2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Well, good for you, mama, for cooking up turkey and brown rice for brekkie!! Woo hoo!!

    chu - I think it's AWESOME that you went to the gym while away. I might have just bagged it and done some running, or whatever. (Or just rested.) I find I"m SOOOOOOOOOOOOO worn out on business trips, it's all I can do to have a shower and climb into bed at the end of the day. Awesome!

    I have another function out, tonight. I'm more familiar with their menu. I *love* their caesar salad. So, to avoid the calories, I'll ask them to make it with dressing on the side, and that should make it quite bearable. And then, I'll be solid until V-Day, when my hubby is taking me out somewhere special. And, I'm going to enjoy it!

    Today is weight-training. All by myself. Excited!!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Great job fitting in a workout Kate! I don't know if you're a runner but the mall area is great for running if you have the time.

    Reese, nice work improvising for breakfast! I actually really enjoy doing dinner for breakfast, it seems odd but it tastes the same no matter what time you eat it.

    Beeps, sounds like you have a plan for tonight! I think that's really the best way to be able to balance going to those types of
    functions and still sticking to your plans. Good luck with the weight training!

    Well last night I invested in a kettlebell, so hopefully that will make it easier for me to do some weight training at home. I'm still trying to figure out what to do with it but I played around with it last night and I'm definitely feeling sore in some new spots today.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, I definitely splurged for my b-day, we went to a new place, they are a sort of farm-to-table place, we had small plates to try lots of stuff-potato leek soup, crab cakes, pork belly, ricotta gnochi and a brownie for dessert. We also split a bottle of wine. I have no idea how many calories but oh well, birthdays don't count, right?
    I am on track today, and will leave work early to get in a nice long workout!
    Tortilla soup for dinner. Just chicken with broth and rotel tomatoes in the crock pot, will dress it up with some stuff when I get home.
    Ris, I just signed up for women's health and they have a medicine ball workout if you want to check it out, maybe a kettlebell is used the same way? or maybe they have something for kettle bells:
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Thanks Amy! Iooked at that video and I can do a lot of the same exercises with the kettlebell, and the Women's Health website has some other exercises too. You'll have to let me know how you like the magazine, I keep thinking about getting it but I haven't signed up yet.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Amy- I never thought about Women's Health as a resource, glad you posted it! I've gotten stuff out of my Shape Magazines or Fitness. But now I"m going to have to subscribe to this one too. It's awesome to be able to get some free workouts for when you want a change of pace!!

    Ris- Thanks for the 'relating' on the Jrs. section! :happy: I can't ever even answer what I'd wear in 'women's' because I only ever venture over there for work dress tops. :laugh:

    Beeps- How was the night out? I'm wondering if we'll actually do V-Day out this year...we always avoid it since our small town only has 4-5 restraunts it's kind of hard to miss a crowd plus the only people who watch our kids are my parents and I always hate to impose on their celebrating too. Maybe we could all get dressed up and do a family night out...the boys all dressed up in some nice duds. That might be fun!!

    I put off working out this AM for tonight. I guess not taking the scheduled rest day left me a little sorer and more tired than normal. :laugh: But I'll check it off my to do list before bed!!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Mornin ladies! Glad to see everyone is having a good week! I went back to my old gym last night- its closer than the other one I had been going to and cheaper, and boy was it nice to be back! Just something nice about the familiar I guess :) Going for dinner and movie night tonight with the girls - they are being really supportive which is great - they are going to the restaurant of my choice so I can get something clean to eat and they aren't snacking at the movie either which helps :) Tomorrow AM is measurements and check-in day, I hope the results reflect my hard work... 100 day countdown to competition starts today!!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Oh and mamareeae Oxygen is another really good magazine for workout ideas and clean eating recipes!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Amy - so glad you had a good birthday! Fun!

    mama - I made it through both my evening functions, this week, and stayed within my calories. So, I think that's a *win*. Sodium count is too high, but I'll drink, drink, drink my water (like I always do, anyway), and that should work out by the weekend.

    I have to make it through V-Day and then, that's IT!! The rest of the month is easy strict-eating and Hawaii is only 2 weeks, 6 days away. I'm getting pretty excited!! (although I haven't tried on bathing suits, yet...)

    AScheif - I hope you post your countdown progress here.....I'd like to hear how you are finding this whole process?!?!?

    Today is HIIT cardio and stretching. No problem.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Wow ladies!!! You all have been rockin' it!!! Love hearing about how your workouts and eating are going!! Just got my *kitten* kicked by my trainer (was literally almost in tears twice during the session). I almost didn't even go because I am so exhausted after traveling all day yesterday, but glad I did. Glad to finally have a minute to sit down and write.

    The trip was awesome, ate good the first 3 days and gave in the last 3 days. The bloating I feel today is total proof, lol! I did manage to run stairs and jog in between each set, lift weights one day, climb a wall with a rope, swim a couple of laps, walk a lot, and drive a dune buggy (which requires a lot of core and forearm strength to drive, lol!!) So all in all, I stayed pretty active. I'm ready to track and be back at it today!

    Amy - Happy Belated Birthday!! Glad you enjoyed it!
    Beeps - the countdown is on and you are doing marvelously!!! Keep at it!
    Mama - love the attitude, I'm sure you will get the workout crossed off your list tonight!
    Aschief - so inspiring!! I still haven't decided if I am going to compete...for now, I'll live vicariously through you ;)

    Wow, we rolled over!! When I clicked on the link, it brought me here, from what I;m reading, Beeps, did you fire your trainer??

    Sorry so short ladies, I need to go take a nap before my kids come home, I still have to teach a class tonight!! So happy all is going well!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Welcome back, jen!

    Nah, I didn't fire my trainer. Long-term, I was never interested in paying for the trainer. When I moved into NROL4W, I just felt it would be better to work with a trainer to get my form down on all of these lifts I'd never performed before!

    My plan is to do the work-outs on my own. But, as I progress through each stage of NROL4W, I will have my trainer walk me through the "A" workout, and then the "B" workout, so that I'm comfortable with the moves and feel that I'm doing them properly.

    I don't know how you guys afford trainers all the time. My dude was $50 an hour! And, as a family, we already pay $2,500 (annually) for our gym membership. So, even though I earn a good dollar, I'm not willing to pay $50 an hour for a trainer.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I never had a trainer! But I think the guy at the wellness center here at work would be helpful and maybe free, I am not sure.
    Welcome back Jen, I can't believe it's been a week already, glad you had fun and got in some exercise. Which part of Mexico did you go to? I forgot.
    Glad your event was fun, Beeps, and you have two weeks til Hawaii, so fun!
    Speaking of magazines, I don't subscribe to those, I just go online and I registered online and now they send me emails but it's ok, there's some good free stuff and I don't have to add more magazines to the pile-I already get In Style, Glamour and Allure.
    ASchief, what movie are you seeing? that is so nice your friends are supporting your efforts to eat clean. My friend recently went Paleo and is not drinking for the month of February. she is a cross-fitter and she is excited about the changes she has seen. I am not sure about cross-fit, but I am not critical of anything that people like that keeps them fit and strong.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps - Great idea!! Form is so important, I am happy to hear this! I am a lucky with the gym memberships and training cost...my husband and I get a free membership at 24 Hr Fitness because I teach there and then I'm free at the other gym I work at. As for my trainer, he only charges me $30 an hr because I am a 24 Hr employee and he used to work there.

    Amy - I went to Cabo :) Puerto Vallarta is still my favorite though!!

    Aschief - I LOVE Oxygen magazine...love love love!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    We are booking our trip to Puerta Vallarta today!!! Its my fav too, I'm so excited for some sunshine!! Where did you stay?
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    The first time we stayed in a friend's Condo because she wasn't there! The second time, we took the fam and stayed the all inclusive Melia Resort...loved it for the family!

    Lucky, I'm ready for another trip already :tongue:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    We did paradise village 2 years ago. Beautiful!

    How long are you going for, Chloe??
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Cabo is on the Pacific side? Isn't it colder than the caribean side? I always pick the carribean side for the February trip but I would like to go to Cabo. Puerto Vallarta was was nice, I went there a long time ago.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    We have been to Puerto Vallarta, Cabo and Playa Del Carmen. We stayed at RIU Palace in Cabo and Playa del Carmen. And we stayed at a smaller timeshare the first time we went to Puerto Vallarta, but this time we are staying at the Dreams PVR, which is right downtown and I LOVE the town so I'm so excited about this!

    Asjerven- Cabo and Puerto Vallarta are on the Pacific side, we went to Cabo in March last time and it was perfect during the day and got a little chilly at night.

    Beeps- we are going for 7 days....I have a little over 4 weeks to get my body bikini ready :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Well, that's a *challenge* then, Chloe!! Good for you! I only have 2 weeks left to be tankini ready. And, at this point, it's going to be what it's going to be. I'm not changing anything in the meantime - working out and paying attention to nutrition.

    <<<---- profile pic changed for one day in honour of the "Lady Guns Friday" thread here on mfp.

    I can't wait to change it back.

    Oh, and today is weight-training. Deadlifts. I'm going to lift heavier than I did on Monday, I promise!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    oh, Beeps, nice lady guns! I didn't know about Lady Guns Friday:glasses:
    Also, I did deadlifts yesterday-65 lbs. I am not sure I am doing them right though, I hardly see how it is a leg exercise and my lower back hurts today so I am thinking I am doing it wrong!
    Chloe, my friend went to Dreams Cancun twice, she loves it.
    Workout tonight, and probably both days this weekend, going to try and go low carb next week, but I was also thinking I need to condition for all-inclusive:drinker:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Amy- Love your little drinking icon. Too funny!!

    Beeps- Love the new profile pic, even if it won't be up long!!

    I haven't been on vacation in years so I can't add much to the topic unfolding (insert lam-o face here! hehe)

    I ended up resolving that my body needed a break last night after the extra workouts the day before. So I took yesterday off as the rest day I missed Wednesday. Feeling better already. And looking forward to a little Turbo Fire tonight.