2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    A thoughtful gift is something you notice the person needs or would like:) Mine is more like a gift to me in 50 years I can remember when I looked like that-with lots of airbrushing:tongue:
    So, I think I need some help. I finally uploaded the phase 2 pics, so I have pics now for before phase 1, before phase 2, and before phase 3 and I compared them side by side and there is barely, if any, change.
    I am so discouraged because I have done every single workout, really cleaned up my eating and getting protein, cut way back on drinking and I really pushed myself.
    I could say that my eating wasn't entirely clean, but I am actually wondering now-maybe I wasn't eating enough? I ate at maintenance and didn't record calories burned for strength training, just cardio or circuits.
    I was going to post the pics but I couldn't figure out the mosaic maker, to create one pic with the pictures right next to each other, and they are on my home computer right now...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    maybe you weren't eating enough. How did you determine what your "maintenance" calories should be??
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I just entered my weight and here and said "maintain" and it said I need 1490 to maintain my weight.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    hmmmm, i just wouldn't rely on mfp for determination of "maintenance" calories.

    I used the formula from NROL4W to determine what my "maintenance" calories are. And, that's what I'm using here on mfp.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Calorie level is perenially tricky for me ; /

    I definitely buy that I need to eat more but I also still have fat to lose so I don't want to create smalllll deficit. It's hard to say how much that should be but I am going with about 12 cal/lbs.

    I don't believe that it really is calories in/calories out and 3500 calories = 1 lbs anymore. It's not that simple. I was just reading these articles today:

    - http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/the-energy-balance-equation.html

    - http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/setting-the-deficit-small-moderate-or-large.html

    It's a little complicated but I buy it.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I will have to read it. Jamie Eason plan has a formula too but it was a range and said to eat on the lower end of the range on non-cardio days. I will read the articles, thanks Kate!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ok, I read the first article and it was really interesting. I still feel like the answer is that you will never really know and we all have to work from averages and guesstimates, but it was very educational regarding the energy in/out balance. I don't think I have any illusions that the energy it takes to go about my life remains unchanged from day to day, but it makes you realize that a 200 calorie difference in either direction is likely!
    I went to view my photos and I couldn't narrow it down to 15 so I bought the disc of all 100 images! DH was home though so I couldn't upload any last night, I will tonight!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    asjerven, jeno has lost a TON of weight this month....in a very short time. And, she's working on building muscle, too. Maybe she can help in regards to figuring out how much you should be eating??
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I'm just too swamped at work, today, and can't get my cardio work-out in.

    That means I'm finishing up January having been to the gym every day this month, except 4 DAYS. Which is pretty great - I'm not complaining!

    I have to take measurements starting tomorrow. I think my clothes are feeling *a little* looser. And, by *a little*, I mean only a little. So, not sure why that is, since I really have focused well on calories in, working out, lifting heavy.

    But, I'm prepared to stick it out. I hope more changes come in the next month (and the ones after that), because this really does feel like the slow boat to China....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I'd also like AScheif to report in. She's lost serious weight these last 8 weeks or so. She's building muscle for competition.

    I want to know her TRICKS!

    (Unless it's raw veggies all the time....then I'm just, well, I'm OUT.)
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Amy - yeah, that's what I took away too. And just that these things are so much more complicated than just counting cals!! Yeah, that's important but there's a lot going on and it takes time to discover these things. Looking forward to seeing your pictures!!!

    Beeps - way to go on all the days in the gym! That's awesome. IT WILL PAY OFF. Just keep reminding yourself. 6-8 week is what I feel like is when people really start to notice these things!

    Also, I think Jen's amazing weight loss might have to do with her body's comfort point. She was super fit before and is just getting back to that after a short time of not being optimal whereas I feel like I am still working to create that fitness to begin with and so my fat is a little more stubborn.

    AGREED on the raw veggies. I know I should love them but I just don't. I like cooked veggies but none of them raw!! (still a small child, apparently)
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Amy – I can’t wait to see your photos! Very exciting! I will be getting some done for my fitness competition as well and I will be sure to post them!

    Chuisle – I think you make a GREAT point that its not just calories in = calories out etc… As an extreme example the calories you get from a donut, are not the same as calories you get from a piece of chicken or fish…

    I am sorry if there are people out here who think this way, - but just because you stayed under your calorie intake, but it consisted of skipping a meal, or drinking your calories in liquor, or eating highly processed foods – it doesn’t mean you are going to lose weight, and you shouldn’t expect to.

    Beeps – you asked the “secret to my weightloss” here it is…
    1) I have stopped counting calories
    2) I have increased the amount of food I eat – 6 times a day with a protein and a complex carb at every meal
    3) I have cleaned up my diet to consist of clean foods, nothing processed
    4) I drink 4 litres of water a day
    5) I have a treat meal every Saturday night

    It does consist of eating A LOT more veggies, but not just veggies, and certainly not raw veggies as you see from the topic I posted of eat clean recipes, those are just a few examples of the types of food I am eating. Tosca Reno has great Eat Clean cook books that have phenomenal recipe in it.

    I will continue to update you guys with my progress and answer any questions you may have. I am not saying that what I am doing is right for everyone – but it works for me! :smile:

    I will also be taking progress pictures over my next 16 weeks and will post those as well because I know that in the last couple weeks before competition when you begin to “deplete” as they call it, that is not a realistic body type or image – so I want to show the real side of that as well! :wink:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    speaking of veggies, I saw this on another post and had to share, apparently many pieces of clip art and salad involve women laughing-oh, salad, you're hilarious!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I do eat a large salad, every single day, for lunch. So, I guess I *do* eat a lot of raw veggies! (As long as someone else cuts 'em....I eat 'em!)

    I drink about 3.5 litres of water a day.

    I sleep about 7 - 7.5 hours a day. I go to bed at the same time each and every night (my friends think I'm a lame-*kitten* boring not-night-owl chick! they are right!)

    I don't understand the "complex carb" thing....I remember reading somewhere that chocolate cake is a "complex carb" while an apple is a "simple carb". So, what, exactly, are you trying to accomplish with the "complex carb" at every meal, AScheif?? I mean, surely you'd choose an apple over a piece of chocolate cake, right??

    I eat 5 meals a day. Sometimes 6 if I still have calories remaining....and that 6th meal is *usually* either edamame beans or air-popped popcorn.

    So, I'm pretty close to what you're doing, AScheif. Except, I expect, that I don't cut up any of the veggies myself and I don't grill my own chicken! And, I eat very little fruit - it's just not my thing.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I'm not dissatisfied with my nutrition plan. I've been very honest with my tracking this month and, even though I'm not losing pounds and pounds from the scale, I do *feel* better about the way I am eating and what I am eating!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Please don't take this the wrong way, I am just using your last post to clarify what I was trying to say...

    First of all that is backwards...
    "Complex carbohydrates are high-fiber foods, which improve your digestion. They help stabilize the blood sugar, keep your energy at an even level, and help you feel satisfied longer after your meal.

    In contrast, sugar and other simple carbohydrates can alter your mood, lead to cravings and compulsive eating, cause wide swings in your blood-sugar levels, and cause weight gain in most people. In addition, a high consumption of sugar can lead to uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms when you finally decide to improve your diet and forgo the sweets."

    Complex carbs are things like whole grains - brown rice, quinoa. - but for example not whole grain bread because that falls into the processed category. Also, on your salad, do you use salad dressing? Even if its a light one of a vinegarette, it contains "non-clean" ingredients. The best thing for your dressing is straight balsamic vinegar. Do you make your own pasta sauce or is it store bought?? do you eat sandwich meat? Cheese? These things are not clean either..there are chemically processed ingredient in a ton of foods out there.

    Veggies are also a c.c. The whole idea is you want to keep your blood sugar at a consistent level which revs up your metabolism. Its also important to get enough healthy fats - which is why i take salmon oil pills.

    In your post below you say "I eat 5 meals a day. Sometimes 6 if I still have calories remaining....and that 6th meal is *usually* either edamame beans or air-popped popcorn." - That right there goes against 2 of the "rules" I mentioned...1) you shouldn't be counting calories, you need that 6th meal to get you through the night i probably eat over 2,000 calories a day, and secondly popcorn is not a protein & a c.c, neither are just beans by themselves....my last meal of the night is 3oz of chicken and 4oz of veggies, or an eggwhite omlette.

    Does this help make my point a little clearer? :smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I like your questions, AScheif. Very much!

    Thanks for the info on the "complex carbs"....I've been curious about this for a LONG TIME! I dont' eat any bread, right now (I think I had 1/2 a bagel with peanut butter for the ENTIRE month of January!). And, I don't like brown rice, so I rarely have rice anymore....but, when I do, it'll be white rice. So, you're right there - I'm not a "clean" eater in that regard.

    As for dressing - I always order it on the side and, I'd bet, at best I've got 1 tsp. in any large salad that I have. So, like you said, that doesn't matter, my dressing isn't "clean" because it isn't balsamic vinaigrette.

    I don't eat much pasta. But, I don't like whole grain pasta - so, yes, the nanny cooks with normal pasta. And, she makes her own sauce, although she uses canned tomatoes in any sauce. I never eat sandwich meat. Actually, I never eat SANDWICHES. I hate them.

    I rarely eat cheese. Unless it is in a recipe (for example, it was in a cheezy cauliflower bake my nanny made for me this month).

    Hmmmmm. I'm for SURE NOT eating "clean". I don't usually check to see if I'm eating a complex carb with a protein, that's for sure.

    Just for kicks, what *is* popcorn?? A simple carb, I guess??
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I'm also curious, if only YOU are "eating clean" in your household, or if you are subjecting all of your family members to this plan?


    I guess I should preface (when I post here) that when I say "eating clean", I must just mean "eating clean for me".


    Good for you for giving this a try, AScheif! There is a lady at my gym (who is also a runner) and she and her husband (who is a competitive bodybuilder) are eating clean as a FAMILY - they have 2 little girls, each under age 9, too!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    actually, given all the protein shakes and protein bars I eat, that's actually QUITE A LOT of "processed" food that I eat.

  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Aschief- I am curious do you eat yogurt or any dairy? I saw you said not cheese. Also you said brown rice and quiona are ok, but how about whole grain pasta? For your vegetables do you eat frozen occasionally? Sometimes it hard to get fresh produce all the time. And one final question :wink: Do you consider any fruit a complex carb, or is it only certain fruits? I know some are high in sugar. Thanks!