2 week challenge



  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ris- Great challenge....that has been mine for awhile now and I am getting better and better every week :smile:
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Glad I'm not the only one slacking on posting :P Work has been getting crazy!!

    Beeps - looks like you're doing well, congrats on staying away from the protein bars! I bet you're getting wicked excited for Hawaii! You'll have a blast and look fabulous!

    Ascheif - you look amazing!! great work :)

    Ris - Great challenge :)

    I'm participating in lent even though I'm not catholic! So I guess it's more of a 40 day challenge for me :P I gave up night snacking though... this is going to be tough sometimes.. especially this weekend since it's my friends bachelorette! I'm afraid that after we get home from going out we will much on snacks to soak up some of the booze! I need to try to refrain myself though....
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Just checking in with everyone. I'm doing much better with the eating - with the exception of a Cadbury egg the other night - they are my downfall every Easter season, but no more! The excercise piece has been tough. I stopped going to my chiropractor in November and I have been having a lot of back pain and then I hurt my shoulder in Modern dance last weekend. It is starting to feel better so I am going to try lifting again soon.
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Ascheif- I just realized I forgot to check out your progress pics!!!! WOW what progress you have made! So how many pounds have you lost between those 2 pics? Definitely an inspiration!

    Thanks Chloe! Its probably been only 4 or 5 lbs at the most - but that is because I have been replacing a lot of fat with muscle which is why my inches actually show way more of a loss than my weight!

    Things this week have been good! I have been hitting the gym hard with my strength training workouts - my body is in a constant state of tiredness though from all the working out so I need to do a better job of getting the proper amount of sleep at night! So that is going to be my 2 week challenge starting on Monday!

    Training has kicked in to full gear, my number of meals with carbs has been reduced to 3 of my 6 and I can definitely notice the difference!! I am alot more hungry when it comes time to eat - although when I do eat it does keep me satisfied until its time to eat again ! No need to set a reminder on my phone to eat every 2.5 hours anymore - my stomach does it for me! :laugh:
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps - fabulous on your challenge and and you can so keep it reigned in for your vacation!!! You got this lady!

    Aschief - how amazing you must feel at your wonderful progress in such a short amount of time!!! congrats and keep at it! You look fantastic!

    Chloe - hope you find relief soon...it stinks to have injuries get in the way of our progress and motivation!!! I'm with ya, Ipulled my shoulder again Monday and resplit my finger open Monday night :grumble:

    Shannon - that is great you are participating in Lent! I'm Catholic and I still don't know what I'm giving up, lol! I think diet soda...but I only really have like 3 a week. We'll see.

    Abigail - hope the shoulder is better now!

    Ris - I am with you on the weekend logging challenge! I failed last weekend :blushing:

    Must be the time of the year or something but sometimes life just gets in the way. My stress level at work hit an all time high and I had to make a decision. I fell off the wagon the last 2 days but I am much better now. I spoke with my husband and it looks like I am changing careers. I don't have it narrowed down, but I know I want to do something with nutrition/dietician/health coach/corporate fitness or even teaching nutrition/health/wellness/fitness in high school or college. I am going to see a career counselor to help me out, but it looks like classes start March 8!!!! So yes this will be a quick transition! I am so excited and can't wait to begin. I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders and I can breathe again. :happy:

    So glad to have you ladies here!!! Now let's kick these challenges' butts!!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ascheif- totally know what you mean about being hungry every couple hours once you get used to it. I have been doing the 5-6 meals a day for a couple weeks now. The nice thing is that is also helps with portion control because you know you get to eat again in a few hours.

    Jen- awesome news on your career change!!! How brave of you! That stinks about your finger and your shoulder....injuries do suck!

    Beeps- Vacay is getting soooo close!!

    I'm Catholic too, but not a very good one bc I haven't even thought about giving anything up....maybe I will do something nice for someone everyday. That sounds like a good thing!

    My back is feeling so much better! I ran 3 miles last night at a pretty slow pace and my pain still went down some today! I think I am going to do the same tonight. I'm putting P90X on hold till next week though, I don't want to push it too hard.
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm new to MFP. My biggest challenge is the diet side - not the quality but rather the pure quantity. I'm usually happy to work out because it lowers my high stress levels, but I'm ALWAYS hungry and really have trouble staying under 2,400 calories a day. I don't drink soda or eat candy or junk food, but I also don't really like meat and am allergic to dairy and soy so I'm always low on protein and high on fat. Any suggestions? My challenge from now until March 10th is to absolutely stay below 1300 cal/day. Help!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Hi solar! Despite what else you may ever read on mfp, I'm pretty convinced that EVERYONE'S biggest "challenge" is on the nutrition side...

    I think you need to really investigate how to get more protein into your diet, because it will leave you satiated for longer periods of time - and I'm not the right person to ask for "meat-alternatives" for protein (although I know eggs have protein - and milk, too!).

    PS - I don't think you need to stay under 1300 calories per day. If 2,400 is what you are doing, now, I'd aim for 2,000 for a couple of weeks and then, maybe, 1,800.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    My 2-week challenge is NOT as pristine, this week, as last week. I had a power bar yesterday (can't recall why) and I had one this morning because I was in a 6-hour board meeting and it seemed the LEAST evil alternative.

    So, I've had 3 protein bars in 12 days....which isn't terrible (considering I used to have 3 a DAY), but it really wasn't my goal.

    Anyway, there, I've confessed it. I should be able to sail through the rest of this week without much need for protein bars....but, who knows? I'm a *perfectionist* and I'm a little miffed at myself that I wasn't PERFECT on this challenge!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Finally broke through 145!!!! Weighed in this morning at 144.8:smile: I haven't been below 145 in years and years!

    Beeps- don't beat yourself up about the protein bars 3 in 12 days is amazing!

    The workout plan for the weekend is to just do cardio/running. I will be back to p90x on Tuesday ( I can't workout monday) I have my diary planned through the weekend, so I am really going to stick too it! Last night had a little cheat. Went to a friends for Jambalaya and had some wine and a few beers. So I will be doing good tonight. Tomorrow we are going to Olive Garden with some friends, and I already have my meal planned, so I will work out to make up for that! Happy Friday everyone!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Finally broke through 145!!!! Weighed in this morning at 144.8:smile: I haven't been below 145 in years and years!

    Beeps- don't beat yourself up about the protein bars 3 in 12 days is amazing!

    The workout plan for the weekend is to just do cardio/running. I will be back to p90x on Tuesday ( I can't workout monday) I have my diary planned through the weekend, so I am really going to stick too it! Last night had a little cheat. Went to a friends for Jambalaya and had some wine and a few beers. So I will be doing good tonight. Tomorrow we are going to Olive Garden with some friends, and I already have my meal planned, so I will work out to make up for that! Happy Friday everyone!

    Chloe!! This is so awesome congratulations!! Not too long ago I broke my 145 barrier!! and then shortly after that my 140!! and I haven't looked back!! Weighed in this morning at 137.2 - down a pound from last week so that makes me happy!! I am really looking forward to my day off tomorrow and my Reward meal! Fiance is out of town so I will probably just order in pizza and rent a movie - I need some serious me time!!

    So my competition shoes showed up yesterday on my doorstep - and holy man are they high! 5 inch clear heels with rhinestones - they are kinda sexy actually!! Anyways I put them on and walked around for a few minutes, and I must say I surprised myself for how well I did! (This coming from the girl who is wearing UGGS at her desk right now! :laugh: ) I have my first posing clinic with my trainer and her other girls on Sunday - it will be good to meet some of the other competitors although I am nervous as to how I will stack up compared to them - I figure though if anything it will be a good source of motivation! :happy:

    Happy Friday Everyone!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Ascheif-Looks like things are in full swing for you!! That's awesome!! I'm on tumblr too and have been following this amazing lady (who just appeared in an article in Oxygen) as she makes her way in competing. It's awesome to get a glimpse into all the hard work you ladies put in!

    Beeps- I think that's amazing progress! We expect a lot from ourselves, but you really do a marvelous job of setting a goal and taking the steps to achieve. Sometimes we have to allow ourselves a little room for 'life' to fit in too!

    Chloe- THATS AWESOME !! Congrats! That's how I feel about the awful # 150. At Christmas I hit it after a bout of the flu but haven't been below and keep hovering above for what feels like eons. It's inspiring to see you meet your goal!!

    As for me, things are going well. I missed work yesterday & today because Big Man is sick but I've had time to get in an extra workout yesterday, my eats were good, and I'm making my mom's birthday dinner without having to rush since I'm at home. So it's a good day!! Workout was a little iffy because I've got this annoying headache but once it fades I'll get a better workout in. I thought maybe hitting the workout would help it subside but no luck!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Thanks everybody!

    Ascheif I'm totally attributing this weight loss to you! You have totally been my inspiration and making the changes over to clean eating have really been helping. I definitely have not been as strict as you, so I doubt it will come off as fast. But, I actually enjoy the changes I have made and I never feel starving like some other diets I have tried. It is just a lifestyle change. And the great thing about it is my husband enjoys the dinner recipes I have made also....so its nice that we can still eat the same things and I don't have to make separate meals.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Congrats, Chloe!! I decided to weigh myself today, too....and, I think it is COMPLETELY do-able that I'll be at 155 for Hawaii. That means, I'm heading into the low 150's and if I end up in the 140's in April, I'll be SOOOOOOOO STOKED - it is officially *do-able*, which is NICE!

    I have to measure and weigh this weekend and take photos. So, I kind of did a "mini-tape measure" thing this morning and, for sure, my inches are DOWN. Down, down, DOWN!! Now, maybe when my hubby measures me up it won't be as "stark", but, let's just say that I've lost MORE than 1/4" on most places on my body. So, for me, that is HUGE.


    Photos always make me cry, but, for just this month, I will focus on the measurements and be 100% THRILLED that they all moved in the RIGHT direction (downward).

    AScheif, YOU ROCK.

    mama - I hope that headache goes away, soon....can ruin a weekend, for sure!

    Oh, and 5 days to Hawaii!! (I guess I'd better break down and try on bathing suits, too....)
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Chloe - congrats, that is wonderful!!!! Bet it feels good to have your hard work validated!!!

    Beeps - You are sooo close!!!! I'm sure you'll see a great difference in your pics! Let us know how the swimsuit shopping goes!

    Aschief - that is so exciting!! Rhinestones, nice ;) I'm sure you'll man would love to have you strut around in those heels ;) I'll be anxious to hear how the posing class goes!

    Mama - hope that headache went away for you and you were able to enjoy your mom's bday dinner!

    food and exercise going good. Tomorrow my husband and I will go out for dinner to celebrate our anniversary but the actual day is Monday...I can't believe it will be the lucky 13!!! I have a class in the morning then weights in the afternoon. We are going to an Italian restaurant, so I hope to keep things reigned in!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    jen - I hope you have a FAB anniversary celebration....let's take a moment to be grateful for AWESOME HUSBANDS!!


    PS - I'm not going bathing suit shopping anywhere except in my own closet. So, it isn't that exciting - but also not that terrifying, either, lol!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    So I weighed myself again this morning just to make sure the 144 wasn't in my imagination and nope it was still there :tongue:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend! Just stay on track and keep logging! (I'm telling myself this as well)

    Beeps- Good luck with trying on bathing suits.....I am going to wait another week for that! 17 days till Mexico!

    Jen- Have fun at your anniversary dinner!! 13 years is amazing!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    So I weighed myself again this morning just to make sure the 144 wasn't in my imagination and nope it was still there :tongue:

    Haha I love this Chloe!! I totally did this too this morning! :tongue: I am so happy that you have found a lifestyle change that works for you and that you are seeing the results, and loving it!! I also recognize and respect the amount of time and dedication it takes to change over to this style of eating and for that I applaud you!!!

    It's snowing here today, started yesterday and is suppose to continue into tomorrow, but I really want to go buy a new yoga top for my posing class tomorrow so I might venture out! Tonight is my reward meal - looking forward to pizza, have a great weekend everyone!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Everyone is doing really well....it's always so nice to read!

    17 days is gonna fly by, Chloe - although it better SLOW RIGHT DOWN while I'm away, lol!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hey all! Back and committed to posting every other day now! I hate being gone and feel guilty that I'm no supporting you all. I've had some traumatic events in my personal life this year and it has been making it hard to get everything I need to get done done in a day. But It really helps me stay on track when I post on here so here we go.

    Happy lent everyone who observes it! Looks like some of you have lenten promises, I am not drinking diet soda. This is a super tough one for me as I LOVE my diet coke but it going well so far. I also abstain from meat on Fridays etc. (Crazy Catholics :)

    Okay ladies. I need your help. So I started NROL on January 25th (work outs, upped cals to 1700, started doing protein etc.) At that point I think I was about 140.8 lbs with 23% BF according to my handheld (so with a grain of salt, it was higher with calipers which I'll do this week). Today I was 144.4 and 23.8% BF so basically I have gained 1.6 lbs of muscle (:D) but 2 lbs of fat (:( ). I have also gained inches (double :( )

    Clearly between my observance of my calories (which has been good and less so over the period) to the actual level I am gaining, not losing. This is super disheartening as I am really focused on losing BF! What are your suggestions for calorie level? My first instinct is to cut to something 1300 for 1-2 weeks then work it up to 1500/1600 and see how I do. This is all complicated by the fact that I haven't been as adherent as I should but even in the first few weeks when I was pretty damned good I was gaining.
