2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Thanks, Jen, I want to do an outfit that is sort of fitness/dancer like. Something suitable for MFP:tongue:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Ohhhhh, AScheif, I LIKE your *challenge*. Good for you! I was aiming to be competition-ready for October, 2012. I still am, although I'm about 99% sure that I don't ACTUALLY want to compete (mostly because: a) I don't want that fake tan stuff, and b) I don't want all the dehydration stuff at the end). So, I'm going to follow your progress with KEEN INTEREST!

    asjerven, I can't wait until your photo day....even more until WE can actually SEE THEM!!

    jeno, I'm right there with you on the "no more ups/downs" thing. I seem to have been STUCK on this "too heavy by 10 lbs" kick for a couple of years. Now that I've removed "the scale" as my marker, it's even MORE of a "no man's land" for me to wade through. But, I have TRUST in the methodology....which, I think, makes ALL the difference.

    And, I like lifting (who knew?) - which makes this rookie happy to be where she's at....beginning a path to something NOVEL and DIFFERENT (for me)!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    AScheif, I missed your post earlier, sorry! that is so exciting about training for a fitness competition. I really want to hear about your training and keep on with the great recipes, too!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps, we'll get it done girl!!! So glad you're liking the weights!

    ASchief!!!!! That is fantastic. Which fitness organization did you register with?!? And which competition are you doing?? There is one nearby on May 12 which I'm not sure I'll register for...I was kind of wanting to do one in June for figure. You said fitness competition, so does that mean you will be doing the routines and stuff??!! We need to be friends on here, sending a request!

    Amy - that sounds like fun! I can't wait to see!!!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Jen - I am doing one with the NPAA organization. I haven't decided which categories yet I am going to compete in, but these ones do not have routines, just posing and a t-walk.

    Beeps - I know I felt the same way, however I am kind of thinking if I go that far I might as well go all the way :happy:

    Thanks guys I am super excited/nervous! Will keep you posted!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Beeps - I see! That makes sense :) Yeah, I have more than 3% so I am not crazy about eating 2000+ calories a day. I want to lose about 5-6%.I am going to start at 1700 as suggested by a trainer I know and see how it goes for me. The only way to do it, I've come to conclude, is the slow and steady! Anything else doesn't seem actually possible unless you are on biggest loser or something. We have lives! I want to get to my goal by the end of the program, sometime this June or July :) I started MFP on January 31st last year and my goal was to be bikini ready by summer. Well I was more bikini ready than I ever had been before and now I want my dream body. I think accepting that it takes time (especially when you're already semi fit) is crucial.

    Amy - thanks! just put up a pic of it :)

    Ascheif - that's amazing! Congrats and I'm sure you rock it! Keep us updated. I can't imagine actually doing one but I would like to be good enough shape for it!

    OH! I bought my own protein today...so pumped :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Looking good, Kate!
    This Phase 3 is killing me. Last night started sprints. So you crank the treadmill up to 8 and run for 30 secs, then jump to the sides and rest for 30 secs and do that for 30 mins! I made it 15 minutes. Because before that I was strength training with "active rest", like, since when is mountain climbers "resting" or is the barbell rows the resting?
    also, I was not very strong last night. Not sure if it's because of the not resting in the workout, but I could not do the narrow pushups, and my cable rows were about 10 lbs lighter than usual.
    I was dead tired last night.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    oooohhhh, asjerven, that work-out DOES sound strenuous! Good for you for just DOING IT! I can't wait to hear how your photo shoot goes.

    AScheif, I'm totally gonna watch your progress, with LOTS o' INTEREST! I'm actually SO excited that you can do this in <3 months....now THAT is saying something! Good for you!

    chu - like you, I just want to feel like I'm in my best health groove by summer - with a body to show for it!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Here's my SUCKY news: some dude stole my ipod nano at the gym, today. That's right - while I was with my PT at the squat rack, some dude stole my little pink thing-y. Gawd. I was SOOOOOOOOOO pissed off!! I was 10 feet away, and had left it there for, what, 10 minutes?? Come back to pick it up and it's GONE. The YMCA staff went and asked the high school boys who were in the gym with me if they'd seen the pink ipod: "uh-huh", they all replied. She then said, "well, did one of you take it??" And they all replied, "nuh-uh".

    Yeah, right.

    So, I'm going to say that, right now, this little foray into weight-training has been MIGHTY expensive:

    1. new training shoes
    2. PT sessions
    3. protein bars and protein shakes

    And now, a new ipod nano has to be added to the list. Frig. When I get my VISA next month, I'm going to FAINT, I just KNOW IT.

    So, I'd BETTER get a brand new friggin body out of this because I'm gonna have to go PUNCH SOMETHING when I'm READY!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    also, do you have an ad on the side of your mfp that shows some chick in a navy blue crop-top with A-M-A-Z-I-N-G ABS??

    Right now, she is PISSING ME OFF.

    1. because I want her abs
    2. because I don't have her abs

    Is there a group that can meet and vent about this???
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    OMgoodness!!! Beeps, I am so sorry for your $hitty evening and all your expenses but you have got me laughing out loud in my living room reading your posts!!! You are totally cracking me up!!! Bottle that up hon and use it for your next workout :angry: Grrrrr!

    Kate - you look fabulous and that dress looks amazing :happy:

    Amy - girl, way to get through the workout, sounds satisfyingly intense!!! Now I can't wait for my training session tomorrow!! I get measured too so I am hoping for some good news...I mean I can feel it in my clothes
    , but I always expect improvements every time I see my trainer!

    So two new fun things for me: yesterday I became the Education Health Alliance representative for my school. I will be the contact and coordinating person for the wellness program our district has just started. There are incentives, a website, and all kinds of fun stuff to get the staff involved. I can't to see how this goes! Also, I started teaching a new class tonight at a Nursing College...those girls are a ton of fun!!!

    Hope you are all doing well and Beeps, I'm really sorry your nano was stolen...I woulda been punching something at the gym for sure...my ipod is my lifeline!!!
  • AScheif
    AScheif Posts: 157 Member
    Haha Beeps I absolutely love your post!! That is so frustrating that your IPod got stolen! That would make me soooo mad!! I felt similar to you yesterday - where the sky would just fall down, work was TERRIBLE and I was tired and crabby - so what did I do, I had myself a pity party :blushing: I came home, did absolutely nothing, and ate chips for dinner and went to bed early :sad:

    Although I am sad that I sabotaged myself (could have done without those chips) I must admit I felt MUCH better when I got up this morning... I said to myself "okay you have had your pity party, now there are no excuses!!) and I feel so much more motivated!

    Beeps I hope tomorrow is a better day for you! I kick off my training officially on Saturday and will definitely keep you posted! I took my before pictures, although I am not prepared to share them until I have amazing after pics! lol :happy:

    Night everyone ! :yawn:
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Awwww, Aschief, sorry you had a bad day too :frown: Seems we are all taking our turns!! So glad you feel better and are more motivated than ever!!! Looking forward to seeing your fantastic after pics!!!

    Beeps...hope today is looking good for you!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    that sucks, Beeps, about the nano! I can't believe someone would do that, at a gym, like you know it was someone there which is irritating that you are in close proximity with such a scummy person.
    And, no, I haven't seen the ad-what's it advertising? abs? can you buy some? or are you talking about Jen in the navy blue sports bra?!
    Jen, what do you do? Are you a nurse-educator? That is cool about the wellness stuff, I am the wellness coordinator here and I need some tips! it is a neglected program I got from someone who left for another job.
    Ascheif, I hear ya on the falling off the wagon. I had no will power last night either! Get this, I get to the gym and don't have my tennis shoes, but I look at my workout and besides the sprints, I can do this without shoes, I go into the aerobics room with all the handweights and do the dumbbell chest presses and military presses on a step-bench, upright rows and lateral raises and burpees, the squats and push ups. I actually went into the weight room for dips and roman chair and there was another woman there in her socks!
    I went home, got my shoes and went to another gym for sprints before going to my friends to watch Dexter, she made tacos, and I tried to be reasonable but then I had two bud lights, 2 "fun-sized" snickers and a handful of hot tamales.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member

    Ok, so, while I was NOT actually talking about jeno in my previous post (about navy-crop-top), I can SEE why that connection would be made!

    In truth, sometimes there is an ad, on the right-hand-column of mfp, that shows this girl in navy blue crop top with some hi-lited AWESOME ABS. I. want.

    But, again, in looking at jeno's profile pic: a) she has a navy crop-top on; and b) she has amazing abs.

    So, now, whether I look to the left of the screen (where jeno's icon is) or the right of the screen (where paid ad is), I WANT ABS.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    I am soooooooooooooo far away from those type of abs it just feels useless.

    But, still I soldier on.

    I borrowed my daughter's little blue ipod nano. It's a cardio day, so it'll be strapped to me, non-stop. I'm going to try the bike, today, just to do something different.

    And, I'll go out tonight to buy myself another ipod nano. But, first, I'll check the YMCA lost-and-found because maybe doofus turned it in, after I left, because he felt like such a DORK.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    There, I've said it. Carry on with your normal dialogue....
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    :laugh: oh ladies,,,I love this group :flowerforyou:

    Amy, I am so impressed you checked out your workout, saw you could do it in socks, knocked it out, AND THEN, went home and got your shoes, went out again and did your sprints!!!! WOW, that is inspirational :bigsmile: Regarding the food, you, are doing better than before and making progress and changes. That's what matters. Just strap up your shoelaces and keep moving forward! And no, not me in the sports bra!! A very well defined ab bamming chick on the side of the page :tongue:

    Beeps, good idea about checking the lost and found! Good luck. AND, regarding the abs...you are closer than you think! That was my goal last summer and had I stuck to my plan I would still have them, so it is our goal together right now!! I am with ya on the "Give me abs or give me death" :drinker:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I'm with you, give me abs or give me lipo:tongue:
    You still have abs Jen, they are under there and you will find them!