2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    I'm just going to do some light cycling and mild stretching while my son is swimming at the YMCA, today.

    Then, we're off to daughter's ice hockey game and pizza party. Hubby and son will race home to watch the super-bowl, so I'll (be forced to) stay at the pizza party until darling daughter is ready-to-go.

    What's on your agenda, today?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    I'll be glad to get back to lifting, tomorrow.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    And to keep up with my nutrition-piece on the 2-week-challenge.

    Yesterday was NOT a good nutrition day. Oh well. I'm back in it, today. And trusting it will be a good (and focused!) week.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yeah I have been working out but drinking and making poor food choices. I have two weeks til Mexico and I want to buckle down but I am just in a bad space mentally. Feeling kinda anxious I think. Also my birthday is Tuesday...
    It will be better for me to just get back to work where I can control my food choices better. I will workout today or I will just feel worse about the Super Bowl treats.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    2 weeks is plenty o' time to turn things around for Mexico, Amy. And, happy birthday!! I hope you take LOTS of time to celebrate!!

  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm with Amy. We went out for Alumni weekend for the first time in a year. Yes, it's been a year since I drank alcohol. :laugh: I made up for it though, which of course led to poor food choices yesterday. I'm back on the horse today. Spent a fair amount of time in the kitchen cooking up good eats. Brown rice for lunches paired with chicken breasts, some protein pancakes, eggs, etc. So I feel a little better. My stomach is still recovering though! :sick:

    I'm kind of excited because today I'm visiting with a Personal Health Coach. Our office is trying to kick off the new year with a 'healthy' initiative. So they are offering free counseling with this PHC. Though I'm sure from reading and researching, I may not come away with a ton of new information I'm still excited to have a little 'help on the side'. We'll see. Something to add to my accountability. I guess you meet with her 1st for an hour to go over goals, health history, etc and then she sets up a plan and your visits become weekly after the initial meeting for at least month to see if you are 'getting' the plan. After my health scare with the questionable heart rhythms, I've been trying to keep an eye on more than just the calorie in vs. out (this weekend aside!) so we'll see what it brings!

    With that said, my 2 week challenge is going to be (keeping up my last one of the green tea and Turbo Fire workouts but adding...), #1 follow through with the recommendations from this morning meeting with the PHC #2 refrain from Peanut butter. I've been snacking way too much on peanut butter straight out of the jar. It's not good news!! :blushing:
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi All! Happy Monday!

    Wasn't that great this weekend...didn't keep to any nutrition plan :/ though I also didn't eat everything fried in sight either. I drank some on Friday and more than necessary Saturday but I abstained from drinking last night which was hugely helpful and kept mostly to some chicken wings (relatively good in superbowl food!)

    I leave tonight for DC and am there until Sunday. I am looking forward to it but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do NROL in the hotel gym. I might find a gym and pay for a gym pass? I also will probably not be on the boards as much but I do hope to log!

    Amy - I know what you mean about the anxiety, I struggle with anxious feelings too and it make it difficult to find motivation when I'm worried about getting the bare minimums under control.

    Beeps - how was the event?

    Mamareese - no drinking in a year! That's awesome. I'm not sure I could pull that off! Good luck with the personal health coach, let us know if he/she gives you any good tips :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Wow - the "no drinking" for a year would be tough, even for me...mama - and I don't drink all that much. But, a cocktail, now and again, I enjoy.

    I had 2 drinks on Friday night (before I left home, lol) - and one drink at the function. I don't think I'll have another drink, now, until we hit Hawaii. And, my food choices were BAD this weekend - I don't even know why. Pure laziness, I think.

    Now that I look at the calendar, that just cannot be the case, anymore. I've got 3 weeks until Hawaii and I want to PROVE (to myself) that I can be in better shape THEN, then I am NOW. So, it's *strict* from hereon in. Then, when I'm on "holidays", I'll have a "holiday" - and get back to REAL LIFE later in March.

    Also, reading all these threads that you "can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time" is kind of making me sick. What *am* I doing, then?? Am I just using the muscles I have and getting stronger with the muscles I have without actually building MORE muscle??

    I guess, if that's what is happening, fine. I am NOT gaining MORE muscle, but I am just losing fat. Okay, I can deal with that!

    Have a good time in DC, chui....post if you can!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm not usually so quick to hop back on the board but I'm a little excited. LoL. I debated for 2 months whether to see the Personal Health Coach because I didn't know whether it applied to me. So I called her last week, explained the situation with having been attempting to lose weight, working out, but interested in her perspective. She was happy to set up an appointment with me.

    We went over what I've been doing, how I've dealt with weight issues in the past, looking at how my body has changed/adapted to all the things that happen as you get older. What I do now in terms of eating/working out etc. And she decided for my goals to go more by 'food groups' and hitting targets with those, as well as, preplanning meals.

    I definitely already knew a lot of what she said, but I think it will be fun to have a little extra help for the next month to keep trudging along. Next week is label reading which she noted is something I'm probably familiar with but I told her I'd be glad to go through it with her too. Who knows if somethings changed, or different from what I've learned along the way.

    She also tested my body fat and it read at 26% which is dead center in the middle for my height/age/etc. Wasn't happy, but wasn't surprised either. So for the next week, I'm going to give her way a whirl and see what happens. I meet with her again next Monday.

    She doesn't think my calorie intake is off (1500 straight regardless of exercise) so I'll still be getting the same amount at the end of a day. Just another way. She did go over why Diet soda is so bad for us, so I'm going to try and work on that one! I've tried in the past and gotten it to where I'll have one a day now but even with adding the green tea I still can't get myself out of having one almost every day.

    It was fun because besides DH and my MFP pals, no one really gets the thoughts in my head about food/workouts/weight etc. And I felt like she got that I wasn't trying to get skinny in a week, just trying to get back in shape and be healthier. Thank you work for your little initiative!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Reese, the Personal Health Coach sounds great, we can all use that kind of input sometimes. 26% body fat is only a little over "athletic" and in the low end of "normal" isn't it?
    Beeps, I have been seeing the same thing about muscle and fat, I think you just try to preserve as much muscle as possible while you try to lose fat.
    Kate, have fun in DC. Jamie Eason has a couple of home workout plans if you want to see what they are split into push days and pull days:
    but I see now she expects me to have dumbbells and a stability ball! well, I don't-not on vacation anyway!
    I am not sure what I am doing this week. I want to get to feeling better about my anxiety but I don't know the best way to do that. I have been working out and it doesn't seem to help, but maybe it is helping. so, 5 workouts this week, and I need to eat better. I have to get some breakfasts planned, cuz this morning I had a peanut butter apple cookies.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Reese, I really like that you are focusing on "nutrition" - I think you will find that VERY helpful, indeed!

    Amy, what *are* you anxious about?? If I didn't work-out, I know for a fact my head would pop-off my body and rotate 360 degrees (on a regular basis). So, much of *why* I work-out is all about stress-reduction. Can you identify *what* you are feeling that makes you think it is "anxiety"??

    I'm heading off for my work-out in about 30 minutes. Will check back later.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi all,

    Work has been kind of crazy for the last two months so I haven't been very good about sticking with any of my challenges, but now that things are settling down a bit I'm going to stop making excuses. I've been drinking protein shakes in the morning for the past few weeks and I've actually dropped a few pounds after being stuck on a plateau for a while; I'm not sure if it's because of the protein or not having as much time to indulge but I'm going to hope it's the protein and stick with it. So my 2 week challenge is to have 100 grams of protein a day.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I think I just have some generalized anxiety, some days/weeks are better than others. I haven't found any treatment to be very helpful.
    Probably exercise does help, can't say how much worse I would feel if I didn't exercise.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Today was my first day of making an adjustment to "eat cleaner" and I have to say it is going pretty well. I made Ascheif's pancakes that she posted about and they are SUPER filling! Normally I am starving by lunch, but that wasn't the case at all today. So my plan for the next 2 weeks is to keep up with eating that breakfast instead of my protein bars.

    Totally understand all the anxiety talk. I always have anxiety on Mondays typically because I eat crappier and don't workout as much on the weekends, and then I feel guilty/anxious come Monday morning. Which brings me to my next challenge, to quit eating and drinking so bad on the weekends!
  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    I do wonder why this "not that heavy girls" group has ALL these "members", and yet, maybe only 10 regular posters on the thread.
    I used to post a bit, but have been in "lurk" mode for a while now. I have fallen off the wagon again and am having trouble staying on it for more than a few days at a time. I don't feel right posting in the thread because I have been so inconsistent.
    You ladies are serious inspiration though, so I love reading about your efforts. I hope that isn't creepy!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    not creepy, arwen. but, we are here for *support*, so you don't have to be shy!!

    Post away!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Ris - I like that you have increased your protein. I think that's step #1!!

    Chloe, eating breakfast is really key. I *don't* have a big breakfast, but about 5 years ago I just started forcing myself to have SOMETHING. And, it's gradually improved. And, I started adding a mid-morning snack in the fall, which has made a TREMENDOUS difference to my energy levels (actually).

    Amy, I think it's the WISEST choice to work out (to decrease anxiety). I also think limiting caffeine can help, too. I didn't realize how "jittery" I was, until I got off caffeine, altogether (except for the chocolate I eat).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    So, I did Stage 2, workout B1 today - NROL4W.

    This was my last day with my PT.

    I feel pretty ready to get off on my own and do my own thing:

    1. I have *MISSED* my own music!! When I'm with PT, because I have to listen to him, headphones are off and the YMCA has *the* suckiest music ON EARTH!
    2. I can get to the gym a little bit earlier. Because my PT couldn't fit me in until 12:00 noon (he has another client before me), I was always 1/2 an hour LATER (returning to work) than I want to be. So, now I can dart off at 11:00 am and be back to work by 1:00-ish. Better for me.
    3. Sometimes my PT didn't push me very hard. I think I can push myself harder (once I'm confident my form is good and I'm not going to get injured).

    I'll see PT again, at the beginning of each (new) stage of the work-out, so I'm not done with him, yet. And, hopefully I'll improve enough, each time, that he will be IMPRESSED with my PROGRESSION.

  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    not creepy, arwen. but, we are here for *support*, so you don't have to be shy!!

    Post away!!
    thanks @Beeps2011! I appreciate it!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Hey Ladies!! Just caught up on everyone's posts from the weekend!

    Amy - do you take Vitamin B Complex? It increases energy but also is suppose to reduce stress, I started taking it daily about a week ago and it has definitely helped me in both areas! not saying it will fix the problem but it might help :smile:

    I have noticed that a few of you on here have now added me as an "officlal" friend - and so I figured I should start trying to log some of my typical days in terms of my meals. I am also curious to to see how many calories what I am eating is because I am no longer counting them so I will try to start doing that as of today.

    Day 2 of Week 2 for me and I can say that I am VERY happy with how things are going! My early morning workouts are getting easier to get up for and I find I have so much more energy! I also did really well this weekend, Friday night my fiance was home so rather than having my reward meal Saturday night, we went for a date night Friday and I indulged in pasta and then had popcorn and a latte at the movie later :happy: It was great, although that meant that Saturday night when the boys were having pizza and ice cream cake for his brother's birthday, I was stuck with my chicken and veggie stirfry :grumble:

    I have another big challenge coming up on Wednesday - my girlfriends want to have a date night - dinner and a movie - they know I am on this new competition thing so I am going to skip out on dinner (might go for the company) but the movie will be difficult as I am a popcorn-a-holic!! (we are having it at our wedding that is how much I love it!)

    Although this competition diet is super strict I am happy I am doing it, because after it is done and I go to "regular clean eating" it will seem like its so much easier! And also I can be more flexible on when my reward meals are etc. Also, for the competition I have completely cut out dairy - and I do miss my yogurt, so I look forward to that!

    Hope you all have a great week! :flowerforyou: