2 week challenge



  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Busy weekend, both kids are playing indoor soccer now and it's so much stinkin' fun! Too cute. Keeps our weekends busier than normal though so didn't get on much.

    I did make Jen's tea...and then I proceeded to forget to pack it for work. So I'll be sippin' on it tonight at dinner. Opps! I had my hands full with all the produce and protein that I stocked up for my work fridge this weekend.

    I've found that for the most part the flavors of Green Tea I try, I prefer warm. So I'll be interested to see if Jen's brew is more preferable to me warm or cold! It's nice trying new things! I made a version of 'egg drop soup' this weekend with just chicken broth, chicken breast and 2 eggs. It was delicious. Won't indulge in that too much because the sodium in soup is ridiculous. But it was nice and warm when I was sooo cold!!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    So... I bought everything for the tea on Friday... then as I was about to open the box of smooth move I realized I picked up peppermint!!! that would have been a HUGE mistake!! So needless to say, I need to go exchange it for a non peppermint one.... hopefully I can get back to target at some point this week! I want to try it!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am really back this time!

    I am actually doing the Jillian MIchael tea flush this week too :) I have a huge event on Saturday and want to look fabulous. I rented a dress for it and want to rock it.

    Overall updates from me: I am committed to be fully back on the wagon to finaly get to 18-19% BF for summer. I have NROWL for women coming next week and this week I am logging everything, doing detox and hitting the gym to get nice and sweaty. First 2 week goal starts now:

    1. Log everything (everything!) and complete logs everyday
    2. Work out 5x each week.
    3. Learn to better ultilize the tools on my HRM.

    I am thinking about long term rewards too...that's the fun part :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,008 Member
    I'd like to hear how this "tea" works as compared to just drinking lots of water....so, please report back!

    My 2-week challenge is going to focus on nutrition, this time. Meaning: I have to eat all of my calories, every day, and they all have to be healthy calories. No cheats for 2 weeks. I have a dinner out, tomorrow, so I will choose a fish option, with side veggies only. And, I have book club next Friday (last Friday of the month), so that will be a true test! I can't even nibble or I'll just fall off the wagon. Anyway, I want my metabolism 100% back-on-track moving into February, so that I can try and then reduce by 0.5 lbs a week, again.
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Chuisle! Good to see you back!!

    Beeps! Good luck with your 2 week challenge! You can totall y do it!

    This weekend was my friends wedding so I used my Saturday treat meal on the wedding, which was totally worth it :) and I am super excited to report that this morning the scale said 140.6!! Its crazy to believe that not that long ago I was struggling to get under 145, and now the 13*s are within reach!! Hopefully when I check in this Saturday I will be rewarded with a 13....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,008 Member
    that's awesome news, AScheif!!

    What do you credit your success to?? (i.e. you used the word 'struggling', but now here you are - so WHAT worked for YOU?)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I feel like the weekend was extended and I didn't do so well and I have plans this weekend too. Going to try to stick with the workouts and be as good with meals as I can be. I ordered organic vegetable delivery. I need to try and get my veggies!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Mama - you can totally drink it warm if you prefer. I drink it both ways.

    Kate - welcome back! Great goals!

    Aschief - that's awesome on the scale cooperating with you!! Those 130's are coming!

    Beep - you've got this!!

    Amy - Great idea with the veggies! Have you tried sneaking veggies in your eggs and sauces?? i like to mix them with my ground meats too...kinda like a one pot meal?!?!

    I've been doing ok, workouts never an issue, scale staying still. BUT, i redid my measurements and bodyfat yesterday and they have gone down, so that is encouraging. I'll just keep on keeping on! Have been making some good food and have great stuff on the menu for this week. I LOVE Pinterest!!! Have a great week ladies, Rock those goals!!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Doing well so far this week (early yet, I know!)

    Jenomaha - I love pinterest too! I just made a board for thinspiration :)

    SUPER sore from my work out yesterday! I'll take it as a good sign.

    Happy Monday! Any mini goals for today?
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Jen & Kate - what are your names on pinterest??? I'm obsessed with it!!

    Kate - I'm glad you're doing well so far!!

    Jen - Congrats on BF & measurements going down! I knew you'd be back down in no time :) The scale will follow soon I'm sure! Whats your gw again?

    Beeps - those are good challenges, good luck!

    Aschief - Congrats on getting close to the 130s!!

    My challenge is going well so far, I've had much more water than I was having before and I was getting closer to my preholiday weight last time I checked.. I'll see again on Thursday if I'm moving any closer.. I hope so! I'm also going to try and add in no after dinner snacks for the rest of the challenge as well.. I will allow 1 night of it (football) but other than that I will not have any after dinner snacks!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I have less than 2 weeks before photos, 1 week of phase 2 of the JELF.
    So my two week challenge:
    Stick to the workout plan.
    no starchy carbs after 3pm.
    Getting protein and not drinking are also part of it.

    I just started on Pinterest! I think it would have been great for planning a wedding or decorating, still learning, though. I would like to see what you all are doing too!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    My user name is katelmax!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    I don't know what my user name is on the site, it just shows my full name! So if that's the case it's Shannon Enander
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey ladies.

    Shander- Glad your getting back in the habit of drinking water. I do so much better with it when I'm at work then when I'm at home! I'm sure even that small adjustment helps.

    Amy- Getting down to the photo shoot- how exciting! Great plans for the next 2 weeks too. I've seen a lot of discussion on here and some blogs about people doing JELF and loving it. Reportedly seeing great results too!

    Jen- Glad the measurements are moving along. That's why we track more than just that scale...you are so smart! :wink:

    My eating has been 100% during the day, the last two nights I've found my way to the cupboard to sneak a snack or two. I blame PMS but either way I have got to stop that!! It definitely isn't help curb my hunger during the day when I left myself snack before bed. The green tea is going well. Getting used to it, warm typically. Im actually sipping on a warm blend of Jen's recipe. Not too shabby! :happy: Tomorrow's a rest day from TF. I need it. Might wake up a little early to do a strech/yoga because my muscles are super achy. Guessing it's the combo of constant precipitation (blame my age, lol), the workouts and girl issues! Either way I could use a little stretch time! Keep at it ladies!!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    that's awesome news, AScheif!!

    What do you credit your success to?? (i.e. you used the word 'struggling', but now here you are - so WHAT worked for YOU?)

    Beeps - it has totally been the eating, 100% without a doubt! I have not changed my workout routine at all since starting but with this new way of eating I have way more energy, and I just feel better all around!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I just saw this in Us Magazine, they are saying how bad Cameron Diaz looks:

    I get it that her hair and makeup have looked better but I don't think her arms look too muscular or mannish, but maybe I am just getting used to that look since her arms do sort of look like Jamie Eason's...
    What do you guys think?
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Ok, not sure if I will hit everything but here goes:

    Amy - I think her arms look ok. I was surprised to see how muscular they are, but she looks fit. I just think the dress was the wrong cut for her body. I'm sure looks better in other things...

    Not sure of my username on Pinterest, but my name is Jennifer LaMontagne. I love that site...spend too much time on it, lol!

    Thank goodness, the scale is starting to move again. The funny thing is, once i started eating more, the scale started moving more. It's actually moved the last 3 days in a row! I am so down for eating more, hahaha!!!

    I can't see anymore posts and now I forgot everything else I read and cant remember what else to respond to, lol!!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I don't love the dress, but I don't think she looks "mannish" at all.


    I'm doing pretty good sticking to my 2-week goals. Have stayed OFF the scale for almost a week. I think that's a personal record for me. :) Have been going to spin and body pump 2x a week in addition to my running, too. I will probably weigh in the next day or so to see how things are going.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,008 Member
    Amy, I totally love how Cameron's arms look. 100% that's what I'm aiming for. So, yay!

    jen, glad to read the "scale is moving". That must feel good!

    I'm sticking 100% to my nutrition plan - and, if there's any "solace" in that, it's knowing that AScheif says THAT is what WORKS! For me, it really *is* all about *consistency*. Once I"m consistent for about 4 or 5 days in a row, then it just becomes second nature.

    Even last night, I went out to dinner. I had no bread. I had no alcohol (actually just drank hot water!) and I chose the steamed halibut and steamed veggie option...I was UNDER my calories for the day, yay!

    I am eating at a small deficit (100 calories), and then letting my work-outs also be a deficit. So, the pounds will come off, but extraordinarily slowly. Which is fine. I believe I'll have a whole new shape come summer, as well as some pounds off the scale.

    I believe!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Way to go, Beeps! And Jen, and ebaymommy! Everyone. Is doing great. I am always glad to hear your tips for eating cleaner, more wholesome foods.