2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Amy, when is the photo shoot, again??
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    I hopped on the scale, again, today.

    Why do I do this?????

    I'm only aiming (expecting??) to lose 1/3 - 1/2 lb a week on this plan. But, I'm up about 1/2 a lb. from where I was last week. And, I know, I know, I weighed at a different time of day, blah, blah, blah.

    That is IT. I am ONLY weighing myself when I HAVE to weigh myself for the challenges I am participating in.

    Otherwise, screw it. I am NOT going to step on that blasted thing.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Beeps - sorry about your ipod! That is the WORST. I feel literally paralyzed in the gym without it. Grrrrrr. How rude. Have you checked out craigslist or amazon? They might have a cheaper one! And try not to stress over the scale, you'll get there! I just repeat to myself, long term gains, long term gains!

    Jen - that's awesome about your new role! You're going to rock it. Inspire all those people to work to be as fit and active as you!

    Amy - I agree with Jen, amazing committment!

    As for the abs, if that was the case I would have died a long time ago. I think I was prepubescent the last time my tummy wasn't flabby. While I've gotten a lot firmer that is unfortunately where I carry a lot of my fat.

    Which is why I am going to get my body fat goal by July!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    chu - I have a body fat goal, too....good for you!

    I'm going to go buy a new ipod nano tonight. I'm at the gym everyday....I need it like I need air to breathe.

    In trade, I've requested that my husband NOT get me anything for V-Day. I'm okay with this (for this year, anyway...)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm back...4 days of jury duty. Ugh. But it's over and back to regular schedule. Did injury my neck somehow during the weekend so I saw a chiropractor on Tuesday and will see him again next week. The eats have been fine since you don't exactly get a lot of opportunity to 'cheat' when stuck in the court room all day! I'm starting Jen's version of the Velocity diet today just to restart myself. I've been advised not to do any training that involves a lot of upper body movement at least until I see the chiro again. I can't disagree at this point so I'm just going to hit the treadmill for the next few days. If I feel better, I might do Turbo Fire and modify anything that requires alot of above the shoulder movement. It's one of those, don't want to nurse it to death but don't want to prolong it either situations.

    Looks like you ladies are doing well. I love coming on and catching up. You all always have such great ideas and advice. It's so wonderful and I appreciate it all!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Welcome back! I hope your neck feels better :/ Injuries are so discouraging!


    I am going out to eat with coworkers after work and definitely a little hesitant about the menu. It looks like there's some yummy grilled salmon I can do but with eating more the rest of the week I feel like I have less leeway for a big meal or alcohol. Usually I felt like it would even out because I wouldn't be eating as much during the week.

    Hmmm. I think I need to decide on my entree from the get go (Salmon with potato and vegetables!) and then try to limit my drinking. What do you all do as far as "cheat" meals go? I know need to reform my weekend routine but I also think its important to enjoy life.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am going to the Nuggets (basketball game tonight) and I do not see a way to eat well and not drink.
    Photo shoot is tomorrow!
    Last night I went for a bikini wax and a salt glow rub, they rub you with salt and oils then a bronzer, it looks pretty nice and when she was doing my tummy she said I felt very muscular so I wanted to hug her for that!
    I hope it's fun tomorrow, I am a little apprehensive.
    But I was reading Self magazine, I think, at the spa, and they had all kinds of interesting info I wanted to share with you but now I only remember something now about how you shouldn't wait to lose weight to love yourself, people who love them selves with their flaws were more likely to reach their goals, maybe because of those who didn't had unrealstic expectations.
    So there it is girls, love yourselves now, don't wait:smooched:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Amy, I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for you! Enjoy every second of your photo shoot and feel every bit the gorgeous woman that you are. FOR. SURE.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Hmmmm, on the "eating out" thing. Truth is, I'm just avoiding all "eating out" things right now. All of January, actually. And, tonight is book club night, which is at a gf's house. That *usually* means drinks, etc., but since it isn't unitl 7:30, I've just mentally decided that I am just going to have tea, and that's it. I really feel like I'm on a roll and I just don't want to damage that, right now. Self-sabotage usually gets me LONG before anything else!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    I bought myself an identical pink ipod nano and will be off to the gym in about 15 minutes. Weight-training, today. I hope he works me hard, although I'm REALLY tired. But, I'm not going to tell him that and I'm just going to give it every last ounce I have. That's the (mental) deal I have. Shucks, I PAID for this, I'd better GO FOR IT!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Good for you, Beeps!
    I have my birthday in a couple of weeks and going out means drinking for me, so I am trying to keep it to just a couple of celebrations, but I am already thinking about how I can prevent it from derailing all my work so close to Cozumel.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Mama - sorry about the neck :( But it sounds like you have a plan. I hope it heals quickly. I'm considering the modified velocity diet next week too, but I will be adding a piece of toast for breakfast and prob 1/2 C brown rice at lunch.

    Kate - the weekends typically do me in, but this past month, it's like something has clicked. We've gone out to eat and I choose something healthy and although I'm affected by the sodium for the next day or two, it hasn't stalled my progress. I've also been baking healthy stuff, so my sweet tooth has been satiated that way. But I agree, life happens, we need to enjoy it! I read in Oxygen Magazine, even Tosca Reno eats bagels and cream cheese :)

    Beeps, I am with you. Hubby and boys wanted to go out to dinner tonight and I said "no". We leave for Cabo next Fri morning. Friend asked me out to lunch, I said "no" too. The sodium just kills me even if I make a healthy choice. Just not worth it to me right now. And yay for a new Ipod!!! Glad you didn't waist any time.

    Amy, I cannot wait to see the pics!! Seriously, you are gonna feel like a movie star taking those pics!!! Enjoy it hon!!
    As for the loving yourself now...I found a poster saying something like that on Pinterest and I'm posting it on my Fit pg!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Amy - you better post your "photo experience" here.....waiting....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    I posted this on the 40+ board, already, but I bumped my thumb, yesterday, while working out and it hurt. Fine. I looked at it, no blood, so I started walking back to my bench when all of a sudden I got this "thick" feeling in that thumb. When I looked again, a LARGE GOOSE EGG was forming on the thumb and, while I was staring at it, I could literally see my skin stretching out!!

    I ran and put it under cold water while trying to figure out how to get some ice. Finally got some ice and then went back into class, but missed the "stretching" portion. So, I'm going back to the gym, today, specifically for that.

    Oh, and my thumb is fine. It's completely black and blue, but it doesn't hurt. Although, when I bend it, it feels "thick" because of all that swelling....I might have to figure out some alternate grip when weight-training tomorrow.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Velocity mod-diet fail. Ran out of protein and so did Walmart. Had to run to another town today to pick some up so I'll give that ago sometime when I'm more prepared! LoL. I did make some Oxygen Magazine Energy Muffins. I'm hoping they turn out good.

    Guess my post will be short since the kids are not going to sleep!! Have a great Sunda!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Sorry to be MIA. The shoot went well, it was a lot of fun. She showed me some as we went along and I am hopeful there are some good ones. They get edited and then I get to see them Monday evening. My package included 15 digital pics and an 8x10 so maybe there will be a vday gift for DH. But I don't know if I will get the disc at that time or if the send it to me or what. If there are appropriate ones I will post here but did you know that technically the pics on here have to be "work appropriate" meaning suitable to look at at work so only swimsuits, no bra and panties. That's for the forums but you can see profile pics if you're my friend.
    This felt like a big goal and I have been slacking on the workouts so I need to keep Mexico in mind now and rededicate myself. Got a quiche in the oven, organic veggie delivery Tuesday and a couple of clean sports bras.
    Did workout tonight!
    Another week, another two week challenge:)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Amy, I'm glad the shoot went well....and even MORE happy that you've got a gift (already!) for DH. Well done!

    That whole "bathing suit" vs. "bra and panty" thing is such a smokescreen. What-evah.

    It *is* a new challenge day, isn't it? Well, I wasn't as strict with my diet, over the weekend, as I'm aiming to be. So, for me, it's going to have to be another nutrition challenge over the next 2 weeks.

    Especially since I have to weigh-in, and measure, for the challenges I am in. I'm pretty sure the scale hasn't budged, so that's too bad, but it would be nice if some inches have melted off me! We shall see.

    I'm going to limit my chocolate intake this challenge. And, I actually want to limit my popocorn intake, too. These are the last 2 treats that I've permitted. But, yesterday I ate ONLY popcorn for supper (purpose-fully - I planned for it, I counted the calories, etc.) and I did NOT feel very good, afterward. So, if it is "less" enjoyable, that's probably a good sign that I can cut it down.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    Beeps - limiting chocolate & popcorn sounds like a good plan, you'll definitely keep a hold on it.. sorry about your ipod too, I'm glad you got a replacement

    Amy - So glad to hear the shoot went well! I can't wait to see the results, I'm sure you look amazing!

    Kate - I agree with you with needing to change my weekend routine, I lose all sense of control! This weekend I had a major peanut butter binge, and I've been so good not having any lately! I really need to concentrate on being good though.. you'll figure it out, I know you will :)

    I need to step up my game.. lost control over the weekend yet again, and I know I'm going to have problems next weekend with the super bowl too! I'm going to make healthy foods since I'm having the party, but I know other people will bring junk! So I will be trying to fill up on the fresh veggies and my healthy bean chili before I touch any of the bad foods! This week will be spent drinking tons of water and eating as healthy as possible too..

    I'm still having issues with feeling like I've had a work out at Jazzercise even with increasing my weights.. I might need to talk to my mom to let her know that I might need to do work out dvds at home for myself and hopefully she'll be okay with it! So difficult trying to tell her that I want to get "fit" not just lose weight, she doesn't understand that at all! If I could do 30DS a few times a week I'd be happy... hopefully she'll understand!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi Friends!

    So far Monday is not making me happy but I got my work out in this morning. I push up weight in everything, and felt like I was really challenging myself. I did okay nutritionally over the weekend. I really focused on limiting portions and managed to log everything, everyday. It wasn't perfect but it was much better! Looking forward to staying focused this week before I need to travel for a week and everything gets messed up!

    Beeps - glad you have a new ipod! I thought of you when I was working out this morning and I thought mine was going to die (Panic Mode!) They are so necessary!

    Amy - can't wait to see the pics! I'm sure DH will love them and I like that as a VDay gift, very personal! (Unlike the French press I'm getting my bf :)

    Shannon - Eeek! I forgot about the super bowl. Yikes, sounds like I need to made a plan too. If all of our plans fall through and its just at home then I will be fine :) Good luck with your mom! Maybe show her some of the resources you're reading or even your posts/profile on here just to reinforce that you're interesting in living healthfully NOT in just being skinny. That's a tough situation.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    shander - good luck with the chat on "jazzercise". Hopefully you can help your mom see what's important for YOU.

    chui - your work-out sounds very good. And, your nutrition plan also sounds very good. Excellent job!

    I'm not too worried about "super bowl", but I do have a restaurant night out tomorrow (to a fancy resto my husband has been trying to make reservations at, forever!) and a gala on Friday. So, I've just decided these are my 2 "splurges" for the week, so every other morsel has to be perfectly portioned and accounted for.