Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I have not run in nearly a week - not since last Wednesday morning. Friday I started to get sick. Saturday I only made it half a mile before realizing I was being an idiot trying to run with a chest cold. Truthfully it's making me a little nervous that I have no burning desire to get out and run again, although I haven't wanted to do any kind of cardio since getting this cold. I did do some quick intense cardio at the gym tonight and that felt fine so maybe I'm ready to run again. I would hope after 6 months of running 3x a week I won't completely fall off the rails after a week.

    Sometimes it's hard to get the energy back after a virus. This is when the habits count. Get back out there and you will realize why you've been so dedicated for so long.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Hello everybody.

    There has been too much to catch up on for me to comment on it all, but I do have to say I was laughing out loud at the bedraggled cat circling the house like a vulture and slipping off the toilet seat. I have no words for how sweaty I get running. I DRIP a few minutes after I stop. My hair is wet through, face blotchy red and and the less said about my breathing the better. I am not an attractive exerciser.

    I had to look up your temperatures as my brain only works in centigrade. It was 2 degrees when I was out this morning which I think is about 36f. It would have been below freezing had I made it out yesterday but The Blerch plus the IBS after effects of a weekend away at a wedding where I ate and drank everything in sight (whether it was mine to consume or not) conspired to keep me on the couch under a blanket. It was peculiar being that hot and cold at the same time while I was out. My internal furnace making me too hot and sweaty while my thighs and upper arms felt the cold. I felt like the cold thighs were a problem - stiffening me up.

    Anyway, I managed my first run since Thursday, at about 9km in 1 hour 2 mins, with 4 x 1 minute walks/ traffic light stops. I am finding that Runtastic on my phone likes to zigzag all over the place and I can't trust its distances (and with that pace etc). Mapping my route when I get home gives me a more accurate and believable distance. I went into work really early, when there would be nobody else about, got my work done fast then ran home. I couldn't go through the big city park I intended to as it was all closed for the big annual fireworks display that is on in an hour - Guy Faulks night.

    We don't have cool holidays like Guy Faulks :(

    I have that "cold thighs" problem - I wear cotton shorts over running tights even though it's supposed to be dorky. It offers just enough more warmth to keep me comfy.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Hello everybody.

    There has been too much to catch up on for me to comment on it all, but I do have to say I was laughing out loud at the bedraggled cat circling the house like a vulture and slipping off the toilet seat. I have no words for how sweaty I get running. I DRIP a few minutes after I stop. My hair is wet through, face blotchy red and and the less said about my breathing the better. I am not an attractive exerciser.

    I had to look up your temperatures as my brain only works in centigrade. It was 2 degrees when I was out this morning which I think is about 36f. It would have been below freezing had I made it out yesterday but The Blerch plus the IBS after effects of a weekend away at a wedding where I ate and drank everything in sight (whether it was mine to consume or not) conspired to keep me on the couch under a blanket. It was peculiar being that hot and cold at the same time while I was out. My internal furnace making me too hot and sweaty while my thighs and upper arms felt the cold. I felt like the cold thighs were a problem - stiffening me up.

    Anyway, I managed my first run since Thursday, at about 9km in 1 hour 2 mins, with 4 x 1 minute walks/ traffic light stops. I am finding that Runtastic on my phone likes to zigzag all over the place and I can't trust its distances (and with that pace etc). Mapping my route when I get home gives me a more accurate and believable distance. I went into work really early, when there would be nobody else about, got my work done fast then ran home. I couldn't go through the big city park I intended to as it was all closed for the big annual fireworks display that is on in an hour - Guy Faulks night.

    We don't have cool holidays like Guy Faulks :(

    I have that "cold thighs" problem - I wear cotton shorts over running tights even though it's supposed to be dorky. It offers just enough more warmth to keep me comfy.

    At this point in my life, I don't really care how dorky something looks- I'm all about being comfortable! I often wear shorts over tights!
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    What? You mean we're NOT meant to look dorky when we run?! I must have missed that thread ......

    3 mile run tonight after work - I'm going to do at least one evening run a week to try and make myself like them... not sure it's working but then this is only the second.

    Good enough run - though I seem to be more timid running as I find it hard to see the footpath with all the traffic. Weirdly, in the mornings at 6am when it's equally dark but less traffic, I can see a lot better and run more confidently.

    Anyway, 33:40 was the time and it's another 3miles clocked up for November so I'll take it :)
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Nice run yamsteroo! I have the same problem with traffic. I decided the headlights mess up my night vision.

    Thanks for all your comments about getting back into it. I appreciated them! Nice to know I'm not the only one that feels that way sometimes. I did intervals on the treadmill tonight prior to my trainer session to ease myself back into running. It went fine. I did 2 minute intervals (brisk walk & a jog/run), with the running intervals being at varying speeds, then 5 minutes walking fast at a higher incline. With the warm-up & cool-down walks it was 40 minutes total. Legs were a little tired afterward, and then my trainer told me we were working legs & abs today, so now my legs are REALLY tired, but it felt good to move again. Breaking the run into smaller intervals definitely made it more interesting.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member

    I have that "cold thighs" problem - I wear cotton shorts over running tights even though it's supposed to be dorky. It offers just enough more warmth to keep me comfy.

    I want to find tights! Where do we get these fantastical devices? I wear shorts over my running leggings let's say, but only because they are bright orange and you can probably see whatever underwear I'm wearing right thru them ;)
    When I got home from work yesterday, it was already dark outside, but I got dressed for a run anyway. As I was about to walk out the door, my daughter called- still planned to run. 30 seconds into my warm up walk, it started raining. I bailed. I feel uncomfortable enough running in my neighborhood in the dark (have almost been hit a couple of times). I really didn't want to take a chance in the dark and in the rain. Hoping I will get a run or ride in this afternoon, brought my gear to work.

    Leaving tomorrow for a quick trip home to TX to visit family and friends, provably won't have much time for exercise while I'm there.

    I'm struggling with the thought of being ready to move to maintenance as I weighed in this morning at my lowest weight so far- lower than when I graduated from high school! Why am I so nervous about this?

    Congratulations!!!! I can't even imagine being the lowest weight since forever ago.... That's such a great achievement!!!! You should be so proud.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Nice run yamsteroo! I have the same problem with traffic. I decided the headlights mess up my night vision.

    Thanks for all your comments about getting back into it. I appreciated them! Nice to know I'm not the only one that feels that way sometimes. I did intervals on the treadmill tonight prior to my trainer session to ease myself back into running. It went fine. I did 2 minute intervals (brisk walk & a jog/run), with the running intervals being at varying speeds, then 5 minutes walking fast at a higher incline. With the warm-up & cool-down walks it was 40 minutes total. Legs were a little tired afterward, and then my trainer told me we were working legs & abs today, so now my legs are REALLY tired, but it felt good to move again. Breaking the run into smaller intervals definitely made it more interesting.

    I've never done an interval, it sounds so ominous, I'm supposed to start next week.. Do you just go all out for a certain period of time? My training says no more than 3 minutes at a time. I don't honestly know what to do lol

    Today was he first time I've run in the dark!!!!! Up at 520 and on the road literally for 3.89 miles!!! It was amazing, in a very light drizzle - nothing to see but 20 feet in front of you it was very moving.... But Had a creepy experience with a guy in a white truck turning ahead of me who would turn into a road, and then wait till I went past then start driving again down the road and turning into other roads ahead of me - happened 3 times... Talking with the neighbors they said it was likely the newspaper delivery guy. If it was I feel really bad because I was thinking of ways to protect myself the next time I ran in the am if I as him again, and none of them was in his favor. ;)
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    That is too funny about the newspaper delivery guy. I've been hearing about trucks following lately around here, but haven't experienced it myself.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Last night was the first track workout for my wife & I. Our "coach" is an awesome 72-year old runner who works at the local running store. That guy is fast - still competing at the national level! He asked us our best 5K times and assigned us our 100-meter target times. Whoever had the key to the stadium lights at the high school didn't show up so we ran with what little light was available. No problem seeing the track lines but couldn't see my Garmin. We started with a slow 1600m warmup run followed by some stretching. Then we did three 100m striders to get ready. Then we began our intervals - 100m at 28 seconds followed by an easy jog of 300m back around to the start line. We repeated that 12 times, then did a 1600m cooldown run. The first couple of intervals we were too fast but we eventually found our pace with some help from the coach. He kept yelling at my wife to "pick up your knees!" She was so used to what he called the "marathon shuffle" where you take small strides without getting the legs up very high. I think we got off easy for our first time. Everyone said the 100m was the easiest interval. Next week we do 1200's!
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    I've been doing the non marathon shuffle then ;)

    Another dark run. This time at night. It was great ;) wore more reflecty gear makes me look like a flashing billboard, but whatever keeps me safe! Need more yet, but it's a good start! A bit slower tonight but it's better than sitting on the couch ;)
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I got in a quick 2 mile run last night, really quick!

    2 miles in 19:01 with a pace of 9:29! Not sure what got into me, it was a great run!

    Made the 8 hour drive to my mom's today, spending some time with my family!
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    2mile run this morning (very frosty!) on the hills near my house. Went ok for hills and I surprised myself by zoning out on the uphill sections so it was a surprise when I actually reached the top. Pace may have suffered due to this lack of concentration but whatever gets the job done when it's dark, frosty, you're on your 4th climb of the same hill and the milk delivery man is overtaking you in his little electric truck .... again.

    Looking forward to Monday's run as it will be in daylight - I can cope with running in the dark but oh I do miss running without squinting lol
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    No group run for me last night. Wednesday's track session was almost equal mileage to my two weekly group runs. And since the time change the group runs are totally in the dark along streets, which I don't like. Until this pain along my pelvis calms down I am cutting back my running. I just need to make it through my Thanksgiving half marathon and then I am stopping running until I am pain free. Not resting though - I can still do the stationary bike & elliptical at the gym. And strength training of course. Next week I'm going back to my chiro and hopefully she can pinpoint what's going on.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    No group run for me last night. Wednesday's track session was almost equal mileage to my two weekly group runs. And since the time change the group runs are totally in the dark along streets, which I don't like. Until this pain along my pelvis calms down I am cutting back my running. I just need to make it through my Thanksgiving half marathon and then I am stopping running until I am pain free. Not resting though - I can still do the stationary bike & elliptical at the gym. And strength training of course. Next week I'm going back to my chiro and hopefully she can pinpoint what's going on.

    Sounds like you're giving yourself good advice, Tim.

    Stupid question from a Brit - when's Thanksgiving?
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Sounds like you're giving yourself good advice, Tim.

    Stupid question from a Brit - when's Thanksgiving?

    Thanksgiving is 11/28. Our plan is to finish the race, go home to recover & nap, then hit the Japanese buffet for dinner. We don't have any family around here so the sushi buffet is typically our Thanksgiving meal. If we have any energy left we might go out for the midnight sales and look for some running clothes on sale.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Everyone is doing so well getting out there!

    Sorry about the pain, Tim. Hope the half marathon goes well.

    On Wednesday I went almost 4 miles (3.98), but I'm calling it 4, in the dark. We ran up on one woman who was a little jumpy until she saw us; me and my small dog, all lit up in the night. Very little knee pain. Did my stretches, but didn't feel the need to ice the knee, and all went well.

    Last night I tried to squeeze in my water aerobics w/a bit of swimming session between work and flyball practice with my dogs. Prelogged it before I went/ Got there and the instructor never showed up. I swam for a half an hour without stopping, 25m freestyle (from one end of the pool to the other), then 25m either breast or backstroke (back to where I started). I got into a nice easy rhythm, but did the freestyle as quickly as I could. Then some ladies went into the back and brought out the swim-weights and noodles and started to do an impromptu water aerobics workout, so I got some for myself and did some of the exercises for 15 minutes. Then I had to head home to get to class. I did adjust my exercise from what I prelogged to what I did, but the calories weren't much different.

    Got a run to do today, but not sure exactly where I'll be doing it. Maybe on the beach. :)
    Probably not.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I brought my bicycle with me to TX and actually got a ride in this morning- 14.19 miles! (Will need those extra calories for all the food I will be eating later!)

  • solardippo
    solardippo Posts: 54 Member
    So I haven't actually made it out since Tuesday. A mashup of excuses- work times and darkness and rain (oh so much rain) and cold and hip pain and I would much rather lie here with this box of After Eights and the kittens and and and. The rain has been mental though.

    But I am running a 5k tomorrow morning come hail, mud or any excuse I can think of mostly because not only have I paid for it but I have had to take time off of and find people to cover me on two different jobs. It should be fun but the logistics are driving me a bit mad. It is only 1.5 miles from my house, but I have to go straight (sweat, mud and all) to work number 2 afterwards. Work is just 2.5 miles from it. Public transport will be problematic, so I was going to walk/jog to work. However I forgot to leave shoes there and a little black dress is not going to go with my probably muddy trainers...

    ...backpack. Yeah, ignore me.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Ahhh...Saturday! My one day of the week to sleep in. My one day of the week to rest. And my one day of the week to eat whatever I want. Today will be all-you-can-eat Korean BBQ!

    My legs still feel weak from yesterday's gym workout. I'll definitely be in pain later. I haven't worked out my legs in nearly 3 weeks and now I will pay the price for that.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    All you can eat Korean BBQ sounds amazing.

    I ran 5 pretty slow miles today (1:03:57). I've only run 5 miles (or further) three times, and the last time was September 21, so I was curious how it would go, especially since my running has been sporadic at best the past few weeks.

    The first mile and a half hurt, but the rest was good. My 5th mile was my fastest by a pretty good margin. We got snow yesterday and the roads were a little icy in spots, but for the most part I was able to find a clear side to run on. It also snowed on me the last couple of miles (just flurries).

    After being sick for the past week it felt really good just to get outside and move. Walked for another mile after my run. My legs are sore when I first start to walk, so I keep going until that goes away. I've found that greatly minimizes how sore I'll be later.