Daily Chat Thread



  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies..you will like it here :)

    Rocky, I lift thrice a week, and cardio on alternate days....I sometimes take Sat and Sun off to recover, but so far, so good.

    Just coming off my Zumba high...this is the week when I cut out some cardio (so instead of going for three classes, I go for just one), and I am loving it!! My NSV tonight - a new HRM High - 189!! Wohoo!!

    Lift on ladies..."Do your best and forget the rest..." - Tony Horton - P90X
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    110 g protein and 1552 cals. Not quite my goal of 125 but pretty darn close.

    I feel like a cow eating all this food. We'll see in time if the increase in protein and decrease in carbs will help me lose weight. If anything "repair my metabolism". If there's such a thing.:huh: I've been reading all that mumbo jumbo stuff . Although, I sure have been enjoying the food.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Manic lice are the worst- terribly exhausting with the hair, the laundry, the furniture the stuffier the hair accessories... And then they go back to school and get them again.
    You are not a marshmallow you are a rock. And your protein is astounding

    Welcome newbies

    Glad you are back Sue you were missed.

    Congrats on your time Rocky.

    I am supposed to lift tomorrow but i worked late---but I may need a continued challenge- I just feel better with lifting 3x a week my DOMs doesn't get a chance to settle in. I wish I could ride my bike more often but it is going in for repairs this week anyway.

    I want to try scorpion push-ups - they have a great tough name.

    Sue what are 7s?

    Bb I am in for another challenge- but I would pick different goals.

    I am also curious about how to increase grip strength. Are the hand gripper devices worth it?
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Final random question what is the most Greek yogurt you have eaten in a day?

    I tried some with Nutella and its amazing
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Final random question what is the most Greek yogurt you have eaten in a day?

    I tried some with Nutella and its amazing

    Oh gosh, I think I keep the manufacturers in business ;-)
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I do not favour Greek yogurt, am afraid. I can never get over the taste:sick:

    I have Green Valley Organics Lactose-Free yogurt - I add almonds and then use it as a dip for fruit - yum!!!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    hey everyone. I did stage 2, b2 today and my legs are killing me again! I normally do some sort of exercise most days, i lift 3 days and then I usually run 3 days and then add in some horse riding and some walking but yesterday I had to take a day off and just walk, my quads felt tired just going up the stairs! On the plus side though today is sunny and I am braving it and wearing a pair of short shorts because my legs are looking pretty fricken awesome! :laugh:

    I also struggle with protein but I like the idea of mixing nutella with greek yoghurt, i will totally try that! I have prelogged all todays food and it only gets me 88 grams of protein for the day. I'm really struggling to figure out how I could get more in.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Scorpion pushups are beastly. I've tried them a few times in body combat and they always get the best of me.

    I eat tonnnns of greek yogurt when we have it in the house. I put it in everything. Protein shake, with honey or nutella, on top of fish or potatoes, or used in a casserole. It's so versatile that I find excuses to use it just to up my protein :)

    Today I lifted! I was groggy-eyed and half asleep, but I lifted lol. I haven't gotten sore after my last few sessions, which leaves me feeling like I haven't done enough. Maybe I need to up the ante. Coffee first then lift? May help me wake up more and not "go through the motions"...? I will try this on Friday.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Willlift! Yes, get up and drink a couple cups of coffee. I can't workout until I am fully awake.

    Dou,I am the MFP queen of not enough protein. I am slowly changing that. I have to add a protein shake to get an extra 25 g.

    I don't like the texture of greek yogurt or the flavor. If you have a Kroger or affiliate try the Carbmaster yogurt (someone said they didn't like greek yogurt either). It is GOOD. It has 8-9 g protein and 4 carbs with only 60 calories.

    Today is shoulders and back. Son "trains" me in that area. He kills me!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    manic - if you added 1 extra scoop of powder to your protein shake, that might get you 50g of protein (instead of 25g) , for not that many extra calories (maybe 125, for example).

    I think, if I want more protein, I really will have to double up my protein powder....and sacrifice some cals somewhere else! Not a bad idea, actually....
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey everyone! Lifted again this morning. Squats, working on form and depth, SLDLs, inverted leg press, leg curls, back extensions and crunches. OW! I feel them all already.

    7's or 21s are bicep curls in 3 stages - bottom to middle x7, middle to top x7 bottom to top x7 - if that doesn't get your biceps screaming nothing will! I use an easy curl bar - just 20 lbs. Man o man! http://www.chunkfitness.com/exercises/arm-exercises/bicep-exercises/3-part-curls-21s-dumbbell

    Mary, Beeps is right. If I double up on mine, I get nearly 50 gms and yummy is it great. I will often mix my protein powder in my plain Greek yogurt and get 50 gms that way too - or use cottage cheese maybe? More protein fewer cals than Nutella

    WillLift I work out at 5AM - I get up at 4:20 and the very first thing I do is mix up my peach tea Lit-Up from Applied Nutriceuticals and drink it with 3 Optimum Nutrition creatine tablets. The peach tea mix wakes me up and gives me energy (and no shakes from too much caffeine), the creatine is supposed to give me some extra stamina during my lifting session. I started taking creatine a while ago, because a government study indicated it helps older people especially post-menopausal women maintain muscle mass. I've heard people complain about bloat - honestly, I don't notice it but I was never really bothered by bloat during TOM either. Your results may vary :laugh:

    I can spin or I can lift tomorrow and I don't know which I'll do. If I lift it's assisted pullups and dips, OHP, lateral raises, tricep pushdowns and cable curls. My arms, shoulders and chest are already sore. I might opt for spin but who knows.
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    Beeps: I double up on the protein powder myself especially when I'm on a pb&j kick like I am this week.
    Pmag: at one point Greek yogurt was 25% of my grocery budget. I've since gotten help for my addiction.

    3/3 this past week but barely. I had to drag myself through my workout last night. I'm really sick of these really long rest breaks. I know they serve purpose. I got through the bwm in 1:22 which made me feel phenomenal but I'll be glad when the rests are shorter.
    Also I'm down 2 lbs and my under bust measurements are down an inch and my belly button measurement is down two inches. It's been a good numbers week
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    ....I just can't get onto the "greek yogurt" bandwagon. What am I doing wrong?? I admit, I haven't tried very many different varieties...what I have tried I really didn't like the taste of!

    So, give me the low down on the (bite-size) brands I should be investing in.

    Sue....that bi work-out sounds AWESOME! I bet you will have THE BEST GUNS THIS SUMMER!

    I am going to double-up on my protein powder in shake for the next 3 months....just to see if that:

    a) helps me get a bit higher protein macro; and
    b) controls my hunger in the afternoons a little better
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    110 g protein and 1552 cals. Not quite my goal of 125 but pretty darn close.

    I feel like a cow eating all this food. We'll see in time if the increase in protein and decrease in carbs will help me lose weight. If anything "repair my metabolism". If there's such a thing.:huh: I've been reading all that mumbo jumbo stuff . Although, I sure have been enjoying the food.
    Mary! this is PERFECT. you did awesome! As far as "repairing" your metabolism, you have a very complicated medical history. I would consult with an endocrinologist or other such doctor and get actual medical advice on that. .
  • SuperJo1972
    SuperJo1972 Posts: 113 Member
    Welcome to all of the new ladies, just remember...just keep lifting, just keep lifting (in my best Dori voice)

    :-) this made me smile :-)

    Twinge pain in my lower back, not from lifting but from stupidly attempting boat in yoga when I know my core strength isn't there yet. Intend to lift tomorrow, then Saturday starts my new 3 lifts a week routine. You ladies set a great standard to aspire to. ;-)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Greek yogurt was a little weird at first, but I have one everyday, just one. I go with the store brand still 16g protein for 120 cals. Nutella makes everything better

    Pm it was my kids with the lice (yuk)

    Good luck with the back Weejo

    I missed the name but yeah stage 2 is like your first real introduction to lifting pain. It's great, love hate relationship.

    I'm beyond exhausted today. After a VERY active weekend, I was asked to chaperone a science museum field trip Tuesday and again today at the Bronx Zoo. TONS of walking both days, followed by a hardcore allergy attack, which actually set off my asthma, and a "bad weather" headache. I took a two hour nap and still feel tired. Needless to say, I'm skipping zumba tonight.

    I have four weeks of regular school left, then I will be teaching summer school this year which will run until AUgust. It's half days, so I'll still have fun with the kiddies. won't go into the economics of it, but it stinks.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I like to cook with greek yogurt. I haven't snacked on it in a long time. I like Chobani pineapple. I should give up the protein bars that are making me constipated in favor of the greek yogurt.

    I have mosquito bites all over my arms :grumble:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    110 g protein and 1552 cals. Not quite my goal of 125 but pretty darn close.

    I feel like a cow eating all this food. We'll see in time if the increase in protein and decrease in carbs will help me lose weight. If anything "repair my metabolism". If there's such a thing.:huh: I've been reading all that mumbo jumbo stuff . Although, I sure have been enjoying the food.
    Mary! this is PERFECT. you did awesome! As far as "repairing" your metabolism, you have a very complicated medical history. I would consult with an endocrinologist or other such doctor and get actual medical advice on that. .

    Funny you should say this. Dr ordered blood test for me tomorrow. It's just a general thyroid screening. He said we could do a "nuclear uptake" (or something like that). We'll see what the TSH looks like first.

    Not much protein in today. Late breakfast , late lunch , and late supper. I'll try to do a protein shake to get me over 80 g .

    runz, You should know better than to frolic outside this time of the year. :wink: :wink: Mosquitoes bite in the weirdest places.

    Beeps, bite size brands? Have I missed something.

    Sue , You are the woman! I don't think I could have done as much as you on the first day back. Awesome you!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Acquired a taste for Greek yogurt - I like dannon light and fit for only 80 cals and pretty good source of protein.tried it in shakes too, came out pretty good. Not sure about nutella that stuff is like pure sugar and would probably give ^me glucose spikes like crazy lol. Love the taste though!

    Did the stage 2 b2 beast with a sore hamstring tonight and it was hell. Didn't dothe HIIT my right leg was like, no. I'm off by one day due to hamstring issue and I can def notice.

    Did BSS the right way, kinda used my ankle to rest on since my toes were cramping the other way. Reverse lunges with forward press - how do you all experience this? Completely out of breath at the end of these, used 40 lb DB tonight. It's like 3 exercises in one, I'm almost not sure I'm gonna make it for the last 2 reps.

    Got my protein! Tomorrow, I meet Jillian again for hard body :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    ...."snack size" is likely the better descriptor.

    I guess i will have to venture into a grocery store to see what they have. My afternoon workday snack is usually 2 x astro superfruits yogurts, 35 cals each....i think 8g of protein.