2 week challenge



  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps, awesome Lady Guns!

    Amy, I don't think deadlifts should hurt your back. I've never really tried them but here's an article on back pain from deadlifts that might help out http://stronglifts.com/deadlifts-lower-back-pain-injury-technique/

    All this talk of vacation is making me want to take a trip! My husband is going to Buenos Aries in July, so I may have to either go with him or plan a vacation of my own then....

    Well I've made it through the first 5 days of my challenge (eating 100 g of protein a day). I've definitely had to make an effort to do it but I'm getting better at working it into each meal. Keeping it up over the weekend will be the real challenge for me!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Amy, deadlifts are a BACK exercise!! If you review Mark Rippetoe's deadlift videos on youtube, I think you'll see what the movement is SUPPOSED to look like. (He is the author of "Starting Strength".) Yes, you use your legs. Yes, you use your quads, glutes and back. For me, I have lower-back issues and I had to move up REALLY slowly on my deadlifts because all these little muscles in my back, that had probably atrophied over the years with my lack of really *working* them, had to catch up and wake up to equal the rest of what my body could handle. Get the form right. Then work the weight-up.

    mama - heck girl you NEED A VACATION!! Goooooooooooooooooo!!

    Ris - Buenos Aries sounds AWESOME! I hope you can go with hubby....that would be so super-fun!!

    I blew my nutrition-challenge last night. That's all I'm saying about that. I think *perfection* is just asking WAY TOO MUCH OF MYSELF. Way too much. I just cannot be perfect. Dammit.

    Weight-training today was awesome. I managed 2 sets of 2 push-ups off the ground (elbows tight into the sides). I know that sounds like the LAMEST personal record, ever, but it is what it is. One of my goals for NROL4W is to get ALL my sets of push-ups off the ground (plus the pull-ups, chin-ups, etc. as other goals).
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thanks, Ris, I read the article. Have you done the 5x5 proscribed on that site? Might be a good one for me after Jamie Eason-three days per week is what I want!
    Thanks, Beeps, I will google it too, a video would help, but I have watched the one on Eason a few times and I am not getting it so maybe another explanation/demonstration would be helpful.
    Last night was another celebration for me and I don't think I was sticking to any nutrition challenge either.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps - You look wonderful!!! The guns look great! We are NOT perfect! Don't be so hard on yourself! You have been doing wonderful things and making nice changes!

    Amy - It was chilly at night in Cabo. There's a Pacific Side and I think the Sea of Cortez side. I wore jeans at night and a little sweater, but luckily, during the day we could swim and wear shorts. As for the deadlifts, yes definitely check out the videos...it is a back exercise and you can easily hurt your back if not done correctly. Make sure to keep the bar close to your shins and your head up.

    Mama - Gurl...you have got to get yourself on some type of get-a-way!!! You deserve it!!! Good job listening to your body and taking that rest!

    Chloe - you and I have been to the exact same places!!! I would like to hit up PV for a third time :happy:

    Ris - do it!!! I try to get away at least once a year!!! Much needed! Good job getting in that protein, you can do it over the weekend!!

    So I weighed in this morning to see the damage from the trip...not too bad. 4 lbs...I usually do that over a regular weekend because I would stop tracking. Last year I put on like 7 or 8 pounds of bloat!! Hoping to be back to normal next week and then keep trucking to get ready for summer (or perhaps a long weekend in Vegas with the hubby in March!)

    Everyone keep up the fabulous work!! I'm off to make some healthy Orange chicken! Amy, I'll get you that satay recipe!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Good to have you back, Jen, and thanks about the recipe!
    I figured out how to do a collage of me pre-phase 1, 2, and 3. I cannot see a difference, maybe you all can?
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Amy!! I think you look tighter in your abs and a bit more definition in your back!!! Keep at it hon, you're looking awesome!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Amy, I can see *quite* the difference in between your ribs and your hips, actually. The curve is smaller and smoother. I think you did sooooooooooooooooo awesome! And, you started off in such great shape, that it's going to come down to tweaking here and there. No more "leaps-and-bounds" for you, I don't think. But, I definitely see the difference. (I think your bum looks tighter, too!)
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Hey ladies! Okay so I took my measurements last night - its only been 2 weeks since I started my fitness competition training but it has now been 4 weeks since I started my nutrition plan of clean eating and so I thought I would share my results...the first 2 weeks I didn't do any working out (except for maybe 2 hours), and then the last 2 I have been doing my competition training...I am pretty happy with these numbers considering I have been stuck at the same size for like a year!! :smile:

    Happy weekend everyone!
    Jan.07 Feb-10

    Chest nipple line 36.5 35.5
    Rib cage right below ch. 32 32
    Waist -smallest point or belly button 28.75 27.75
    6" below waist (actual hip) 34.5 33
    Hip/Butt - largest point 39 38
    Thigh-largest point 22.5 22
    Calf-largest point 13.5 13.75
    Bicep - relaxed 11 11
    Bicep - flexed 11.5 11.75

    Weight lbs 144.6 138.4
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    For my next 2 week challenge (we begin Monday, again, right??), I am going to focus on exchanging my protein bars for real foods. I've been grabbing protein bars left, right and centre and I'm getting the scoots from this (I think). So, enough!!

    Here's what I'm going to do:

    1. get up 10 minutes earlier and, in addition to the fruit I already eat for breakfast, I will eat 1 egg and 2 slices of Cdn bacon (replace 1 protein bar).
    2. ask for "extra chicken" on my lunch salad (replace 1 protein bar).
    3. eat yogurt and almonds as an afternoon snack (replace 1 protein bar).

    Wish me luck!! If this works, I'll make it permanent AFTER I return from Hawaii!!!!!! (Where, again, I will become protein-bar dependant, with my own permission!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    AScheif, those numbers are AMAZING!! Good for you.....it looks 100% like your nutrition/exercise plan is certainly working! AWESOME!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    So, this morning I did exactly what I said I was going to do....and I've eaten ZERO protein bars, so far! I think this is going to be a good thing.

    I get to work-out for a whole 45 minutes today, while my son is at swimming lessons. So, I'm going to do 20 minutes HIIT on the bike and then 25 minutes of stretching.

    2 weeks to Hawaii, gang!!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Aschief - that is some progress to be proud of!!!! I bet it just reinforces all the hard work you've been doing! Fantastic!

    Beeps - looks like a great plan and I'm glad it's off to a great start! 2 weeks...I can see you are determined and focused! You will continue to rock it girl!

    So after getting back on track Thurs and Fri...I had a little blip yesterday. Ready to be back full force today. Got in cardio and owned the weights today! (which is the same workout that about had me in tears Thurs!) Now I'm gonna do some food prep. I will try making Kale chips, I will roast brussel sprouts for the first time, make chicken muffins, and broccoli cheese muffins...maybe even some oatmeal energy bars...we'll see.

    My challenge for the next 2 weeks - not fall off the wagon because Mexico has come and gone. Looks like the hubby and I will be going to Vegas in March or April, so this will have to be my motivation!

    1. continue to eat as clean as possible
    2. stay within my cal goals
    3. stretch at least 4 times a week

    Have a restful Sunday!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Beeps- thats a great goal and I have found (even though I've only been doing it a week) that when I'm eating REAL food rather than the protein bars I feel full longer

    Ascheif- still amazed by your results!! Keep up the hard work!

    My goal for this week:

    1) Keep trying to eat as clean as possible
    2) workout 6 days
    3) Don't blow all my hard work on weekend cheating (did good with this one this weekend, had a few splurges, but not too bad)

    Have a good Sunday everyone :)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Amy- I agree with Jen, the progress is there! Great work and keep at it. I still keeping her great reviews about that program.

    Asheif- That's awesome. Just makes it even more clear how important food choices are. Way to stick with it! Sometimes that's the hardest part, more so than getting our butts to the gym!

    Beeps- Great goals. Those darn protein bars are so convenient sometimes it's too easy to just use them as a go to. I know what you mean!

    Chloe-Great goals for you too. I've got to stay on track with that whole weekend thing too! I finally got myself to avoid the bad eats but overate on the good food. Ugh...the struggles! :-P

    For me, I spent the afternoon (similarly to Jen!) cooking up protein pancakes, turkey muffins (JE), and some ground turkey to make eating a breeze. My goal is to pre-plan all my meals but Tuesday & Wednesday night (we are going to be eating at my parents those nights so I'll make the best choices available) but I felt a lot more incontrol pre planning this past week and I'd like to try it again. I also need to get fruits back into my diet. When I started upping the veggies, I left out the fruits. I'm trying to hit 2 fruits a day and 3-5 veggies. I know a lot of ppl avoid the fruits because of sugar but until I tighten up other things I'd like to stick with enjoying those little goodies. :love:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thanks, all, for comments about the progress, and Beeps, you are probably right, I could stand a lesson in managing expectations, I know I didn't have a lot to lose, I went into the Eason plan after KISS, then Sexy Female, then 30 DS so I wasn't totally from square one.

    Aschief, that is awesome progress, I hope you will post some pics soon!

    Jen, I got some chicken in the fridge, send the recipe;)

    I got less than a week before Mexico so I am working out quite a bit, but not Monday or Thursday. Tomorrow I am getting a mani/pedi, and it's a rest day! Thursday I get a spray tan and can't workout after that, so...
    Got my egg dish cooked for breakfast, made the apple protein bars from the eason plan, will let you know how they taste.
    Have a rotisserie chicken for dinner and roasting some sweet potatoes right now.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    My food is preplanned for the day, just left a little wiggle room for any snacks I might be needing if the hunger strikes. Going to aim a little low today since tomorrow is Valentine's Day! I'd like a little comfort room for tomorrow's dinner. I think we are doing steak dinners. Looking forward to letting someone else cook after what seems like endless time in the kitchen!!

    On a fun note, I learned that my kiddos will love just about any 'clean' recipe I try. :laugh: It is making it easier to cook since I'm not having to make multiple meals as much. Granted DH is going to always require more fuel than the kids or I. But when it's just me & them, I know I can cook up one of my go to meals and the kids will dig in. Love them for trying out new things!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    mama, so COOL that your kids like what you are cooking! that's easily half the battle, right there!

    Amy, I'm very excited for you that your trip is on the horizon! Hooray!!

    I'm posting this here:


    It was an interesting read about some of the "foods" that might be hurting me more than helping me. I'm even MORE convinced now, than I already was, that I have to ditch the protein bars. So far, so good. I had my egg breakfast this morning and I brought apples and bananas to work (since my nanny hasn't done groceries to buy the yogurt and almonds I need).

    I might re-think the "almonds" to snack on, too, given this article.

    But, it sure would be a NICE SURPRISE if I could drop a couple pounds by the time Hawaii comes around. It's unlikely, but who knows? On another web-site I post on, one of the women said when she gave up her protein bars, she lost a lb that WEEK!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am reading it, Beeps, this made me laugh: Well, if you’re too lazy to step into the kitchen or chew your food, you’re probably not going to reach your fat loss goals anyway.
    Had my almond milk and scoop of protein this morning...
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Very interesting article Beeps! I think I like that guy :)

    I totally agree with him on getting rid of the bars and shakes. I always ate the protein bars, but now they are gone for good!! My husband is into the protein shakes and I never really understood them, I guess I would rather eat food than drink those.

    I don't know if I agree with his point on the nuts, I think he was right that people over do them because they are healthy. Which they are healthy, but they just need to be eaten in moderation.

    I do agree with his fasting points though. Although I think I would prefer to stop eating earlier in the night than not eat breakfast.

    Thanks for the post!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I'm totally not doing the fasting thing.

    BUT, I *totally* saw myself in the: "if you are too lazy to step into the kitchen...." comment.

    I AM TOO LAZY. Or, as I prefer to phrase it: "I have lots of other things I'd rather be doing than chopping veggies!".

    This remains TRUE. So, I know, for a fact, that if I depended on myself to do this stuff, it wouldn't get done and I'd be a BIG, FAT, FAIL before a week was out. This is why I'm only relying on myself for my breakfast change.


    For lunch, the cafe will be asked to add "extra chicken" onto my salad order.

    For afternoon snacks - these will still be "pre-prepared". Hopefully yogurt. But, since I don't have that right now, it's going to be an apple, today. I figure I can suck it up, enough, to eat an apple everyday, instead of one protein bar.

    I already have the nanny cooking more hot veggie dishes with family suppers....I skip the starch and just double the veggies. Which is fine.

    Anyway, everything is a process, right? I'm learning. And, I'm obviously QUITE the testimonial to the theory: "...when the student is ready, the teacher appears..."