2 week challenge



  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! How was everyone's weekend? I splurged on some frozen yogurt yesterday (not so bad by itself, but the toppings were pure sugar), but I was otherwise pretty good on food. I did an 8 mile run on Saturday to take advantage of the beautiful weather, and got in some good lifting yesterday.

    My plan for this week is to log Monday-Thursday, stay within my alloted calories, and to exercise every day. This weekend my husband and I are taking a trip to NYC, which will probably involve a lot of eating, but hopefully a lot of walking too. I'm not planning on logging it (too hard to estimate restaurant calories, and I just want a break), but I'm hoping that I won't do too much damage if I'm good during the week and I try to make good choices when we're eating out.

    Chloe--Sounds like a great plan for the week! And nice work on making good choices at dinner--I have such a hard time saying no to dessert when it's offered.

    Alicia--Great job on your calories! 20 calories over is not bad at all. And nice work on increasing your speed!

    Abigail--Glad to hear you got new shoes! They make all of the difference when you're running. I've never had that kind of pain in my upper back so I don't know what to tell you other than to be careful. I'd stay away from the weights for a few days, but if it comes back you might want to consider getting it checked out by a sports therapist or something like that. Back pain isn't something you want to mess with.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    Alicia - for 28 calories over, I'll keep you at GOLD STAR BABY!! Amazing job!!

    Chloe - BRONZE STAR BABY!! That's awesome!!

    Ris, good for you preggo-chick!

    I'm going to add up my weekly calories - LADIES PLEASE CHECK-IN FOR STAR CHALLENGE!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    9,207 calories this week.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    ....and, FOR SURE there is going to be a BOUDOIR PHOTOGRAPHY session on May 25th, so, now I REALLY have to watch my calories.....ZERO per day anyone????


    1. 3 days at <1,000 calories and then 1 day at maintenance (say 1,700??) calories. Repeat.
    2. Drink TONS of water.
    3. Go to bed early - can read in bed, but MUST stay out of kitchen pantry!

    Also, it's "end-of-month" reporting this week. So, by Thursday, I have to weigh, measure, and take photos. Since I KNOW I'm out for supper on Wednesday, I really hope to get all this done Wednesday morn - because the salt intake from Wednesday eve's restaurant food will mess with me for a few days later....

    What are YOUR 2-week goals??
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Star challenge check-in: Goal - 12,600 Total - 13,230 ugh! I was doing fine until last night. My sister and & I threw a party for my parents birthday/anniversary (they all happen in 1 week) and I went way overboard.

    2-week goals:

    1. stay under my calories Mon-Sat to leave room for Sunday
    2. get in all of my scheduled exercise on the Les Mills Pump program, adding stretching on my rest day
    3. turn my walk/runs into all runing

    Beeps - yay on the platinum star, good luck prepping for your photo session

    Ris - have fun in NYC

    Chloe - glad to hear your nausea is going away

    Alicia - only 20 cals over? Nice!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    No star check-in for me yet, I am starting this week. Do you guys do a Sunday-Saturday thing? Yesterday would be hard because I had a restaurant meal. I tried to log as best I could though. But my buckledown really starts today. My goal for the week is 8900.
    I went shopping and baked up my crustless quiche and I should be set!
    So, goals:
    1. stick to 8900 cals for the week
    2. eat what I plan, plan what I eat
    3. exercise Tues/Thurs/Sat

    I am looking forward to all of you keeping me accountable! less than 4 weeks til Vegas! Beeps, your photo shoot is the same time as I arrive in Vegas. 3 days under 100 sounds hard but that is kind of what I am doing. I have Sunday and Wednesday at 900 cal days. Sunday I can fast til dinner but wednesday I skip breakfast and then have 3 small 300-calorie meals.

    Ris, NYC sounds fun! I haven't been there for a long time! Do you have fun plans?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I had a strange week. Monday and Tuesday I was so bloated I had really low days. Like 935 and 1120 days. Then Thursday my meeting lasted till 11:30 pm so I had graham crackers and peanut butter for dinner. 880 calories. Saturday I ate (and drank) more than all 3 of those days combined! I also burned quite a few calories between my mini and walking around to and from around all the baricades, etc. So I finished at 8985! I still feel pretty gross today.

    I drank WAY too much Saturday. After the race we had our free beer. Then I had drinks at brunch. Then my BFF came back to the house. Her ankle was really bothering her so instead of ice and ibuprofen, she opted for cocktails and hot tub. So did we. I took a couple hours off and then met some friends for fancy steak dinner where 5 of us split 3 bottles of wine. Then 4 of us split another after dinner. I was a bit rough yesterday, but after a nap and some yard work rallied, went (walked) to the art fair and had a few drinks there too.

    My race went well! I had a goal in mind of 2:15 and unofficially finished in about 2:16. The important thing is that I finished, ran the whole thing, had fun and felt great after. I'm a little sore today, but not bad. I'm glad it's over, but a little sad. I may do another.....

    My goals:

    1. Run Wednesday morning (2-3 miles)
    2. Longish run Friday and/or Saturday but get some burns in!!
    3. Strength 2 days (Tuesday/Thursday morning)
    4. Count my drinks on event days. Make a "goal" and stick to it.

    My goals are different as I have lots of partying planned. I'm going to the track Wednesday, Oaks at home Friday and Derby party Saturday. So really I just want to do the best I can by offsetting everything with cardio and also try to watch what I drink instead of just keep topping off my glass and mindlessly drinking.

    Sounds like everyone had a pretty decent week. Let's have another great one!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I was over by like 158, but my calories were ALL JUNK! I don't know what's been up with me. It started by reducing workouts because I just don't want to get up in the am. Then I'm tired after work and don't want to cook, so I eat frozen crap. I feel grumpy. And pudgy- although for some reason the only measuement that is up is 1/2 inch in my thighes. I'm actually down in the waist and same in lower belly. I have healthy options for today. I hope to do something tonight. Maybe a run if my husband gets home early or maybe the elliptical. I think I am taking it one day at a time for now. No two week challenge.

    Ashley- Great job on your race!

    Alicia-I finally signed up for my first 5k - a glow run- July 13th. Hopefully that will get me motivated to do something

    Amy- I don't know about everyone else, but I do my calories Mon-Sun because my phone app will tell me how much under/over I am for the week.I If you are able to stay that low, that is awesome. I don't have the will power, even if it is only for a sort time.

    Abigail- How do you like Les Mills? I am on a spending freeze for dvds but I'm always looking for the next program!

    Beeps- zero per day???? YOU are crazy!!!! I bet you'll look fabulous for the photo shoot! Good photgraphers know how to get good angels.

    Ris- I've never been to NYC. I'm jealous!!! Have a great time!

    Chloe- glad you are feeling better!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    11,843 was my total consumption! I think that is in my range (11,000-12,000 I believe!)

    Weekend went as planned...which is to say not great but not terrible. Day drank for a ball game that turned into a night out on Saturday then ate some junk on Sunday as the BF was super hungover and it's his birthday weekend. We have a heavy German dinner but I am hoping to get Crossfit in.

    Think we found a townhouse in Durham so I am busy today trying to deal with paperwork! Have a great Monday!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Amy--we have some fun plans, but they pretty much all involve eating! We have a few friends up there we'll be meeting up with, so we're going out to dinner on Friday and Saturday, out to brunch on Sunday, and we're going to do a picnic in Central Park on Saturday if the weather is nice. We may also do a walking architecture tour, so that will give us some exercise. Our hotel is right on Central Park so I'm hoping that I'll be able to get my hubby to run in the park with me in the mornings.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Ummm, no star for me...I failed to log everything :ohwell: I know I went over Saturday and Sunday for sure. But, I am in complete detox mode today. Going for platinum again this week, baby!! Also, gonna try for more balance so that I don't feel the need to splurge. I have a bridal shower this weekend and we just booked a trip to Chicago today for Mother's Day weekend!! So goals:

    1. log everyday
    2. 1 maintenance day
    3. keep water up
    4. have balance!

    Wow Beeps, boudoir?!?! Awesome!!!

    Kate - great news on the townhouse!

    KC - I've had crap last few days too, feel grumpy and am bloated to high heaven! Let's do this!

    Ashley - great finish!! congrats!

    Amy - great planning!

    Abigail - just listen to your body...hope the pain goes away!

    Ris - I LOVE NYC! Should be a blast!
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    No star for me this week!! I went way over my calories: 11,059. vs goal of 8400. For 2 days, it really felt like I was possessed OMG! Thankfullly no weight gain.
    My challenges this week are:
    a) 8400 calories.
    b) drink 10 glasses of water per day
    c) better meal planning

    Have a great week everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member

    Date: report in on April 29.
    Handle of Participant Weekly alotted calories Week 5

    Beeps 2011 9,800 PLAT*
    ChLoE 1130 13,720 BRZE*
    RisOnTheRun 11,970 (not participating this week)
    kclynch 10,031 SILV*
    Better_Balance 10,100 PLAT*
    abigail1977 12,600 BRZE*
    Juliste 9,800 NO*
    jenomaha 8,862 NO*
    aliciadalicia 11,500 GOLD*
    asjerven 8,900 (not participating this week)
    chuisle 11,000-12,000 PLAT*
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    Star Challenge runs Monday through Sunday, Amy....so, you're off the hook for any (last) weekend debacle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    whew, on last weekend! and here's to planning this weekend. Husband is talking about a baseball game Saturday so I have to plan carefully for my beer...
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Had a great day yesterday and was actually under my calorie goal! But, I didn't have any point that I felt starving. Maybe my appetite is going back to normal for a bit and I can stall this weight gain some. I am officially in my 3rd trimester and up 12 pounds already!!! But, on the bright side it is all in my belly. I am still wearing all my normal pants just with a belly band. Also got in a great walk with the pup, it was beautiful outside. Today is also really nice, but I have a hair appointment today (which I need desperately) so I'm not sure I will have time for a workout.

    So I have a topic/question of the week.....

    We have all had those moments where you just binge on something, whether it be a big burger and fries or a pint of ice cream or a bag of chips. What is your reasoning for this typically? Is it emotional, boredom, social environments? And what do you do to get over it? I think its important to realize why we have bad eating days in order to fix it. I am not really sure I have figured mine out yet, but I am working on it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    Wait a sec - Chloe - you're in your 3RD trimester already????? How did I miss the entire 2nd trimester?? when are you due?????????????

    I'm pretty sure my "binge" moments are all boredom related. If I'm hormonal, from TOM, I usually let myself raid the pantry - I've NEVER had any "Pms" symptoms, I don't turn into a "*****" at my time of the month, nothing. So, if I want some salty potato chips, I just give myself permission to have 'em. But, the rest of the month, literally, if I do a "pantry raid", immediately afterward I feel TERRIBLE, and I realize I was JUST BORED.

    Better to go to bed and read or get some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's, then get into that stupid pantry!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Haha, must have been wishful thinking. Maybe I was thinking 13 weeks....no I just finished my 1st trimester. Sorry about that!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    My "binge" moments are simply what's in front of me. I can control myself at the grocery store and don't buy any junk to keep in the house. My problem is when I am somewhere else and there is something yummy sitting in front of me - a restaurant, a party, a meeting where food is offered, etc.. For as long as I am there I will keep eating it & it does not seem to matter what it is, I just cannot control myself.

    For example, this weekend is going to be tricky. Friday night I have a wedding rehearsal that I am playing at followed by a lasagna dinner. Then I am meeting a friend for breakfast Saturday morning, then going to a Ladies tea at church that afternoon and then the wedding in the evening which will be followed by a coffee & desserts reception. Then on Sunday I will be at my weekly family dinner at my mom's house.

    I am seriously going to need some willpower!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I am in the BEST MOOD EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got the best news at work and I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus, good eats yesterday and a new workout today.

    I binge before TOM and I binge on snacky food when I skip meals. And buffet style events - any time there is a veriety of food in front of me.