2 week challenge



  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Lots of good news yesterday! That's awesome! Lovin' all you ladies conquering your challenges!!!

    Sippin' on my green tea now, with Jen's tea in the fridge for lunch. Need to do more grocery shopping tonight or tomorrow (3 boys in 1 house=CONSTANT GROCERY SHOPPING!! :laugh: ) Since we are out of produce. I love it because if I buy it, they will eat it. My kids love them a good salad!! :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,008 Member
    Hmmm, I doubt "smarties" are on the 'clean eating' list, but, I was low on calories, last night, and that's what I had! They were yummy.

    Today is a cardio day. And, since I've got more *time* on cardio days (only doing 20 minutes of HIIT), I'm really spending about 30 minutes on s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g on those days. Which is probably very good.

    I don't weigh or measure until the beginning of February. And, I think I'll take pictures every month, too - just to keep me "honest"!

    Amy, are you getting excited about your photo shoot? Have you picked out your clothes - is someone doing your make-up??
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    hey ladies!

    First, I love cam's body I think she looks fantastic. I like the super lean look too (Gwenyth) but definitely don't think she looks manly!

    I am working on feeling light for my event this weekend (just got my dress in the mail! woo!). I am drinking the JM flush (similar to Jen's) and going to do cardio tomorrow and saturday. My friend compared my arms to Kate Middleton's - BIG WIN. While I think that's a rather generous comment I was still happy to hear it.

    Didn't do so hot on the protein yesterday unfortunately. I'm resolved to do better today. Monday starts NROLW with lots more cals and stricter nutrition. (Never thought I would be snacking on chicken breast). Keep it up everyone!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I won't drink the "detox tea" until next week.
    Beeps, I am excited about the photo shoot but nervous too. I get three outfit changes and I don't think I have totally decided. I was looking at the photographer's website and saw lots of examples of their work, which I liked.
    I plan to do my own makeup, I got some as a reward, love shopping at Sephora!
    Kate, you might get sick of chicken! I know I go through phases!
    Beeps, I need to do more stretching! where do you get ideas on how to stretch? I just do like JM's 30DS warm up and cool down!
    Reese, I think that is great your kids love salad! I had the organic produce delviery and wonder if I can keep up! it's good for me though, I wanted to eat more veggies. tonight I am having pork chops and a green salad with pear.
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Hey ladies! Glad to see everyone is doing well!

    Beeps - I posted a new topic in this group called clean eating recipes you should check out :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,008 Member
    AScheif, I am going to check out the new thread....particularly since I was going to ask you a question about fruit/veggie smoothies, anyway....
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Lots of fabulous news in here, love it!!! Ok, only have a minute cuz I need to eat then get ready for class, but I wanted to share my results from my trainer today. From last Thursday, I'm down 3 lbs. From my bodyfat 2 weeks ago, I'm down 6%!!!! I'm thinking it's due to the fact that 1. I was way bloated from the New Year's festivities and 2. he had to of measured me wrong the first time...I don't know. But I'll take it. If I can lose 3% more in the next 2 weeks, I'll be happy. My 2 pack is starting to come back :happy: haha!! I'll be back later to catch up!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Yeah for 2 packs! Gotta love when you can see progress with your own eyes, Jen! Great job! :drinker:

    I've got a late workout today. We got a decent amount of snow over night and had to find my way out the drive way with a shovel! :mad: We are supposed to get hit again tonight around 7 (hopefully AFTER we get home from the boys' soccer practice!!) And then I'll be doing my TF 55 workout. Really don't mind the TF workouts at all...the 5am wake up I'll never love but the workouts are a lot of fun. I can't remember if I mentioned this yesterday but...during the summer months DHs helps out at the gym in town (thus the reason I always have a gym membership in the summer but not in the winter!)...well, I mentioned wanting to run a couple times a week since my Aunt and I are signing up for a mud run in the summer...the gym owner is letting me hit the treadmill 2x a week for free. This is so helpful of her. I couldn't be more appreciative!! :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,008 Member
    First, jeno, if you can lose 6% body fat% since the new year, than I remain hopeful that I can drop 4% by Feb. 29th (this was my first goal for 2012). Yay for you! And, even BETTER news on the 2-pack! Super-awesome....

    mama - good news on the gym owner. Good for you, but you're obviously a "good advertisement" for the gym, too, so that's a "win-win"!

    I'm doing just fine on this week's challenge. No problems. Today is strength-training. I'm hoping to ask my trainer to work on deadlifts, because we haven't done that, yet.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hi all!! Everyone seems to be doing great!! :)

    Jen - Congrats! That's such great news, I knew you'd be down in no time! I'm going to make that tea for this coming week so I'll let you know how it goes :)

    Mama - I feel you on the snow, we got some last night too and we're getting more tomorrow... boooo! Thats great on getting to use the gym though :)

    Beeps - Glad to hear your challenge is going well!!

    Tonight is going to be a high calorie night and I'm not sorry! My best friend just got dumped by her bf of 4 1/2 years and she's distraught :/ This is her first actual break up so she doesn't really know how to handle it.. So as a bff I am going to do my duty to comfort her and help her through this! Since it happened yesterday I think she deserves some high calorie comfort this weekend and then she can get back on the horse next week... I will be making her a cheesy pasta bake (nothing more comforting than cheese & carbs) and "slutty brownies" that are the craziest dessert I've heard of but I know she'll love them! I'll also get her a bag of chocolates, wine & bring over some movies (funny & sappy depending on what she wants) If you have any other ideas of what to bring her please feel free to let me know!

    Aside from that I've been pretty good! I haven't gone overboard with alcohol and I've been avoiding nighttime snacks (even though my parents were munching on cashews which are my FAVORITE) so I would consider this a success so far :)
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! I am glad to hear how well everyone has done this week with sticking to their challenges!! Jeno that is an amazing % lost!!!!!

    So I weighed in and did my measurements today because I am going away to the mountains snowboarding this weekend and won't have a scale or tape measure with me... and I am down 2.8 lbs since last week....139.2!! In the past 2 weeks I have lost 5.4 lbs and 3 inches! I am very excited!!

    I am hoping to be able to keep this up, I have preplanned and packed my food to take the mountains with me this weekend and snowboarding is usually a pretty good workout! So hopefully next week will be another victory.

    Also next week is week 2 of my "adding more time at the gym" challenge.. I was able to workout 4 days this week, so need to increase my time next!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and gets the chance to do something active outside this weekend!! :smile:
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Shander that is so awful about your friend! So heartbreaking! And everyone deserves a good comfort moment now and then, but try not to sabotage your hard work and hers too much :smile: There are some really good semi-healthy desserts online you can find that might comfort you guys just as much as the bad stuff...but all-in-alll I think its great what you are doing for your friend and I hope she starts to feel better....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,008 Member
    AScheif, since you are doing SO well on your new "eat clean" plan, have you revised your overall goals (somewhat)? What are your goals, now?

    shander - how come you haven't included a large assortment of alcohol in your list of "goodies" for bff??? My gosh, if that was my gf, she'd be coming over expecting martinis, wine, margaritas, beer, liquers - THE WORKS. ha ha
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Shander, let me know how your friend is doing, and if the comfort food is working. I was supposed to go to Vail this weekend with my friend but she is going through something similar, with her husband of almost 10 years. I am still hopeful that they can work it out but it doesn't sound like that at the moment. I will be headed up to hang out with her tonight, not in Vail, with a big bottle of Pinot. I ended up pouring myself a few glasses last night while we talked. I had the box of pinot noir, called Pinot Evil, not bad for wine in a box! I also made myself this awesome dinner of organic pork chops and sweet potato hash, I diced the sweet potato and sauteed in a pan with mushrooms and onions, it was yummy. I also had a salad with pears and vinaigrette.
    also, I did day 53 and 54 of the JELF last night-shoulders and legs. I only have one day left of Phase 2!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,008 Member
    asjerven....congrats on only having one day left of Phase 2!!

    That's GREAT!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    This is my last week before photos. I got the detox tea and mixed up a batch. I made beef stew. I finished phase 2 and took some pics but haven't uploaded them to see if there is a difference. This week I am going to try to be good with my food choices and not drinking.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hi All!

    Thanks for your concern for my friend! She's doing okay, still sad of course, but she's being strong... her sister just had a baby last week so she was able to go home later in the weekend and spend time with the baby to get her mind off of it. I'm glad I made her high calorie items because apparently she hadn't really eaten since the break up, so I hope she has a little of it everyday to give her more calories!

    Beeps - I would have added more alcohol but she's not a big drinker! I brought her some wine and she didn't even finish her first glass! She's more of a chocolate comfort type of girl (and she's still tiny lucky girl!) Believe me, if she drank more I would have skipped the food & dessert and loaded her up with booze :P

    Asjerven - I'm so sorry your friend is going through that :( I hope it works out for her... I'm glad you were able to comfort her as well! And that Pinot Evil sounds very very interesting! Pinot is one of my favs! What brand is it? I'd love to find some here :) Also, congrats on finishing phase 2!! Do you notice a difference in yourself?? I can't wait to hear about your photos too!

    ASchief - I didn't have a large amount of the food & I had smaller meals through the day so I wouldn't feel as guilty, so thankfully I didn't sabotage myself!

    I'm still having issues with controlling my snacking on weekends :( For some reason I can't seem to control myself and I hate it! I know I wouldn't snack if I didn't have snacks in the house, but again, that's one drawback of living at my parent's house still... I know it's a matter of will power, but for some reason all will power leaves me on saturday and sunday... especially when a football game is on! Any advice you guys might have would be greatly appreciated! I didn't go completely overboard I know, but I know I had more than I should have.. It's all in my head and I need to keep my focus on the long term goal!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    So much great stuff going on in here!!!

    Shannon - I'm glad you were able to be there for your friend and not sabotage everything. Good for you eating throughout the day too to help with the not overeating at night!! Hope the trip home for your friend to see her family and baby does her well. As for the snacking - how about making healthy concoctions of typical football finger foods?? That's what I had planned for yesterday, but ended up being to tired to make anything at all, lol! I' have some good stuff pinned on Pinterest! Some can be easily adapted to to no meat too!

    Aschief - so fantastic about your progress and eating so well. That is my biggest obstacle. When I'm good, I'm good...but it goes in cycles ;) Hoping it sticks this time!

    Amy - Woohoo!! Done with phase 2 and pics taken!! Can't wait to hear how the progress pics came out. I'm sure you made beautiful changes. I made a batch of tea this morning too ;) Kill it this week girlie!!

    Mama - Awesome about being able to use the treadmill for free!!! Big bonus!

    Beeps- you will most certainly get to your goal!! I seriously think my measurements may have been wrong the first time. When he redid them this last week, he did them twice because of the big difference, but this is what he came up with. So, currently, I'm at 23.7% bodyfat and I will be happy to hit 20% before I leave on Feb 3. The scale is sitting between 111.8 and 112.8 and I really wanted it at 110 before I left. I might be pushing it with these numbers, but I sure as hell am gonna try my best!!

    Eating is going well, exercise is going well. I feel so much stronger and pretty much full recovered. Just gonna try to keep eating as clean as possible and drinking the water/tea!!! Have a fabulous week ladies...let's keep hitting it hard!!!

    And sorry if I missed a response, there's a lot going on in here, lol!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,008 Member
    You gals are doing AWESOME.

    I had a BIG BLIP, yesterday. I don't even know why. Anyway, I ate SO MUCH CHOCOLATE (in the afternoon!!!!!) that it was PATHETIC. To the point where I was completely pilfering from my son's halloween candy and he finally YELLED at me to "STOP EATING IT!!"


    shame, shame, shame.

    Usually, it is late-night snacking that has done me in. But, I've kept that to a (true) minimum this month - I've only eaten 3 times at night and once it was just a package of edamame beans!!

    But, here I am on a "nutrition" challenge for 2 weeks and I cannot even stay 100% on-track for 2. SHORT.WEEKS.


    embarrassing, embarrassing, embarrassing.

    I don't even know what else to say. I AM BACK-ON-TRACK, today. But, I sure feel like crap (I had stomach cramps all friggin night, for pete's sakes....and have been AWAKE since 4:30 am and couldn't get back to leep).

    Oh, and jen - I want your abs. Thanks!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Shannon, the brand is "Pinot Evil" they make pinot noir and pinot grigio and the box is octoganal and has the monkeys on it, you know, "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" it's cute. $15 for three liters is not bad, and we finished three litres! I can't believe it really, and the scale is up but I know it is just water weight from all the booze and the chinese food, but this week I am going to be so good:)
    Beeps, at least with halloween candy the servings are smaller;) shake it off and just concentrate on fueling yourself with the most wholesome things you can find and it won't seem so tempting! There is all kinds of food here at work today and I am not tempted, really, but mostly because the girl scout cookies are not the ones I like;)
    Jen, I think you can make impressive progress is a short time so I am excited to see your results.