Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm new but I will jump in on this. I love reading these. :)

    I have my first 10K in 6 weeks (memorial day weekend). I have done a number of 5Ks and just completed a 5K mud run recently so I've been running somewhat regularly. I made a little 6-week training guide for myself to slowly increase my milage. I've never run longer than 4 miles before!

    Last night was my first run on the training plan. Easy 2 miles. I ran it in 17:03. I was a little shocked to see my time at the end of the 2 miles since I usually run a 10 minute mile, but I also usually run 3 or 3.5 miles so I'm sure that makes a different. I've also cleaned up my diet a lot in the past week and I've been feeling great.
  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    graduated C25k a few weeks ago and have just been running a lot since. Did my first 10k training run this morning in 1:00:53

    Welcome in! That is a blazing fast 10k time...did you run before?

    No but I have done 4 years of strength training and been on cardio machines loads
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    No running for me lately, but here are my weekend cycling stats:


    And me after the ride with my certificate:

    [img]http://i558.photobucket.com/albums/ss23/ctoons/Mobile Uploads/e850df10-890e-41a3-85d9-9b7beb14bc54_zpse2646cb0.jpg[/img]

    I'm running a 5k on Friday!

    After a 150 ride, a 5K run will be a breeze for you!
  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    Hi, Alpine! and Hi to everyone! I'm new too.

    This is now my second year of running. I was a part of a C25K group that I loved and really encouraged me to run. Now 5k is my easy run. I did a nice 8km run yesterday. It feels great! I have only done a 5km and 6km race. Maybe I'll sign up for a 10km but I'd like to have some buddies (online or nearby) who will be doing the same.

    I like reading everyone's check-in's! It helps me keep my mind on running so I can make more time for it! I don't spend that much time online, but hopefully I get some time to check-in on here.

    Looking forward to getting to know you a bit more as runners and learn your goals! - Ali
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Hey Alicia and welcome.

    Quick update for everyone who isn't a MFP friend..(and again, why not?)

    Sunday I ran my second 5K... finished 3rd overall(was a small local 5K, but I still feel real proud :)) my time was 24:27.

    I think I talked in another thread somewhere about how i ran the race due to the wind and also talked about the training program that I used. Gipis predicted a 25:06 and I am extremely pleased with the training program even if I am a little disappointed in the low weekly mileage.

    I took Monday off, then ran last night for 25 minutes. I wanted to pull down gradually from my race pace so I ran @ 8:40 and was surprised how less hard it was than I thought it was going to be. Tonight I will further taper the pace to around 9:00-9:20 for 25 minutes. Thursday, I'll jump back into my easy pace of about @10:00 for a hour to an hour and a half long run.

    Half marathon is coming up on May 10. I hope to finish it.

    It's been so nice reading about everyone's experience with running here

    oh...and no kidding CeCe...that is an amazing amount of cycling... all I can think about is being saddle sore
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Oh by the way, here are my splits... I was hoping for a 7:52 throughout the race, but I had to modify due to 16MPH winds with 30+gusts on the back portion...ended up with a 7:53 overall :)

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Nicely padded bike shorts + nice gel seat = not really saddle sore!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Went out for a short run last night, was going to do 4k but I only managed 3k. Felt like I was running with a heavy rucksack on my back and felt lightheaded and nauseous, not been feeling right for a few days now ????

    Hope you feel better! Were you hydrated?

    Yes, I've been getting alot of headaches so I've been making sure I drink plenty, I drank half a litre before I went out. I think the warmer weather isn't helping, I've been out running the past 2 nights and it's been much colder and it has been easier.

    Hello and welcome to all the newcomers!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Hi, Alpine! and Hi to everyone! I'm new too.

    This is now my second year of running. I was a part of a C25K group that I loved and really encouraged me to run. Now 5k is my easy run. I did a nice 8km run yesterday. It feels great! I have only done a 5km and 6km race. Maybe I'll sign up for a 10km but I'd like to have some buddies (online or nearby) who will be doing the same.

    I like reading everyone's check-in's! It helps me keep my mind on running so I can make more time for it! I don't spend that much time online, but hopefully I get some time to check-in on here.

    Looking forward to getting to know you a bit more as runners and learn your goals! - Ali

    Hey, Alicia - I remember you. Welcome in!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Nicely padded bike shorts + nice gel seat = not really saddle sore!

    When I biked 30 some miles, it wasn't my butt - it was my hands.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Half marathon is coming up on May 10. I hope to finish it.

    LOL. You are going to kill it.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    We had 50 ladies show up for our Spring kick-off ride for our girls bicycle group last night. We have group rides planned for several days a week!

    Haven't done any running in almost a month and I'm running a 5k tonight! It's a Glow Run, so should be fun.
  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks all.

    Nice job, Joe!

    Yay to no saddlesoreness! I miss biking!

    Personally, I lose a lot of salt and potassium. I had a miserable headache the other day. I drink some salt water, eat dry fruit, and/or drink some kind of electrolyte drink and I'm all set afterwards.

    I got a quick 5km run in yesterday. Hopefully 10km tomorrow.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    We had 50 ladies show up for our Spring kick-off ride for our girls bicycle group last night. We have group rides planned for several days a week!

    Haven't done any running in almost a month and I'm running a 5k tonight! It's a Glow Run, so should be fun.

    Good luck tonight!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Thanks all.

    Nice job, Joe!

    Yay to no saddlesoreness! I miss biking!

    Personally, I lose a lot of salt and potassium. I had a miserable headache the other day. I drink some salt water, eat dry fruit, and/or drink some kind of electrolyte drink and I'm all set afterwards.

    I got a quick 5km run in yesterday. Hopefully 10km tomorrow.
    I usually add salt to my pasta/vegetables when I am cooking but I have been forgetting lately, need to start doing that again. Been getting cramp lately too so need to eat more bananas.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Today I received my T-shirt and medal for the Prairie Dog Half (5k), guess what I'll be wearing to work on Monday!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Romy, it'll be fun to wear the tshirt to work. Nice going on the run! I still haven't entered an official 5K. Perhaps a virtual one is the way to go for me.

    Welcome to all the new members! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.

    I did a 10K Runner run this morning (30min R + 3 min W + 15 min R), to which I added another 15 minute run. After running the 60 minutes, I'd run 7.62K (already a personal best.....my longest running day up 'til today was 7K) and just had to see if I had enough umph left in me to make it to 8K. And I did!! It took 2:45 to make it, but make it I did.
    I'm feeling pretty good right now.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Once again I just caught up on several pages worth of updates. Sorry I've been MIA, but it's great to catch up with what everybody is doing.

    Welcome to all the newcomers to the group!

    My first two runs post-surgery (4 miles on Wednesday & 5 miles Friday last week) were horrible. I ran 2 miles before work on Monday and they were okay. I ran 3.5 miles before work on Wednesday and they were better. My trainer has me running 9 miles this weekend, so I'm curious to see how that goes.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I have some nuun in my running bag. Adding it to my water makes a huge difference.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Ceci, hope things went well with your run tonight.

    Romy, wear the shirt proudly! I looked up the race on it's website and I bet it's a really fun shirt to wear.

    Today was my long run, so I ran 10k. Due to other factors (RAWR), I've been running a lot of little runs this week, except on Tuesday and today when i ran more. I calculated at work today that I've been averaging running 19 miles a week in April, so far, but in a lot of bits and pieces!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Ceci, hope things went well with your run tonight.

    Romy, wear the shirt proudly! I looked up the race on it's website and I bet it's a really fun shirt to wear.

    Today was my long run, so I ran 10k. Due to other factors (RAWR), I've been running a lot of little runs this week, except on Tuesday and today when i ran more. I calculated at work today that I've been averaging running 19 miles a week in April, so far, but in a lot of bits and pieces!

    That is awesome!
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    I've been Mia too ;( happy Easter everyone!!! Still running just 3 after 3 after 3 miles. I need to get out of this rut, but still coughing up a bit of grossness so hopefully I can kick the final of the plague I have and get back to my regular running life! Congrats ceci!!!! So cool and to everyone else doing so well! So sorry Tim about your group run, sounds very moving and emotional...

    Wait, Laura, what surgery?!?!?
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Yesterday was the 1st annual Peach Jam Half Marathon at a local greenway. I was nervously watching all the rain fall on Friday because the greenway is prone to flooding often. Even as we drove to the race early Saturday morning we weren't sure the race was going to happen. When we got there they assured us everything was OK, just some deep puddles here and there covering the entire path. Oh well, shoes were definitely going to get soaked. We did our typical lunge matrix and warmup run prior to the race. It was cold and raining lightly so I wore a light waterproof jacket over my singlet. As we waited for the start I was thinking the jacket was too much. Fortunately we ran right by my car as we made our way towards the greenway and I tossed the jacket on the hood. From the start to the greenway path it was all downhill and everyone was going fast. I kept looking at my Garmin and seeing a 7-something pace and thought "this is not good!" When we hit the greenway I slowed down a lot until I started seeing the pace get up to about 8:50. That's where I wanted to be for the first 3 miles. I settled into the pace and avoided water as much as possible until it covered the path. Shoes were soaked before I even hit 2 miles.

    At the 4-mile mark we hit the north end of the greenway and the first turnaround point. I started picking up the pace a little here. My ideal finish time was 1:50 and I needed to average 8:24 pace to hit that. The only two numbers I was looking at on my Garmin were lap pace and average pace. By the halfway point I noticed I was already getting close to that 8:24 average pace. That was the point I thought "hey, I can finish in the 1:40's!" I got behind a big buy running just slightly over an 8:00 pace and drafted behind him for several miles. That really helped pull me through the hardest part of the race - miles 8 thru 10. When I hit mile 11 I turned on the afterburners and passed that guy and many others. That last 5K was the fastest 5K I have ever run (23:31). The last 10K was also my fastest at 48:37. On the return we had to go back uphill to the park where we started. They have a track there and we finished with about half a lap on the track. When I entered the track my wife had already finished and ran alongside me yelling at me to pass the people up ahead. I gave it all I could and was running a 6:00 pace for the last 300 meters.

    I saw the clock at 1:46:26 as I rounded the last turn and crossed the line right at 1:46:30. Blew away my old PR of 1:53:53. My wife set a new PR of 1:42:34. She was 2nd in her age group and the 5th female overall. I was 7th out of 40 guys in my AG. Today I'm a bit sore and tired but pretty happy.

    Here are my splits:

    And the photographer took some pretty good photos:
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Happy Easter everyone! Anyone get any chocolates?

    Tim, that's a great picture! Your time for one mile is not far off of my time for 1 kilometer (7:30-8:00). Awesome!

    Madmiss, I hope you feel completely better soon. You're still running, so that's all good.

    I had a marvelous run today. The temperatures are perfect, it's a mix of sunny & overcast, with a light breeze. I started up my hilly route, down the other side of the hill, a couple of Kms in a city park, then along the river and back home. I ran 5K, walked some and ran another 1K, then walked the rest of the way home. After Friday's 8K run, I took it a bit easier today.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Great half marathon, Tim! Thanks for the description of the run. You and your wife did wonderfully!

    i had a really nice walk along the water today too, Petra. In my case it was the Bay. I wanted it to be a run, but I wasn't dressed properly for a run (my pants kept falling down) so the dogs and I just walked in the park along the Chesapeake Bay and watched the waves crash along the sand and rocks.Beautiful temps, beautiful scenery, just a nice day! Once I got home, I changed clothes and got a few mile run in. Next weekend, i think that I'm going to try my run along the bay again, but dressed correctly this time!

    Hope you feel better soon, madmiss. I know how frustrating it can be when you don't bounce back as quickly as you want.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Awesome, Tim! Excellent report. I was holding my breath reading it. :-)

    I ran most of the course my 1st HM will take yesterday. It's rural and beautiful. I ran 10 miles of it in about 2:00. A good pace for me. I feel confident that I can finish it running. My goal is to finish in no more than 2:45 total. The race is in two weeks. My husband biked and I ran. I'm finding that I don't get good and warmed up until about mile 5, that's when I seem to really get my groove. Then in the 8th or 9th mile I flag a bit. But yesterday in the tenth mile I started feeling OK again. I wish I had a better mileage base. That would probably make a huge difference. I'm only getting aboout 17 miles a week average in. I wonder if I'm doing right with my fueling/hydration too. It was only 55 degrees and sunny, so that was good. I carried and drank every bit of 24 ounces of water over the 10+ miles. For fuel I had 2/3 of a fiber one bar. I haven't had a chance to get or try a proper gel or chew. A friend of mine suggested diluting Gatorade with water 1/2 and 1/2, instead of plain water. But I'm getting along OK doing as I am, so I'm kind of afraid to change that now. Any advice?
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Today I received my T-shirt and medal for the Prairie Dog Half (5k), guess what I'll be wearing to work on Monday!

    Oh, I love this!!! Congrats, Romy!!!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Once again I just caught up on several pages worth of updates. Sorry I've been MIA, but it's great to catch up with what everybody is doing.

    Welcome to all the newcomers to the group!

    My first two runs post-surgery (4 miles on Wednesday & 5 miles Friday last week) were horrible. I ran 2 miles before work on Monday and they were okay. I ran 3.5 miles before work on Wednesday and they were better. My trainer has me running 9 miles this weekend, so I'm curious to see how that goes.

    Don't give up. It ill get better. It always sucks for me coming off a lay up. I think though that it's my confidence more than my ability that has failed. :-)
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    I've been Mia too ;( happy Easter everyone!!! Still running just 3 after 3 after 3 miles. I need to get out of this rut, but still coughing up a bit of grossness so hopefully I can kick the final of the plague I have and get back to my regular running life! Congrats ceci!!!! So cool and to everyone else doing so well! So sorry Tim about your group run, sounds very moving and emotional...

    Wait, Laura, what surgery?!?!?

    I've been MIA too!! Work...grrr... Glad to hear you are keeping at it, but sorry to hear you are still unwell. :-(
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    My 5k on Friday went good. I ended up 5th (out of 23) in my age group and 207/ 486 overall.

    Time 31:06 (PR)