2 week challenge



  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member

    Jen, I got some chicken in the fridge, send the recipe;)

    Hehe, thanks for the reminder Amy, I need them often :blushing:

    Here is the base recipe I used:


    Here are the changes I made: I used So Delicious Coconut milk, like 45 cals I think (not the thick creamy stuff in the can at the grocery store), splenda/brown sugar mix (stevia would work too, which I prefer), I reduced the amount of peanut butter I used and added a drop of coconut extract to the dipping sauce, no salt added Progresso chicken stock (LOVE this stuff...so little sodium, get it at Supertarget) and low sodium soy sauce. Let me know how you like it!!! We LOVED it!! Oh and I marinated the chicken overnight, which I think is the key!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    ok, well, I guess I won't be having it for dinner tonight! Tomorrow, DH is cooking:smooched: and Wednesday is Dexter-watching at a friends, so Thursday dinner, satay! thanks!
    Oh, and I got the Blue Diamonf almond milk, after my survey, they did not have Silk where I was shopping.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    saw this on another thread, thought it was an important reminder:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    I can't see the thread you posted, Amy....it's just a box with a red "X" in it. (Maybe it's my work firewall.)

    I just ate a banana.

    Nobody around here tell me I'm not trying to eat better....heck I HATE BANANAS!!

    But, I have also had ZERO protein bars, or shakes, today!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps - yes, very interesting article. I love my nuts...just need to remember not to overdo it. As for shakes, I don't have them everyday, but I do add some powder to my coffee at breakfast for protein because when I work, I usually have toast and peanut butter. Great job on no protein bars!!

    Good points to remember, I'm gonna forward it to my husband because he's one of those shake drinkers immediately following a workout.

    Amy, sorry got you the recipe so late, but glad you have time this week to make it!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    I'm at home and now I can see Amy's photo....Like!!

    Hey, not ONLY did I eat ZERO protein bars, today, I also ended up at a late-meeting at work, so I skipped my protein shake, too.

    But, my tummy was REALLY growling on the way home for supper. I downed not ONE, but nearly 2 pieces of fish....

    I hope it will get a little easier as the week goes on. You know, I tackled late-night snacking in Nov/Dec and I've got it pretty beat (already!)....so, with the same type of determination, I should be able to tackle the protein bar/shake thing.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    I think we should have a thread devoted to all the GOOD changes we've already made!! Here's some of mine (just in the last few months):

    1. deleted diet Coke as an afternoon drink;
    2. substituted Green Tea as an afternoon drink;
    3. traded much-beloved cardio for weight-training;
    4. upped my calories!!!!
    5. reduced my late-night snacking by more than 85%.
    6. chucked the junk food in my pantry.
    7. take my calcium supplements throughout the day (rather than all at once).
    8. added yogurt (which I really used to hate, but can now tolerate quite easily) to my afternoon snacks.
    9. added more protein to my diet; and
    10. trying to make my protein choices less processed (dumping protein bars and protein shakes).

    That is 10 GREAT THINGS I've done for myself.

    What are the GREAT THINGS you've already done?? Time to PAT OURSELVES ON THE BACK!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    pretty soon, Beeps, you'll be perfect and have no use for us and our two-week challenges:happy:

    No biggie, Jen, I had leftover rotisserie tonight.

    I didn't love the Jamie Eason apple cinnamon protein bars, the texture was kinda spongy and dry, but I will eat them because I can't waste them-do you know how much almond meal costs?!

    working out tomorrow, to earn my VD dinner:love:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Amy- I'm with ya on the VDay dinner. Made sure I got up and got TF in before anything could slow me down!! Bummer on the protein bars, I tried the pumpkin ones and didn't quite get the recipe right. Neither DH or I approved of that recipe. Those turkey muffins are delish though!

    Beeps- 10 accomplishments! That's amazing!! I'll have to think about what I've accomplished...I know there have been changes made but it's 10am and I'm in ...close but not close enough to lunch fog!!

    Got TF done at 5am this morning so I can get through work and just enjoy the night. DH and I did Vday last night since we won't see each other tonight. I posted this on my facepage, but my sweet husband got me a massage for Friday. I have NEVER had one, aside from the impromptu ones I convince him to give me. I've been wanting to go do it but would just never splurge. But my thoughtful husband did. Love him!!:heart: So I'm going to make sure I earn that massage and get through the week with killer workouts so I know my body will be craving a little R&R!!!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Hello Ladies!!

    Beeps - I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!! Reducing your dependence on protein bars and shakes is such a great step! The must be so hard too because it is such a convenience thing as well so good on ya!

    Thank you everyone for the kind words after I posted my results - I am super happy with them and am still noticing a difference pretty much every day - I need to go and buy some new pants as all mine are too big now. -- and Amy I will definitely post some photos soon, probably at the end of next week because that will be the 4 week mark since I started my competition training!

    So far I am feeling really good this week, got all my food prepped on Sunday for the week and this coming weekend because we are going snowboarding in the mountains. Fiance is away working so I will be spending Valentine's Day with the gym - which is okay, because I don't need the mid-week temptation anyways. :laugh:

    Hope you all enjoy your Valentine's Day, keep up the good work!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    reese, that is nice about the massage, I am totally planning to get a massage in Mexico. I remember my first massage in 2005-my boss gave us all gift certificates and it was for a 60 minute massage and when I called I was like, do we do this all at once? it seems like an awfully long time to be rubbed:tongue: I didn't really know what to expect, it seemed really strange to be rubbed by a stranger but it was wonderful and now I love them!
    Happy Valentines day to all my NTH Girls, enjoy!
  • arwensb
    arwensb Posts: 275 Member
    do you know how much almond meal costs?!
    Do you have Trader Joe's where you live? They sell almond meal there at much less cost than other places.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    No Trader Joe's in Colorado yet, but there are plans to, supposedly. I am excited, I love Trader Joe's!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Good hubby V-Day report, mama!

    Can't wait to see your pics, AScheif!!

    Happy V-Day to all! (I'm too swamped at work to post very much....but, I have eaten ZERO protein bars, today. YAY!)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Valentines' Day - epic fail. Back at it today. If I was still calorie cycling I'd call it a high day...but no luck with that. :laugh: might need to brew up some of Jen's tea to get myself feeling normal again!! :noway:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    V-Day dinner was good, it wasn't even very high cal, DH made lobster thermidor, but only one tail, and he didn't really do a side dish, just salad, so it was really dessert and wine that made me go over.
    I feel a little rough today. But I plan to work out today, and I could make some detox tea!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    I think it's fine that V-Day was a "fail", mama....enjoy the celebrations, when they happen, and then like you've suggested - it's RIGHT BACK ON TRACK the next day.

    It's a lifting day for me, today. Actually, this is my second-last B workout in this stage. Because of the holiday Monday (upcoming), here, I have to travel this weekend, so I won't actually be doing this workout again until Friday, Feb. 24th. So, I'm going to REALLY focus on my form, today, but also on going as heavy as I can, because it will be a few days until I get to try it again.

    It's deadlifts - which aren't my favourite. I definitely feel I have to keep the weight lower so as to not have my back "pop". Which is fine...it's a journey, right? But, most of the ladies that I started NROL4W with are lifting WAY heavier than I am....yet, I'm taller than them and I weight more than them. So, that just doesn't feel very good. I soldier on....

    PS - no protein bars or shakes since the "challenge". I think I'll do fine at this challenge. Now, what the heck am I going to do with all the bars and shakes that I already bought?? (Don't answer that....I actually like having the protein bars in my purse, because my kids like them after their sports stuff....and, the shakes?? Well, sometimes a week of shake-fasting is just what the dr ordered to dump THE LAST 5 POUNDS, lol!)
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    So I was think about Beeps post about all of the GOOD changes we have made to our diet/exercise routines. I have made tons of the past year, but I am going to just put what I have done since the holidays.

    1) No more protein bars for breakfast, instead I make some sort of homemade breakfast for example aschiefs clean eating pancakes, which I am not sick of yet :)
    2) No more processed string cheese for a snack, instead half an apple in the morning usually with the other half of my breakfast and in the afternoon half an apple with raw almonds
    3) Instead of Lean Cuisines and canned soups for lunch I have 4 oz of chick and frozen veggies or leftovers from the night before
    4) My dinners have been pretty good for awhile, but trying to incorporate more clean eating recipes
    5) No drinking Monday-Thursday, I'm not ready to completely give up my wine
    6) Still trying to improve my weekends, for some reason I always screw up then, but I am getting better and making myself log everything makes it easier
    7) at least 3 days of cardio a week, right now I am back into running and that will probably last through September bc I have some races all through the summer
    8) 3 days of strength, right now I am doing P90X

    Feels pretty good to put it all out there, makes me realizing everything I am doing to improve myself, not just for weight loss, but also to be healthier all around!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Just thought of one more thing.....I replaced my morning 2 cups of coffee and flavored fat free cream with one cup of green tea and a packet of stevia :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Wow, Chloe!! And that is JUST since the holidays!! I think that is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!

    It really is *time* to get a PAT ON THE BACK!!

    (I mean, some people pat themselves on the back just for logging onto mfp everyday...and here, you are making INCREMENTAL and AWESOME changes!)

    this is a very good thing.

    And, I know all the other regular posters here have TONS of changes they could/should brag about, too....it helps with recognizing how FAR one has come!!

    Love this!