Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I have been struggling to stay consistent as the temperature drops. I did just over 9 miles last week, shooting for 12 miles this week. Today was 37 degrees, but the windchill brought it down to 23. Weather like this makes me want to curl up on the couch under a blanket, not go outside and face the elements. I did a 5K interval speed run. It wasn't very speedy since I decided to do it at a hilly park near me instead of track that is a little further away. I used to be afraid of hills, but now I see this as a way of making me stronger. Still the treadmill is looking very attractive. I just can't imagine running in the snow or sub-zero temperatures in January and February. I am strongly considering renewing my gym membership

    Just getting out there is great! Definitely consider renewing your gym membership. If that doesn't happen and you just can't face six or eight weeks of winter, know that it's not that hard to get reconditioned after a short lay-off. I know a couple of people who are strictly seasonal runners (winter runners in Florida/summer runners in the North).
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I have been struggling to stay consistent as the temperature drops. I did just over 9 miles last week, shooting for 12 miles this week. Today was 37 degrees, but the windchill brought it down to 23. Weather like this makes me want to curl up on the couch under a blanket, not go outside and face the elements. I did a 5K interval speed run. It wasn't very speedy since I decided to do it at a hilly park near me instead of track that is a little further away. I used to be afraid of hills, but now I see this as a way of making me stronger. Still the treadmill is looking very attractive. I just can't imagine running in the snow or sub-zero temperatures in January and February. I am strongly considering renewing my gym membership
    I am right there with you! I've decided that 45 degrees is about as cold as I want it to be on the bicycle. It was 35 the other day and I couldn't make myself get out and run.
    And to combine all these madcap ideas:

    A fitness holiday for those wanting increase their speed - A chib proof (knifeproof) hamsterball training course through the eastend of Glasgow being mocked (encouraged) buy the ultrafit people I am going to be scared of on my parkrun all shouting Braveheart quotes at you. Windproof, rainproof and self heating, though oxygen might become an issue.
    Genius! :laugh:

    Seriously, I have plans to join a local gym in a few weeks. It's for people 50 and over and I will be there early next month.

    Edit: Forgot to add that I did get out on the bicycle yesterday (it was 48 degrees!)- just over 10 miles. Going to try to run this afternoon, depending on how early I can get off work.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm running at lunchtime to maximize the amount of warmth I can wring from the earth :)

    It's supposed to be 68 on Sunday, and that's when it really matters.
  • solardippo
    solardippo Posts: 54 Member
    Went out. Ran to the local park and braved the hill I usually run around the base of. Found the steepest way up and went up it 6 times, walking back down. Well. I say I went up it 6 times but I only actually made it to the top on attempt number 5! My heart rate monitor was screaming "Heart rate zone 5! Heart rate zone 5! Stop! Stop now and call an ambulance!" at me 3/4 of the way up each time.

    Ran home, tortured myself with the foam roller then laughed at the Runtastic graphic of my run. Image post attempt commencing...

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Good recovery between hills. Now your heart knows that you don't die when you do this.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Horrible, horrible run today (probably due one about now!).

    3.5miles around a known route which should have been relatively easy. Especially as I'm have a few days off (yep, Beth, still decorating lol) so it was daylight and therefore above 0c.

    Started getting a pain in my lower back about 1.5miles out and it went downhill from there. By the time I got home my back was aching worse than ever, I'd a blister and I was favouring my left leg. I looked like I'd run a marathon instead of a loop to the nearest village and back.

    Oh well, I'll put it down to experience and chalk up the 3.5miles towards my November 50 target, no matter how ugly they are lol
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    It's been a little while since I checked in last. I strained my SI joint last week and it's been painful off and on for a little over a week now. Doc gave me some anti-inflammatory/pain meds. He said if it was still bad by the end of this week he will send me to PT. He said my running won't negatively impact my SI joint issues, so I can run as long as I feel up to it. I finished my 10k training plan on Saturday. I finished the 6.2 miles in 1:25:45, an average pace of 13:50. I saw a t-shirt on Facebook this week that describes me quite well. "I run. I'm slower than Internet Explorer on a 90's dial up connection, but I run."

    My back was hurting pretty bad earlier this week, so I missed my Monday run to kick of my 15k training plan. No pain today, so I got in 4 miles in 38 degree weather with a crazy wind.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    It's been a little while since I checked in last. I strained my SI joint last week and it's been painful off and on for a little over a week now. Doc gave me some anti-inflammatory/pain meds. He said if it was still bad by the end of this week he will send me to PT. He said my running won't negatively impact my SI joint issues, so I can run as long as I feel up to it. I finished my 10k training plan on Saturday. I finished the 6.2 miles in 1:25:45, an average pace of 13:50. I saw a t-shirt on Facebook this week that describes me quite well. "I run. I'm slower than Internet Explorer on a 90's dial up connection, but I run."

    My back was hurting pretty bad earlier this week, so I missed my Monday run to kick of my 15k training plan. No pain today, so I got in 4 miles in 38 degree weather with a crazy wind.

    Great job on finishing your 10k program!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Horrible, horrible run today (probably due one about now!).

    3.5miles around a known route which should have been relatively easy. Especially as I'm have a few days off (yep, Beth, still decorating lol) so it was daylight and therefore above 0c.

    Started getting a pain in my lower back about 1.5miles out and it went downhill from there. By the time I got home my back was aching worse than ever, I'd a blister and I was favouring my left leg. I looked like I'd run a marathon instead of a loop to the nearest village and back.

    Oh well, I'll put it down to experience and chalk up the 3.5miles towards my November 50 target, no matter how ugly they are lol

    I'm so sorry that you had a terrible run! Are you standing tall?
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    Went out. Ran to the local park and braved the hill I usually run around the base of. Found the steepest way up and went up it 6 times, walking back down. Well. I say I went up it 6 times but I only actually made it to the top on attempt number 5! My heart rate monitor was screaming "Heart rate zone 5! Heart rate zone 5! Stop! Stop now and call an ambulance!" at me 3/4 of the way up each time.

    Ran home, tortured myself with the foam roller then laughed at the Runtastic graphic of my run. Image post attempt commencing...


    lol - love it!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member

    If you have a different pair of shoes than you normally wear, sometimes the difference in the support can take pressure of sore areas enough that running isn't an issue.

    Oooh! Good tip. I think I like this idea!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Went out. Ran to the local park and braved the hill I usually run around the base of. Found the steepest way up and went up it 6 times, walking back down. Well. I say I went up it 6 times but I only actually made it to the top on attempt number 5! My heart rate monitor was screaming "Heart rate zone 5! Heart rate zone 5! Stop! Stop now and call an ambulance!" at me 3/4 of the way up each time.

    Ran home, tortured myself with the foam roller then laughed at the Runtastic graphic of my run. Image post attempt commencing...


    This is awesome! Good on you, conquering that hill!!!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Last night was speedwork and that was a challenging workout! We did six intervals of 800m each at about a 6:50 min/mile pace. Those were hard and I really enjoyed the slow run intervals in between. Two laps around that track seems so far when your huffing along at such a fast pace.

    Wow! Wow! Wow! Good workout, Tim!
  • solardippo
    solardippo Posts: 54 Member

    If you have a different pair of shoes than you normally wear, sometimes the difference in the support can take pressure of sore areas enough that running isn't an issue.

    Oooh! Good tip. I think I like this idea!

    Yup, excellent advice, but I don't have a second pair. In fact, these are the first pair of "athletic shoes" of any description, or any stretch of the definition, that I have owned in well over 20 years. But I have been wondering if I should get a second pair - especially if I am going to join that gym for mid-december-and-working-12-hours-a-day-can't-stand-upright-outside-in-this-weather treadmill workouts.

    But they cost money.

    Beth - I think I can safely say the hill conquered me rather than I being the victor. But I shall try to give it a once a week go.

    Somebody on here said they are following a 10k training plan but only once a week? I think instead of blindly following the app on my phone that has had me running nearly an hour 3 times a week I am going to move to just one long app-recorded run a week, a day on that hill and a faster 5k attempt Parkrun on saturday mornings. I feel like there should be another day in there as well - another longish slow? I am such a new runner (and seriously, I am a red faced sweating jogger - so not a runner) and there is so much conflicting advice out there that I don't know if I should be just adding mileage or time, or doing speed intervals or what. I want, at this point, to get a bit faster.

    How often do you guys go out? Is it close to every day? I have been mostly going every second day as my shifts allow, but (specific aches, pains and whinges excepted) I feel like my legs are not always needing a rest day after every run now.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Somebody on here said they are following a 10k training plan but only once a week? I think instead of blindly following the app on my phone that has had me running nearly an hour 3 times a week I am going to move to just one long app-recorded run a week, a day on that hill and a faster 5k attempt Parkrun on saturday mornings. I feel like there should be another day in there as well - another longish slow? I am such a new runner (and seriously, I am a red faced sweating jogger - so not a runner) and there is so much conflicting advice out there that I don't know if I should be just adding mileage or time, or doing speed intervals or what. I want, at this point, to get a bit faster.

    How often do you guys go out? Is it close to every day? I have been mostly going every second day as my shifts allow, but (specific aches, pains and whinges excepted) I feel like my legs are not always needing a rest day after every run now.

    Right now I would focus on increasing your long run. That's where your aerobic fitness is built and will help you get faster. Sounds like you plan to run 3x a week but thinking about adding another day? I would not advise that to a new runner. You would be running 2 days in a row at some point during the week. Keep bumping up that long run for 3 weeks, then back off for one week, then repeat. If you feel like you can handle more then add more intervals to your hill climbs and/or push that 5K tempo run a bit fasters, maybe with some short sprints during the run.
  • solardippo
    solardippo Posts: 54 Member
    Right now I would focus on increasing your long run. That's where your aerobic fitness is built and will help you get faster. Sounds like you plan to run 3x a week but thinking about adding another day? I would not advise that to a new runner. You would be running 2 days in a row at some point during the week. Keep bumping up that long run for 3 weeks, then back off for one week, then repeat. If you feel like you can handle more then add more intervals to your hill climbs and/or push that 5K tempo run a bit fasters, maybe with some short sprints during the run.

    You are probably right about not running 2 days in a row. Partly I feel guilty about not taking advantage of any day the weather is not atrocious - so rare! But yes, settle down Dip - don't push too hard and burn yourself out.

    I am going to assume the hill yesterday is why my bum hurts so much today. Outer side bum muscles, and the gym kind of sore, not the something wrong kind of sore...
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I am going to assume the hill yesterday is why my bum hurts so much today. Outer side bum muscles, and the gym kind of sore, not the something wrong kind of sore...

    Probably - that's the sign of a good hill workout! Keep that up and you will get a lot stronger.
  • solardippo
    solardippo Posts: 54 Member
    I am going to assume the hill yesterday is why my bum hurts so much today. Outer side bum muscles, and the gym kind of sore, not the something wrong kind of sore...

    Probably - that's the sign of a good hill workout! Keep that up and you will get a lot stronger.

  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I've been going through a huge book reading binge so I haven't been online. I'm thrilled to be reading again.

    I'm in week 5 of the One Hour Runner plan. Tomorrow will be the longest run of my life, 38 minutes. I've noticed that my comfortable running pace is getting faster and I feel like I can run longer. Sometimes I think; 30 minutes isn't that long, but then I think, heck yes it is, 30 minutes without stopping is huge, 3 months ago I couldn't run 3 minutes without stopping.

    I went through a phase where I dreaded my runs, but I just kept going. I realized it was my route that I didn't enjoy, so I switched routes. I also started listening to running podcasts instead of music while and that makes the time go by much faster.

    Welcome to all our new friends and congrats to those of you reaching your goals! I'm going to be more balanced with my time so I'll be here more.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran yesterday, but I didn't enjoy it! I can't seem to get my groove right, even though my pace was great. I hate the cold, dark, damp weather. My feet hurt. After about 4 miles my right leg started to cramp. Just as I was about to slow to cool down, my left leg started to cramp. So I ended up with very sore calf muscles, even after stretching them really well.


    On a brighter note, I hit my ultimate goal weight this morning and am now officially on maintenance!

    I'm going to buy new running shoes today or tomorrow, hoping that will help some of the issues I'm having with sore feet and knees.