2 week challenge



  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Jen- so happy your friend it alright!!! what a blessing!

    Amy- I was just reading about the fasting recently on another thread (cant remember which one) it sounds like it could work, although I could never do it. I have my last snack at 8 PM and I am starving by 8 AM. But, more power to ya.

    Looks like everybody is working so hard to stay on track! Did P90X Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps last night, it was my first time doing strength training since I hurt my neck/back last week and I still feel really good today, so hopefully I am all better!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Jen- Yes! I'm attempt to eat as clean as possible for Ashceif's little challenge she suggested! I need to research more recipes when I get home. Oxygenmag is blocked at work for swimsuits. LoL. I am glad your friend is okay too. I do apologize for not saying that in my first post! I'd love to hear your recipe for turkey & quinoa, I just bought some for the first time. It isn't easy to find these things with only a Tops Market and Walmart! :tongue:

    Chloe- Glad the workout went well, I hope it continues to feel okay! It can be scary jumping back in! Take it slow and listen to your body!!

    Ascheif- I think it's going pretty well! I've got my meals planned today, and just realized I should be eating some egg whites with veggies right now so I've got to get on that. And I have my dinners planned for the next 2 days. The kids have a bday party this weekend but I WILL not eat a piece of cake because I really want to give this thing 100%! I'm going to check oxygenmag website for some ideas and grab Tosco's book too. I have no problem eating the same things over and over, I just want to see if I can make one family meal that meets my needs and still satisfies the family!! I'm sure there is something that will work!! Good luck with your workshop. Hows it going with those new heels?!

    Kate-Your workout updates have been awesome! And your dinner sounds delish! Hopefully you'll see a good #, regardless thought you are doing a great job getting back into a good routine!!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Kate - I'm glad your workouts are going well!! you'll see the 130's soon :)

    ASchief - I'd love to hear about the posing classes as well! A friend I went to a bachelorette party with this past weekend is going to a competition in May as well in Boston :) She was showing us some of the poses she has to do!

    Jen - I'm so with you with Pinterest!! I'm obsessed! (as you probably can see from my pins haha) I have well over 100 recipes... not all healthy.. but I agree, I love finding ways to make them healthier!

    Amy - I tried IF, it wasn't too bad, but I personally prefer to have a breakfast... there wasn't enough of a noticeable difference to me after doing it for 3 weeks to continue... I usually eat in a 12 hour window though... not really IF, but it works :)

    Chloe - Glad to hear you're feeling better!! Don't push it too hard until you're sure everything is ok!

    Mama - That's awesome that you're doing the challege, you have more will power than I do for sure!!

    I am trying my hardest to get back on track! I am flushing my system out with lots of water (over 14 glasses yesterday without realizing it!) and I'm watching my portions more. Mom made some pretty healthy recipes this week (sweet potato burritos.. YUM!) But I am trying harder for my protein and I'm having a little snack between my meals. I've been eating almonds between breakfast and lunch and then almonds and a clementine between lunch and dinner. I'm still not eating snacks after dinner and that seems to be working well! We're having a girls night in for the soon to be bride this weekend and we're having picky foods... I'm a little nervous about that! I'm making a veggie tray though, and taco cups that should be pretty healthy. For a dessert I'm making the cheesecake filled strawberries so I can feel like I'm indulging, but it won't be insanely high in calories (thanks Amy for reminding me of that recipe!) Hopefully I can stay on track better this weekend and keep the snack monster away!

    Happy Leap Day <3
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Amy - love the vacation pic! Did you feel like all your hard work paid off on the trip?? Also this is a while back but I hear you on the guy requests...having a man in your profile picture does wonders though :) Also, I am going to wait a while but I might do leangains later in the NROL program (in April/May/closer to summer when I am super motivated to get bikini ready. That said, I have no idea about it so I would be interested to see what you find on it!
    Did you see my progress pics? well, I was a little disappointed, I felt like there was absolutely no change in the way I look and it was discouraging because I had been spending a lot of time at the gym and made a lot of effort to stick to the meal plan. But it was a lesson in managing expectations, so I am trying to stay the course and understand it might take some time to see the kinds of changes I hope for and remind myself that abs are made in the kitchen, and maybe in the genomes!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    As far as the clean eating discussion, I had bookmarked this awhile back and was looking at it, I think it's a good site:

    but if you have a chance, take a look. It has whole wheat pasta. Do you do whole wheat at all, Aschief? I like the occassional slice of bread, or a little pasta.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi all,

    It's been a busy week, so I have some catching up to do.

    Chloe—I like your idea about preplanning for the weekend. Some weekdays I have my whole day’s food logged by 10 am because I have it all planned out, but for some reason I don’t do the same on the weekends.

    Amy—Welcome back to the States!

    Shander—Welcome back to the board! I’m sorry hear you have the blues, I’m sure you’re just in a funk right now and will find your motiviation. Summer clothes always motivate me 

    Mamareese—I’m excited to see how ASchief’s challenge! I don’t know if I’m quite ready for it, I’m with chuisle, I like pizza too much. But I do try to eat clean when I can. I’ll try to pick up some good tips from this.

    Beeps—Have a fabulous time in Hawaii!

    Jenomaha—glad to hear your friend is ok!

    Well I weighed in today at 123--back to what I weighed when I got married a year and a half ago. This thread has made all the difference, hearing about what you ladies are up to keeps me motivated, and switching up some of my cardio workouts for weight lifting seems to be helping me break through the plateau. I still would like to get a little more toned, but I wanted to thank everyone for the motivation!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Amy - No, somehow I missed your progress pics : / But I think you (and lot of other people!) are right. Its about the kitchen, sadly. Also, I had seen that website before! I like it. When I finally move off to grad school (and keep my own kitchen) I am going to work on her pantry guidelines.

    In the meantime, I've made the resolution to start cooking more! There are so many yummy recipes out there and it gives you so much more control over your diet. Hopefully things are finally calming down so I want to take some of that extra time and make it for making yummy, healthy stuff for me to eat!

    As some of you might have seen yesterday I just found out there is a bod pod right by me! At the same time I was going back through my food diary and found that I really really need to do better with logging and finishing my days. A lot of times my lack of logging is because I am not paying attention/eating crap! So basically, even on my good weeks I was only really adherent about 4 of 7 days. So as a reward, if I can do 4 weeks at 6+ of being adherent then my reward is doing the bod pod and getting my body composition and BMR.

    Also...more confusion for me on measurements!! I got my body fat done with calipers (same woman as before in January) and I went from 26% to 21%! Which is great...only I am bigger (measurements etc) which is not what I want. So it looks like I have gained muscle and lost fat even if the first measurement was high and the second measurement was low. BUT I want to be smaller and leaner so what now? Probably what I'm doing - focusing on eating well at a lower calorie level and adding a bit more cardio.

    NROL is definitely making me stronger! I squatted 120 lbs today and did all of my sets of push up regular style. Now I just need to work on getting rid of the layer of fat still covering my abs and the depressing deposit of cellulite that is the back of my legs. Thigh gap would be nice too.

    Now that you all have a novel from me, have a nice day!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Reposted for Kate;)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Congrats, Ris, on being at your wedding weight! That is exciting! You're welcome for the motivation but it was you who did the work and that's impressive!
    Kate, I am curious to see what you find out at the bod pod. Your results do seem contradictory, though. Maybe I don't see how you could lose body fat and gain muscle and be bigger, if everything we hear is true. But the female body is baffling!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I only have a quick minute right now...mama here is the recipe I used, but I cleaned it up...

    I used fresh tomatoes instead of canned, ground turkey in stead of the chicken thighs, and Progresso unsalted chicken stock :) I think the rest is the same!!

    Ris, congrats!! You're hard work has paid off!!

    Shannon, I went to my boards on Pinterest to get the recipe for Mama...20 minutes later!!! I'm back here giving the recipe, lol!!

    Kate - I don't know what to tell ya on your measurements, but yay for reduced bodyfat, heavy squats and pushups, woohoo!!

    Amy - thanks for those links...I will check them out when I get a chance.

    Busy day..worked this morning, trained at lunch, have laundry to do and dinner to prepare for fam, practice new chore for class today and tomorrow morning, then go teach class...ahhhh!!! Ok, hugs to you all!! Have a fabulous day!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Amy - the resolution isn't great but I can see progress! Look at your bum! Looks lifted to me :)

    I know, my results do seem funny. It speaks to how difficult the "science" of this stuff is and how difficult measurements can be! The only thing to do is just carry on making the adjustments that I feel are necessary between instinct and research and see how it goes. I feel like I have a clear plan and I am definitely seeing muscles...its just terrible, no good, very bad layer of fat.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I need to make this post to make myself accountable through the weekend. I've been steadily tracking my weight as I try and continue the eat clean challenge. Now granted, I ate mildly crappy and didn't get a lot of water in the weekend before this challenge started but regardless, I weighed in Monday morning at 154.4. This mornings weight...152.2. I'd say that's motivation. It isn't like my weight doesn't fluctuate often, but it's been steadily going down instead of up/down this week. So official weigh in day for MFP is Monday. Which is why I'm here now...saying, it's working Reese so don't change a thing over the weekend!! :happy:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Good for you Reese!! Keep it up, you will be my motivation to stay good this weekend as well. I have prelogged all my food for the weekend and will my exercise I should not be over any day as long as I stick with the program :wink:

    I am only down 0.6 pounds from last Friday, but at least the scale is still moving in the right direction. My goal was to be at 144 by the time I leave for vacation and I am at 144.2 with still a little over a week to go! And also a nice NSV this morning, I have on a pair of jeans that have been pretty tight on me for awhile now and they actually feel a little loose today! Happy Friday everyone!:drinker:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Chloe, you are doing great and I noticed you aren't drinking during the week, so good for you! where do you go next week? I forgot
    Reese, a Monday weigh-in is a good strategy, and you can do it. planning is key.
    Thanks, Kate, maybe there is a little lift in the back. I know I am stronger. I just had such high hopes of getting abs.
    Yesterday I was just insatiable and kept raiding the cube neighbors hershey's miniatures, and today it makes sense because I got my period.
    I also ran out of my prepared breakfasts and lunches so I grabbed my husband's frozen meal, I just didn't want to have to go out for lunch. But anyway, dinner last night was good, it was four courses but the portions were reasonable and the food was wholesome, and I tried to avoid anything fried. I ordered the scallops and they gave me two scallops! that's not even 50 cals!
    Anyway, I plan to have an hour of cardio tomorrow and day 78 of the Eason Plan on Sunday, which starts the last week of the Eason plan for me.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    you ladies are all doing very amazing.....and, sitting here in hawaii, tapping away on a keyboard, I realize HOW HARD YOU ALL ARE ON YOURSELVES??1!??

    Too hard.....you are all working very hard on making the right food choices, getting in plenty of exercise, and making lifestyle changes in your lives. You are in the top 5% of the population doing this....really, you are.

    So, you are ELITE and you don't need to be so hard on yourselves.

    I am keeping up with my challenge - walked about 3 km with my family, yesterday, snorkelled for about an hour and then had to drag a kid back to shore against the current (he pooped out!), so, yep, we got our exercise in yesterday.

    As for nutrition - it's fish everyday, baby!! Beautiful, delicious, fresh, fish. Fish 'n greens, fish 'n greens....oh, and the odd malibu rum+ diet coke, too - ain't gonna lie!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Beeps- Hope you are having a great time in Hawaii! It sure sounds like it!

    Amy- we are going to Puerto Vallarta, we leave on the 13th and come back the 20th....its my husband and I and another couple. The four of us vacation really well together so it should be a good time!

    And yes I have not been drinking Monday-Thursday for the past month for the most part.

    Right now I am avoiding the huge tray of cupcakes the girl in our office makes every Friday....stupid Pinterest, today they are peanut butter and chocolate. I said the only way I would have one is if they were german chocolate, for some reason I have been craving german chocolate cake.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    hi, Beeps, enjoy your fresh fish, greens and malibu cokes! sounds heavenly.
    I remember now, Chloe, you will have to tell me about Puerta Vallarta weather and if the ocean is cold. I tend to go caribean side in Mexico, it's been awhile since I was in PV, but it is such a pretty place! and it seems sort of authentic, not all touristy like cancun is, like people live there.
    and good for you on the cupcakes. someone brought frosted brownies to work and I had one. I didn't even really want it! what's wrong with me?
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I will let you know Amy....we haven't been there in a few years, but I think the water is pretty chilly this time of year. I do love the town there, it doesn't feel as touristy.

    That's what I usually do, I'm really not a huge sweets person unless its straight dark chocolate or ice cream.....2 huge weaknesses. So whenever I give into anything else I always think why the heck did I even just eat that!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member

    I am sorry I haven't been posting throughout the week as I have been working 12 hour days, and with maintaining my exercise regimine alongside that this week has flown by! But I have been checking into the thread and reading what everyone is writing and I like what I see!!

    Amy - to answer your question on the whole wheat pasta, when I am doing regular clean eating yes I do eat it, there are actually a lot of recipes in my Tosca Reno books that include whole wheat pasta, I also use brown rice pasta instead - the key is though that one serving is 1/2 c. which really isn't that much when you look at it. But for the competition purposes I am not eating it.

    Chloe! - I am so happy for you/proud of you!! You are definitely going to hit your goal weight for vacation!! Just stick to your eating plan, drink lots of water, and get a couple workouts in :wink:

    Mamareese - all I have to say is YAY! YAY! YAY! What you said is exaclty how I felt after my first week of Clean Eating...2 lbs is more than great its AMAZING!! That's my favorite part about the Clean Eating, is once you do it you notice results very quickly.. and yes we all fluctuate, but what you will notice is the scale will continually go down, even with those fluctuations! I know the weekend will be tough, and I appreciate your determination to fully commit to this challenge! You can do it!

    My weigh in/ measurement days are on Saturday morning, as Saturday night is my reward meal evening where I pig out! I like having it this way because it still holds me accountable for Friday night, and then Saturday is my more relaxed day, with Sunday being my grocery shopping and getting back into Clean Eating-mode day!

    So I can’t say quite yet how this week went for me, although I followed my plan and did all my workouts, which I am pretty proud of considering how much I have been working, so I hope to see good things in my numbers this week!

    To answer everyone else’s questions on the posing and new heels!!...It’s going lol! I have been wearing my heels around the house to break them in as they are quite tight and they seem to be getting better, I am still having a tough time walking in them but I think that’s partially because I couldn’t feel my toes!! My first posing clinic last week went well, I learned the basic poses that we have to go through and the guidelines for our t-walk so now I just have a LOT of practicing to do!! The posing clinic this weekend is being put on by the NPAA – the association that is putting on the competition. So there will be way more people at this one, but it will also be very informative as to what they are looking for etc. so will keep you posted!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    saw this on another thread and wanted to share