2 week challenge



  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Chuisle- I checked out your food diary and I think the biggest piece of advice is you aren't getting enough calories from the right types of food. If you want to lose fat you need to stay away from processed foods and breads such as Bagels, pizza, lean cuisines, pasta. And you need to be fueling your body with more natural foods like veggies and lean proteins such as chicken.

    Also I am not sure if it's just because you aren't logging all your food, but if you are, it looks as though you only eat a few times a day, in which case you need to be separatin your meals into smaller ones throughout the day which will keep your blood sugar levels more consistent and boost your metabolism.

    It's not as simple as calories in and calories out, it's also the type of calories - ie. from a chocolate bar vs a piece of chicken.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Kate- Sounds like Asheif was able to throw out some thoughts there. I know things have seemed pretty crazy for you lately! I'm sure it's been hard to make awesome choices in the face of a lot going on personally. You are back, and I'm sure you'll get some more great advice from the lovely challenge ladies!!

    Chloe- So glad it stuck!! :laugh:

    Talked to DH about lack of progress...I've been doing TF for 7 weeks and am not seeing the results I'd like to. I don't expect overnight progress or to see my abs in the mirror by now. But I don't feel different at all. My clothes don't fit different, etc. He suggested doing a hybrid with strength training to get back to that more. TF offers it but it's not as intense as I'd like. Of course, I'd prefer to hit the weights at the gym but I've got a few more months before that will be possible! So, I started last night with a TF and P90x hyrbid concentrating on replacing some of the cardio with P90x's strength workouts. I think it'll be a good change and one that should help! Fingers are crossed!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Hi, I am back and this is the only thread I really want to "catch up" on! And I am so glad I did! Love the pics, Ascheif! you look great! You might should consider a blog since you're getting some friend requests, it's probably curiousity about your methods. I have been getting a lot of friend requests because of the sexy profile pic, but I don't accept friend requests from boys, but my profile is private so they can't see that, so I thought about making it public and saying I am only accepting friend requests from females, I know a lot of women do, especially those of us happily married and other wise "engaged".
    Which reminds me, happy anniversary, Jen!
    And, yes, cheers to AWESOME Husbands, Beeps, you are going to have so much fun in Hawaii! I have a friend who just got back and she is engaged-happy for her.
    I had a great time in Cozumel and I am not stepping on the scale this week, it will just discourage me and I don't want it. I have my organics delivery of fruits and veggies on Tuesday and am looking forward to a healthy week of eating and exercise. I do have a few days remaining on the Eason plan so I am going to finish that but then I want to try something different. I am thinking of something simple like a Rippletoe 5x5 plan, 3 times per week for lifting, and really looking at making little changes to my diet that will clean up my eating, since we can all agree that is the important thing.
    I need to get my body fat tested again and just see where I am at these days.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Kate, I don't know if I have any advice, but I do understand! I wonder if you would be benefitted by having a body bug? It might help to know how much energy you really need?!
    And I know you have been traveling and stressed, all those things play into the scale and holding onto fat.
    Still, I wonder if it isn't too much to try and lose fat while gaining muscle, everything I have read makes it sound like you are asking too much, I don't know, but maybe you want to try a cutting phase?
    As far as eating, I know convenience is huge. I try to keep the fridge at work stocked with options-salad mix, tyson grilled/cooked chicken, greek yogurt, fruits and veggies... or you could even make a chicken noodle soup without the noodles, just chicken and veggies and put those into ready-size portions.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Welcome back, Amy! Glad you had a good time...

    Kate (I keep calling people by their avatar handles....laziness on my part, I guess), I'm SUPER-jealous of your 23% BF....that's all I'm gonna say about that.

    Month-end photos have been taken. I didn't *cry*. But, I also did NOT see the changes, in the photos, that I thought I would. So, the "rear-view" I caught in the mirror this month was truly a mirage and my "problem area" looks pretty much the same as it did 2 months ago. My profile looks better (in tummy region), but, I've never really "worried" about this region, so it's kind of "myeh". I don't look as muscular, in photos, as I feel I am, which is likely the result of my over-inflated ego - but I'm okay with that!!

    My measurements were pretty good and I'm not complaining one bit. All things are moving in the right direction and I'll carry on my merry little way into Month 3 of the challenge.

    The end.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Thansk for the suggestions all.

    Asheif, the last few weeks aren't typical and I haven't been logging all my food. As I mentioned I am just trying to stay above water lately. If you look at my diary from the 2.5 weeks when I started that is more typical. On a good day I am eating 5 meals a day including a lot of lean protein, though I could always do with more veggies. The issue is more how much I should be eating since I was gaining even was I was doing this well (as opposed to not, like the last few weeks).

    Amy, I'll look into a body bug. I am honestly not hoping to really gain muscle right now, I am hoping to lose fat and *not* lose muscle (or at least lose it minimally). Once I am closer to goal body fat I will consider whether I want to work to gain lbs of muscle. I like the idea of that chicken soup! Do you have a recipe you like?

    Thanks. Its just so discouraging to measure my waist and find it bigger. Ugh.

    I am going to make the following goals for the next two weeks:

    1. 1400 cals/day + ex cals
    2. Do a better job of limiting refined grains (3/week)
    3. Do some sort of physical activity on my off lifting days, either cardio/walking/tennis etc.

    Starts now! I will re-evaluate calories as needed.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    I completed my 2-week protein bar challenge and I liked my results. So, this will be a permanent change.

    I know we are supposed to start another 2-week-challenge, but I can't think of any REALLY good one. Particularly since I'm holidaying in a few days. I guess I will make it my challenge to fit in SOME type of UNorganized fitness everyday. Swimming with the kids, or sprinting to a look-out point, or whatever. So, for me, cheating would be putting on my runners and heading to the exercise room in the hotel....because, that's really NOT the point of my family vacation.

    Finding fun things to do - to incorporate some fitness into, might just be the RIGHT sort of challenge for the next couple of weeks!

    (You notice I did NOT say: "limit my alcohol consumption". I think I have had 5 drinks since Christmas Day....so, I *do* plan on indulging in alcohol while I'm away!)
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Beeps, a little alcohol is said to be good for us. I have a tendency to over do it too much on the weekends. I guess that explains why I gain a bit on Sunday.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Beeps- Great job with the protein bars. Love that you allow for room for 'life' on your vacation. You are right, you can enjoy your time with your family and still find ways to fit in fitness without actually hitting the gym. Love that!!

    I switched my weigh in days to Mondays. Weekends are always rough on me. Not so much bad eating but more snacking and less water. So I wanted a clearer picture of where I'm at going into the week. Have my last meeting with the Personal Health Coach today. I'm sure the scale there will reflect the same but it's BF measurement day too. So I'll be interested to see.

    For my 2 week: I didn't do great with keeping a good balance of veggies and fruit last week. Again, as I added in more fruit, I slacked on veggies. So that's going to continue to be my focus. I also switched up my training program from strictly Turbo Fire to a P90x/Turbo Fire hybrid to allow for my strength workouts at home. So I'll continue my 6 days a week workout plan just with that adjustment.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Mamareese- That sounds like a great program. I did a Chalean extreme and TurboFire hybrid last a couple months ago. Now I am doing P90x 3 times a week for strength and running 3 days a week for cardio.

    I have say I am really proud of myself. I preplanned my entire weekend of eating and I really stuck to it. The only cheat I had was 2 breadsticks at Olive Garden on Saturday and a little more wine than planned over the weekend. But for me that is really good bc I normally sabotage myself on the weekends completely and then I feel like I'm starting over on Monday. So that is the key for me PREPLANNING on weekends too...not just throughout the week!

    So I weighed myself this morning even though I typically just weigh in on Fridays. And I was up 1 lb from Friday, which I am actually happy about bc that is probably just water weight from the cocktails and eating out Saturday.

    Goals for this week is just to keep doing what I have been and really keep focusing on staying in control over the weekends.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I'm trying to get myself back on track... I've been slipping the past few weeks which is one of the reasons I haven't been posting as much :/ I'm hoping it's just the winter blues that are causing the issues! I keep snacking too much (although, not at night since Wednesday) but it is hurting my progress! I need to find a way to motivate myself again, and until then I might still be less talkative on here out of sheer embarrassment for my lack of progress :( I am still working out and trying to eat well, but when I went on my friend's scale this weekend I was up 10 lbs again... almost back to where I started last year.... I'm hoping it was mostly water weight from the chinese and mexican food I ate this weekend (mexican wasn't a choice, it was for a bachelorette) but we'll see in the next few weeks.... Sorry for such a depressing post :/

    You are all doing great though! Welcome back Amy, I'm glad you had a nice trip!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    I feel like absolute CRAP because of my oscar over-indulgence....my tummy ached SO badly last night that I was downing TUMS like they were going out of style.

    Today is my last work-out before I head off to Hawaii (I have too many meetings tomorrow to fit in any exercise) and I feel like absolute crap. So, I hope my trainer kicks my *kitten* and I hope, to heck, that I feel better after my noon-hour work-out.

    I kind of figured my body might not like the "indulgence" as much as my MIND did....lesson learned. And, well, it's a year until Oscar time next year and I betcha anything I do it different next year, lol!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Chloe- Thanks! And I'm sure your right about the 1lb. if it's only 1lb I see up over the weekend I know it'll be gone after some extra h20 and a good couple of days! Preplanning an entire weekend is awesome. I should consider this! Can relate to weekends being harder. I love the structure of weekdays!

    Shander- Glad to have you back!! You'll get back at it in no time. It happens to all of us. Life comes along and bumps us a little but we get right back on track! Just glad to see you popping in!

    Beeps- Hoping you are getting your butt whooped by the trainer today!! The mind always thinks we want things until the body tells us other wise. Understandable. A few good meals, todays workout and a nice trip to Hawaii and you'll be feeling 100%.

    ~I myself am back to vent. I met with the Personal Health Coach. We went over my diary first. She felt good about my calorie level given my age, weight, height, and activity level. She again complimented me which I still find odd, on allowing for a few indulgences. She forgot the BF handheld measurement device so we are postponing that for a month. And then it was time to hop on the scale. The 2lbs I was down at our last meeting 2 weeks ago, was back up 1.6lbs. I kept a good face on. But I was deflated. I know I ate some chips and crumb cake this weekend. And although it wasn't a macronutrient I needed, it fit in my calories. I said no to spaghetti dinner and just ate a couple meatballs and garlic bread. I felt like I had a better grip on this weekend. Granted my H20 drinking was down. But I've consistently worked out everyday Monday-Monday. She said, you are already skinny, you look great. And that was nice and all but I KNOW what I look like naked. I know I have weight to lose. I'm very frustrated. I don't know whether to suck it up and drop my calories again. I am making the change from straight Turbo Fire to P90x/TF hyrbid to get that strength back in. Any suggestions? Maybe I need to clean it up even more? I LOVE the results Ashceif is getting from her clean eating but I think to myself how much stricter to I need to go just to lose a few more pounds?

    Maybe it's just my defeated disposition right now, but I'm utterly lost. Any advice you have would be appreciated. Even if it is direct! Maybe I'm sugar coating my approach!

    End rant- and sorry for the negativity!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I just have to say again, that when you are already close to goal, you can't measure your progress in weeks, especially if you are just going to beat yourself up about it. I remember a month ago when Jen was up about 8 lbs and down that same amount within the week. Water weight can mask progress, so please don't go by the scale. If you are making good food choices and exercise, that is progress. And it's worth another reminder that maybe the 2 lbs you lose won't make you look good naked, either, because at this stage it isn't about weight but more about body composition. I think all of you are doing great things. I have been discouraged with my progress too and was really hoping to see some transformation with the Eason plan...
    Kate-I can't find that recipe, it was a paleo chicken soup, maybe you can google it and see if there's a good one. sorry!
    Beeps-have a great time in Hawaii!\
    chloe, that is a great idea about planning the weekends-weekdays are easier but if you schedule and plan, you don't have to feel like you are starting over. The only nice thing about the weekends for me is that I can find time to workout!
    And speaking of, I was sort of looking at bodyrock this weekend, I never tried it but I keep thinking maybe I should?
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I definitely agree, Amy that the 2lbs in 2 weeks isn't a big issue. I guess I should clarify that I've had no change in the 6 weeks of doing Turbo Fire in measurements either. Maybe TF, as enjoyable as it is, just wasn't right for where I'm at. I remeasured myself and am exactly where I was when I started TF which, unfortunately is the same as where I was when I completed Insanity. Now, I do take that as a positive of not gaining weight or losing the progress I saw from those efforts. I just would think in terms of overall there would be some change and was thinking maybe I am going about it wrong. I do apologize for being down and out!

    As for body rock, I love their site. I did one for the first time in a while. Zuzana from the site has moved on to do her own on youtube if you search ZWOW workouts she uploads regularly too. Both are short and concise and can be modified usually to do it without the actual equipment. Good burns in short amount of time too!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Have you noticed that our weight is yo yoing even more the less we have to lose? I know that a lot of my problem is that I am not careful on the weekends. I can lose a couple of pounds during the week and then regain it by Sunday night. This is where I need the most help.
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Mamareese - I COMPLETELY know how you feel! I was at the same weight and measurements for at LEAST a year before I changed over to more clean eating. I would fluctuate within a certain range - lose a bit, gain a bit, lost a bit... etc etc.

    I know I probably sound like a broken record so I apologize, but it really is about what you eat...
    I would like to challenge you for your next 2 week challenge to eat as clean as you can - and what I mean by that is try eating things that only have ingredients on them you can pronounce or know what they are. It's not as easy at it sounds as you will soon be amazed at how many foods that you think might be okay for you actually aren't. The biggest thing is prepackaged foods or basically any food that you eat from a fast food place. Read the ingredients on a lean cuisine for example, you can probably only read the first few - oh and if the first or second ingredient is sugar, throw it away! :laugh:

    If you do this consistently for 2 weeks and don't see a difference, I would be extremely shocked!! ....You up for it?! It's only 2 weeks! Oh and I should add that you need to have a protein and a veggie at every meal, that woudl be the second part to the challenge :wink:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    You know what AScheif. I'll take that challenge. 2 weeks is what this board is all about and you are right, if I see results than I'll know what's going to work to shock my body into submission! Hope you are updating your diary because I'm about to 'steal' some ideas!! :laugh:

    This may be exactly right and I've been afraid to accept it. But what's 2 weeks? I lost weight in the past eating Lean Cuisines all the time and Diet pop. But I know that doesn't work for me now. So maybe it really is about going the distance. I'm sure it'll be a challenge but I accept!!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    ascheif - I would LOVE to take that challenge! However, I live at home and have to eat what my family eats... I know I'm 23 and should be able to make my own decisions, but my mom would not be happy with me and she'd think I was trying to be anorexic (no, I'm not kidding! haha) but I will do my best with eating as clean as possible :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am definitely trying to eat better, even one ingrediant things! it is possible. However, the next two weeks is Denver Restaurant week and I live for this time of year, I have three reservations already! but I will be trying to clean up the breakfast and lunch.