Daily Chat Thread



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I' HOOOOME! and so don't want to do anything even though that's what happened last week. I need a vacation from my vacation. the staying up late, sleeping in, eating junk is catching up with me.

    Cowgirl you can give me a big FAT ZERO for last week. :bigsmile:

    I hope you enjoyed yourself! Post-vacation hangover is the worst! You look great!
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Hi Y'all I hope everyone's weekend was great!

    Sunshine- I hope you recovered quickly, and gosh the rest have you have been so busy!

    Today is my 35th Birthday, and I celebrated all weekend out of town! I had lots of NSV's this weekend! The first is I bought a size Large shirt!! I can't remember the last time that happen!

    Anyway today is also my 1 year mark (of my first 20 lb. by my birthday goal I set January, 2013) so really 1 year, and 5 mos! I decided to count from my first victory not the day I chose to start, because my first victory lead to my first revelation!)

    I did not want to be the person I was 5 mos. before that, and took the bull by the horns!

    Now 1 year later I have manage to keep off my first goal, and then some! I have changed my outlook on my lifestyle, and my goals!! I am thinking about writing on success stories forum today, but wanted to share personally with the group that has gotten me to a VERY HAPPY PLACE!

    First let's start with measurements (I now realize these are so much more important to me than the scale)

    I wanted to wait until today to avoid getting discourage, and to give me an OMG! moment: (I got it!)

    Jan. 2013

    Neck: 17 1/2 in.

    Under Bust: 44 in.

    Natural Waist: 45 inch

    Hips: 44 in.


    Neck: 16 in.

    Under Bust: 37 1/2 in.

    Natural Waist: 38 in.

    Hips: 41in.

    * I have gone from a size 22/24 tops, Size 20 jeans, 44 C Bra, and not being able to wear an 18 inch chain necklace to:

    Size 14/16 top (XL) although this weekend I was able to buy a size (L)

    Size 12/ 14 jean (really depends on cut, and strech, but most I own have a little stretch so size 12 most often)

    Size 38 C bra (but I need to be measure again now all the way on the smallest hook, and could still be tighter)

    No problem (other than it has to be real gold) wearing an 18 inch chain

    I would have like to see the scale below 200 lbs. , but as of this morning it's 205 lbs.

    I have learned this is SOOOOOO NOT important to me: I started lifting in Oct. 2013 at around 210lbs. so not really a whole lot of movement scale wise, but







    SO really ladies this is a THANK YOU! FOR EVERYTHING! I will keep going I am hoping by next birthday to see a flat tummy, and even more muscles!!

    You are strong and you make me strong too!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Sunshine, forgive me if I've already said everything I'm about to say. What are your goals? Do you just want to lose weight? Or do you want to lose FAT? If you just want to lose scale weight, then heavy lifting doesn't need to be included in your routine. But if you want to lose mostly fat, change your shape, and see your strength increase, keep lifting. Lower your cals a bit if you feel they're too high. Losing fat is all about eating at a deficit- finding the right deficit can be really hard. The problem with cals is they are very dependent upon the individual. I am almost the same size as you and I eat over 2000 cals a day to lose. But I'm also 30 years old, I have a large yard to tend to, 4 horses, 3 very young kids, and a big house to clean. So I stay pretty busy even when I'm not lifting. And thyroid/medical issues definitely play a role. The calories in NROL4W were too low for me. I like the Scooby calculator better- it's more specific about activity levels. Also, most calculators do not take into account BF%. If you have a higher BF% than average for your weight, height and age, you may not be able to eat as much as the calculators will tell you. Don't give up on lifting. Many of us found it took a lot of trail and error to find our "sweet spot" for losing fat, but still gaining strength.
    Also, don't underestimate the role of enough sleep and other stress factors in your weight loss. I find that stress and lack of sleep (increased cortisol) can mask weight loss for weeks at a time.
    TL;DR: Caloric deficit is very individual. Eat at a reasonable deficit to lose fat and strength train to maintain muscle and create shape as you lose.

    i'm probably perseverating on this too much. just don't want to waste time. tired of the island of belly fat that's on my stomach! LOL

    my goal is to lose the extra fat and if not build muscle then at least keep the muscles i have. 20lb of fat still seems like a lot of fat to lose. with the amount of fat that's left question is simply whether it's more effective to take it off with cardio/light weight training shred or continue with heavy lifting program.

    and, you're right, it's trial and error with cals. not sure about others but tough for me since i'll find a reason to eat if i can. on the other hand 1450 on a lifting day with HITT - could not stick to this yesterday way too hungry by dinner.

    i'm impatient what can i say. i want immediate reinforcement for efforts made. heavy lifting is a long term proposition - and much more complicated to implement. almost like you never know what you could be doing wrong.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    wth just read your post nancyrosey - congrats, that's AWESOME!!!

    *slinks off into corner mumbling about 20 lb of fat*
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Hey Nancy Rose thanks for sharing!
    Nice results

    Sunshine if you just want to start whipping off 20 pounds to start with do something six days a week that gets your HR 65 to 70% of your max for 45mins to an hour and eat at a deficiet to start with (10 to 20% below maintence and don't eat your exercise caloires back). Once you got that down then throw in some HIIT and replace two days a week with weight traning if you want to change your shape. Of course this is just my humble take on it.

    I lost a pound! :happy: So that's three total since starting my 2 week challenge. I am one pound away from goal :smile: just working the program now. I am forgoing lunch time HIIT so I can lift later. IT's raining here and my hair was straighten yesterday so no outdoor stuff today. I need good hair tomorrow.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Cowgirl good job getting all your lifting in!

    I am a 3/3...for results !
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member

    I am back from Europe....won't be lifting until Wednesday....will just pick up where i left off!

    Great photos/measurements going on, in here!

  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Beeps Welcome back! Pictures?
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    wow great to hear such good results from you. and thanks for replying! so you are 133 at 66" that sounds pretty healthy. i'm afraid to eat more since i am 65" and 150 lb. really feel that i have 20lb of fat to lose and wondering if the heavy lifting is the right thing right now. struggling mentally with this since the scale isn't moving and the inches are shifting around but really no net loss. i have some pix downloaded to my profile, feel free to add me to see - would love some input on this.

    Where did you get 20# to lose? Is that based on BMI, measuement based body fat %, or a body comp test? I genuinely fely I had 20# of fat to lose and a fairly accurate body comp test informed me I had 10.8# of fat to safely lose.

    good question, sorry i missed it before - body fat according to the fat-0-meter thingy at the gym is 31.7%. when younger PK (previous to kids) i always weighed around 130. since i'm currently around 150 i figure 130 is a good number for me to strive for
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I have TONS of pictures.....but this site isn't picture-friendly (ie like facebook), so it will have to wait until i can post them to photobucket and shrink 'em.....zzzzzzzzzzzz......
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Good grief. I had to open a separate tab to catch up on reading and responses :laugh:

    Thanks to the balls to the wall roast I made yesterday, my protein will be 144 g today :drinker:

    Barbell, I hope to see my butt in a mirror someday and be totally impressed :laugh:

    Nancy, those losses are so very dramatic! So funny how the scale barely moved.

    Sunshine, I agree with Rocky. You can run that 20 lbs off super fast. I certainly did. Even 11 years later, I'm using 5k training runs and I run intervals. Lots of people use C25K. I use 5K101 on iTunes.

    Now, I lift. Except one of the ab exercises has to go. Gave me a butt rash last week. I think I'll do good ol' curls instead.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    My protein is 65 at the moment. Supper time will bump it to 87 and I'll still have plenty of room for a snack.

    I am wanting to step on the scales but it will just give me an excuse to binge. I am feeling down and out . My oldest daughter is still giving me grief. Our family is broken and the family can't recover. She doesn't realize her actions affects us all. We all are suffering from her early 20's mentality of "it's my life".

    Can't wait to see pics , Beeps. Every decent pic of me my eyes are squinting either from the sun or wind. (as you can see in profile pic)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hey Nancy Rose thanks for sharing!
    Nice results

    Sunshine if you just want to start whipping off 20 pounds to start with do something six days a week that gets your HR 65 to 70% of your max for 45mins to an hour and eat at a deficiet to start with (10 to 20% below maintence and don't eat your exercise caloires back). Once you got that down then throw in some HIIT and replace two days a week with weight traning if you want to change your shape. Of course this is just my humble take on it.

    I lost a pound! :happy: So that's three total since starting my 2 week challenge. I am one pound away from goal :smile: just working the program now. I am forgoing lunch time HIIT so I can lift later. IT's raining here and my hair was straighten yesterday so no outdoor stuff today. I need good hair tomorrow.

    Rocky, I don't mean this to come off as disrespectful or snarky, but numerous studies and trainers will tell you that weight loss is about calorie deficit. It has nothing to do with keeping your HR in a particular zone or burning a certain number of cals during a workout. You could completely quit exercise and still lose weight as long as you are eating at a deficit. I think there's also some compelling research that is indicating that the traditional "cardio" is not nearly as effective for fat loss as everyone thought it was. Working out 6 days a week most definitely will make it so that you can eat more, but many certainly don't have time for that and need the most effective workout for a short amount of time. Again, not trying to be argumentative, but there's nothing magic about working out 6 days a week and getting your heart rate in a certain "zone".

    I like the way Alwyn explains it in the above article.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Nancy, great results!!!
    Beeps, can't wait to see your pics!
    Manic, I hope things with your daughter will get better or resolve soon. It's amazing how much one person's decisions can affect an entire family.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    NancyRoseyCheeks - AWESOME!! And Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou: It was my 35th birthday last week over Mother's Day weekend :happy:

    My backside aches from split squats, but I'll turn around and do it all again later LOL
    I'm not doing the intervals at the moment because my time is limited with work being busy etc, but I'm managing to get in some long walks with some friends (apparently I am their motivation to keep moving lol) which will have to suffice. I may do the BWM though - up to redoing Stage 3 now, and my times last I did it were around the 2.30 mark, so should be okay (fully expecting to feel almost dead after the first time back though lol).

    Challenge, I give myself 2/2 (seeing as I'm not doing PLP at the moment). Diet is not too bad, even with the cakes I baked last week :laugh: :drinker: I'm hitting protein quite well, although I could probably drink a little more water, and I'm managing my 3x lifting and my walking each week :smile:

    My TOM is due next week. And I'm in the grumpy PMS phase - enough said :wink:

    And I think Polly may have dust allergies. She's been sneezing a lot since the tradies were here on Friday - they were cutting stone and I think the dust doesn't agree with her. Everything has been wiped down at least twice, but I'd say there's still some floating around. I'll have to keep airing out the rooms downstairs for a while longer.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Cowgirl, that article was exactly what I needed. Thanks so much! I can really complicate the **** out of things :))

    Hey Nancy Rose thanks for sharing!
    Nice results

    Sunshine if you just want to start whipping off 20 pounds to start with do something six days a week that gets your HR 65 to 70% of your max for 45mins to an hour and eat at a deficiet to start with (10 to 20% below maintence and don't eat your exercise caloires back). Once you got that down then throw in some HIIT and replace two days a week with weight traning if you want to change your shape. Of course this is just my humble take on it.

    I lost a pound! :happy: So that's three total since starting my 2 week challenge. I am one pound away from goal :smile: just working the program now. I am forgoing lunch time HIIT so I can lift later. IT's raining here and my hair was straighten yesterday so no outdoor stuff today. I need good hair tomorrow.

    Rocky, I don't mean this to come off as disrespectful or snarky, but numerous studies and trainers will tell you that weight loss is about calorie deficit. It has nothing to do with keeping your HR in a particular zone or burning a certain number of cals during a workout. You could completely quit exercise and still lose weight as long as you are eating at a deficit. I think there's also some compelling research that is indicating that the traditional "cardio" is not nearly as effective for fat loss as everyone thought it was. Working out 6 days a week most definitely will make it so that you can eat more, but many certainly don't have time for that and need the most effective workout for a short amount of time. Again, not trying to be argumentative, but there's nothing magic about working out 6 days a week and getting your heart rate in a certain "zone".

    I like the way Alwyn explains it in the above article.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    I will give myself 2/3 for last week. Protein was pretty much as good as it's going to get being a veggie, and I did all my workouts. Mindless evening eating still occurred though :P

    Did my first stage 2 workout today and I loved it! OMG, the lunges with rear foot elevated had my hams on FIRE! Here are my numbers so I can compare any increases once I'm done this stage:

    FSPP: I started super light since I've never done those before and want to get the positioning right. It feels so dang awkward in my upper body. Definitely have to work on that. I used a preloaded barbell that had ten pounds worth of plates and believe the bar on its own is ten pounds so 20 pounds total I think. I want to double check on the weight of just the bar to know for sure. I can definitely go heavier once I get the upper body form down but that bending of the elbow feels so awkward!

    Step ups: used an empty Olympic bar (so 45 pounds). This is down 10 pounds from where I finished the stage 2 step ups but for some reason today the balance challenge of the empty bar on my back felt tough enough!

    DB 1 point row: I used 10 pounds dumbells at first but they were much too light so I switched to 15s for the second set. Still maybe a bit too light but I want to get the balance down right. I will likely try the 20s on Friday. Five reps on each side felt like so few.

    Static lunge: 15 pounds DBS and I was really pushing to get through the last couple of reps. Sweating like mad and screaming hams. So good!

    Push ups: Ugh, I hate you! They aren't getting any easier for me and I am still stuck on ones at about 30 degrees. And no way can I do them without my arms/elbows flared out to the sides; it just ain't happening :(

    Planks: 60 seconds wasn't too tough. Manageable.

    I had to modify the cable horizontal wood chop as my gym doesn't have a machine to do that so I did them on the floor with a medicine ball (8 lbs) as suggested in the book. Too easy, so the second set I did with a ten pound DB on the stability ball. Much more challenging cause of balancing on the ball but much more effective. Going to move to a 12 pound DB on Friday.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thee goes the thread blowing up again. Nancy, AWESOME!!. BEeps and Manic, PICTURES. Manic, You beat for protein today I'm at like 50. Damn you mac & cheese, and churro, and rice cakes etc. Did I mention TOM lol.

    Since we're throwing out cals here. I'm 5'6" about 143 and I'm down in measurements to what I was at 128lbs. ergo, I'm very happy with my weight and I threw my scale away. The tightness of my pants is all the indication I need. Regardless, I eat about 1900 on non-lifting days and well over 2k on lifting/exercise days. When I was in weight loss mode, I consistently lost .5-1lb per week at 1600.
    I'm on my feet almost all day, but nothing strenuous like cowgirl. The ONLY cardio I do is my weekly zumba class and the occasional interval swim. Extreme cardio is a good way to deplete your muscle mass. You might lose fat, but at what cost? LAst thing I want is to be one of those tooth pick chicks with no *kitten*.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    OH yall want to know something totally out of character for me?

    You know I loathe step ups, right? I did them on my own my accord. :bigsmile:

    Thanks, Cowgirl. I had a "chat" on fb with her (our only means of contact). She doesn't want to come home. She has it in her mind that I control her and if she came home I would do it again . :noway: So I must accept the fact that my oldest child doesn't want to be a part of our lives and I am moving on.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Sorry you're going through that w your daughter manic - your bond with her growing up but have been super strong for her to push into adulthood with such hurtful force! Hard. I have a 16 yo and the process is already starting, so I can imagine what you're going through. :flowerforyou:

    Samantha thanks for the details on your cals - helps a lot!