2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    As for body rock, I love their site. I did one for the first time in a while. Zuzana from the site has moved on to do her own on youtube if you search ZWOW workouts she uploads regularly too. Both are short and concise and can be modified usually to do it without the actual equipment. Good burns in short amount of time too!

    Thanks, I had no idea. I remember reading about how Zuzanna and Freddie were separating and that made me sad. At that time, she said she was focusing on the recipes, and not doing the workouts anymore, but then I saw links to the new girl's facebook page and pic of Freddie accompanying her to her boob job surgery and I thought, I am not sure I want to be a part of this new bodyrocks. I will check out zwow! zuzanna has such an incredible figure...
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I know how you feel Shander. I live with my mom and brother and its difficult to make these big nutritional changes unless everyone is one board. I have to continually request brown rice instead of white. I also don't have the time to do my own groceries, keep them separate, and prepare them. I don't have the bandwidth to make sure everything I put in my mouth is clean. Its just not in the cards for me right now.

    That said, I know I can do better. I am all about making incremental changes. Eating clean all the time is hard! So good on you ashief for making it happen! That said, I am not competition training, I am just trying to get fitter and there are some thing that aren't worth it to me. I will not stop drinking (though I will limit it). I will not give up pizza forever (though I can eat it less). I go out to eat, and I enjoy it and I don't want to give up that part of my life. But I can improve it. Michael Pollan, one of the biggest proponents of the movement and the first person I ever heard bring up the ingredient pronouncing rule, continually says "whenever you can." So I am going to work on that part.

    Part of my incremental change is paying more attention to my refined grains, so I am doing that for the next two weeks. Maybe I can take up the challenge in a few months when things slow down and I don't have class + work + travel.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I totally agree with Ascheif I began taking seriously all of her recommendations on Feb 6. So today is the beginning of 4th week of transforming into a "clean eater". I started 3 weeks ago at 148 and ended up this past Friday weighing in at 144.8. I have not seen the scale budge below 146 in I can't even tell you how long. I have been logging all my food and exercise if anyone would like to check out my diary. But, my days are pretty repetitive for now, just so I can really get into the routine. And I do indulge in drinks on the weekends and usually one or two cheat meals.

    Shander- your mom would definitely not think you were anorexic if you were following this diet. I am eating constantly, I rarely ever feel hungry.

    Mamareese- I bet that this would really help you see some changes on the scale

    I understand what you are all saying about people you live with having an effect on your eating habits. And fortunately I only live with my husband, and he actually really likes the clean dinners I have been making. And he has a super fast metabolism and is constantly trying to gain weight. I won't tell him this, but he looks like he has lost some since I started this :laugh:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Everybody on this board is trying SO HARD to do "all the right things"....so, congrats to everyone because I really KNOW you are trying really hard. And, it is NOT EASY.


    Oh, Amy, I *love* your new avatar photo - please tell me all the details about your vacation and tell me you had a REALLY GOOD TIME??!!??

    That's pretty sad to read about zuzana. I really like her figure, too. Although, I'm never really partial to the 'boob job' mentality - and I apologize in advance, for my opinion, if some readers here have had boob jobs (and are therefore offended that I'm not a fan). My boobs are sooooooooooo flat, and they'll be even more pancake when I'm further along in my weight-training. BUT, I just cannot imagine telling my daughter that I'm getting a boob job. Everyday I tell her how beautiful she is and that she looks EXACTLY the way she is supposed to look and then I go off and get a boob job?? What the hell message does that send to her??

    Anyway, that's my mini-rant....I'm not getting a boob job and I'll keep what I have and deal with it.

    For others who make the choice, I admit that it is certainly their choice to make and more power to them....I just wonder what they tell their pre-pubescent daugthers about the subject-matter??? ("Oh, darling, if your boobies don't come in at a perfect 36C, you can always have surgery!! That should help your self-esteem issues....")
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Okay, so I'm looking ahead to tomorrow and this challenge. My typical breakfast is my post workout breakfast shake with protein, almond milk, spinach and a banana or kashi go lean cereal with almond milk. My lunches are usually either ground turkey on romaine lettuce with shredded cheese and a fruit or arnold's thin with miracle whip, deli meat and romaine and some broccoli. I'll have a chicken breast or turkey for dinner with asparagus or broccoli and brown rice or wheat rotini. My snacks are typically yogurt with granola, fruit, or something like a Nature Valley Granola thin or pita chips and hummus. With those as my standard cleaner go to meals...what should I clean up?

    I went through my diary and I've had some indulgences of Aunt Annie's pretzels and a couple slices of pizza over the last few weeks...though fitting in my calories, I'll be glad to subtract hem for the challenge to see if the addition of their macros effects the end results.
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Okay, so I'm looking ahead to tomorrow and this challenge. My typical breakfast is my post workout breakfast shake with protein, almond milk, spinach and a banana or kashi go lean cereal with almond milk. My lunches are usually either ground turkey on romaine lettuce with shredded cheese and a fruit or arnold's thin with miracle whip, deli meat and romaine and some broccoli. I'll have a chicken breast or turkey for dinner with asparagus or broccoli and brown rice or wheat rotini. My snacks are typically yogurt with granola, fruit, or something like a Nature Valley Granola thin or pita chips and hummus. With those as my standard cleaner go to meals...what should I clean up?

    I went through my diary and I've had some indulgences of Aunt Annie's pretzels and a couple slices of pizza over the last few weeks...though fitting in my calories, I'll be glad to subtract hem for the challenge to see if the addition of their macros effects the end results.

    I am so excited that you have accepted my challenge! This will be great!! I don't typically update my diary because I am not tracking calories, however I will spend some serious time tomorrow uploading a bit to give you some ideas... in the mean time check out my clean eating recipes topic I posted in this group - and visit Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Website... also Oxygen magazine (the publisher is Tosca's husband) has a lot of clean eating recipes!

    In terms of your plan for tomorrow - scrap the deli meat and miracle whip - both of these are processed - use mustard instead, or straight balsamic vinegar and buy a whole roasted chicken, remove the skin, and use that...or just use a chicken breast. Yogurt is a good protein, but you have no veggies in that one...and scrap granola bars - unless they are homemade...read the ingredients...not clean. :wink:

    In terms of portions - your protein should be 3 ounces (which is usually less than a whole chicken breast), (remember you are eating 5 or 6 times a day), in terms of veggies, make sure its at least 1 to 2 cups - this will seem like a lot, because it is....and carbs no more than 1/2 a cup in each meal.

  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Thanks Ascheif! That makes it easier to visual with those guidelines. Beautiful! Thanks for all your help!! And I'll check those websites so don't feel the need to upload for my sake. I'm sure you have enough going on with all your work outs and cooking!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, we had a great time, the weather was great, the water was warm. We did the all-inclusive but the resort was pretty small, only one restaurant, one pool, and it was on the water but it was like a reef, there was a dock and a ramp for snorkeling instead of sand and waves. We went to a Mardi Gras parade on Fat Tuesday, got a couples massage one the beach, went snorkeling, went to the eco preserve which had a sea lion show (so cute) and rented a car one day to drive around the island and play in the waves were it was a little sandier. I didn't really exercise in any organized fashion. Enjoyed the food and drinks. Ready to get back to things here and glad to see a lot of people working their programs. I have some decisions to make about whether to wrap up with the Eason plan or start something new. I like to finish what I start, but I am excited about the prospect of starting something new.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    You're ROCKING that bikini, Amy!!!!!!!

    good for you!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Amy- So glad you had a great time! And I missed the 2012 in your picture until it was pointed out...such a cute idea!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    yeah, the "2012" is kind of cropped out of the avatar, you can see it on my profile. My niece is a little neat freak and she started cleaning up the beach, then my sister, the artsy type formed it into the year. usually she just writes in the sand and then we use the pic in Christmas cards.
    Aschief, I got the b-vitamins, a sub-lingual.
    also, I got on the scale even though I said I wasn't going to, and I haven't gained any weight, so that was a pleasant surprise-maybe I have the detox tea to thank, I drank that all day yesterday!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    I was told before that multivitamins aren't great to take... what are your opinions on this?? I'm currently taking a multi and b12 since I'm vegetarian.... should I look for just the vitamins I need or stick with the multi? This whole thing confuses me!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Everything I have read says take a multi and flax or fish oil.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Hello ladies!!! I tried to get on last night and add my two cents but ended up having to go to the hospital to visit a friend who had to have emergency surgery. If she got there 10 minutes later, we would've lost her. Thank goodness, she is ok and she is now home and all is good :)

    So I read through the threads and man alive...I am with you ladies!! I am having a hard time eating as good on the weekend the last 2 weeks (and I had been doing so good), I feel like I've lost my drive and I feel like I"m getting soft again. I'm not as diligent in my logging. The scale is up and at this point I'm just like "ehe". I have got to reign it in and get back at it.

    All of your challenges sound great!! You ladies are motivating me to buckle down and get my *kitten* in gear. I'm only hurting myself and nobody else. I can't use the excuse that I'm busy and stressed trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my life career wise. I've seen 3 guidance counselors and I still don't know what I'm doing. Mamareese...I think it was you who mentioned you saw a Health Coach. That's actually one of my interests/jobs I'm looking at. Is she at a clinic or her home or where??

    Ok, my 2 week challenge:

    2. stick to cleaner eating
    3. no emotional binging/eating

    Beeps, have fun on your trip!!

    Shannon, nice to see you, don't be down on yourself!!

    Chloe, you go girl!!!

    Amy, Enjoy restaurant week!

    Aschief, damn girl, keep up the good work!

    Good luck to everyone with their challenges!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    nice to see you, Jen! I hope your friend is ok! that is scary.
    I did workout tonight. felt good.
    I have been thinking, how to explain that a week of over-eating and drinking and no change on the scale?!
    And also, I am thinking about intermittent fasting, maybe tying to eat in an 8 hour window. Has anyone tried this? Do you think it would be helpful to offset the bad food or excessive calories consumed? I am guessing no, no magic bullets, right?:tongue:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    asjerven...nope, no magic bullets. Too bad that there isn't one. Just have to stick with the healthy eating.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Jen- Yep, I've been meeting with a PHC a few times. She works as a contracted person through our local hospital. She had a program approved through the main insurance company here (Blue Cross Blue Shield) that most of the bigger business utilize and with that she's able to provide consults at local doctor's offices who allow her to utilize an empty office to meet with clients. She also runs a KIDSHAPE program multiple times a year that is like a fitness/health clinic for kids in middle school to combat childhood obesity.

    Amy- I tried Intermittent fasting for a few months back in the summer, I believe. I did an eating window of 12pm to 8pm and then no eating from 8pm on. I actually liked it because I've never been a big breakfast person but stopped because I couldn't handle the BCAAs the recommend if you are heavy lifting (which at that time I was utilizing our local gym to lift). I did see a change in scale which I can't say was that or the lifting. It is something I would do again because it fits with how I prefer to eat.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Jenn - glad to see you back! So happy your friend is okay. Those sorts of avoided tragedies making us so thankful! And hey, don't be too hard on yourself. Its natural for our motivation to come and go and for to get better and then lose progress. We are all at the point that it would be difficult to make constant forward progress so cut yourself a little slack...you are still in fantastic shape and look amazing! I have complete faith you'll get back on it :)

    Amy - love the vacation pic! Did you feel like all your hard work paid off on the trip?? Also this is a while back but I hear you on the guy requests...having a man in your profile picture does wonders though :) Also, I am going to wait a while but I might do leangains later in the NROL program (in April/May/closer to summer when I am super motivated to get bikini ready. That said, I have no idea about it so I would be interested to see what you find on it!

    Mama - that's cool about the health coach! We have a trainer come in twice a week for lunchtime classes and I ask her about things but it would nice to have more structured time!

    So far this week I am doing well! I am doing my second lifting day tomorrow and got a great cardio/circuit workout in yesterday. I am PMSing so I am hoping when that's over that the scale will reward me. I want to see the 130s again! Even if its just high!

    Oh last night I made some awesome tomato olive chicken with sweet potato fries and green beans. YUM. Doing that again!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Hey there Ladies!!

    Jen Glad to see you back! I agree, dont be so hard on yourself you were and still are doing great! Sometimes other things in life become a priority, and your friends health is definitely one of them! good for you for getting yourself back on track and I am sure you will do just fine!

    Amy - I am so jealous of your vacation! Looksl ike you had a great time!

    Mama - hows my challenge going so far?!

    Things have been good with me - only have 1 more day of lifting this week which will be tonight, kicked my butt hard at my leg workout last night and am definitely feeling it this morning!

    I have another posing workshop this weekend so I am hoping I will start to break in my heels!

    Have a great hump day everyone!!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Thanks for all the support and kind words ladies!!

    Mama- sorry, I thought Chloe was doing the Aschief's challenge!! But it's you!! I am in awe :love: Thanks for the info on the Health Coach.

    Kate- your chicken sounds delish!! I may have to try that!

    Amy - different things work for different people. Personally, I couldn't do the IF thing. I like to eat ALL DAY, lol!!! I know there are a lot of people on here that do it. You're good at doing your research, but true, no magic bullet :wink:

    Aschief- I never got to hear how your first posing class went...did I miss it in the thread?!

    I made a Curried Turkey, Quinoa and Pea dish last night...so yummy! I LOVE Pinterest, lol!! I also like adapting the recipes to meet my personal taste and healthify them :bigsmile: I have so many recipes pinned but can't decide what to make...I've already made 2 recipes twice because I've like them so much!! I need to branch out, lol!! Oh, I have a spaghetti squash I still need to use...maybe I'll make that!!

    Ok ladies, Happy Hump Day!!