a large healthy meal was the day before
    4. if I got my prunes and activia in
    5. if I drank all my water
    6. how much moving around I did the previous day

    Today is day before weigh in, so i am referring to Gayle's tips and putting them into practice.
    And I'm planning ahead for badly timed writers meeting tonight,
    where the host feels need to give us sugar.
    So I am taking my self-talk (for my spoiled and angry inner child), "i can have a taste when its time to go home."
    And to ward off the need for a taste, which would trigger my sugar addiction, I'm taking 90% dark chocolate.
    We shall see....
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Good for you Lill. My personal internal command center got the "feast day" permission on July 7th and somehow has not gone back, entirely, to old rules. Or I should say, best rules. Pretty much OK today until I could not turn down a free extreme dessert. Yikes. Will weigh in on Saturday this week. And tomorrow it is marshall law. That means strict military rules for all (my internal) citizens (spoiled inner child and indulgent and self destructive aspects of self).
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member

    Challenge Goal: 157.6
    April 3rd-157.5
    April 10th-164.5
    April 17th-161.5
    April 24th-166
    May 2nd-164.0
    May 8th-164.0
    May 15th-165.0
    May 29th-164.0
    June 18th-170
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Challenge goals:
    Stay in target range 130-132. This morning 129.4. I looked back and I've been in target for 2 months.
    My husband was copying dinner from my diary for his tracking. Now I'm not doing it so much, but will now add in anything new that he hasn't logged before.

    Trip to NYC. My friend is making reservations, sifting through activities that will appeal to us and her daughters 8yo and 16yo.

    I've recently met some people for the first time. I realized that they probably see me as always being this way - why would they think otherwise? I want to pull out my phone and say "See.. there I am 50 lbs bigger! I'm 27% smaller now!" ah... so silly!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Great job Mary! Pam, I know exactly what you mean! I don't think it's silly at all. You have worked hard and consistently for this new appearance.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    I did weigh in today, and only lost 0.5 lbs. far cry if I want to hit that 15 lb. goal. I had lost 7 lbs. in my first 30 days, that is how I came up with the goal...Today I have started only allowing myself one bread choice a day. Bread is my biggest weakness. So far so good..

    I was good last week till I went to Red Lobster on Wednesday evening. I was very disappointed in my weight loss this week, can you give me any idea why I didn't do as good?

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Beth, do record your actual damage when you go to places like Red Lobster. It can make it "real" for you brain to understand the sort of damage that can be done. I have had days when I just can't bear to enter the details of my mess ups but usually I do. This week, for you, it would make the mystery of the .5 weight gain less mysterious.

    Another observation is that I see you rarely eat your exercise calories. That leads me to suspect that, in general, you may not be eating enough calories to keep you metabolism high. When we first start dieting the calorie deficit is enough to encourage fairly quick weight loss. Then the body says, alert--famine! reduce metabolism to avoid starvation. So it is hard to tell if it is that you metabolism is down, you digestive system is jammed up a bit from the big meal on Wednesday or you really ate everything in sight on Wednesday and your weekly deficit (which looks great) was not enough to offset.

    Hope everyone else weighs in on this, this is just my take. Also please see the list I gave Lill, in the thread above, about what I have found can affect scale. BTW, the way I am going I would fondly embrace a .5 loss!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Also Beth, please enter your challenge goal, your initial weight on July 3rd or 4th and your weight for today. Then next week you can copy/past that list of three things and add you new weight beneth. Here is Mary's like that for an example:

    Goal: 157.6
    July 3rd- 171.0
    July 10th-168.5