2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Glad to have you back, ladies!

    I'll be MIA on the boards the next couple of days as we travel to meet my new baby nephew. I'll still track my calories, remotely, just won't be posting.

    My challenge is going well. I did have 1 protein bar, yesterday....was scrambling driving the kids around and starving. So, 1 in a week is pretty good (considering I used to eat 3-4 a DAY). I've got another week on this challenge, and then to Hawaii. I will bring bars to Hawaii, but mostly for the kids....I'll try and grab FRESH PINEAPPLE, or something, if it's available (and my kids will eat that rather than protein bars, too). But, if we get stuck in airports, or whatever, I like knowing I have protein bars with me.

    That's all.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Have a safe trip and enjoy Beeps!! Way to be prepared and ahead of the game ;)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    I just came back from all the baby cuddling and photo-snapping one could possibly have! Baby was ADORABLE! Yay!

    But, I've missed my exercise and will be glad to be back at it, tomorrow.

    Rest over.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Glad it was a nice trip and visit. Babies are so darn cute...but I ain't having no mo!! Lol!!

    Well, my bandage fell off my finger this morning after class so I let it breathe. Went to teach tonight forgetting to put a new one on...ended up splitting my finger back open during class :sad: That didn't feel good! I'm wondering if I should've gotten stitches!!!

    Monday and I wanted to go hog wild because I'm off my routine and my boys are still home from school. But I kept it semi reigned in and logged everything and stayed under my goal. Now to really clean it up the next couple of days because I get remeasured on Thurs.

    Hope your week started well!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    jenomaha, I missed reading what had happened to your finger. It does, however, sound like you may need stitches if the wound will not stay closed.

    beeps, I understand how you are feeling. I hate to miss my exercise classes. This is the shutdown week at my YMCA so no classes are going on. I really need to get in there, on my own and workout. I just hate to do it by myself.

    The scales are slowly moving in the right direction. There is one thing that I can do that would make this happen. I know what it is but I really don't want to do that. It involves giving up something.:grumble:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Yea for visiting with adorable little ones!! Sometimes I get the baby bug but I'm with Jen...no more for me!!

    Jen- Sorry to hear about your finger! Hopefully it heals up soon. It's a pain when something like that can hinder us so much!! I have to tell you my weekend was off kilter too with all the birthdays we had. I brewed up some of your tea and am currently sipping on it now. Already feels better to have had a good healthy breakfast and some cool tea!!

    So I'm back on course, if only I could just stay on course for the weekends, luckily the birthday scene is done for a bit. My mom's is next week but my goal is to get everything cleaned back up so there's no desire to indulge. DH's buddy brought in a red velvet cake from this out of town bakery and I'd never tried a red velvet cake...I should never have tried it. It was delish. We ended it up tossing the rest because DH and I knew we wouldn't be able to resist it if we kept it. It sure was yummy though!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey everybody!!! Sorry I haven't been around for the past few days! I had a busy weekend, but I didn't do too bad with eating. But, I still have to do some work on my weekend splurges! I hurt my neck/shoulder/back on Sunday afternoon, I'm really not even sure what I did. But, all of a sudden everything was throbbing and I couldn't move my head. I took off work yesterday and got a good massage, feeling a little better today. But, I have a feeling its going to be a bad week for working out!

    So my goals for this week are to really just watch my calories especially bc I'm not sure how my workouts will be!

    3 weeks from today I will be in Puerto Vallarta! Can't wait I really need a vacay!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Gosh, I need a work-out sooooo badly, it isn't even funny. I can physically FEEL the stress coursing through my veins....yelled at my son (a little over the top) this morning for him not listening to me.

    Anyway, I'm off to get my mammogram, have blood drawn, and then I'll race to the gym! I'm doing HIIT and stretching today - will lift again, tomorrow.

    I hate it when I feel stressed like this. It STRESSES ME OUT TO BE THIS STRESSED!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Okay Ladies!!

    So I couldn't figure out how to post the image in this thread (I did the whole [img]thing and still it didn't work), but anyways for those of you that are friends with me, I have uploaded the 4 weeks results to my profile.. So I am SUPER nervous posting this - because well lets face it who likes to put these kind of photos out there!! But because i Love you all!! The before photo was taken the week before I started my training, and the other picture I took on Sunday, so 4 weeks later... I guess I am pretty happy with the results seeing as its only 1 month in and I have 4 more months to go... I have mixed feelings because on one hand I am very happy - but when I look at the "after" photo all I see are my trouble spots...:blushing: Anyways enough procrastinating....aaahhhh there you go!!![/img]
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    OMG ASCHEIF THOSE ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Seriously - you look GREAT! I am awe-struck that is only 4 weeks.....and sad because my 8 weeks results aren't 10% of your 4 weeks results.

    But, this isn't about ME - this is about YOU - and you ABSOLUTELY look amazing, terrific, stupendous, awesome, great, SUPERB!!

    Nicely done. Enough said!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    (Well, I'll also add "thank you" for posting that....you just look TERRIFIC!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Where is everyone?? (I know Amy is on vacation...)

    Anyway, I also want to report on the 2-week challenge! I have only had one protein bar!! (I think we are on day 9, now....)

    So, that's fairly AWESOME, I'd say! I am proud of THAT change (and I think my wallet likes it, too!)

    And, for the next 8 days (I leave in 8 days), I am going to be 100% on-track with nutrition. Period. No cheats, not even one! Since 80% of what happens to my body is as a result of what I put in my mouth, this seems like the BEST way to ensure that I leave for hawaii with my BEST FACE ON!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Beeps, I am sorry. I haven't been keeping up. Not even sure where we are in the challenge. You seem to be doing well. So, can I impose on you for some encouragement...like maybe a swift kick in the pants?:laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm here I'm here! Yesterday was a killer day at work. I was so glad when I finally made it home!!

    8 days, you got this Beeps! You're killin' that protein bar challenge for sure!!!

    I had my 2 fruits yesterday but missed the dinner veggie since my dinner involved shoving some chicken salad in my mouth while prepping for my late presentation at work. But I've got some yummy asparagus to grill up tonight-looking forward to that!!

    Wednesday mornings are my workouts with my sister and Mom for my 'rest day' from Turbo Fire. It's a lot of fun to be able to giggle and heckle about the workout. I popped in the Turbo Fire HIIT workout but sister decided the choreography of it at 5am was too frustrating. Can't say I disagree since it took me weeks to get it down!! I'll have her Turbo Firing though in no time.

    We talked alot this morning about the diet portion of this journey. Her girlfriend is doing the "Pink Method" which I've heard about on tv and has lost 10lbs. I tried explaining that we can get all the information she needs FREE off the internet and that I'd be glad to help her if she tells me what foods she's willing to try, what she can't stand, etc. I know the feeling though...if 'X' is doing so well on plan A why not try it? But when you can't get great information for free? So I'll keep a bug in her ear and see where it leads!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey everyone!! Well I am doing good with my eating challenges, but working out not so much! Neck doesn't feel too much better today either :cry: So I am supposed to be on a "REST" week from P90X next week, which you basically just do cardio and stretching, but since I was so screwed up this week, I think I will just switch these 2 weeks. So for exercise the rest of the week I am going to try to get on the treadmill and maybe just walk.....I'm scared the impact of running might be a bit much!

    Congrats Beeps on keeping up your protein bar challenge!! So jealous you only have 8 days until Hawaii!! I have 20 until Puerto Vallarta!

    Mama- I LOVE Turbofire!! I like to just mix it in as cardio when I am doing other programs though! I dont want to ever get sick of it!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I know I've been MIA forever...trying to get back to it! Sorry ladies, but when push comes to shove its usually the posting, then the logging, that goes for me! Hope to catch up soon and hope everyone is doing great!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Gosh, mama, I'm with you....why PAY for DIET information when there is SO much available, online, for FREE! (And the "support" factor....the "support" factor, for me is HUGE.)

    When I think of all the WRONG stuff I have done, through the years....because my friends were doing it or because I had no time, or whatever, it is NOT EVEN FUNNY.

    But, here, there is a community of caring people - who WANT YOU TO SUCCEED!! How NOVEL!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Hey there Beeps,

    Thank you for the kind words! I had a crazy day at work yesterday which didn't allow me to log in after I put up the photo.

    I have had a bunch of people try to add me as a friend now after yesterdays post - its people I have never even seen post on here - not sure if its just out of curiosity to see my pictures or what...anyways I am only accepting friends that leave a message or that I recognize from the group, I am not trying to offend anyone.... :happy:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ascheif- I just realized I forgot to check out your progress pics!!!! WOW what progress you have made! So how many pounds have you lost between those 2 pics? Definitely an inspiration!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Ha, I was about to check in and make some excuse about why I've been MIA for a few days, and I see everyone's post is about how they haven't been around either. Welcome back all!

    I think I'm off a week on my challenge, but my new one is going to be to log all my food every day for two weeks. Kind of basic since that's what we're supposed to be doing anyways, and I'm usually pretty good about it during the week, but I tend to just skip logging on the weekends. Not the next two weekends though!