2 week challenge



  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I am so sad. I typed a ling response earlier today and it didn't post :frown: So I guess I will do it again!!

    Amy - I am that is so great you couldn't pic 15 and had to buy them all!!! Cannot wait to see some!!!

    Kate - I will have to check out those articles, thanks for sharing!!

    Beeps - as for my weight loss, I think Kate hit the nail on the head. My body reacts wonderfully to me eating cleaner and lifting heavy. Having been on a break for a while, nutritionally and exercise wise, I think my body was really happy to get back to what it likes. But the key for me is definitely the nutrition. But I will share what I haven't yet. Now remember, I'm only 4'11.5 (maybe) :blushing: Sun Jan 1, I weighed in at 118.8 lbs. That day, I set a personal goal for myself that when I left for Mexico I would weigh 110 and be at 20% bodyfat (because I knew for sure I was moret han that!) Thurs Jan 5, I measured at 29.7% bodyfat!!!! I haven't seen that number EVER since I started this journey. I was pi$$ed and I was in tears. That turned my beast mode on. I know what to do, I just needed to get my *kitten* to do it! 2 weeks ago, it was down to 23.4%. Fast forward 30 days total, this morning I weighed in 109.4, which is great, however, I am more concerned that my bodyfat decreases because I feel better when I'm tighter and my belly is not jiggling :tongue: I am so ready to be consistent and stop with the up and down...I am determined!!

    Now I can't remember what else I typed, but I have to go enter my delicious dinner, lol!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, I got into the pictures and changed my profile pic to show you all one. Sadly the others are not really appropriate for MFP. Even ones that might be ok I feel a little weird about sharing since DH hasn't seen them yet! maybe after Valentine's Day!
    now maybe I should figure out how to post a mosaic.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Amy, LOVE the picture, you look amazing! DH will definitely enjoy his present.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Amy!!!! The pic is gorgeous!!!!! You go girl!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Amy, the photo is GREAT!! You look AWESOME. And, I can TOTALLY see "muscle definition"....so, YAY FOR YOU!!!

    Really great - can't wait to hear what your husband thinks of his HOT WIFE!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I think you've done remarkably well, jeno, regardless of what it took to get there.

    I'm TERRIBLY nervous about today: I have to weigh-in and I have to take measurements. And photos. So, I was SO depressed when I did all this at the end of December. I want to be *realistic*, but I also REALLY want to see PROGRESS. I am hoping I don't dissolve into a teary mess, tonight.

    We shall see!

    Meanwhile, I didn't sleep well. I fought with my husband on date-night last night (even though the food was YUMMY and I had my first alcoholic beverage in 4.5 weeks!). And, because we ate out last night, I'm pretty sure the salt has me retaining water today, right before weigh-in/measurements. DUMB. DUMB. DUMB.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    You girls are all so wonderfully knowledgeable, I love it! I'm glad to get caught up this morning. I had ordered the Eat Clean books last week, I'm hoping they come in soon. And I've been trying to use Sundays as a cooking day to steal recipes from Jamie Eason or Oxygen magazine. But there's still a fair amount of processed food that could be eliminated. For example, if I'm in a jam, I go for lunch meat as a snack because in my mind, it's a better option than say the Cheez Its I love. :blushing: At 5'8.5", I weight in now at 153 with 150 at Christmas being my lowest in years. I can't remember what I weighed when I play college volleyball but it was at least one size less than I am now. But after two kids, where I carry weight has completely changed.

    It's frustrating but I know we'll figure it all out. I think someone said this already but it's all an experiment and no one plan will work for all of us. It's the information that we gather that we can use to sort of sift through how our bodies react to this or that. It's oh so much fun isn't it?! :laugh: I think a lot of my problem is, and I hope this doesn't come off as an excuse because I don't mean it that way, but I think because I went from hard core volleyball player to desk job, no exercise, no nutrition knowledge I let myself go for so many years my body just resists my attempts. Now that's not to say that I won't continue to chip away at 'reprogramming' my body. But I think I've let it get to comfortable that it's taking longer than I'd like. Plus, I'm crazy and love to experiment so I don't always give things enough time to work. It isn't even that I don't think XX is working in 3 days so I quit, I'm just sooooo interested in all of this that I love trying out new ways, recipes, ideas that I bounce all over! :bigsmile:

    That's the end of my ramblings!

    Amy- The picture looks amazing! DH will love it! What a great V-day gift!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thanks, girls! I know we are our own worst critic! I think the pictures are good, but in one where the woman said, look at your abs in that one! I was like, that's ribs and belly fat!
    I tried the mosaic maker last night and it worked but it turned the last pic sideways and I couldn't figure that out so I gave up before I chucked the computer and did some damage. I think I have PMS...
    I did workout last night, day 61 of the Eason plan, I felt pretty good and strong for having taken some rest days.
    I will workout tonight but then rest tomorrow.
    I appreciate your sharing about eating clean, Aschief, it is a progression for me, for sure. I am eating so much better, lots more fruits and vegetables, hardly ever a lean cuisine! tonight I am making a roasted pear and delicata squash for a side dish to my pork chops. Can't wait to see your pics!
    Beeps, I hope yours go well too, maybe it will be good, sometimes drinking has a mild dehydration effect, a day off can give you the "whoosh", let us know!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Jenn - I know what you mean! I got my body fat done a few weeks ago...WAY high, like 26%. when the last time it was 21.4% :( But I also talked to trainer who said its not foolproof and bloating *can* make a difference. Regardless, you got to goal. WOOOO you!!! I'm going to get mine done again after another 2 weeks (every 4, along with pictures and measurements).

    Amy - we never see ourselves like others do, and I know that my eye immediately goes to the imperfection or problem spot instead of taking in the whole picture. Try to look at them with fresh eyes, I bet you'll find you look pretty good :)

    Beeps - good luck with the weight in/measurement! I'm sure you'll see progress! Don't be too hard on yourself, you've been working really hard.

    Asheif - thanks for the explanation. Where beeps read about the complex/simple argument was actually in New Rules of Lifting which pointed out that all grains are *technically* complex and fruits are simple and the phases are actually misnomers for unrefined/refined. But that's just semantics, the point was as you said, eat cleaner.

    That said, I'm not ready to take the full clean eating step right now. I like cheese and I like bread etc. It just doesn't seem worth it to me to give those things up but I try to move in that direction in increments. When I read things that say any meal with something not completely clean is a cheat meal I just get so turned off by it. I respect the discipline that everyone who eats like that has but I am not willing to commit to it at this point.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    this morning I weighed in 109.4, which is great,

    Yipee! you did it!!!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Aschief- I am curious do you eat yogurt or any dairy? I saw you said not cheese. Also you said brown rice and quiona are ok, but how about whole grain pasta? For your vegetables do you eat frozen occasionally? Sometimes it hard to get fresh produce all the time. And one final question :wink: Do you consider any fruit a complex carb, or is it only certain fruits? I know some are high in sugar. Thanks!

    Because I am on competition training I am not eating any dairy - but when I am not, and just Eatling Clean, I was eating yogurt once a day. Also you will notice in the Eat Clean cookbooks that they use "yogurt cheese" (they show you how to make it) or a small bit of goat cheese because it's not processed as well. Also yes I have a 1/2 cup of fruit with meals 1 & 2 - if I make oatmeal pancakes its usually banana, but I also like oranges, pineapple, etc. -some fruits are high in sugars, but that is why you only eat half a cup (which is like 1/2 a banana for example). In terms of pasta - I use brown rice pasta as its not processed - whole grain pasta still contains flour which is not a "clean" food. That being said there are recipes in the Clean Eating book that have whole grain pasta, or even wraps wtih whole grain tortillas - so its more just limiting your intake. And yes I also eat frozen veggies, if you look at a bag you will notice that the ingredients say just the vegetables therefore its still clean and you don't have to worry about them going bad :wink:

    In terms of spices I use pretty much anything that isn't made with a lot of salt or chemicals - Mrs. Dash spices are good cause they are salt free, as well I order spices from Epicure which is all natural. and I use natural honey or pure maple syrup as a sweetener.
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    I'm also curious, if only YOU are "eating clean" in your household, or if you are subjecting all of your family members to this plan?

    Beeps - I don't have kids, but my fiance eats clean for the most part - If we are having pasta then i might make myself brown rice noodles and him whole grain - or he might use different sauces or spices than I do - and obviously he would eat more :wink:

    The eating is definitely more strict while in competition training, but befor this past week when I was just Eating Clean, we both agreed that when we have kids this is the lifestyle we will bring them up in, yes it requires more planning, but its definitely doable and something we want to incorporate into our life longterm - yes there might be more "treat meals" when it comes to kids, but I still think its doable and to be honest, I wish my parents would have done something like this with me, then I would have been better educated, earlier on nutrition and fitness.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Thanks Ascheif for your response :smile:

    I think I really do pretty well with the cleaning eating, though obviously not completely. I think every week I am going to try to make a small change to get closer to being 90% clean....I mean a girl does need her wine a an chocolate occasionally :wink:

    So next week I am going to try making your oatmeal pancakes and substituting them in for my breakfast instead of my usual protein bar and fruit. The next week I will substitute a hard-boiled egg and half an apple for my mid morning snack rather than my usual string cheese.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    for the two weeks before Mexico I am going to try carb cycling so I need ideas for low-carb meal days, if anyone has suggestions!
    chloe, those sound like good, manageable goals, small changes are more manageable for most of us!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Thanks, AScheif....your commitment is really admirable!

    Amy - I'm not sure what "carb cycling" is....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Well....drum roll, please....I stepped on the scale today!


    Scary to do when weight-training....but, I am DOWN. That's right, I lost 2.8 lbs. this month.

    Now, I know it isn't a whole lot. But, I said that I would be happy losing 0.5 lbs a week and, well, that's exactly about what I did! And, frankly, I was prepared for a weight GAIN because of all the weight-training ('cause that's what everyone says...).

    So, that's good. I am smiling from ear-to-ear today....because, although I'm not "weighing" myself anymore, I was pretty nervous stepping on the scale today. My husband is gonna take the photos tonight and the measurements and then I've met my obligations for these fitness challenges for this month. The next time I have to do this is the day before I go to Hawaii and, hell ya, I'd better be down another 2 lbs and a gazillion more inches!!

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Congrats, Beeps, that is great, right on target and keep it up for Hawaii!
    So carb cycling, on the Eason plan is three days of low-carb (65 grams) one day high-carbs (165 grams).
    from the website:
    Here's the theory: Because carbs are the body's preferred source of fuel, cycling those carbs - eating lower amounts some days, higher amounts other days - confuses the body by not giving it a constant and dependable fuel source. When we reduce the intake of carbs on lower carb days, we'll replace those calories with protein and healthy fats. That way you'll have an adequate number of calories and maintain as much muscle as possible as you continue to exercise.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    hmmmmm, so if you have chicken with a salad, does that amount to "low-carb"?? Or, because the salad is carbs, is that NOT low-carb??

    When I'm trying to DECREASE my (bad) carbs, I just eliminate bread, rice, pasta from my nutrition. (kinda like right now, lol)

    But, I don't think this is the Eason plan.

    PS - I just reviewed the "what type of body would you like to have" thread here and, I have to say, I think Jamie Eason IS the type of body I want to have!!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Beeps this awesome keep it up!!

    Amy - I am not if these woud work, but I am on a big salad kick right now... my favorite is 3oz of flaked tuna, 1/4 avocado, 1 tomato, and 1-2 cups of lettuce with balsamic vinegar for dressing - the avocado gives you the healthy fats that you need for that meal too which is great! I also suggest taking salmon oil capsules wtih the meals that you may not be getting those healthy fats - I take 2 with every meal, unless I substitute it for Avocado or 1 tsp or more of olive oil.
    Another things is a healthy take on spaghetti - ground turkey or chicken with tomato sauce (I make my own) and use spaghetti squash instead of noodles!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I love fresh avocado! Love it! It isn't one of the toppings at my salad bar, unfortunately.
