Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    ....new thread....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    My back is still sore. So, yes, I will get a weight-training work-out in, today, but I'm going to dial the weight WAY BACK for at least 3 good reasons:

    1. My back is still sore
    2. I'm terrified of the DOMS (since I haven't weight-trained in about 12 days)
    3. I'm just not that "into it", this week

    I know I will feel better after a work-out, but right now, I'm still blah.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    jnh - hope the doc figures out what's wrong, soon!

    Beeps - as long as you're moving, you're doing good.

    My abs are so sore today - maybe lifting and yoga on the same day wasn't the best idea. I've done it lots before though, but I think those negative chin ups are what got me. I could feel my core working on the first one.

    Funny story - the baby (well he's 19 months) woke up in the middle of the night and came into our room. Hubby was complaining he had cold hands and I didn't think anything of it. I got up to use the potty and on my way back to bed, he was standing there with the ice cream container in his hands!! LOL! He had gotten it out of the freezer and was bringing it to us so he could have some. Then hubby says he had gotten it out of the freezer like 5 times yesterday. So I gave him a bite and put him back in bed. :-)
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Back from the doctor. Walked out. Waiting over an hour in the exam room makes me so irate I probably burn more calories than working out just from the heart rate.

    I do know that I've gained ANOTHER 7 lbs (so that is a whopping 16lbs since joining in March). I do think this 7lbs has to do with whatever is going on though -- the other 9 lbs can kiss it though.

    Oh and I did call another doctor to make an appt :).
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Back from the doctor. Walked out. Waiting over an hour in the exam room makes me so irate I probably burn more calories than working out just from the heart rate.

    I do know that I've gained ANOTHER 7 lbs (so that is a whopping 16lbs since joining in March). I do think this 7lbs has to do with whatever is going on though -- the other 9 lbs can kiss it though.

    Oh and I did call another doctor to make an appt :).

    I don't care what emergency there is, making someone wait for an hour is totally uncalled for! I don't blame you for walking out. Glad you made another appointment! How frustrating for you!
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Jennie that is the cutest story!!! Your little one definitely wanted ice cream! lol
    whoda thunk that negative chin ups work your abs??

    JNH that is the worst customer service! you'd think that the medical field would be more sensitive to how long you keep a patient waiting. i sure hope you find out what is going on with your body soon.

    Hi Beeps. Im a newbie on this thread. I think that the "Im just not into it feeling" is kinda common right after vacation. Or it has been in my case. it always takes me a minute to get focused again.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    jhn - That is just ridiculous to make someone wait that long! I would have walked out too and definitely gone to see a different doctor. Good for you.

    Just saw this on FB and thought I'd share

    "What we do in the gym shouldn't be about perfection. Perfection doesn't exist. It shouldn't be about looking like this person or that...blonde or brunette...muscular or thin. The goal isn't about trying to be perfect. The goal is to be better and stronger than you were yesterday!" ~Marsha

  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Very cute Tee shirts on the strong is the new skinny website Jennie. Good find!
    I like the one that says " dont you wish your girlfriend could squat like me"
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    hey ladies, I really have nothing to add. just didn't want to say "bump" LOL

    Let's see........

    I still haven't made up my mind about finishing up stage 7. I am very torn. I want to finish but I'm ready to get on to some fat loss. Who would have thought I could squat 80 pounds or deadlift 120! Reading that makes me excited and finish out the program.

    Must get to the gym today so I won't know what I will do until I get there.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    hey ladies, I really have nothing to add. just didn't want to say "bump" LOL

    Let's see........

    I still haven't made up my mind about finishing up stage 7. I am very torn. I want to finish but I'm ready to get on to some fat loss. Who would have thought I could squat 80 pounds or deadlift 120! Reading that makes me excited and finish out the program.

    Must get to the gym today so I won't know what I will do until I get there.

    What's the plan you're moving onto next (sorry if I've miss this somewhere else! :smile: )?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    hey ladies, I really have nothing to add. just didn't want to say "bump" LOL

    Let's see........

    I still haven't made up my mind about finishing up stage 7. I am very torn. I want to finish but I'm ready to get on to some fat loss. Who would have thought I could squat 80 pounds or deadlift 120! Reading that makes me excited and finish out the program.

    Must get to the gym today so I won't know what I will do until I get there.

    What's the plan you're moving onto next (sorry if I've miss this somewhere else! :smile: )?

    Plain ol' treadmill until after my vacation in 3 weeks then NROL4abs. Alwyn recommends it for fat loss.

    I've been sitting here thinking about stage 7. What if I do half of the reps and finish out with cardio? That would give me a sense of accomplishment PLUS the cardio for fat loss.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    hey ladies, I really have nothing to add. just didn't want to say "bump" LOL

    Let's see........

    I still haven't made up my mind about finishing up stage 7. I am very torn. I want to finish but I'm ready to get on to some fat loss. Who would have thought I could squat 80 pounds or deadlift 120! Reading that makes me excited and finish out the program.

    Must get to the gym today so I won't know what I will do until I get there.

    What's the plan you're moving onto next (sorry if I've miss this somewhere else! :smile: )?

    Plain ol' treadmill until after my vacation in 3 weeks then NROL4abs. Alwyn recommends it for fat loss.

    I've been sitting here thinking about stage 7. What if I do half of the reps and finish out with cardio? That would give me a sense of accomplishment PLUS the cardio for fat loss.

    I'm personally considering doing half the reps anyway because I really despise high reps. I think that would be a good plan.
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Hey guys, I just found this group today :)

    I'm doing NROL4W, tomorrow will be workout A4 of Stage 1. I'm not as strong as I was before I got pregnant, definitely can't lift like I used to. I'm also a lot heavier. Hoping to regain strength and lose weight and fit back into my pre pregnancy clothes. My daughter is almost 8 months, so it's about time, right?
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Welcome SteAnn.

    Mary I think you need to do what satisfies you. I know you said you wanted to finish NROL4W because you have an issue with completing thing (me too BTW), so doing it this way seems like the best of both worlds for you! Do it! I'm rootin' for ya

    You too Jennie!

    ETA I'm so going to order at least one of those shirts!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I take a two hour nap and come back to a new thread lol. I'm exhausted again. I took my B vitamins and protein loaded for lunch.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    bumping to find you later
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    Welcome SteAnn!

    Well, I hit S3 4A yesterday, and am glad to be done my last BWM in a while. I hate that thing. But I love how I feel it the next day.

    I actually had a scale victory this morning - finally hit my goal weight of EXACTLY 150.0.

    So now what? Well, I've been thinking about that a lot because I've had a couple of people suggest to me that I'm getting too skinny. Honestly, I don't really care about the number on the scale. But with it being lower, I can tell you that my running is so much easier! So would I like the number to be lower? Yes, for running purposes. But otherwise, I really don't care about a number.

    In terms of size, I still look down and see a lot of chub on my legs and tummy and even some on my arms. Maybe it's my newfound love of lifting, but I'd much rather see sleek muscle than lumpies. I'm also right in between an 8 and 6 right now, and would like to NOT look like I'm squeezing into a 6 or barely keeping my 8s on my hips. And finally, I want to be stronger! The growth in endurance I've seen while working on this program has really made a difference in my biking and running, and I'd like to keep improving.

    So...I guess I don't really have a plan yet, just the need to make a plan. Will let you know when I figure it out.

    Oh, and BEEPS, don't be afraid of DOMS. I had taken 15 days off and it actually felt good to be back. I'm still not excited to go, but I think that's because I really don't like Stage 3. As soon as you go, you will feel better. The fear is always more impressive than the reality.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Welcome , SteAnn!

    I was given the highest compliment from a nearby male weight lifter today. He said, " the strongest woman in the gym." :bigsmile: It totally made my day. I am still smiling.

    This is what I did. 3 sets of 10 on stage 7. That way I didn't have to decrease weights too much. That's half the stage (with the lowest reps of the 15-20). I finished out on the treadmill 32 minutes of HIIT.
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks for the welcome guys :)

    joannezuk, I know what you mean about hitting 'goal' weight but wanting to do more. Two years ago I got to 146 lbs and even though people told me I was starting to get too skinny, I really wanted to keep lifting and get stronger. I wanted to see muscles and feel strong and bad *kitten*!

    I think I listened to them more then I listened to myself. I unsuccessfully tried maintenance, gained 20 back, got pregnant and gained 60 back.

    My plan this time is to lift heavy from the start and to keep going so that I am happy and not listen to others opinions of my appearance.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    How the hell did you do 30 minutes of HIIT AFTER Stage 7, manic????? Something is wrong in the equation.....

    1. HIIT, when done properly, shouldn't last more than 20 minutes. Otherwise, it isn't "high intensity"....maybe just medium. (Well, in the world of Beeps, anyway.)
    2. Stage 7 has a STRONG cardio component, already. If you did 30 sec rests, I'm shocked you didn't fall over dead at the end. (I mean, I did.)

    Okay, maybe I'm beating you up too much, manic.....probably because I *also* did a Stage 7 work-out, today. It took me one hour. I only did 6 reps of each exercise. And, my weights were WAY dropped back. Also, I needed 60s rests (not 30s). So, I sucked *kitten* and you are KILLING IT.