Daily Chat Thread



  • Digby
    Digby Posts: 27 Member
    Hi ladies!! I'm new with NROF4W and wanted to make contact with some experienced ladies!

    I've been a runner now for 4 years (three half marathons under my belt) and had great success. I'm pretty much hovering in around goal for weight loss but I need to get rid of some flab! Pilates and my medicore strength training is just not cutting it! Back in '08 and '09 I was having great success with a personal trainer but finances and her leaving my gym brought that to a halt and running took over.

    I started Stage 1 this week and have two workouts under my belt. I must say these two workouts were very similar to what my trainer had me doing. I'm loving it so far.

    So hello all!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    manic - you do deserve BIG props for being the strongest woman at your gym! Woo hoooo!

    And, to all you ladies who can do more than 20 minutes of HIIT, I maintain that I don't think you're doing HIIT, then. From my research, HIIT doesn't realy make ANY significant difference, unless you are in the elite category. At which point, 20 minutes of HIIT WILL finish them off.

    For me, I freely admit, I cannot tolerate more than 20 minutes of HIIT. And, I haven't actually DONE ANY HIIT since June! I was pretty happy to read in NROL4Abs there wasn't really any mention of it! I'll just do some steady-state cardio on my off-days. Yay!

    Tawnya - sounds like you are doing all the right things about your back....I've had visits to chiro, too. Although, this time, I'm just biding my time and popping the Advil. My back does feel better today. Oh, and the DOMS isn't too bad....although, for me, it's usually the 2nd day after that is my killer, anyway.

    Welcome to the newbies....
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    HI and welcome newcomers! Just jump on in the convo.

    tawyna! I am so soooo sorry. don't worry about lifting. It's only been a week and you said you must rest for 3. I believe you will have that initial fear and be cautious when you start back but THEN! you 'll start banging out the weight as previously.

    What did I do yesterday that is killing my obliques? My bottom is sore . That's from the squats. I did squats, push ups, lunges with leg elevated, deadlifts, and dumbbell bent over row.
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    I must say with HIIT I cannot do 20mins even, this is mainly because I get bored though. My favourite way of doing it is on the rowing machine & I do get to the point where I feel I cannot do another intense minute, not sure how much of it is physical and how much is mental though.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    manic, I'm betting the push-ups are aching your obliques. Push-ups are *quite* a core exercise, you know!

    Hmmmm, hypallage, I'd like to try HIIT on the rowing machine! Every rower (woman) I know has such AWESOME back/arms, etc.....soooooooooo nice for summer tops!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Already posted in the Stage 1 thread but as I had so much good advise of you ladies here I am posting again:

    Hi all

    I just had brilliant news I found a gym close by that has a squat rack! And it is even a bit cheaper. It is a bit of a walk but I am so glad I found it. It was really bothering me that my gym didn't have one. So now I just have to wait a month to cancel the gym I am at now and switch over. I just have to work with what I have at my current gym for the next few weeks which will be mostly Stage 1 but I can always do another couple of weeks of it in the new gym.

    I am so pleased!

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    ahhhhh, thanks Beeps. I really didn't think about the push-ups.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Welcome to those newbies I missed! Like manic said - just jump right in!

    Daisy - great news on the club!!

    Finished S6WB1 today. It wasn't at bad as I thought. I'm actually liking this stage so far. I really gotta work on those negative chin ups. I'm good at telling myself that I'm not strong enough when in fact most times, if I would just try, I find I'm able to do it. Just like hand stands or head stands in yoga. I have a large fear of being upside down and don't have faith in myself that I won't fall over, so I won't even try them. Plus I don't want to try them in front of the whole class, so I need to work on them at home.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Yikes, y'all have been busy!!!

    Mary Mary, the strongest woman at the gym! See I told you you're a monster! What is a lunge with leg elevated?? I am imagining a flying lunge LOL but I'm sure it's not that.

    Welcome all you new peeeps and congrats on getting started. That is really the hardest part - well sort of....

    MsT, I hope you get some relief soon, and I hope you can get back to doing all the things you enjoy painfree!

    Did another 1B today and deadlifted 100 - see that big grin on my face??? WOOT! I upped weights on all the exercises. Did 21dbs on the shoulder presses and that was really hard. I just don't have any strength there at all. It's very frustrating to me that I struggle so much with these. They are sore right now, as is my lower back upper butt.

    I'm away all weekend, did I tell you that already? My only niece gets married in October, and Sunday is a surprise bridal shower up in Maine. Yes I did tell you because I remember saying that the sister I am staying with has a bench and weights. But I doubt I'll do anything since I will have done MWF already.

    Work is slow... I'm bored and spending too much time on MFP!
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    Daisy - glad to hear you have a new gym, you will be able to make some progress without a squat rack but it will make a huge difference to have one.

    jennie - PMA... Positive Mental Attitude - works wonders :wink:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sue, have fun this weekend.
    Daisy, good luck at your new gym. Cheaper with better equipment for your program=awesome!!
    My arms feel like limp noodles. today. I don't have DOMS, but I feel zapped of all strength. Doing laundry is a chore. I guess stage 6 is breaking those muscles down after all. Who said, "You don't make progress when you are lifting but when you are recovering from lifting." Definite recovery day.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sue, I am sorry. I didn't and still don't have my book near me to give you the proper name Alwyn uses in the book. LOL Sorry. I also read it that your "lower upper butt" was sore. I was thinking how do we have a lower upper butt. Yes, I was dissecting a butt in my mind. Still couldn't figure it out so I had to reread your post. :ohwell: LOWER BACK and UPPER butt :happy:

    My butt is killing me today. I know I mentioned that before. Getting up and down from sitting is a pain (no pun intended LOL)

    I'm cracking myself up today. Yall get that way when you are tired? all giddy and laugh over nothing?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member

    Hmmmmm....here's a weird thing:

    My husband's 2nd ex-wife is kind of cyber-stalking me!

    They've been divorced for, I dunno, 14 years?? 15 years??

    Quite by accident, now that I have seriously started job-hunting, I find this little button on linkedin.com which states something like, "11 people have reviewed your profile in the last 6 days". So, I click on it and it pops up with different persons....a recruiter was actually the top one, followed by some tax lawyers, and some accountants. And THEN, the name (I think) of the 2nd ex-wife!!!

    I asked hubby about it last week, as in, "why would this person be looking at MY linkedin.com profile??" Truth is, she's probably looking at my husband's profile, but since he and I are linked maybe she followed it that way??? Anyway, I don't want to go look at HER linkedin.com profile, because then she can click on that same little button and SEE that I've looked at her! Instead, I tried facebook and, whadda-ya-know, her fb profile is PUBLIC (dumb). She has 2 photo albums: 1 of her "house" and 1 of her "kids". So, I think the "house" album is weird....it's an average house on an average street in a city husband used to live in. But, the "kids" album is weirder (to me)....cats and dogs, of course!!

    This woman never remarried. Obviously never had (human) children. But, WHY would she be creeping on her ex-husband's wife sooooooooooo many years after a split??????????

    I think this is nuts.

    I said to my husband that I'm going to connect to her on linkedin.com with this message:

    "Hi! I see you have been stalking me on linkedin.com and then I noticed that we have the SAME LAST NAME! So weird since I don't know anybody in Canada with my last name, but maybe my husband does....I'll ask him. Oh, by the way, are you a cat-lover or a dog-lover?? And, is your house in an expensive part of ___city, or the cheap-*kitten* neighbourhood?? Chat later, loser!!"

    Husband laughed and then said, "no, she'll call a lawyer and then it'll be hell to pay." She was a weirdo once they got married, which explains why he divorced her as fast as he could (from marriage to divorce took 9 months....total!)

    Anyway, am I wrong to be FREAKED OUT that koo-koo ex- is cyber-watching me?????????????? Hell, she might have been at it for YEARS, and I haven't known.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps, I understand why you are upset and freaked out. I would be too. BUT maybe this ex-wife was on the site and found you by accident and clicked on it. Is that possible? I know nothing of the site.

    I have a question for yall. Would it be possible for me to lose enough fat in the next 2 1/2 weeks by strictly doing my cardio and cutting calories. I have few skirts I would like to wear while at Disney. I can fit in them but they are NOT the least flattering. I don't want to lose the muscle (if I've gained any that is). Yes, I know I opened up the forum to be thoroughly smacked around. I am not talking about 1000 calories but 1200 + exercise.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Beeps, I understand why you are upset and freaked out. I would be too. BUT maybe this ex-wife was on the site and found you by accident and clicked on it. Is that possible? I know nothing of the site.

    I have a question for yall. Would it be possible for me to lose enough fat in the next 2 1/2 weeks by strictly doing my cardio and cutting calories. I have few skirts I would like to wear while at Disney. I can fit in them but they are NOT the least flattering. I don't want to lose the muscle (if I've gained any that is). Yes, I know I opened up the forum to be thoroughly smacked around. I am not talking about 1000 calories but 1200 + exercise.

    I think you'll be okay. Since I haven't been able to work out since LAST Tuesday, I think I'm going to have to go to a similar plan to be where I want to be in 8 weeks (remember, I am up THIRTEEN lbs from when I joined -- when I wanted to lose weight so I'm feeling way fluffy). My plan will be to eat around 1200 calories but still get all my protein in. Plus, since I'm doing Insanity, it's still a lot of lifting -- just with body weight. Tons of push up variations, body weight matrix type of things.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member

    Hmmmmm....here's a weird thing:

    My husband's 2nd ex-wife is kind of cyber-stalking me!

    They've been divorced for, I dunno, 14 years?? 15 years??

    Quite by accident, now that I have seriously started job-hunting, I find this little button on linkedin.com which states something like, "11 people have reviewed your profile in the last 6 days". So, I click on it and it pops up with different persons....a recruiter was actually the top one, followed by some tax lawyers, and some accountants. And THEN, the name (I think) of the 2nd ex-wife!!!

    I asked hubby about it last week, as in, "why would this person be looking at MY linkedin.com profile??" Truth is, she's probably looking at my husband's profile, but since he and I are linked maybe she followed it that way??? Anyway, I don't want to go look at HER linkedin.com profile, because then she can click on that same little button and SEE that I've looked at her! Instead, I tried facebook and, whadda-ya-know, her fb profile is PUBLIC (dumb). She has 2 photo albums: 1 of her "house" and 1 of her "kids". So, I think the "house" album is weird....it's an average house on an average street in a city husband used to live in. But, the "kids" album is weirder (to me)....cats and dogs, of course!!

    This woman never remarried. Obviously never had (human) children. But, WHY would she be creeping on her ex-husband's wife sooooooooooo many years after a split??????????

    I think this is nuts.

    I said to my husband that I'm going to connect to her on linkedin.com with this message:

    "Hi! I see you have been stalking me on linkedin.com and then I noticed that we have the SAME LAST NAME! So weird since I don't know anybody in Canada with my last name, but maybe my husband does....I'll ask him. Oh, by the way, are you a cat-lover or a dog-lover?? And, is your house in an expensive part of ___city, or the cheap-*kitten* neighbourhood?? Chat later, loser!!"

    Husband laughed and then said, "no, she'll call a lawyer and then it'll be hell to pay." She was a weirdo once they got married, which explains why he divorced her as fast as he could (from marriage to divorce took 9 months....total!)

    Anyway, am I wrong to be FREAKED OUT that koo-koo ex- is cyber-watching me?????????????? Hell, she might have been at it for YEARS, and I haven't known.

    Oh, I think it's fairly normal. When people have a lot of time on their hands at work (when they can't actually walk away from their computer and do something), well, you know what they say about idle hands. I'm sure she was just curious. If her name was at the top of the list, THEN I'd be concerned!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Jumping back in this thread. I introduced myself and joined in the thread a couple weeks ago and then sort of disappeared. We were traveling last week to Iowa to visit family. Since we've gotten home it's been non-stop errands, grocery shopping, cooking and getting back-to-school shopping started. Now we have more family coming to visit us - arriving Saturday.

    Workout wise I'm excited to be almost done with Stage 1. I have one workout B left, then the 2 AMPRAP workouts and that's it. I'm not taking a week off between stages....I took the entire week we were in Iowa off from lifting because I didn't have access to a gym. I'm going to jump right into Stage 2 for 2 weeks then I'm going to have to mess around with the schedule a bit and probably take at least a week or even two weeks off in mid-late September.

    I'm running a marathon with my mom in 4.5 weeks. I'm getting a little nervous because I've been VERY casual about my running the last 6 weeks or so. Like only doing a couple of 20-25 minute interval runs during the week (about 3 miles each run) and then one longer run on the weekends and focusing all my working on my NR workouts. I ran a marathon in June so I'm hoping that the endurance/training from that along with doing a long run on the weekends has kept me in good enough shape to run another 26.2. My mom runs quite a bit slower than me so I'm not worried about it being an aerobically challenging run....but being on my feet and actually running for 5 hours could be quite a challenge.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Beeps, I wouldn't be too worried. It's natural to be curious about an ex-spouse's newer spouse, don't you think? Also, if you really want to look at her LI profile, just sign yourself out, then search her name and "LinkedIn". You may not be able to see her whole profile though. (No, I'm not an online stalker or anything!).

    A question for you, also, Beeps--I think you said that you'd read a lot of NR4Abs success stories on some bodybuilding forum? Which one? I'm trying to figure out what to do next...

    One more BWM tomorrow, wooo hoooo, then my much-preferred B workout on Monday and I'll be done with S5. Yay!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Jumping back in this thread. I introduced myself and joined in the thread a couple weeks ago and then sort of disappeared. We were traveling last week to Iowa to visit family. Since we've gotten home it's been non-stop errands, grocery shopping, cooking and getting back-to-school shopping started. Now we have more family coming to visit us - arriving Saturday.

    Workout wise I'm excited to be almost done with Stage 1. I have one workout B left, then the 2 AMPRAP workouts and that's it. I'm not taking a week off between stages....I took the entire week we were in Iowa off from lifting because I didn't have access to a gym. I'm going to jump right into Stage 2 for 2 weeks then I'm going to have to mess around with the schedule a bit and probably take at least a week or even two weeks off in mid-late September.

    I'm running a marathon with my mom in 4.5 weeks. I'm getting a little nervous because I've been VERY casual about my running the last 6 weeks or so. Like only doing a couple of 20-25 minute interval runs during the week (about 3 miles each run) and then one longer run on the weekends and focusing all my working on my NR workouts. I ran a marathon in June so I'm hoping that the endurance/training from that along with doing a long run on the weekends has kept me in good enough shape to run another 26.2. My mom runs quite a bit slower than me so I'm not worried about it being an aerobically challenging run....but being on my feet and actually running for 5 hours could be quite a challenge.

    I can't even fathom running a marathon. Good luck lady!
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    I'm running a marathon with my mom in 4.5 weeks. I'm getting a little nervous because I've been VERY casual about my running the last 6 weeks or so. Like only doing a couple of 20-25 minute interval runs during the week (about 3 miles each run) and then one longer run on the weekends and focusing all my working on my NR workouts. I ran a marathon in June so I'm hoping that the endurance/training from that along with doing a long run on the weekends has kept me in good enough shape to run another 26.2. My mom runs quite a bit slower than me so I'm not worried about it being an aerobically challenging run....but being on my feet and actually running for 5 hours could be quite a challenge.

    I can't even fathom running a marathon. Good luck lady!

    Neither can I!! Best of Luck!!