Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Tedsmama, I'm winging it to 10K. I'm following a modified 10KRunner program but only doing a day on the weekend, which is what my schedule permits right now. During the week, I'm running 5K once and 5K plus 2-4 1/2K intervals once.
    It's getting me to 10K albeit slowly but I'm okay with that.

    5 miles is a great distance! Congratulations!
  • tedsmama
    tedsmama Posts: 178 Member
    Tedsmama, I'm winging it to 10K. I'm following a modified 10KRunner program but only doing a day on the weekend, which is what my schedule permits right now. During the week, I'm running 5K once and 5K plus 2-4 1/2K intervals once.
    It's getting me to 10K albeit slowly but I'm okay with that.

    5 miles is a great distance! Congratulations!

    I like the idea of adding some intervals. Will give that a go to gradually work on adding those last few miles. Thanks!!!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I've been doing short(ish) bike rides with a co-worker who is just getting started with an exercise routine. Yesterday, she asked if I would run with her. (Of course!)

    I picked an intervals run on my Rundouble app, run 1 minute, walk 2 minutes. She ran about 4 of the run intervals and walked the rest. After I went back and looked at my pace, I figured I was running too fast. I went to her this morning and apologized for that. I am encouraging her to start with C25k and to alternate biking and running days. I will probably go through the C25k with her, if I can make myself slow down. She is doing a great job so far and I don't want her to get discouraged. It has been pretty easy for me to slow down on the bike (just shift into a lower gear and spin!)

    It is so weird for me to the be that fit friend who is encouraging someone else to get moving! (2 other co-workers, a sister-in-law, a niece and at least one other friend are now making an effort to move more because I move so much!)

    Good work with the encouragement, and yes slowing down can be hard. I recently paced a friend to a 29:57min 5km and I had to deal with more stitches(than usual) and an unsettled stride nearly the entire run. Still if you focus on it you will manage to do it.
    If you want to stick with your friend for the C25K try to let her run just in front of you. Let her know this is what you're going to do so she doesn't think she's going to too fast (for her) and slow down.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Good work with the encouragement, and yes slowing down can be hard. I recently paced a friend to a 29:57min 5km and I had to deal with more stitches(than usual) and an unsettled stride nearly the entire run. Still if you focus on it you will manage to do it.
    If you want to stick with your friend for the C25K try to let her run just in front of you. Let her know this is what you're going to do so she doesn't think she's going to too fast (for her) and slow down.
    Great idea! I ran with my sisters during the Christmas to New Years break and that would have been a good idea when I ran with the sister closest to me in age. She was really having trouble with the running. My other two sisters can run rings around me.

    Ran to my trainer workout today and back. 1.5 miles each way. I was pretty sore on the run home so took it easy. I am loving my Apollos for these trainer workout days! It seems like it's been raining almost every time I go. These shoes just don't stay wet, so an extra pair of socks in my pocket and I can have dry feet during the workout. Plus, they are terrific workout shoes. They aren't my favorites for really running, but I love them on rainy days like today!
  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    Fun run course 41:45 for a 23 second PB
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    intervals today:

    5 minutes warm up/cool down @ 9:45

    3 intervals at 3:00 @ 6:55...2:00 @ 9:45 for recovery

    pretty brisk morning.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Nice intervals there John!!

    Last night was a hard 6 miles at 9:35 pace. It was humid and I'm fighting a cold so it didn't feel that great. And my legs were sore from Monday's gym workout. I tested a prototype Saucony shoe that did not feel good at all. Good thing I only ran two miles in those before coming back to change shoes. I had the current Guide 7 on one foot and a prototype on the other. The Guide 7 felt great but the other really hurt.

    I felt strange after the run and checked my temperature when I got home. I was at 101° no wonder I didn't feel well! So I took a shot of Nyquil and crashed in bed. I must have sweat gallons - woke up several times totally soaked.

    I'm still going to do my 3-mile easy run today. For the month I am at 97.8 miles and I have never hit 100 in a month.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Fun run course 41:45 for a 23 second PB

    Great run, are you going for a pb in your race?

    Petra, you are definitely getting faster!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Good work with the encouragement, and yes slowing down can be hard. I recently paced a friend to a 29:57min 5km and I had to deal with more stitches(than usual) and an unsettled stride nearly the entire run. Still if you focus on it you will manage to do it.
    If you want to stick with your friend for the C25K try to let her run just in front of you. Let her know this is what you're going to do so she doesn't think she's going to too fast (for her) and slow down.
    Great idea! I ran with my sisters during the Christmas to New Years break and that would have been a good idea when I ran with the sister closest to me in age. She was really having trouble with the running. My other two sisters can run rings around me.

    Ran to my trainer workout today and back. 1.5 miles each way. I was pretty sore on the run home so took it easy. I am loving my Apollos for these trainer workout days! It seems like it's been raining almost every time I go. These shoes just don't stay wet, so an extra pair of socks in my pocket and I can have dry feet during the workout. Plus, they are terrific workout shoes. They aren't my favorites for really running, but I love them on rainy days like today!

    We are supposed to run today. I am going to follow her!

    Yesterday, it was cold, windy, and drizzling rain. I could deal with the cold and windy, but the rain changed my planned bike ride at the National Park into an inside ride on the mountain bike/ trainer. 10 miles. So ready for the winter weather to go away!
  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    Fun run course 41:45 for a 23 second PB

    Great run, are you going for a pb in your race?

    Petra, you are definitely getting faster!

    I hope to, but see how it goes!
  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    5k in 29:14
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Couldn't work out logistics for running with my co-worker yesterday, so I ran 2 miles by myself when I got home. Not bad.

  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I got an email from Runners World on Monday with a link for a recovery yoga routine, I was looking to do some extra stretching and have done this the last 3 days. I am amazed how much better I feel! I don't know if it is the routine or just the fact that I am stretching more, but here is the link if anyone wants to try it:
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    For anybody just starting this group, this thread is a place for us all to check in on our running plans and cross training schedules...and everything related (and some things non-related)....

    Arrgh! I signed up for a 10K in August and realised today that there's only 3 months left until race day. Been slack with longer distances lately, I do a 5K every Saturday (Parkrun - free, timed 5K every Saturday held around the world) and the past few weeks I've only been running that plus a short course (4.2k) around my neighbourhood once or twice a week. Longest run I've done so far was 9.4K around a month ago (hour and a half was my time). My 5K times have been coming down, although I'm still horribly slow.

    Seriously need to start doing the app I downloaded (10K runner). Any pointers? Tips? I don't really care about my times, I just want to complete it and be injury free!

  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270

    10 mile LSD and I am real happy about pace...it went well!

    101 fever sucks Tim.

    NICE 5K time albion!

    looking real good Ceci!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I got an email from Runners World on Monday with a link for a recovery yoga routine, I was looking to do some extra stretching and have done this the last 3 days. I am amazed how much better I feel! I don't know if it is the routine or just the fact that I am stretching more, but here is the link if anyone wants to try it:

    I'll have to check that out. I got the email too but hadn't clicked through.

    Awesome runs Joe & Ceci!

    Tim I hope you're feeling better.

    And to everyone I missed ... sorry I read them all and I'm just super tired so my brain retained nothing.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    For anybody just starting this group, this thread is a place for us all to check in on our running plans and cross training schedules...and everything related (and some things non-related)....

    Arrgh! I signed up for a 10K in August and realised today that there's only 3 months left until race day. Been slack with longer distances lately, I do a 5K every Saturday (Parkrun - free, timed 5K every Saturday held around the world) and the past few weeks I've only been running that plus a short course (4.2k) around my neighbourhood once or twice a week. Longest run I've done so far was 9.4K around a month ago (hour and a half was my time). My 5K times have been coming down, although I'm still horribly slow.

    Seriously need to start doing the app I downloaded (10K runner). Any pointers? Tips? I don't really care about my times, I just want to complete it and be injury free!


    Sounds like you've got it down... There are many that follow those 10k apps and are very pleased.... I'm horrible about forgoing stretching and warming up , but I hear it's important... Also a lot of chatter about foam rolling?!?! I dunno what it is. What. Worked for me is training for a specific event(I use gipis). Others build base mileage. Can't really go wrong as long as you get time with your feet on the street and listen to your body!
  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    4k in 23:45 very comfortable pace, final stretch of the legs before sunday
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    For anybody just starting this group, this thread is a place for us all to check in on our running plans and cross training schedules...and everything related (and some things non-related)....

    Arrgh! I signed up for a 10K in August and realised today that there's only 3 months left until race day. Been slack with longer distances lately, I do a 5K every Saturday (Parkrun - free, timed 5K every Saturday held around the world) and the past few weeks I've only been running that plus a short course (4.2k) around my neighbourhood once or twice a week. Longest run I've done so far was 9.4K around a month ago (hour and a half was my time). My 5K times have been coming down, although I'm still horribly slow.

    Seriously need to start doing the app I downloaded (10K runner). Any pointers? Tips? I don't really care about my times, I just want to complete it and be injury free!


    Just stick with your 10k app and you will be fine, you've already ran 9.4k so you shouldn't have any problems. Your time will improve as you increase your weekly miles.

    I have signed up to Parkrun but haven't actually taken part in one yet, my nearest one is over an hour away so it is hard to find the time to do it.
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    Almost two weeks ago, my left knee started hurting when I run. I didn't run much last week, figured I would rest it. I was a bit sore on Monday's run, so on my lunch break on Wednesday I went into the running store where I got my shoes. The guy had me try on a couple of different pairs and came back to the same model I was wearing as the best fit for me. I did bring my shoes in (they only had 28 miles on them) and he asked me if I really wear them laced up that loose. I told him I've had to do that or the top of my feet get numb about a mile into my run. He had me run in my shoes and said I was most likely having issues with my IT band because my feet are moving around in the shoes too much. He took a look at my feet and said the bone on the top of my foot is higher that most folks and said it's probably getting numb from rubbing across that. He put an adhesive cushion on the tongue of my shoe and had me lace them where I skip the 2nd and 3rd holes from the top.

    Later that evening I did a 5 mile run, and had to take several walking breaks as my knee was sore. By the time I was done, I was left to limp the 1/2 mile back to the car. The top of the back of my thigh just below my butt was hurting, the outside of my hip hurt and my glutes were sore as well. All on the left side. I did my normal stretching after my run and when I got home I used the foam roller. I expected a lot of pain rolling out my IT band and there was none, no knots. I soaked in an epsom salt bath and went to bed.

    Yesterday I went into the doctor as I was still limping. He turned, bent and prodded my leg and said he couldn't see anything right off, sent me for 3 xrays of my knee to ensure that there was no structural damage. (Not sure why there would be just from running, it's not like I fell.) I'm supposed to get a call back today after the xrays are read to give me next steps. Today it's still sore, but at least I'm not limping anymore. So far I'm doing the standard R.I.C.E. treatment.

    I'm signed up to do the Cinco de Miler (5m) on Sunday and that's no longer going to happen. We'll have to see how standing on it all day affects it. Both today and tomorrow I'm volunteering for the Wisconsin Marathon. Today is packet pickup and tomorrow for the race itself. I do have a knee brace I'll be wearing all day. I'm rather frustrated and hope this doesn't take too long to heal.