2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    AScheif-you flipped the thread! and I do not take a B-complex, I will get some, I think you are right, it might be very helpful. I am also going to try and go outside around noon everyday for 10 minutes so I can get more vit D.
    Beeps, caffeine can make me more anxious. I usually don't drink coffee but I drink green tea, which has some caffeine.
    I am having friends over on Wednesday to watch Dexter, I am trying to think of something to make. Maybe soup or something. These girls are picky but in a strange way, they don't really like most varieties of meat. I was kinda hoping for something in the crockpot, maybe some chicken tortilla soup.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I *love* tortilla soup, asjerven! And, I have an *authentic* recipe for it, from our favourite restaurant in Puerto Vallarta - but it makes a TON of soup....so, depending on HOW MANY LEFTOVERS you want....I can get you the recipe!

    AScheif - I'm a total popcorn-aholic, too! Tons of my favourite childhood memories involve my mom making all us kids popcorn (shaken over the stove in this badminton-racket looking thing). I think you are right that being SUPER-STRICT right now will make your (ultimate) transition to permanent clean-eating relatively easy. But, I cannot IMAGINE how *tough* it must be some days!

    And, YAY for the roll-over!!! Nicely done, ladies!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Sure, beeps, gimme the recipe, if you think it can go crockpot.
    My animal shelter volunteering got in the way of working out. I will work out tomorrow and have a good lunch and breakfast to pack.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Woo! the thread flipped :) Everyone seems to be doing well, great job!
    Amy - You could always make a bean chili, I have a recipe that's about 200 calories a cup and it's very filling, that might be good to make for your friends! Then you can put toppings out and they can add what they'd like.. I hope you feel less anxious too, I know the feeling!

    Beeps - Congrats on finishing with your PT for now, and it's great that you can push yourself harder than he was! He's probably afraid of you getting stronger than him ;) You'll show him amazing progress I'm sure!!

    ASchief - You are so awesome for following the diet for the competition! You are absolutely going to rock it :) Would plain air-popped popcorn fit into the diet at all? If so, you could pop some at home and put it in a bag and hide it in your purse to bring into the theater :) Just an idea!

    I had a week "off" of exercise.. I was just way too run down for some reason last week! I did 2 days of 30ds, but the other days I just went home, ate dinner with my parents and went to bed nice and early! My intake was still under maintenance, so I don't call it a complete week off :) I'm excited to get back to Jazz tonight, although I'm still not really feeling anything from it! The cardio is definitely something though, so I can take it for that. My new goal is that I am going to control my weekend eating better. Usually on Friday afternoon my "snack mode" turns on and it doesn't stop until I get back at work Monday morning! Not good at all! I really need to curb the snacking though and make healthier choices. I also want to do at least 1 work out on the weekends as well. This means bringing a dvd to my bf's and working out in front of him which I feel very awkward doing, but I need to do it for myself and to look ripped :)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Rolled over again. We rock! :laugh:

    I have my food laid out for today and tomorrow. Felt awkward because we are staying at my parents tonight and I packed my own dinner, but it is what it is. Got to see if these adjustments help. Before long I'll be hitting the big 3-0 and I want to know I did everything I could to make my goals!! :bigsmile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    The big 3-0?? My gosh, mama, you are a BABY, still! lol....good for you for planning your food. That's something I wish I had been better at doing in my 30's.

    shander, weekends *used* to be my time to really ENJOY myself. Which, to me, meant eating everything I wanted, in portions to large for any normal human being, all washed down with calorie-laden bevvies!! It was key to my success that I STOP THAT NONSENSE!! One day a week to enjoy what you want (while still making sure your portions aren't WAAAAAAYYYYYY outta control) seems much more sensible. But, it's TOUGH to change something that is SO ingrained into one's motus operandi. Good for you for trying.

    Amy - my tortilla soup recipe wouldn't do in a crock-pot, I don't think. Sorry.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    My immediate "challenges" are that I have a function out tonight, at a restaurant, and tomorrow night, at a restaurant.

    My *goal* is to order the fish and steamed veggie option in each of these instances. That will keep me right-on-track for this week and, will make me feel MUCH better about the BAD food weekend I just had.

    Also, Friday night is a Valentine's Dance at my kids' school and I want to eat NOTHING and simply have a diet drink. I'll make sure I've had a good and nutritious supper before heading out to this (social) event.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    One thing I will confess about my nutritional lifestyle change that I DON'T like:

    I feel like it has made me REALLY anti-social!!! I have always been a social butterfly....and would head out to various social gatherings like a moth-to-a-flame. But, I'm so scared of screwing up that I don't want to go anywhere, anymore. I just want to stay home, where I can manage pretty good.

    I think this is TERRIBLE.

    And, I'm going to have to figure out a way to push-through and get to the other side. But, I won't be figuring this out just now. I've got my mind full of trying to reach a bunch of other (fitness/nutrition) goals....it'll have to wait until I feel I've made enough progression (with altering my body shape) that I can go out into public, again.

    People are starting to comment on how often I've been a "no-show", lately.

  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    So today is my second day of my breakfast adjustment towards clean eating and I have to say I really like it. And I'm not sure if it has anything to do with it, but I slept amazing last night. I think I pretty much did my whole day clean except for some feta cheese on my salad for dinner. Still going strong with running and P90X! Congrats on all your great goals ladies!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Oh and Beeps...what is your favorite restaurant in Puerto Vallarta? We went there a few years ago and may be going again next month, haven't decided for sure yet though.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    ernesto's!! It's within walking distance from the marina (I only know this because we were staying on a boat in the marina and we walked to/from the restaurant).

    It's a hole in the wall (aren't they all??), and they used to have a LIVE bobcat in a cage in the restaurant!! But, they don't anymore.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    My dinner last night was really awesome! I had some organic pork chops, then I cut up a delicata squash into 1/4-inch slices and a bartlett pear and roasted them for 20 minutes at 400 degrees F. then I threw them in the pan with the pork chops and one tablespoon of brown sugar, one teaspoon of chili powder and two tablespoons of water. It was a little sweet and a little hot, not totally "clean" but hey, one tablespoon of brown sugar. Love the delicata squash too, it came with the organics delivery...
    I am also less social, but I haven't even been as reclusive as I would need to be. I try to only go out one weekend night.
    However, I work out every Saturday and Sunday, like that makes up for it!
    Maybe you could just try and schedule your workout while your boyfriend showers or something-like a 30DS would be over in no time. I would feel weird if someone watched me but you have to do what you have to do.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps I've definitely noticed being healthier has taken a toll on my social life as well. That said, I've found it's actually brought me closer to some of my friends who like to get together to do healthy things. I get together with a couple of my friends to go running or walking, and we definitely bond over those workouts. Plus, having a buddy to work out with make it easier to find motivation. It's obviously not the same thing as going out to parties, but it's a nice way to stay in touch.

    Amy your dinner sounds delicious, I'm a vegetarian but I may have to try that for my husband sometime, I'm still trying to figure out the whole meat cooking thing. And is today your birthday? I hope it's a good one!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    yep, it's my birfday, I am 36. You could have the squash and pears without pork chops! I really liked them, I guess they call the delicata squash the "sweet potato" squash. I am not sure it has fewer carbs, though, I should check.
    I should have mentioned that when I roasted them in the oven I added a teaspoon of olive oil and tossed them with 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper.
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member

    Chloe - Way to go!! I definitely have noticed how much better I sleep as well!

    Beeps - I definitely know what you mean - although I have been throwing it back at my friends as well (who also would like to be more healthy although I don't know how committed they are) and I ask the question, "why must every time we get together revolve around food?" So Wednesday night we are going to a girl's movie - I will have a tea, but they can have popcorn if they like still, and Saturday we are all going to go to an outdoor skating rink to go skating and then make dinner at my place (which will be a clean dinner). My other girlfriend and I are going snowshoeing next weekend together and then we have another girls trip planned to go to Banff hiking and then to the Hot Springs. I do "social" things with friends at least 2 to 3 times a week and still have maintained that even with the strict diet -we have just had to do other more activity type things, or go for coffee rather than dinner.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Happy Birthday, Amy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    The "anti-social" thing that I've been feeling is 100% internal. I have LOTS of (business) functions to attend. But, I'm really quite focused on trying to eat healthy (for me) and I just don't want to go to these things. (So, maybe this "weightlifting" is really a red herring....maybe I'm just sick of all the networking and am using it as a convenient excuse to GO HOME, instead.)

    Also, Late-Night-Snacking used to be my nemesis. I say USED-TO-BE quite loosely. I would say that, for about 20 years, I have habitually snacked (on junk) late at night. When I focused on cutting this down, about 4 months ago, my AIM was to only do it one-out-of-every-2-nights. That was a 50% decrease in JUNK. I was successful at that! So, in December, I decided to cut it down to one-out-of-every-3 nights. An overall 67% decrease in JUNK. I was successful at that! Last month (January), I cut it down to 1-out-of-every-6 nights.

    If I stay home, I just have WAY more control over the LNS thing right now. I don't know why....except that, if I feel that stomach-growl, I just race along to bed. And, that seems to be working for me.

    So, I don't want to see people in the evening - where I might end up having an alcoholic beverage I don't really want - or a snack I don't really want. I just want to go home, work, see kids and go to bed.

    But, I also realize that I've become VERY BORING, VERY QUICKLY!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    PS - my LNS goal for February is 1-in-every-7 nights and then, from March onward, no MORE than 3 or 4 nights, per month, will I permit myself to late-night snack.

    If you had said, 4 months ago, that this "habit", which I've OWNED for 20 years, would be decreased to "nominal", I'd have laughed you outta my face!!

    I'm actually pretty proud of this "change". It is a biggie. And, it still takes up a LOT of mental work to talk myself through it....but, less-and-less as the months tick by.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hey All! Not a ton of time to catch up but I got my work out this morning in DC, woo! I was not happy that the facility I had to pay extra to use because it had strength training equipmental only had a smith rack but I made the best of it.

    Thank god for order up room service and egg white omelettes! Didn't manage to log dinner last night but hope to do better tonight!

    Keep it up, happy birthday, amy!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Happy belated Amy! Sorry I missed those posts earlier!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Beeps- Yes, it's definitely a struggle to socialize when you have to think in advance about food. Since the kiddos, I haven't been much of a social butterfly (though I can't say I was ever much of one anyways) but even just a date night out with DH poses a lot of how tos that make going out a struggle. That's why I didn't worry much when I went out this weekend since it had been eons. But I definitely get what you are saying. Maybe when these become habits the option to go out won't be as difficult.

    Kate- Great job! Saw you got your workout in and a nice burn while out of town. Great work!!

    I stayed at my parents last night so I 'thought' I had packed my whey protein for a post workout morning meal. I didn't. So it was turkey and brown rice for breakfast. An odd AM combo but it met my macros that I was looking for. So I'm good with that. And I've got the egg muffins for a snack later so everything is still as it should be!! :happy: So looking forward to grocery shopping we are out of produce and I need a little color back in my fridge!!