Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am STILL sore from lifting 2 days ago. What's up with that? This is very unusual for me.

    I would love to say I can run a marathon or half one , but my body is too old. The jarring on the pavement , the sloshing of my brain, and cracking of my knees are too much at this point. I should have had that goal 20 years ago. GO YOU for you and mom, ebay.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Thanks for the advice, ladies....I agree that it's probably "no big deal" about ex-spouse. But, 15 years later??? Good gosh, I wish I had NEVER pushed that stupid little button. (But, I have to keep pushing it because if recruiters are looking at my profile, then I get in touch with them to find out if they have any line on a job I might want!)

    manic - I'm not that sore, today.....my pecs and my tris, that is it.

    ebaymommy - I like your profile pic - be careful, though, your muscles are showing!! :wink:

    dandelion - I'm over on JPFitness Forum....it's the official posting site for Lou Schuler.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm freaking out, not eating enough, and I have no idea if I'll actually make it to the gym, and my pecs hurt :( WHINE!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Alright, no more whining allowed! Freak out moment is OVER. I WISH I had the "not eating enough" problem....let's just say that I do not.

    And, if you cannot make it to the gym, do some jumping jacks at home and run on the spot for 5 minutes every 60 minutes throughout the day. Done.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    come on Sam! Get out of your funk! :devil: I was in it for a little over a week and it doesn't feel good. I needed someone to kick my butt good. So I'm giving you a good swift KICK!! EAT a chicken leg and get moving , babez! :happy:
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I am STILL sore from lifting 2 days ago. What's up with that? This is very unusual for me.

    I would love to say I can run a marathon or half one , but my body is too old. The jarring on the pavement , the sloshing of my brain, and cracking of my knees are too much at this point. I should have had that goal 20 years ago. GO YOU for you and mom, ebay.

    Never say you're too old! My mom just started running about 1.5 years ago when she lost around 80lbs. Her marathon that she's running next month falls the day before her 50th birthday!! We are throwing her a surprise party the day before the marathon and I'm making up a sign to carry along while I run with her to totally embarrass her (Um, I mean support her!) on race day that says, "This is my mom - with arrow pointing to her running alongside me. Today is her 1st marathon. Tomorrow is her 50th birthday. Help me cheer her on!"
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member

    ebaymommy - I like your profile pic - be careful, though, your muscles are showing!! :wink:

    Shhhh....we don't want to scare them back into hiding....
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Ebay, so impressed with your running, and your mom's! That's just great...

    So, I just ordered NR4Abs. I think since I'm going to focus on fat loss after NR4W is finished it makes more sense to do a program like this than a more progressive 5x5-type lifting program. Does that sound right? Of course, when I see all the plank variations in person once the book arrives, I may change my tune :)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Some of them are intimidating. But what I gather from the book, progress as you can but definitely try the harder one even if only 5 seconds. Then rest. Then give it another 5 seconds.

    I have only skimmed the book and will read it thoroughly when we travel to Disney in 17 days!

    Stage 7 WO2 today winded me good. I started out with heavy weights (not as heavy as previous stages) and each set I had to decrease except on the raised heel squats. 3 sets of 10 again like Tuesdays WO1 and 30 minutes on treadmill. There was no way possible for me to do interval training as hard. I managed to get to 5mph on a few.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    This is a little off topic but I ordered NROL for my husband (I also got Insanity for him too, hope he doesn't get some kind of complex). Of couse he's SO AMAZING AT ANYTHING athletic (<---sarcasm font in play here) so he scoffed at the idea of a lifting program but I think if he cracks it open, he'll like having the plan. Anybody know and dudes that have done it?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    jnh - I don't know any men who are doing NROL, but, in looking around the gym, I don't see ANY of the guys walking around with clipboards, etc.....only the chicks!! (Like me.) Weird, huh? I think the guys get some program from their high school gym class and just crank it out time-and-time again! I think your husband will LOVE NROL, and, it is the CHANGE-UP that makes the NROL programs work. Period.

    ebaymommy - what the heck, your MOM is 50???? I thought we were kinda the same age, lol....but, as it turns out, I'm much more your mom's age! Now I don't have to feel bad that you're out there running marathons and lifting weights and looking AWESOME!

    dandelion - what I want someone to tell me is HOW LONG do the NROL4Abs work-outs take???? Because, in just getting used to them, I'm figuring the work-outs will be L-O-N-G....but, hopefully, once I get the hang of the order of the exercises, plus the exercises themselves, I can whip out the work-outs FASTER.

    This year, 60 minutes was my max. work-out time.....for 2013, I'd *love* to get that down to 45 minutes!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Beeps I agree, don't worry about the ex wife and yea I'm with you 100%, 45 min and effective is what I'm looking for too!

    Sam, I know you'll be fine! Eat girl! When I know i'm not going to have time to do anything, I run a couple flights of stairs 2 or 3 times during the day. It gets it in.

    Mary, I'm sure not the one to advise on that, but I've done the same thing in the past. Course I didn't have any muscle then, just more fat than I have now.

    Ebay, how awesome that you AND your mom can run marathons. OMG I would die!!

    Mary, I'm sore today too. I actually like it, it's not owie sore, it's wow you worked me hard sore!

    Ok, back to work!
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Just wanted to say that I am in love with this program! I am still in stage 1, but I have already lost 2.3% body fat in the last 4 weeks!!!

    That is with lifting only 2 times per week, and eating at maintenance. I can't wait to see how much I've lost (and gained in muscle) after another 4 weeks!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member

    ebaymommy - what the heck, your MOM is 50???? I thought we were kinda the same age, lol....but, as it turns out, I'm much more your mom's age! Now I don't have to feel bad that you're out there running marathons and lifting weights and looking AWESOME!

    My mom will turn 50 next month. I'm 34.5. You do the math. Obviously I wasn't planned but as we've gotten older it's pretty cool. My mom remarried when I was in elementary school and I have MUCH younger siblings (my youngest sister is 16). We joke that when we are little old ladies together (like when I'm 75 and she's 90) that my little sister will have to take care of us both.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Crud. I can't keep up with what's going on here. It's moving too fast!

    I'm still doing a modified program. My back is doing a lot better, but not 100%. Since that was the second injury in three weeks, I am reevaluating my plans and goals. I cannot afford to rupture this stupid disk. I am not sure I'm going to be able to really follow this program to the end. I'm currently in stage 5. I think I'm going to continue with a very modified version of it for a few weeks, and then see where I am at. I'll either move on to 6 or 7, or go on to start the abs book. Sigh.

    I did have some interesting discussions with my physical therapist. He doesnt discourage me from lifting at all, however he does discourage me from doing ATG or even breaking parallel squats. He also said I need to focus on engaging my core if I do lift heavy. But, for health purposes, I could get equally good results doing body weight exercises: such as squats, lunges, push ups, pull ups, sit ups (crunches). I sort of agree with him. But, I still like weights, because I like bulging biceps. . After all, health is my main reason for exercise, but it isn't my ONLY reason. :wink:
  • athletemcgoo
    athletemcgoo Posts: 23 Member
    I am STILL sore from lifting 2 days ago. What's up with that? This is very unusual for me.

    I would love to say I can run a marathon or half one , but my body is too old. The jarring on the pavement , the sloshing of my brain, and cracking of my knees are too much at this point. I should have had that goal 20 years ago. GO YOU for you and mom, ebay.

    Never say you're too old! My mom just started running about 1.5 years ago when she lost around 80lbs. Her marathon that she's running next month falls the day before her 50th birthday!! We are throwing her a surprise party the day before the marathon and I'm making up a sign to carry along while I run with her to totally embarrass her (Um, I mean support her!) on race day that says, "This is my mom - with arrow pointing to her running alongside me. Today is her 1st marathon. Tomorrow is her 50th birthday. Help me cheer her on!"

    i read this and thought, "oh my, how is she going to be able to carry a sign for an entire marathon without her arms falling off?" and then i looked at your picture. i guess you'll be fine! :)

    have a great time -- it sounds like a lot of fun!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Jessica, I really think you should do Nrol4abs!! That program will benefit you I am sure.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Mary, I think so, too. I've read through parts of it, and I think I will really like it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Jessica, is there any way you can see a sports therapist?? I'd get another opinion on how you can continue to focus, 100%, on FORM, but also, as you improve, move up with the weight. I still have TONS of problems with squatting. But, I can do an ATG bodyweight squat, now....I couldn't even get to parallel (with just BW!) in January. I still do NOT lift very heavy for my squats - because as soon as I up the weight, I can't get parallel, blah, blah, blah. So, since FORM is key, I just do what I can. Maybe, for you, it *does* mean doing BW squats, etc., for a long (longer??) time. I would still find someone who can help you work through your body-issues, while still encouraging you NOT to just go back to PURE bodyweight exercises. The "heaviness" of the weights DOES matter - it IS improving your health!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Also, I hope you do NROL4Abs so that I have company!!