2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    ....and I typed that as I was eating my afternoon snack - YOGURT!

    No protein bars and no shakes here.

  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Morning ladies. Today my beloved husband is celebrating is 31st birthday. So I'm planning on a nice dinner at home and his favorite ice cream cake (which luckily I'm not a fan of!!) Hoping it's a nice quiet evening for him since he's been so busy with his full time job and coaching basketball. :smile:

    Read the latest improvements from Chloe (all of which are great- congrats!!) and figured I'd give mine a shot!

    1) Gave up regular pop and have weaned down to 1 can of Diet Pop
    2) Started drinking green tea
    3) Adding veggies to atleast 2 meals a day
    4) Became so much better at preparing my own meals and getting away from too many prepackaged foods
    5) Completed Insanity by BeachBody and on my way to completing Turbo Fire as well
    6) Able to avoid mindless snacking at work 100% of the time, still working on upping that on the weekend but I"m about 80% there
    7) Incorporating healthy eating into not just my own meals, but my kids too- less heat and serve for them and more experimenting
    8) Not letting the scale dictate how I'm going to eat/workout on a daily basis
    9) Eating breakfast every morning whether it's just a protein shake after a good workout or some eggs/toast, etc. I'm getting my fuel in to start the day
    10) Switching in my 100 calorie packs (95% of the time since I did just grab and go yesterday when I was running late to a meeting!) for apples or almonds in the afternoon.

    There's my 10. :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    mama, that is AWESOME! You have accomplished SO many things!! Wow!! Isn't it AMAZING how all these *little* changes add UP!

    Soooooooooooo cool!

    Last night was our V-Day dinner. I started with an arugula salad with a little arctic char. And, my main was ahi tuna with olive polenta (didn't like this) and sauteed arugula. Believe it or not, even with 2 drinks, I was still under my daily calories.


    But, I am going to be in my car all morning, so I am going to have a protein shake with me. I decided between that and the protein bar, the protein shake was the lesser of 2 evils.

    I hope it's okay to bust out one. In all other regards, I have had ZERO protein bars all week long!!!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Nice job mama!!! It does feel like you accomplished so much when you actually write it out, doesn't it?!

    Beeps a shake or bar every once in a while isn't horrible, at least its better than stopping for some crappy fast food!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    nice dinner, Beeps!
    and good work, Reese and Chloe!
    I know I am working out more and eating better than ever. My biggest change in the last year is the lifting heavy, it was about a year ago that I was running and doing body pump, which is fine, but it is light weights at higher reps.
    No workout tonight because I have wax and spray tan, but I will work out tomorrow and plan to take a couple of workouts to Mexico, there is a gym, so we'll see if I feel the need to workout.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hey everyone!
    Sorry I've been so mia.... I'm taking a sewing class and it's been consuming all of my free time! Everyone seems to be doing great! I can't believe all of the changes you all have made :) I haven't been able to work out this week since I've been so busy, but I can tonight and I'm excited for it! I wish I could lift heavy like you all do, but I don't have any weights at home and I can't afford another gym membership.. I'll have to do the low weight/high reps for now, although my arms are pretty toned, so I can't complain too much!

    I'm going to try and be good this weekend... Sunday will probably be a washout because my bf and I are going to a pizza making class that has a 5 course meal with it! That's how we're celebrating our Valentine's Day :) I also won a radio contest today.. yippee! It's for a wine & food pairing meal.. that won't be the healthiest either, but it will sure be delicious! Plus I'll get to spend time with my sister which will be great.

    Aside from that I'm still working on my snacking habit.. I'm not sure why it came back all of a sudden, but it needs to go away! I'm going to do a "lent" challenge.. I'm not Catholic, so I can't really consider it lent, but my mom is, so I do it with her :) I am going to give up night eating though.. the only time I'll have any after dinner "snack" will be at the table with dinner, or for my friend's wedding at the end of March (just because she'll get upset if I don't have her cake!) That's my plan though :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    ha, Shannon-sew busy! what are your sewing-garment? quilt or other craft?
    That's cool about the radio contest and the pizza making! I want to do a cooking class with my husband.
    You can get a good workout at home, I think, if Zuzana from bodyrocktv is any indication!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    My improvements:
    1. Regularly work out
    2. Drink at least 65 oz of water, then drink 2 cups of tea and a water bottle full of the detox tea (used to not drink during the day!)
    3. Steam my veggies instead of saute
    4. Look for healthier menu options when out to eat
    5. Eat a higher protein breakfast (instead of a bagel with cream cheese)
    6. Reduced amount of carbs I eat by not having as much bread & skipping the wraps
    7. Increased my jazz weights from 5-8 in the past year
    8. Cut down on cheese - I used to be addicted!
    9. Cut down on peanut butter... once I start, I can't stop!
    10. I actually think about the foods going into my body instead of just eating whatever is in site :)

    Amy - I'm sewing a blazer :) I'm taking a certificate program for master seamstress and right now we're in the classic tailoring section and it requires a TON of handwork! Luckily I didn't have projects at work, so I spent 2 1/2 days doing all of the handwork at work!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Amy, your trip is SOOOOOOOOO soon!! Yahoo!

    I went online last night to look at the gym facilities where I'll be staying in Hawaii. I haven't decided, yet, whether I will *actually* work-out - because I want some down time and we DESPERATELY need some family time. But, I'm bringing my work-out wear and will just take it day-by-day. (I mean, if it's a "rain day", what's it gonna hurt to go and work-out, right??)

    They do have *some* free weights....but the pictures only showed all the stupid cardio machines. Which is fine....doing cardio while I'm away would be okay - I do plan on swimming a TON, regardless!

    Amy and shander, I like all of your accomplishments this last year, too. You've worked very hard. Your efforts haven't gone unnoticed. And, it's very nice how focused on "good health" you are!!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    My diary went C*R*A*Z*Y yesterday. Out of the blue, I'm jamming chocolate-covered blueberries down my throat like I've never had FOOD in my life! It was NUTS!! I berated myself. And then I went and had SOME MORE! Went home and was determined NOT to eat any supper. dumb. And, I ate a small plate of chicken and pasta. Then, all night long, I'm craving salt/sugar/salt/sugar. Normally, I'd have just said, "whatevah....the day is ruined because of the choc-covered things, anyway....go for it!" But, last night, I just said, "No sabotage, girlie....you're off to hawaii in 2 weeks and you have to weigh/measure for challenges then, too!"

    So, I didn't sabotage any further. I figure I'm over by about 500 calories.

    And THEN.....I bled through my underwear this morning because, whadda-ya-know, MY PERIOD CAME!

    This is a *whew*.....now, at least, I am GRATEFUL as to what must have mentally made me go KOO-KOO and, further, that I ONLY ate choc-covered blueberries (at work)....and without even knowing it, didn't raid my pantry in the evening.

    All good now! Madness FULLY-EXPLAINED.
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Hey ladies!!

    I love seeing everyone's Top 10 changes! It''s so inspiring! I don't even know if I could come up with 10!

    So Week 3 down and only 13 more to go! lol! Took measurements this morning, down 0.2 lbs and 2 inches!! I am pretty happy with that because (*warning about to get a little TMI!*) I haven't "went" to the washroom in a 4 days so I was expecting it to show up on the scale and around my tummy! But because it didn't I figure that if everything had been "regular" (no pun intended :wink: ) I probably would have seen a bigger change!

    But either way I am very happy with how things are going, and my fiance, who is home every other weekend, says he notices a difference every time he is home so that's gotta mean something!

    Next week will be 4 weeks and I will be 25% done, so I will post pictures then (if I can work up the courage :happy:

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, I know what you mean, I crave salt and sugar too right before I get my period.
    The scale was not that nice to me this morning, I am not sure why.
    AScheif, progress is progress. I know what you mean about being regular, it is the worst when I travel. I am taking some of my new tea-smooth move, haha.
    I am ready for Cozumel, leave in the morning, probably won't be logging on at all, we'll see.
    have a great week, catch up with you later!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ascheif- totally know what you mean!!! That is the worst!

    Traveling definitely does that to me as well asjervan....good idea on the tea, I may have to bring some of that with me to Mexico also! I don't plan on logging on vacay bc I know it would be pointless....but I am going to try and run at least 4 out of the 7 days I'm there just to sweat out the margaritas :) And really just try to eat as best I can....stay away from fried stuff etc.

    It's my TOM this week too, which also means it will be when I'm on vacation as well....which sucks!!

    Weighed in this morning and back down to 146.6....my lowest pre-holiday weight! So my realistic goal is to be down to 144 by vacation, that is 3 weeks away.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Hmmmm, I've always had trouble with regularity, when I travel, too. The tea is called 'smooth-move'?? I'm going to go look to buy some of that.

    Amy, I hope you have a WONDERFUL time! Enjoy every single second.

    When is Mexico for you, Chloe?? Shucks, it's gonna be QUIET in here for awhile! (I leave in 12 days for Hawaii.)

    AScheif - excellent post about the inches lost....I would really enjoy you posting pictures. Actually, I'm kind of waiting with baited breath!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    My work-out kinda sucked, today.


    Too bad....it's been the first BAD work-out I've had in some time. And, no reason for it. I felt like my energy was good...it was my last "A" workout in this stage, so I was EXCITED for some PR's, etc. No dice. I actually had to go DOWN in weights in my squat/push-press.

    Oh well. I'm glad it's Friday. Tomorrow I can do my (steady-state) cardio - which I miss and love. And Sunday we are travelling to go meet my new nephew!! So, that's fun!

    I'll need ALL your support as I wander back in on Monday....my husband leaves for an out-of-town conference, all week, and I don't want to SNACK on bad stuff, at night, or in any other way SABOTAGE all this good progress I've been making!

    Thanks, in advance, for your support!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Mexico isn't until March 13th.....so I will be here for support :smile:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I 've had weeks like that too, Beeps, who knows why?!
    Sorry I cannot be "here" for you next week! and yes, the tea is called smooth move, the brand is "Traditional Medicinals" and I got at the grocery store in the tea section.
    What are PRs?
    Enjoy the new nephew and everyone else have a great weekend!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    PR = "personal record".

    I hope you have an AWESOME trip, Amy!

    I'm off to do my regular Sat-morning cardio. Excited! (Last week I had to miss due to kids' sporting activities.)

    PS - no protein bars all week. So, I'm ACING this challenge! And, I've actually dropped some weight which I am 100% attributing to losing those protein bars. Who knew??

    (Yeah, yeah, you all did....I know....)
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I have been MIA for awhile, but I am back. Last summer I had a whole stack of clothes taken in and I could barely get a pair of those pants on the other day and I am up at least 3 or 4 lbs from what I have been for awhile. Enough is enough. I have to get back on track. For now my 2 week challenge is simply to log my food and excercise everyday in order to get back into the habit.

    By the way, I was reading everybody's posts to get caught up and you are all amazing. You inspire me. Great job everyone!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I feel like such a loser :ohwell: I have been MIA because 1. I have had a terribly busy week (parent teacher conferences), 2. extra classes I've subbed 3. TERRIBLE eating this weekend 4. I sliced my finger yesterday, so deep, it's all gauzed up and I can't bend it, don't know how I will lift weights today :sad: But I am sorry I haven't been round. It's time for me to be accountable.

    Total fail on my 2 week challenge, I haven't completed my diary yet this weekend.

    I've read your 10 changes and you ladies are amazing, Aschief - your wonderful progress continues, Amy - have a FANTASTIC time in Mexico!!!! I didn't realize it was this weekend!!

    I am resetting today, back in check and gonna be back in here. You ladies motivate me!! So I will log everything today, control my eating and be here to support!! :flowerforyou: